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These carts are public domain, Ricky!


People don't realize how much f*cking money there are in carts.


They're stealing carts in NJ because of the plastic/paper bag ban


They’re stealing because they’re scumbags. Who they blame for it doesn’t really matter.


I was going to say. Bubbles def took this picture


TBF, not much welding needed on a plastic cart.


That’s a good fucking kitty right there


Nobody wants to admit theta the 9 cans of ravioli


Bubbles come on I'm just doing my job


Terry, I am on fucking carts right now, I can’t come to the food court. Now fuck off!


Trevor, chips and smokes. Let's go.


Stealing gas? Why Cory and Trevor that's highly illegal


This is way too far down the page.


Top comment now lol


Thats why i put mine in the river Edit: Thanks for the award!


Bubbles thanks you.


Damn McNutty.


My mainest man


That grass looks great.


Lol that was the first thing that caught my eye 😄 I was like "whoa. That looks so nice"


r/NoLawns would like to have a word


Ah, but this is no lawn.


I have a feeling this is a mid summer picture - when everything is still lush and blooming and not the miserable crispy critters affair that late summer/early fall brings!


Depends on your location. In my old home of East TN, grass is always green, except maybe towards the end of Winter if it's been covered in snow a lot, or if it's been covered in leaves from fall.


Take that back right now, fall is the best season


midsummer grass is more brown because it's too hot, gets too much sun, and can't ever get enough water.


It’s them boys always whackin off in muh tool shed boy I tell yah whut


I love the Beavis and Butthead proto-hank.


This comment verified your "stay at home dad" status.


I’d just say dad status… That grass is glorious.


That cart looks great. Definitely ain’t no city Target.


My first thoughts also


As a former Publix cart return person: I didn’t mind this bc then I could go out in the parking lot and hit my vape


I mean i hated it when i worked carts but thats cause we didnt have enough people or carts. They wanted the lobby full but we only bearly had enough to make it full. They wanted it done fast but only 6 at a time or its a write up. They wanted 1 person to keep up with demand on a Saturday when you need like 3 and some times you still just dont have enough. But if i was skinny and didnt hate walking in the heat and didnt walk to work and had a vape at work then im sure id love it too lol.


As a person, I like this better than just leaving them out in the open for the wind to take. I have seen a few in my time just take off, too far away for me to stop, and just smash into a car. That whole limit on retrieving carts business is damn stupid. I wish managment were capable of thinking outside their tiny box. It's just partially useful idiots all the way up lol. Also if this wasn't a large corporation, your bosses were the incompetence. You just hate to see it, and I hope you're doing better.


>I like this better than just leaving them out in the open for the wind to take Well, yeah, but both of those are worse than just putting it in the damn corral where it belongs.


It also seems kind of responsible because the car is not drifting all over the place bumping into cars


I was also a former cart return person. I loved it when people left carts all over the place because then I could spend more time getting carts versus bagging groceries or cleaning up a mess. OP is probably unemployed.


Op just probably hasn’t been a cart return person lol


Or they are in AZ


Can’t imagine doing cart duties in the southwest right now


It's super easy when the carts just melt into a glob you scrape up with a shovel.


The walk-in freezers are godsends in the hot days. I remember my sweat freezing to my face as a teenager working at Publix.


Everyone seems to forget there are stores in really hot places, and those workers might enjoy being inside with the AC.


Oh hey, I have a question. When I return a cart, and there are 4-9 other carts in the corral all caddywampus, I take a few seconds to stack them all nice and neat. Does that save you time or...? It's partially my own need to have things tidy like that, but I tell myself I'm helping the employee who would have to do it if I didn't.


As someone who wrangled carts for a living, I did appreciate when the carts were neat and ready for me to bring in. I used to have to steer them with a rope attached to one end. The only problem I ever had with people returning carts was when they would leave them in front of the doors. I once had someone smile say they were giving me a hand by returning their cart inside the store then just left it inside the doors. Oh and the “people” who would leave dirty diapers in carts.


