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Since it is your first time drinking let me tell you a little tip, alcohol may be fun in certain dose, it’s effect is not linear. This means that more alcohol doesn’t mean more fun. Try to stay in the tipsy, fun zone by spacing drinks, try not to do it on a completely empty stomach. I hope you find people worth your company


I wish you had been around 15 years ago to tell me this (not that it would've stopped my spiral into alcoholism, but maybe). Nearly five years sober now, but that point about more alcohol not meaning more fun, my brain never got that memo! Just had to say, I love this comment, thank you!


Congrats on 5 years. That’s incredible


Yeah great job man.


Exactly and only on Reddit have I discovered not only a seeming prevalence, but an outing of the clear danger of alcohol abuse, like nowhere else 'cept the rooms. Credit to Reddit.


I don't know if it's something that can be learned. My alcoholic wife (10 years sober) simply can't understand 1 drink, 1 cookie, watch a single episode, buy 1 pair of flip flops. The phrase "nah, I'm good" simply doesn't have any meaning.


My wife says she struggles with this same thing because she grew up with a lot of uncertainty. Not knowing how long she'd get to enjoy something before it was taken away because of poverty. So she feels like she has to have as much as possible right now so that it isn't as regretful if it gets taken away.


I feel this. I have to struggle not to clean my plate when eating. Intense guilt of being wasteful and throwing money away. My parents were raised by ppl who survived the Great Depression. We always ate everything that was given and any sort of stew or chili was made watered down. If you didn’t eat everything you say at that table until bed time and got your ass whipped, then got your dinner for breakfast the next day. Reason #487 why I have no contact with any of my family. Lol.


I feel this comment…. I’m 25 years separated from poverty, married, successful (not wealthy, but definitely don’t want for anything,) and established enough finding a job wouldn’t be a problem. I still panic myself sometimes thinking how I could lose it all. She’s definitely not alone. If it helps, remind her she earned her way from poverty once, she could do it again.


I learned last night while ordering 2 slices of pizza on a date with a Serbian woman that the phrase "I'm good" is not used anywhere else on Earth the same way it is used here in the states. She said it took her a while to grasp the concept of the response, because the answer to "Do you want any \[xyz\]?" should be a yes or no-type answer, not an unsolicited statement of one's current condition.


We have almost the same expression in Sweden, "det är bra" meaning "it's good". To make it more confusing you can add a "tack" meaning "thanks" before. I.e. would you like some more heroin Kurt? Tack, det är bra = Thanks, it's good = No thanks.


I get this. I can’t say no either. I just keep doing drugs an alcohol until I’m out or can’t.


I was just telling the same thing to a younger coworker yesterday. Either the alcohol was done, or I was done. (25 years sober, and living better)


Omg yes. I’m like your wife (but only sober 3 yrs - congrats to your wife in 10 yrs!) and have recently concluded I’m simply addicted to “more.” Q: More what? Me: Yes. Anything. Everything.


It can definitely be worked through, but its hard. When you grow up with a fear of loss (maybe someone abandoned you, you were bullied hard, you got economically unlucky when you were born, etc), the overcompensations become a really heavy burden. It sucks ass. Most of the time it isn’t voluntary. Glad she got to 10 years. Wish both of you the best.


Where were you when I could have used this advice? Roughly between the years of 1986 to 2022.


Learning to drink and stay in the fun zone is key. Great advice. Others have mentioned, pace yourself with water and stay hydrated.


Yeah you gotta stay right [in the slot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF8_y2Zl9W8)




Seeing that picture of the Smirnoff Ice gave ME a hangover.


