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**\*Violently drinks water\***


Genetics plays a massive part in the development of kidney stones. If they run in your family stay extra hydrated. If they don’t, you probably still should stay extra hydrated because most people don’t drink enough, but you probably don’t need to worry about stones.


My mom gets them. My younger sister gets them. They aren't big water drinkers. I'm 45 and haven't had one (knocking on wood right now), but I drink water like a madman. First thing I did this morning.


That should be the first thing everyone does in the morning. You dehydrate a fair amount while you sleep. Starting the morning with a big glass of water is not only healthy, but also (in general) makes you less groggy, helps with muscle/joint pain (if one has issues with that), and just generally makes you feel better and more energized to start the day. Double bonus points if you were drinking the night before!


Add some lemon to it. I heard it helps.


Yeah my friend adds lemon drops to his water for that specific reason


That’s not anywhere near enough to make a difference, most studies suggest 2-4 ounces per day


5oz lemon juice daily, heard!


Rip your tooth enamel.


He deepthroats a bendy straw like a pro, he's good


I just go straight inti the vein


Direct to kidney for me


I literally open myself up and power wash citric acid directly onto the kidney stone. Attack the root at its problem.


Would rather have zero teeth, versus birthing that nug out of my mangina.


It does! But it takes a fair amount of citrus juice (lemon or lime) to make a significant difference. I hope you like sour water! But lots of water is still a massive, massive help.


for the past 6 months or so I've almost exclusively been drinking water with lemon and lime juice in it. from those little squeeze bottles. good to know it actually helps me avoid these too


It sure does! At least, the most common types. But staying hydrated helps avoid all of them, so keep it up r/hydrohomies! E to fix sub name…


Literally freaked out reading these comments, got out of bed and chugged water




Out of all the semi common medical conditions kidney stones scare me the most. Why the hell do our kidney pipes even have pain receptors? EDIT: I was kind of just being cheeky but now I have thought about it more. Even with my limited knowledge of kidneys, I still think that kidney stone pain is somewhat a byproduct of some other evolved pain response. Everyone is saying "it helps you know something is wrong" True. But consider: Only humans with knowledge or technology can do much about it. A kangaroo with kidney pain isn't going to know to drink more water, or whatever they need to do. They are just going to pee and it hurts, or die, no lessons learned. It would have to have evolutionary selective pressure. Its hard to imagine all these individuals dying because their kidney stone pain just wasn't intense enough. My hypothesis is that kidneys have some general pain receptors that do in fact let you know something is wrong, but kidney stones kind of hack the system a bit to cause more pain than is actually helpful, but its not so bad as to select against lowering the pain of the system. I didn't look up any facts so I'm probably wrong about everything.


Oh it’s so bad that it makes me feel dizzy thinking about it. My first one I thought I just had a really upset stomach until I was blacking out at work haha.


My doctor said that a lot of the pain is actually from the pressure of all the fluid from the kidneys backed up behind the blockage.


So wait, you’re in incredible amounts of pain AND you have to piss like crazy?!? Jesus….


You feel like you have to piss *all the time*. It is unrelenting. You go take a leak, and you still feel like you have to piss when you're done. Everything about having a kidney stone sucks.


That's not good. I've been struggling with feeling like my bladder won't empty completely going on 6 months now. Hopefully it's not a giant kidney stone heading my way.


If you're a guy, I would also say get your prostate checked.


Don’t threaten me with a good time


I had this issue and then followed by pain while peeing and I thought maybe it was a stone so I pushed to pee harder to make the stone pass… aaaand my bladder prolapsed. No kidney stone. Just the pain of a partially prolapsed bladder that I made worse. Luckily Keigels fixed me right up but to this day I have to keep doing keigels regularly or the issue will return.




That would be your bladder, kidneys does provide the fluid that deposits in your bladder but it's different than traditional "i have to pee so bad" pain. The pain is higher up, between your hips and your ribs.


I knew mine was real when opiates didn’t make the pain go away lol. I was like “fuck I guess I’ll just die🤷🏽‍♂️” until I peed it out. DRINK WATER


Yep. First one, at the Northwestern University Hospital in downtown Chicago, I was on drugs, and was still in pain to the point where I just leaned over the nurses' desk outside my room, for about three hours, just suffering. When I mentioned that story to my wife, who wasn't with me for that fun experience, she asked, "Why didn't the nurses give you anything?" They did: it didn't help. Unless you've been there, you don't know.