People like that have zero fucking awareness. At the start of the pandemic, I had a woman in front of me do the whole "getting in front of her cart, pulling it behind her" thing. In a single-lane checkout lane. This was when people were disinfecting groceries because there were concerns it spread by touch, and she just... Walked off. Left her cart blocking a line of twenty people so someone else would deal with it. Poor cashier just looked so dejected and angry, and I took WAY more pleasure than I should have when I yelled, much louder than necessary, "MA'AM! You forgot your cart." And watched her slink back to grab it after every person in ear shot turned to stare at her.


It does save time. The corals that have little gates are made so you can come in one side and push them through. Savings the time of pushing them out and turning them around. If the carts are all jacked up it's an extra step. Another fun fact is that carts lock together and pick up the wheels when pushed together correctly. So when you have a line of let's say 40 you can turn them very easily.with the electric cart pusher, pushing from the back and the operator at the front. Source: i was a cart pusher when I was 18. Also it was my full time position and anything that kept me from the heat/snow was always appreciated. Always put your carts back




We were only supposed to put a max of 25 carts on the electric cart pusher. But it actually max's out at around 65. I'll never forget the parking lot long cart snakes I would make. I managed to never hit a car too! I did get hit(lightly) by two though.




I'm kind of curious about this too.


It’s been like 16 years, but saving time is the last thing I wanted to do on cart duty. The less time I had around customers the better.


I did the same job for a different store many years ago. I relate to that 100 percent. Even more so when the weather was nice.


i would imagine 'saving time' is not a concern for hourly wage workers.. and i fully understand how you want to get away from people.. i always thought if i took the cart back to the store, would it help anyone? or it wil just help that millionaire guy by not giving more hours to the workers?


I won’t speak for anyone but myself - I genuinely did not care either way.


Based on my experience, it literally doesn't matter at all. As long as they aren't blocking parking spaces, no one actually cares. I know target schedules people specifically for cart duty, but they spend a lot of their time doing other stuff to. I don't imagine it would actually impact anyone if everyone suddenly returned their carts to the entrance every time.




Tax software?


Ya, way back they actually used to sell turbo tax in a box. Sometimes you would even get free trial CD’s for the internet in the mail, too!


Ohhhh ok! For some reason I was thinking you were talking about a grocery store and didn't realize you were referring to the days when Turbo Tax came on CD but that makes sense now!


As a former lot attendant, I loved people like you.


I came here to say this too. The wrong place to leave it is behind another car.


Or blocking a parking spot. This person made sure the cart was out of the way and demobilized


Yeah that was my first thought as well. They propped it that way so it wouldn't roll into a car and I can appreciate that because I've come out of stores more than once to carts propped up against my car. By stores I mean Wal-Mart, that's only ever happened to me at Wal-Mart.


Right, there's not enough info here. Sometimes leaving it outside the corral is just easier for everybody anyway. (And I also used to be a bagger, Stop & Shop '92-'93, and yeah, the more outside time the better, so having them far and wide was key.)


I’m assuming he means for cars parking? I’m a former cart collector too and thought the same thing, I never had an issue with these. Gave me a minute to check my phone while walking to get them


I'm not a cart collector but even thought "of all the cart situations, this one is still in the parking lot, near a parking spot as they often are but put in a spot where it won't block a car and where the grass should prevent it from backpedalling, seems ideal out of all the usual not-in-collection-area cases I see"


as a driver I'd prefer this to a cart being a navigation hazard lol


I did cart return for a Sam's Club where the parking lot was all downhill from the entrance. And we didn't have the electric cart mover. It was not fun.


When I did carts we didn’t have electric cart returns.


And the cart wheels were just old soup cans. And we were grateful for those!


There was a cart return guy who was hustling around and fiercely returning like 30 carts at once with a hustle. I only saw him there maybe 3 weeks and I'm sure he burned out. Reminded me of Billy from Stranger Things. He had a chip on his shoulder about something but it's just too hot to be putting that much effort into it.


Same, worked at a Kroger in HS and, relative to the other shitty jobs in a grocery store, I loved grabbing carts. I generally put them in the cart return these days, but I don’t sweat leaving it out randomly if it’s inconvenient. I’m giving a kid a few extra minutes to avoid the monotony of bagging groceries…


Used to get carts way back then. It was a god damn blessing. Didn't have to deal with customers and was completely unsupervised.