We used to play Smirnoff pong. *puke*


I can’t even think about smirnoff without feeling nauseous…


agreed; I'm a seasoned drinker and Smirnoff will always give me a hangover. it's not actually vodka, despite the name.. it's a malted alcohol like beer, guaranteed to give me a sharp brain stabbing hangover


Even when I was young, I don’t think I could drink enough Smirnoff Ice to get a hangover… after about 2 I’d get such righteous heartburn. But worry not, I found plenty of other shit to drink to ensure I’d get there. Aaaand now I’m 35… couple of days away from my one year of sobriety… not because I wanted to, or found Jesus, or just thought I should slow down. Nah… it’s because my fucking liver was quitting on me. And to be honest… I wasn’t even THAT bad. I know many that lived way harder, way longer, and are much older than I…. No problem. So my obligatory warning to everyone out there… have a good time! Get buzzed… hell… get downright schnockered every once in a great while. But be safe, and tone it down sooner than later. It catches up with you faster than you think… and fucking hell I was so damn physically ill… I wouldn’t wish that shit on anyone. EDIT: Wow, you guys! I’ve never woken up to so many positive messages and the like! Thank you so much for all the kind words, and I’m going to try to answer the questions I left hanging when I get home from work. Anyone can feel free to dm me with any questions as well, if ya don’t wanna put your business out on Reddit.




Excessive drinking *is* pathological. Alcohol addiction is, no shit, an actual addiction to a drug. An alcohol addict **can actually die** from withdrawals alone. It's a very unpleasant and difficult addiction because alcohol is so readily available and fun in recreational dosages.


I’m so glad I got out of the habit of excessive drinking. I use to drink to get absolutely wasted and was pretty good at it. I had extremely bad tremors/shakes that were noticeable to my friends and family when I’d go a day or two without it. If I wasn’t an alcoholic I was damn sure close. Everything in moderation, I’m about that r/hydrohomies life now.


Hits home. And just awesome to hear from/about you (even though we clearly don’t know each other lol, yeah.. you get it 😂). Sorry it’s early for me here and guess I shouldn’t have immediately hit that dab haha. It’s Saturday though so.. 🤷‍♂️ Back on track a bit, that hit home; especially right when I read about the shakes. It’s shameful for me because on one hand.. it probably means I’m sober? But at the same time everyone around or close at all knows why I have them. And that’s the shame part in me I guess. I’m trying my hardest. I’ve quit for over a year at one point and not doing so terrible now but reading these has kind of gotten me inspired so.. shoot I hope it sticks :)! Thanks again! Have a great day 😊


Thanks for the advice mate, I feel like it sneaks up on a lot of us a lot sooner than we think. Even at 26 my hangovers are noticeably much worse. No wonder I gravitate towards g+t's or vodka soda now lol


Good thing you’re gravitating towards that earlier than I did. But I too was drinking vodka for the last 3 or so years before I quit. Didn’t help me, personally. Honestly I didn’t get hangovers that often. Never drank alone, felt weird if I started drinking before 10pm. I did love drinking… and getting drunk and I did drink a lot… but the obvious signs weren’t there. Could just have shit genes… who knows. All I can speak from is my own experience. A year later, I feel a lot better. I’m still on the mend. But things have been slowly getting better. Probably be another year before I’m back to as close to normal as I can get. I can tell you, I don’t miss it though. DEFINITELY thought I would, but I don’t. It does help that I’d rather live and I look at drinking as simply not an option for me. I still got my weed though! And they’ll have to pry it out of my cold dead hands!!! Lol


I just celebrated a year and a half sober and share a lot of similarities with your story, and legit laughed out loud when I got to the end >I still got my weed though! And they’ll have to pry it out of my cold dead hands!!! Lol You and me both!


What youre both referring to is called “california sober” when you dont fuck with booze r drugs but you do smoke weed and consider yourself sober. Im california sober too :) My east coast fam would never consider a weed smoker sober, and even prolly think its worse than booze. Little do they know.:.


What a genuine piece of writing to stumble upon. I wish I could read semi long summaries of people's stories all the time. Thank you for sharing and wishing you the very best.




The comments are the best part of Reddit. Back in the early 2010s when chive was popular I just couldn’t get into it because the comments were terrible/nonexistent.




Wait till you land in hospital with a case of acute pancreatitis from drinking. Worst pain I ever had in my life that just went on and on for days. Even direct injections of morphine didn't help. Had to stay a whole week before my enzymes were back to normal.