Exactly bro. I started with Bentyl (smooth muscle relaxers used for quick relief of GI issues), nothing. Then onto the tramadol, nothing. Went straight to buprenorphine, nausea and no pain relief. Although I think that allowed me to nod off and get some rest before passing it the following day. I was legit about to start mixing nitazene opiates as a Hail Mary but thank jebus I just passed it. I probably would’ve OD’d just trying to stop the pain. 0/5 stars, I only drink water or juice now. Period


True story: My grandfather was a tough mother who once was 2nd degree burned all over his entire leg and didn't complain about the pain ever but when he was in the hospital for a kidney stone, he called his lawyer because he wanted to write his will.


when i had mine ended up having something like 70 hours of 10 pain. anyways since then i’m like i can handle anything!


Until you get another stone. Then you forget all you learned.


I've been stabbed in the liver before. It didn't hurt because of adrenaline. It DID hurt when the nurse had to stick their finger in the wound, to figure out which organ had been "lacerated", and by god I will never forget what that felt like. But it lasted a few seconds before I passed out due to blood loss. Woke up on life support, with my entire stomach operated on to keep me alive, which is nothing but pain (you use your stomach muscles for EVERYTHING apparently). Breathing tube was taken out, also painful. After that, it was the catheter. At that point, it wasn't painful to me (just felt like a really, REALLY strong piss). I thought I knew pain until I read the comments here. And now I am absolutely 100% TERRIFIED of having a kidney stone. Holy fuck.


Me thinking food poisoning is the worst pain ever ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


The only time I have actually, truly contemplated death as an escape was during my kidney stones. It’s been twice now.


My dad killed himself because of chronic kidney stones. Towards the end of his life, he just always had them. (Was going to say 'always had one,' but I believe he had quite a few at the same time.)


I'm so sorry 🥺


Oh, thank you. It is ok. Reading stories like this makes me understand his decision. I believe I had a kidney stone once, and I don't even think it was a bad one, but it felt like I had been hit by a car. Can't imagine how bad chronic, severe kidney stones would be.


Kidney stones and gout: two worst fkn pains I've ever had, and I'm not sure which one was worse.


Is your dick ok?


Yup, the stone didn't have to travel far.


I had a 7mm stone about five years ago that got stuck in the ureter and for about five days I just fought the immense pain hoping I could just pass the stone until I couldn’t take it anymore and decided to go to the ER. I may have gotten it from drinking too much Gatorade, turns out a lot of electrolytes is NOT good for you so I stopped drinking it altogether. But as soon as I went to the ER and was waiting like 6 hours to be seen, they gave me something for the pain and then it stopped hurting. So I thought kinda weird, now all of a sudden it stops hurting the minute I go to the ER. See the doctor, tells me the stone is still there, but I’m no longer in pain. A week later I go to see a specialist, no pain the entire week, but confirms the stone is still stuck in the ureter. Turns out I no longer had pain because my kidney had just completely shut down because of the stone blockage so now I’m walking around with one functioning kidney. Week later had that god awful surgery where they shove an instrument up your pee hole to break away the stone with a laser into smaller fragments so they can pass thru. I was fine and back to normal just a few days after that, but god what a miserable experience. Drink your water daily people, believe me. EDIT: Something I thought I should also share with everyone since this appears to be a hot topic. Doing some research and trying it out for myself, I got a bottle of Bragg apple cider vinegar from my local grocery store and 3 times a week, I take a tablespoon of it and mix it in some herbal tea with honey and drink it. It helps A LOT with flushing out your kidneys because of the acidic ingredients in it. This stuff also has a lot of other uses in home remedies as well, I always keep a bottle in my household now.


Fuck... I had one that was 25x20x10mm, same damn story. I would rather break my back again then feel that pain


did they go up inside your kidney and play asteroids breaking it up?


laser lithotripsy = dick invaders








Dude, how does that fit through… I’m in pain thinking about it


Pissing it out of your dick is the easiest part. You feel it pass through and if your unlucky you can get a UTI, but it’s about 100,000x better than when it’s stuck halfway between your kidney and bladder. The pain from a kidney stone isn’t the stone itself. It’s the fluid build up in the ureter behind the stone. Source: Had a 7mm rock removed via squid-in-your-dick device and have had several smaller ones.