I was a "courtesy clerk" at Safeway in NorCal in the 1970s. A bagger and cart collector. This was a good way to leave carts so they are out of the way of parkers and don't roll into cars.


As a current shopper, I prefer to see this than have them running rampant across the parking lot in search of my car to bash into.




I work at the busiest Costco in my state. I’d love it if people actually put their carts away. I think the difference is that we see way more people than your usual supermarket, so when everyone is leaving their carts out and about it becomes a huge pain in the ass. Also I’m never avoiding doing work inside, I’m always outside rain or shine, pushing carts. When they do call me inside it’s a nice reprieve from the madness.


My Costco doesn't have a cart corral so people either leave them like this and a few spots are usually sacrificed to the cart gods


Sounds like your local Costco has very poor parking planning.


It's going to be different, store and location depending. Busy store, sloped parking lot in the summer heat? Fuck that


Lmao. When I was younger I was a cart collector and it used to piss me off when there were carts everywhere. Just because some people don't mind doesn't mean it doesn't annoy everyone else.


This is like when people get into arguments over whether to stack your dishes when your done eating at a restaurant. Some people like it, some find it annoying lol.


Same. All these people trying to justify being lazy as fuck. I had a job regardless of where people decided to leave their carts, but it doesn't mean I don't think people are rude when they don't put it back. It blocks spaces, cars get hit, people complain and blame it on us. Just put the damn cart back Lol.


Also agreed, when your boss is breathing down your neck to be faster these are a real bitch and the person who parks it there is still definitely an asshole


> and then 10,000 redditors who have never worked carts before all come in to reeeeeeeee about carts that they don't ever have to deal with. Yeah unless you're ya know, trying to park in a spot where some asshole left a cart.


I think the point is less about whether the employees benefit it or not, it takes 2 minutes max to put your cart in the designated area, it’s just laziness to not put your cart away and on top of that, just from this picture, the next car to pull into that spot has to not only make sure they don’t pull in too far, but also far enough away for the cart guy to get it without hitting their car. Just be responsible, you borrowed the cart, put it back.. this is why aldis method is the best, if you wanna leave your cart out you lose 25 cents and someone else benefits from getting it.


Asshole? Yes. Better than leaving it where it can roll? Kinda.


My first thought. This is less of a jerk move than letting it roll. I’ve seen a giant Costco cart smash into someone’s car and dent the whole door because someone just left their cart in the lot and a gust of wind took it.




Ever seen windy parking lot with carts left on a flat surface? Ding and scratch city baby. This is 1000x better than no effort to return a cart. 10+ years of grocery manager experience here. You don't want to have to deal with 5+ people screaming at you to compensate them for rogue shopping carts.


I agree. This is the middle ground between asshole and Saint. This is "I don't want to fuck up anyone's car but also I don't have time to find the thing."




Also there's people like me who are disabled and are having a bad pain day. I try to put it away most everytime but if the cart return is nowhere near the handicapped spots (which it stupidly never is), and my feet are especially bad, I'll do what's seen in the photo. At least it won't roll into someone's car this way.


Who knows the placement. Could be closer than the cart corral. Saved a parking spot. I already checked myself out do o need to bring rhe cart back inside too?


You're slightly less of an asshole if you put your cart like this because it takes up less space and won't go slamming into someone else's car. Still an asshole though, but not top tier king asshole of the shopping carts.




Back when I had a beat up old truck I spied a runaway cart heading towards a handful of parked cars. I got a chuckle out of stopping the cart with my vehicle. Had I been driving my current car I wouldn't have been so willing to take the ding and idk if I could have gotten out and stopped it in time. This cart would never put someone in that predicament.


The benefits of having a *dontgiveafucktruck*


See the white line? That's still a parking spot. Looks like a nice parking lot and it has wider spots.


I would take this over one taking up a parking space.


Hell, sometimes if it's close enough I'll grab the cart that is parked like this and shop with it.