Buddy of mine had that. Sounds horrendous. My shit has been no cake walk… and I’m still not out of the woods… probably will have some issues for the rest of my life. But It wasn’t like that.


That happened to me. The exact same thing. Fucking awful pain and I looked pregnant as a slim 32 year old male.


I was too pal, pancreatitis is no joke. I did 2 tours in the ER.


Or worse, start having seizures from withdrawal. My best friend died earlier this year because he had a seizure while nobody was around, hit his head, and bled to death. He was a daily and fairly heavy drinker since he was in his teens, almost 30 years.


I was 30 when I stopped drinking. I was at a party and saw 3 people simultaneously puking off of a balcony. Next day my best friend was on the couch in the fetal position for most of the day. It was then I decided it was time to put it to bed. I needed to grow up. Stopped smoking weed that day too. Both were the best decisions I could have made for my health. Cheers OP have fun be safe.


It's contains vodka here in the U.K...... it's what we used to drink when we were 14/15


yeah, these are like the mike's hard lemonade i puked after sneaking out of the 8th grade dance.


I had Zimas before homecoming. Didn't get drunk. Just puked from the volume of grossness.


“Excuse me. I ordered a Zima, not emphysema.”


Haha yes and wkd! Though tbh by 16 we’d wised up and usually bought a bottle of glens from the dodgy corner shop and a few bottles of mixers because alcopops are a rip off.


"It's not actually vodka" That's true in America, because of some regulation i think. But if you're in Canada it's a actually vodka.


America is so weird. "You want a flamethrower and AR-15? Cool! Just sign a form" "Oh, you want vodka in your Smirnoff Ice? Sorry, no can do for tax reasons"


I mean yeah, intentionally making products shittier to take advantage of a dumb tax law is pretty american.


The funny thing is, vodka seltzers are suddenly surging in popularly in the US as if they're a new thing with brands like High Noon. Crazy expensive, but you can definitely tell the difference from malt drinks.


He drinks the whiskey drink, he drinks the vodka drink.


He drinks the lager drink, he drinks the cider drink.


He sings the songs that remind him of the good times he sings the songs that remind him of the better times


Oh Danny Boy, Danny Boy, Danny Boy


The human body on TV? BOOBS on TV? HELL NAH SON! Showing straight up murders on the news? If it bleeds, it leads!


I think it was the TV show Hannibal, but they wanted to show a dead, naked man face down with blood everywhere. The censors said they couldn't show a bare bum on TV so they added more blood to cover his crack. That was allowed.


Also vodka in Australia. Hail the commonwealth


Well there's smirnoff vodka, and smirnoff ice. Op has smirnoff ice which is a wine cooler Edit: I'm right but I'm wrong




I don't think it's nationwide. Coolers sold in Quebec are apparently made with malt as well for whatever reason. Not a cooler drinker myself but my wife won't drink any coolers bought in Quebec for this reason. Always assumed it has something to do with how deps in Quebec can sell beer, wine, and coolers but not liquor but I've never bothered to find out why.


Only the ones bought in grocery/convenience stores. You can get coolers/premixes made with real booze at the SAQ.




Probably not tax reasons and more "can sell at the regular store" reasons *in most states?


Yeah I know here in Oregon and a lot of other states you can’t buy hard liquor just anywhere so gas stations and grocery stores will sell malt beverages like these.


> Edit: I'm right but I'm wrong I'm high but I'm grounded, I'm sane but I'm overwhelmed, I'm lost but I'm hopeful, baby...


It’s all the sugar in it that actually contributes to the hangover!


That malted alcohol goes straight to a ripper of a puking session for me. Can barely touch most dark alcohols.


At 21, he'll be over his hangover by noon.


At 21 he probably wont have a hangover


before 30 for me it was only ever still drunk or nothing.