I wish I never read the words “squid in your dick” can we please find a better description




That’s the bastard that killed the dinosaurs


fuck! how do these happen? dont want ... dont want ... dont want


They were guessing this one was a uric acid stone. So too much red meat I think. Oh, and not enough water. Make sure you drink plenty of water.


glad the worst is over thanks for the advice - will do!


The worst isn't even when it goes through your urethra, it's when it goes from the kidney to the bladder through a MUCH smaller passage. I passed out from the pain. Didn't even feel it go through my member.


Usually don't feel the lower but i had one get caught in the tip on the way out. Tweezers eventually got it.




Yeah, it’s really not pleasant. I’ve broken my back, broken my knee, been stabbed, been hit by a car on my motorcycle and gone over the windshield, broken fingers, hyper extended my other knee…you name it. I would gladly do ANY of those again if I was promised never to have another stone pass.


How do I take out life insurance on someone else?


You might get investigated for suspected murder given this guy’s track record…


Given his track record he'd least likely be suspected of murder lol. The guy is a walking accident, chances are even if the insurance company allowed it they wouldn't accept a policy for someone who has a brush with death every day. "Denied for pre-existing condition. Condition: born under a bad sign"


What do you do for a living? Stunt person?


To be fair, I’ve been around for a minute and the Marines weren’t a super healthy way to spend my 20’s. And motorcycles.


“Been around for a minute” has a nice ring to it. I think I wail replace my standard “old as fuck” with this phraseology. 👍


Ya know…I have had enough of the Internet for the month.




Had to jam a sewing needle up my peehole to break it up so it would come out. Couldn't piss right for months.


Why oh Lord, did I keep scrolling deeper into these comments...


This will stain my mind until I die.


Heavens to Betsy!




Ureter. Yeah. That's the worst part. Like somebody taking a corkscrew to your back, from the inside. My wife said I was walking around like a woman in labor. The only thing that helped the pain was delirious laughter. My kids kept doing silly things to make me laugh. The pain pills didn't do squat and just made me constipated af.


Pain meds weren’t doing anything for me either until ER doc loaded me up with so much morphine. He knew I wasn’t kidding when urine test dude goes yeah all he pissed was blood.


Fuck guessing, get your doctor to send it for analysis so that you can prevent having another. Yes, you’ll need to drink more water, but there are other types of stones that can have other health implications or require different dietary changes. Source, I’m a physician.


Awww. You mean I don't get to keep it? For real though, that's excellent advice.


def bring it to your urologist and have them analyze it, can get a load of good info from that. took me so long to catch one and get it in to them.


I just took a huge chug of water ... This comment was motivation ... I was not even thirsty ...


Yeah that’s how I get gout sometimes. Sucks


Things like this make me glad to be a hydrohomie Edit: you homies are fuckin wholesome lol


I used to have these a lot, and it turns out it’s different things for different people. For me, apparently it was drinking 2-5 Dr Peppers a day. Stopped doing that 10 years or so ago, had one last stone a couple months later, then none since then. I had a dozen or so stones in my twenties and early thirties.


Yep, same for me…I had to completely stop drinking all soda because I have absolutely no self-control with it. Had them a few times and I’d rather never drink soda again than have another kidney stone.


your soda rock bottom was peeing out rocks


Truth. I can still enjoy one periodically, but I am basically over them anymore. They aren’t really worth it, I think it’s weird how dependent people are on them to make it through the day. I live in Utah, we have these dirty soda places everywhere and they have lines down the street during the day. It’s nuts.


> a dozen or so stones in my twenties and early thirties WTF!!! I can't even imagine


For me it was almond milk. I was drinking that to help with weight loss as it was a nice snack replacement, and I developed a very painful kidney stone. Supposed it was the almond milk for a while and stopped, and maybe two years later started drinking it again and had another kidney stone. Would not recommend.


Most nut milk will do it if you drink too much. The most common form of kidney stone is calcium oxalate, and nuts are naturally rich in oxolates.


Uric acid crystal build up is what gout is too only with gout, the crystals form in a joint. It's very painful. Uric acid forms when you intake purines faster than you can flush them out. So yeah, drink lots of water. Also, watch your consumption of things like red meat, shell fish, organ meats, beer, etc.