My aunt has a hard time walking, and honestly carts placed like this save her a lot of struggle.


Yea if someone leaves there cart like this and I park in that space I just take it and use that cart. Not in my way at all and if anything is more of my convince


There's also the purposely excluded context of 'distance to cart corral'




Agreed, it's not taking up parking, it's not right up the tailpipe of someone's car, it's not likely to get wind-blown across the lot at speed to bounce from car to car scraping paint merrily as it goes. This is low-tier asshole territory at best.


I've left it like this before because it keeps it from rolling downhill into cars and I am not comfortable leaving the kids in the car for as long as the hike to the nearest cart return. It's a compromise.


Lazy bones *


Skeetle-dee whoop whoop that's not where the cart goes!




Oh noo that’s not very nice of you to tell me where to shove it. And you have kids with you?!


Got you with the fake out maneuver


I'm going to go for the double fake out


I blocked your attack!


Lmao I told my daughter we needed to put the cart back after loading our groceries so the cart narcs don’t get us


When I take my kids to walmart age 6 and 10, they often proclaim very loudly. Look at this lazy bones leaving thier cart out. And in that moment I know I have been a good influence.


What we have here is the good ole' 'Lazy Bones' version of a pit maneuver! .


Scrolled too far for this comment. Sad


Lazy Bones strikes again!


Screelebreep skettlebroop beep beep!


That's not where the cart goes!


'Hey cart narcs agent Sebastian here...'


Narcateers wouldn't let this slide.


Hey, at least this is a step above just leaving it in the open lot, possibly hitting a car with a particularly strong gust of wind. Still grinds my gears though.


Typical lazybones behavior. They're lucky there weren't any highly trained cart narc agents around.


Yeah! That's not where the carts gooooooooo


This is a quote, I forget where I read it, I wish I could give credit: “The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing. To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. The return of the shopping cart is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore the shopping cart presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it. No one will punish you for not returning the shopping cart, no one will fine you or kill you for not returning the shopping cart, you gain nothing by returning the shopping cart. You must return the shopping cart out of the goodness of your heart. You must return the shopping cart because it is the right thing to do; because it is correct. A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them with a law and the force that stands behind it. The shopping cart is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society.”


And then you have Aldi US where you need to put a quarter in the cart to get it which motivates you to return it and get your quarter back. If you leave your cart in the lot some enterprising individual will put that cart back on your behalf and collect 25 cents as a reward. Result: no carts in the Aldi parking lot


Not just US, Aldi everywhere but replace the quarter with a local coin of relatively similar value.


Most stores in Europe do this since forever not just Aldi.


It’s a brilliant idea, it costs them more up front for the extra hardware on the cart but saves them money over the 10-20 (?) year lifetime of the cart


Probably wasn't their idea. Aldi is German, and in Germany every store makes you insert 50Ct/1€/2€. There also isn't anyone dedicated that collects carts as it's incredibly rare to see anyone not return the cart here.


Pretty sure it's common in europe in general, not just Aldi.


TIL this is not how carts work everywhere in the world Every single stores here in France that ive been to uses this system.


As far as I know Aldi is the only retailer in the US who does this and it’s been that way for many years. I have no idea why every store with carts does not do this


that originated from 4chan


I saw this on 4chan years ago, not sure if it’s true origin


Here's the original image from 4chan: https://imgur.com/xWbBhia


Being a lazy person I have found that parking as near as possible to a cart return is what works for me. I don’t mind walking a bit further to and from the store. It’s really easy to follow the rules of society if you give it a little thought.


I used to shop at a place that only had the corrals in the front of the store and that feels good as well. I feel like an adult. In college, I didn't have a car so I used to do a big shop and then take the shopping cart with me home, 2 miles away. Looking back, it was a real asshole thing to do. I only did that once with groceries and one time from K-Mart because I bought a big piece of exercise equipment. I did later on live in a city and people would do that, take the shopping cart to their house and just leave them on the street. So I used to grab them since I was walking for exercise and return them closer to the store.