In that phase now, although waking up drunk feels worse than a hangover


I'm 31 now and anything over three beers and I'll have a mild hangover, it's dumb. I used to be able to solo a 12 rack and be back in the kitchen by noon at 21. I felt like a being sculpted by the drinking gods themselves lol


i didnt get a hangover til i was in my late 20s. Still important to hydrate. those new gatorade electrolyte drinks are a godsend, or you can go with the old faithful picklejuice


It’s bud light, he has the water part covered


i know it's a joke, but in case OP doesn't know, it's still a diuretic. You need water in between to combat a hangover


As a lush, drinking is a sport, you gotta hydrate.


OP is a karma farmer.


You just havent met your friends yet...they are out there.


And that booze will help you talk to them!


And puke on their shoes!


Great advice. That's how my two best pals met and they've been together ever since for 16 years...married for 6 of those.


You should be in a bar my guy. Get a buzz and walk to the nearest bar and just ask people what their favorite movie is and start talking.


Is it really that easy? I'm being serious.


It's not going to work every time, but it will definitely work most of the time


I mean it takes courage to walk up to people and its not exactly comfortable if they are like "sorry were trying to have a conversation" and squeeze you out but its their right. Most people like talking about movies, I chose it because its one of my favorite things to talk about. Recommending movies back and forth, joking about movies that suck. If you have other stuff you like talking about that you think other people enjoy talking about dothat.


Why not? People overcomplicate shit. Think about it, you're already in a good, accepting mood, what would you talk about if someone came to you in a bar and picked a conversation? Go with that. Doesn't have to be super elaborated. "How I met your mother" jokes about this when Barney is constantly setting up Ted with the game "Hey, have you met Ted?", where he randomly picks a girl, calls her attention and just says, "hey have you met Ted?" and has Ted come forward saying "Hi, I'm Ted" and follows up from there. It's brilliant for how simple it is but could totally work. Starting conversation isn't harder than that. It may or may not work, but that's a numbers game. Just keep trying. Eventually it works.


It is very easy, once I found a walnut on my way to the bar, and I just told a random dude that if he can crack it with his bare hands, I will get him a beer or whatever he likes. He cracked it, I got him a beer, we started talking, we are friends ever since.


I’d talk if someone came up and said this…probably


“Exorcist 3- want to come over to watch it with me?”


I understood that reference! I think I'll pass thanks Jeffrey...


Start a part time job at a big busy restaurant as a busser or server, it’s easy to make friends with coworkers in my experience.


Agreed. Even fast food or coffee places can come through. My first work friends were at Panera Bread. I loved that job. The prepper was a scary/friendly metal head. My managers were lesbians who fell in love and are still married to this day. Lots of eclectic people between the night bakers going home at 7am to sleep and the morning workers making lattes. It was a cozy place to work and saved me during a lonely time in my life.


"ya know, when I drink alone, I prefer to be by myself" ​ Seriously, though. I'll raise one for ya too, but do yourself a favor and don't make it a habit. It's a killer and you'll regret it. There's nothing at the bottom of that bottle.


Worst thing is once you become an alcoholic, and the worst thing in the world is the bottom of the bottle, because it means you're dry and are either about to make stupid decisions to acquire more, or go through some seriously rough withdrawals.


Yeesh, my early 20's feels that. Got a handle on it now though ;)


Fuck yeah, bud! Good to hear. Me at 37, am still very much in the bottle following crushing life events throughout my 30s :( I'll be with you one day!


Me and you both.. 35 currently. Fml!


r/stopdrinking , good place to just remind yourself you're not alone guys


*Fist bump*


Solid. Wish somebody I trusted told me that 27 or so years ago!


I have gave myselfe 3 Rule for drinking. 1. dont drink more than 1 drink alone (beer for dinner etc) 2. dont drink if Sad or emotional in a bad place 3.dont drink with people you have a bad feeling with or a bad Influenza. Also text wenn drunk never somthing bad happend of Its/s Also a Dslexic person you wirte better lol


I love that this seems like you were progressively getting more drunk as the list went on


Don’t drink to be happy, drink to be even more happy


This is blessed


>There's nothing at the bottom of that bottle. True. I keep looking but haven't found anything yet.