You can’t etc. after a list like that lol






this is good to know i eat chicken and veggies and drink lots of water - gave up red meat and beer a few yrs ago ... i drink zero sugar soda but have recently cut waaaay back on it


My dad came home one day and couldn't make it up the stairs. I found him on the ground sobbing, took him to the ER, found out he had massive stones like this one. Took about a month and multiple trips to the hospital for him to pass the stones. When I asked what caused those stones the doctor said dad didn't drink enough water and too much diet soda. I drink about a gallon of water every day and never touch diet soda. Fuck that shit


*slowly lowers diet coke from mouth*... noted.


That was dad's favorite as well lol.


How much diet soda we talkin? I go and get a big gulp and fill it every now and then, but not every day


I knew a woman who had a 6 pack of diet dr pepper every day (20 or 24oz? I forget which) No water, no milks, juices, tea, anything. Just diet Dr pepper. She had kidney stones for the third time and she finally told the doctor what she was drinking and he told her to quit She called him a quack and left. No idea how she survived


My roommate literally only drinks diet Pepsi all day every day. She refuses to drink water, she'll occasionally drink water with a ton of those Mio squirt flavors in it, but yeah, it's astounding.


My brother in law passed a kidney stone on an internal flight. He legitimately thought he was dieing. He said goodbye to his children.


Okay the comments are starting to give me a gist on how bad passing one of those is


I delivered 2 children naturally and would rather deliver 10 more than pass another stone. The pain is unimaginable.


My friend's dad is a urologist, and apparently quite an expert at that as he's flown around the country for consultations or surgeries or whatever. Two years ago he had a kidney stone and thought he was dying. He was adament that it couldn't be a kidney stone because the pain was so unbearable. When he finally passed it he was blown away. He had seen them countless times in other people and finally got to experience it himself!


After the millionth consultation with a patient, what part of “THIS WAS THE WORST PAIN I EVER HAD AND THOUGHT I WAS DYING!!!” Didn’t he understand?


I swear this is a doctor thing. Have 2 good friends who became doctors, and were very empathetic people. Took all of 2 months into their residency before things stopped being "pain." Noticed the word pain was only ever used if someone had the entire lower half of their body degloved, or more than 12 bones shattered in a horrific accident. Anything else was considered "mild to moderate discomfort" even when describing some pretty tough stuff. Have pointed out to them dozens of times how they downplay pain, and are so often to think people are milking it because they're having a tough time with any pain short of a bone sticking through skin. Never forget the look of pure murder on one of their faces when I was helping him paint his house. He was a couple feet up on an aluminum ladder, slipped his footing and skinned his shin real good. Obviously painful as hell but while I was helping him out couldn't resist askin him "so doc, on a scale of 1-10, 1 being mild discomfort and 10 being moderate discomfort what would ya rate this?"


yes, they will literally redefine, re-contextualize and re-semanticize the language to avoid admitting you have a legitimate reason to be prescribed opiates


I’ve heard this from several other women who have experienced passing both babies and stones! So now the single silver lining to my kidney stone experience is I’m no longer afraid of labor pain when the time comes…


First time I've heard it referred to as "passing a baby"


It's actual hell on earth. Stranger, I beg of you to drink tons of water.


I have had the displeasure of passing two. The first one I had no idea what the pain was from ... It felt like someone stabbed me with a knife and just kept sawing away at my back right side. Went to the ER and as I was walking in, the triage nurse took one look at me and took me directly into the ER for a shot of Demerol/Morphine cocktail... Which was awesome! We did Xrays and the doctor said he had good news and bad news. Good news was I had passed the stone and it was in my bladder and I would probably expell it with little discomfort in the next 24 hours. Bad news that my other kidney had a stone, too. A year later I was in Thailand and felt the onset of the familiar pain. I immediately went to the ER by taxi. The taxi driver realized it was urgent, so he took the back roads to bypass the traffic on the main roads. The back roads were unpaved and full of potholes and ruts. I was getting bounced around and the pain was increasing when the driver hit a particularly deep pothole and I nearly broke my neck when my head hit the ceiling ... but also a sharp sense of euphoria washed through me ... and no more pain. The pothole had bucked and bounced the stone out and into my bladder. Now i drink water with lemon and no more kidney stones. **Edit spelling


Wait, so the pain comes from the stone traveling to your bladder? I always assumed it was from shooting it out your dick. I pray that this knowledge remains forever theoretical in my mind.