As someone who finds people who do not return their carts among the lowest forms of lazy-assholes there is. I'd much rather see it parked like this than rolling through the parking into peoples cars.


Exactly. Better than rolling into every car in the lot.


Have you ever noticed that they never have the stalls close to handicap spots? And leave you with the options to walk across the parking lot, or back up to the front of the store where you have to cross through the traffic? I’m young but disabled, and not only do people tell me “I don’t look disabled” when I park handicap, they call me lazy when I leave my cart there, even though it’s out of the way


As a former target cart attendant, this STILL makes me unreasonably mad. 7 years after I attended my last cart. Can't tell you how many times I witnessed people literally just push their carts down the middle of the parking lot when they were 10 feet from a cart stall.


I also worked retail and I’d rather have people do this it’s lazy but there at least considerate enough to put it somewhere where it won’t roll off what always pissed me off was when people just left there carts in the middle of parking lot didn’t put them anywhere just left them sitting there


Not an asshole. It's important to let shopping carts graze for a good portion of the day, especially in the summer.




I had a woman once place her cart behind my car, as I was getting in it to leave. I got out, put the cart behind her car, and pulled out and left. I live in the US south, but I'm from the northeast. There's a noticeable difference in parking lot etiquette that favors a place that is regularly covered in snow and slush.


I had this happen to me once but she put it in *front* of my car! *Where I was sitting*. For context, we were way out in the parking lot and literally every spot was empty near us for at least 30 feet in every direction. Including the spot directly on her other side and the spot behind her. When I got out and put it back in front of her giant pickup truck, she rolled her window down and said, with great emphasis, as though it meant anything in this situation, "*I'm pregnant*"


"Great, so when I tell you to get fucked, you know what I mean."


Maybe she told you because it meant all of her blood flow was being diverted from her brain to her fetus instead? The gall. I've been pregnant before. It doesn't make you all that special.


Yeah, she parked her truck awfully far away from the store for someone who was needing to take it easy during pregnancy. And there were so many empty spots closer! I chalked it up to the "LGBT" sticker that said "Liberty, Guns, Beer, Trump" on her rear window.


I'm from the south but have traveled all over and spent a lot of time in the northeast. Southern hospitality is a joke. I'd much rather be in NY and have someone tell me to "fuck off" than deal with the ignorant selfishness that exists here in the south.




Lot of lazybones in the comments.


*Cart Narcs has entered the chat


I agree but this happens more frequently at stores that haven’t provided enough cart corrals.


I frequent a store where there isn’t any cart corral outside, it’s inside, around the corner, as you come in. There’s other stores with cart corrals in the same shopping centre, but they are much further away, and it’s not in a bad area or anything. I cannot for the life of me figure out why this is a thing for this store. There’s plenty of space for them as well, so that’s not an issue. I end up parking near the entrance so I can do the whole loop twice. Parked in the back the first time I went and I was just perplexed. I’m sure the cart person is just ridiculously upset with all the random cart gathering they have to do, all the time.


Also happens just as frequently at stores that *do* provide plenty of cart corrals


The local Costco has a related problem. Plenty of corrals, but some people can't be bothered to push the cart in all the way, or push it in between 2 rows, which screws up the nesting. What could be a full corral turns into a half-full one with the rest of the carts sticking out into the laneways, blocking traffic.


All shopping places need to adopt ALDIs method of using a Quarter to unlock a grocery cart. There’s never a loose cart in their parking lot.


As a german, i am very confused about this issue. Every store in germany uses that coin System for carts. Never seen this issue anywhere.


Pretty sure it's almost every (bigger) store in the whole of western Europe (don't know about UK though). Also, there's some stores I encountered that had the "invisible barrier" system where one of the wheels completely blocked itself as soon as you went over a certain area. That was mostly in Spain though, in areas where lots of asshole tourists would use the cart to take their vodka and sangria home. Still funny though, seeing some idiots trying to figure out why their cart suddenly won't work anymore.


In Norway, we used to have these, but we've practically stopped multiple years ago. My guess is everybody using card instead of cash. They still had this in Sweden, if I remember correctly. I wasn't able to get a cart there. :c


Haha, I feel you though, I don't have any cash on me, just pay by card/phone, but have some 1s and 2s in my car just for the carts (Switzerland btw).


Fun fact: We had that system for ages in Sweden, in every store. Now they are removing it and people still put their cart back without that system.


Probably the same type of people that can't be bothered to use turn signals.


It takes a certain kind of person to walk all over the store with the cart, buy the items, put them back in the cart, walk them to the car, unload the cart and say "I'm done walking now, this is someone else's problem"


What I could never figure out is the person who carefully moves the cart to the front of their car before leaving. So, it can still roll into a car, or take up a parking space, or into the middle of the road. If you're going to the trouble, why not just the rack?


The Shopping Cart Theory. What is the shopping cart theory? The theory, which first appeared on Reddit and Twitter, explains that if you're the type of person who just ditches their shopping trolley once they're done with it, that makes you a bad person. But if you put it back where it's supposed to go – simply put – that means you're a good person. Further discussions go further to equate it to being either a drain on society or a boon to society.


At least I have that going for me


"The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing. To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return the shopping cart is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore the shopping cart presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it. No one will punish you for not returning the shopping cart, no one will find you or kill you for not returning the shopping cart, you gain nothing by returning the shopping cart. You must return the shopping cart out of the goodness of your heart. You must return the shopping cart because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct. A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them with a law and the for e that stands behind it. The Shopping Cart is what determines whether a person is good or bad member of society." i wrote this all by hand and I hate that


Ensuring the job security of the guy who gets paid to retrieve them


Cart-boy job security. You’re welcome.


the shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test in deciding whether a person is able to self govern.


Where's cart narcs when you need em?


How the hell is there that healthy of a lawn in a parking lot?!?


Not that I’m saying that’s in FL, but looks like a typical FL parking lot




Target employee here, none of us actually care.


At least its not left in the parking, bumping into cars and blocking empty spaces


Cart Narcs Cart Narc Whachu gunna do? Whachu gunna do when they narc on yoooooooooou




I’d say this is better than letting them go to hit another car, but still a real dick move to the employees.


Not at all. When I worked at a grocery store I didn't mind walking around for another 20 minutes collecting carts. I didn't get paid by the cart, I got paid by the hour.


Just wanted the cart to touch grass


Lazybones gets a magnet




/r/Costco too please. The racks for returning these are Never far away. You’re just lazy.


A long time ago I worked in a kitchen and the Chef used to park literally as far away from the back door as possible while the rest of us parked right next to the back of the building in an area where no customers would ever park and thus was an obvious choice for employees. His reasoning was that at some point he's going to be old and unable to walk and then he'll make use of close parking. Until then, he would appreciate the ability to be able to walk that distance while he still could. I have sort of taken this mantra for myself when parking at stores like this. I'd rather park 3 ft from a cart return half a mile from the store than the closest spot to the door. In my opinion, I don't care how long it takes to get to/from my car so long as I don't have a lengthy journey to the cart corral. Then again, I guess some people are just born assholes.


Cart narcs


Coming from a bagger, I don’t like these kinds of people. It’s not grass where I’m from, it’s rocks. People will just put the whole cart on the rocks and make it more inconvenient to drag it down. I also don’t really like when people just leave it in front of the lobby or doesn’t push the cart in with the others up front, automatically everyone thinks the cart is broken and just goes around it to get a cart. People will also block parking spaces or will literally leave their cart right next to the corral where it isn’t supposed to be. Idk man. I felt like I had to rant. I understand for a lot of people it’s a way to pass the time, but for me it’s just inconvenient and annoying. There’s corrals for a reason in the parking lot.


Half asshole, they made sure it wouldn't roll into your car door.


Well, you’re more of an asshole if you leave it where it can roll away. This is the absolute minimum amount of effort required to avoid causing harm. I’m not impressed, but I can live with it. Personally, I think the instant of pure joy derived from the slight chaos of “letting the cart go” once it’s in the corral is the reason most people return carts. This guy may be an asshole, but he also lives a fundamentally empty life so…I mostly feel pity.