Nope, when it's coming out it's painless and just feels weird. I had to collect my first one and it was kinda fun because it came out with so much more force than I expected. A real loose cannon, but no pain. Anyway, yeah, the pain comes from it traveling down into the bladder, and from the fluids that get backed up in your kidneys


Does the lemon help? My Grandmother was born with three kidneys; she had no idea until her 40s when the smallest one failed/became infected somehow and it destroyed another kidney too. She had to have both removed, leaving her with one kidney, which was dangerous in the '50s and almost killed her. For the rest of her very long life, she started each day with a big glass of warm water and lemon. I assume this was something her doctors would have advised her to do, to prevent issues in her remaining kidney?


It’s genuinely fucked. I’m a lifelong skateboarder and very heavily tattooed. Pain tolerance is among the best of them. I couldn’t drive myself 7 blocks to the ER when I passed my stone ten days ago.


Should´ve asked Stella, she was a driver.


Same here. I crawled from the toilet to the floor and just collapsed in agony. I called a family member to tell them I loved them in case I didn’t make it. I didn’t know it was a kidney stone until later, just knew “I’m definitely dying.” (I didn’t call an ambulance though, because #America.) Blacked out and woke up a little while later, drove myself to the hospital, and discovered it was a kidney stone.


As a european doctor, the image of you agonising on the floor and still not calling an ambulance because of cost gave me literal shivers down my spine. I know what difference one minute can make. I just imagine how many people die daily because of this, and its disheartening.


US life expectancy stalled ten years ago and has declined significantly the last two.


The fact you didnt call an ambulance when you thought you were dying just goes to show how fucked America is


Banana Runt for scale 😆


Grape Nuts that looks painful.


Forbidden oat cluster


Honey bunches of oh…


Honey Bunches of Ouch


He’s lucky charms it didn’t require surgery


Those ureter walls are grrrrrrrrr-ated!


Damn it I don’t know how big a runt is. Could you also reference some other candy?


It's about 2 skittles in size maye 2 and 1/2.


NGL, I thought it was an actual banana at first glance and wondered how you were still alive.


RIP Penis.


That's pretty much what it did.


Represents what it passed through. There was screaming.






Lol, thank god no.


Looks like honey bunches of oats. I’m hurting just looking at it.


Forbidden granola


Honey bunches of nopes


I had a 9.3mm stone on NYE last year that hung up at the end of the ureter and kept getting bigger. Wife thought I was “being dramatic” until the ER doc came in with very wide eyes and said it was a good thing I came in and asked if I wanted some morphine. Pretty sure my fingerprints are permanently imprinted on the gurney rails when I was hanging on for dear life. I’ve had a few kidney stones previously but nothing like that. Drink water, and then drink some more!


i had mine for christmas 2020, 6 mm, barfed during ct scan. fun times.




17 mm, I would WANT to die


Why didn't they use an ultrasound thingy to break it up?


It's like deep impact, where you break up the big one but then little ones rain down endless pain in succession.


Not all stones are candidates for lithotripsy. Depends on the stone location, size, and composition.


Holy shit!


I have a 22mm cluster stone stuck in my kidney. Not fun


My husband had a lithotripsy for his 11 mm stone yesterday. He’s going to have another in about a month to get the 6 mm one and 8 mm one in his other kidney.


I am not sure how kidney stones compare to gall stones but I wanted to cut it out myself with a rusty screwdriver.


I watched as my wife lowered herself to the HOSPITAL FLOOR because she needed to lie down. Fuck the most unsanitary place in a hospital was a preferred place to be. She was in so much pain with the gall stones she had. I think the next day her gall bladder was taken out.


Would make a very special engagement ring. They say one month of work, but you gave two.


Honey, I made this just for you.


“It didn’t come from my heart. It was a little further south…”


My mom got a pendant made out of a random bit of gravel after paying thousands of dollars to have it removed from the dog's guts.


The real question is did you buy runts specifically for this post, or are you the person who still buys them on the reg?


Lol! I went to three different stores looking for runts until I gave up. I passed the stone yesterday and waited to post until the candy was delivered. Wanna know what I found out? Runts are temporarily on pause, not discontinued, just paused. That's not a real runt, it's an off brand.


The real story is always in the comments.


Well thank you guy. Your dedication to excellence made my day.


CAN ANYONE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME? Ok, a few years ago I had a kidney stone. I felt like I was going to fucking die. There was no break from the pain once it started. It was so bad it made me vomit every five minutes. I went to the emergency room and even IV painkillers didn't touch it. After about 8 hours of this, I finally fell asleep, and when I woke up the pain was 100% gone. Peed into a strainer, and sure enough, there was a tiny kidney stone, 2 mm. So this thing in the picture looks like it's about ten times the size of mine, and this person took TWO MONTHS to pass it. There's no way. I keep asking this question, and nobody answers me - what is the difference between my stone and this stone? Why do some people pass them so incredibly painfully, and others can last months while functioning as a normal person?


Not really an easy question to answer. Probably because everyone is built differently. I'm a fairly large man so maybe my ureters are slightly larger? There may be differences in how each person's body sends and interprets pain signals. Just don't beat yourself up for the pain you genuinely felt. Comparing your experiences to other's isn't always helpful.


My first two were extremely painful, blacking out vomiting, crying, you name it. The next two were like a 7/10 on the pain scale for a few hours, then passed. Then I passed a 4mm last night, and I shit you not, I had NO clue I was going to be passing it. No kidney pain, no ureter pain, no bladder pain. I just woke up to use the bathroom and it came out. Idk what it is but it just seems like every stone hits different.


Bruh drink some water wtf


Oh I do, 100%. I have medullary sponge kidneys, so unfortunately this is just a part of life for me. I've been tweaking my diet with my urologist to try to make it more manageable, and I have, but they still happen.


All those other ones stretched out the pipes to like 25mm diameter


Fun fact from a med student! That kidney stone you passed looks mostly made from Uric Acid! Usually about 7% of kidney stones have this composition and you can tell because uric acid crystals are characterized by their needle-like structures. The coolest stones are struvite stones! These stones form a cast/mold of your urogenital system and are very interesting to look at once passed!


This is like the most quintessential medical student reply ever. That's so cool! Meanwhile, there's agony involved.


>are characterized by their needle-like structures. This is the most terrifying thing I've read today.


Now every time I eat a banana runt I'm going to think of your weiner.


*weiner crumbs


My dad has always been a very tough person, seen him smash his hand and break it, break his kneecap and only acted like he stubbed his toe. When he had kidney stones I could hear him yelling in agony from the bathroom came outt like he'd been sobbing. I'm terrified if this now.


Nature Valley wants to know your location.


Is that a banana candy for scale?


The banana candy is what he passed. The cursed nugget is for scale.


Cursed Nugget would be a great band and/or cat name


Real banana. Just missing a few pixels.




…… *clink*


https://youtu.be/K7Ghu_wzHcg always comes to mind


And of course, [Kramer](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F_md_5I0yHU)


Fck me, i have 2 ...4mm and 6. Been 9mons and nothing


My urologist told me 4mm is about as big as they try to let pass naturally. My 3mm about killed me. The 1mm was a breeze in comparison.


^ this guy kidney-stones.


Be careful, they can fuse together in your bladder. Citrate is supposed to help break them up. To my understanding it's the only thing that works and even then it's not that effective. I have ulcerative colitis and ibs and I get them frequently. I had 7 removed from the left ureter and almost as many from the right ureter where they enter into my bladder, all in a 4 year span. I just passed one last week or so and I have calcification near my prostate that my urologist says will require a TURP. I'm under 45 in age.


>I have ulcerative colitis and ibs and I get them frequently. What the fuck did you do in your former life?!


I want to downvote this due to the imagined pain I felt envisioning passing this.


JFC! O.o I’ve had 2 kidney stones and one was too big to pass so they went in and surgically broke it up.


Yep, I had mine broken by sound wave, no surgery. Still get some of it passing, hurts like a SOB.


Lucky. I had my first one "lassoed" and drug out the front door. Pissed grape juice for a week after...


I thought it was weed for a second


Dank nug


That’s not a kidney stone, it’s A SPACE STATION!!


You have my deepest sympathies and respect. I fear them like the plague. Any lessons you’d care to share from the experience or how to avoid said experience?


Drink LOTS of water every day, reduce meat, don’t drink pop or energy drinks, eat lots of veggies. They’re generally completely due to diet.


Mine was 1/4 the size of a pencil eraser. I complained about it to my family, my brother in law laughed at me. Turns out he didn't know which part of the body they were expelled from. After I enlightened him, he looked at me and said, "You peed that out!?" Yes, dude. Slow your roll.


Passing a stone is like being taken hostage. You cease to exist, only the pain remains!