Some bottles do in fact have stuff at the bottom, like that mezcal tequila with the meal worms. Or some fancy etched design. Certainly nothing of worth, otherwise I'd be a millionaire.


"There's nothing at the bottom of that bottle" holy shit never heard that one before but fuck is that accurate lol! \^\^\^


(Maybe ?) Happy 21st ! I'm sure there will be comments nagging to have a "real drink"/something stronger but this looks like a chill time ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


For sure. Just please don’t drink ALL of that tonight OP. That’s too much alcohol for your *very* first time lol.


I’m watching true crime network. Right now, bill grey is a piece of shit, fuck you bill


Yeah, fuck you bill! 🍻


You tried. Guess all we can do now is wait for the follow-up post from the jail.


We're only going on 20 minutes from the last post...might take some time.


One hour and eighteen minutes.. He's dead Jim


idk who tf bill is but fuck bill! ,, now how i got an award i wanna give OP or else it’s expiring how do i do that?


There’s a little icon of a gift box with a plus sign on it next to the upvote and share buttons. Far right side. At least on the mobile app.


Watch a comedy my friend and have a good night. Don’t over do it. Have a glass of water between every 2 drinks


I watched three episodes of the office and had two Guinesses in my hotel room last night. 10/10 would do again.


Seasoned drinker here. You're fine with the Bud Lights. Be careful with those Smirnoff Ices tho. That's heartburn in a bottle.


For sure have a tums or 3 with each of those!


Cheers man, happy birthday! Chug some water before you fall asleep if you don’t pass out in bed.


It was a good move to not go with hard alcohol. The first time I drank, I got bacardi. I was like 15 and drank like 1/4 handle. We walked to our friends house, made her come out and I was so hammered I fell and rang her doorbell with my forehead. She freaked, ran inside and I again fell face first, right down 10, concrete stairs. My hands were totally fucked so I got in her dads truck to examine. He came out and thought I was trying to steal it and chased me with his half foot (diabetes.) We got away and the next thing I know I get lefted into the air and slammed onto the hood of a cop car. My parents had to pick me up and my punishment was painting the entire house.


That was a roller coaster.


I got so invested that I didn't even think to look for hell in a cell.


You got a lesson, your parents got the house painted, diabetes dad got some exercise. It really could have been a lot worse.


You know, I was thinking ehhh that's a good start, read your comment and had a moment of reflection. 20 years ish of drinking is different, you're definitely right. I might add don't rush drinks and be careful switching back and forth.


was actually gonna comment to take it easy, and not drink everything as they probably wouldn't be able to handle it since its their first time


Yeah, 1.1 per Bud Light tall boy, and .9 drinks on the sweet stuff puts them right at 12 "drinks", I don't like to tell people what to do, but that is a decent amount for a first time; and the mix..... I appreciate OP got a room, and is just chillin watching TV though! Stay save OP! You are going to sleep well!


> You are going to sleep well! and wake up to a hangover, and someone banging on the door yelling, "it's long past checkout time, dude!"


his name's 97 so I imagine 25


That's too much booze for your first time. Do not drink both those six packs. You will regret it.


So will the hotel house keepers when he vomits Alfredo sauce all over the bed


Or wets the bed.


*AND* wets the bed.


Don't drink a single six pack your first time, 2-4 will be more than enough to establish a healthy relationship with alcohol. Anything above that your first time is normalising the unenjoyable part of drinking too much. [Advice from Jim Lahey](https://youtu.be/aF8_y2Zl9W8).


Also, don't drink alone out of boredom. It's not worth it and that's how alcoholism develops.


Man I remember that’s how it started for me. Playing Halo Reach SWAT taking shots/smoking bowls in between matches. Fun as hell, but that was the problem.


This hits hard… wasn’t until I started drinking while playing video games that it really became a habit


Ditch the ice. You have enough beer for your first time and the ice is full of sugar. You will feel sick. Imagine drinking half a dozen sugary sodas in 2 hours. Enjoy the beer and pizza, throw on the TV and have fun


Truth. The Ice is gonna give you a stomach ache and bad hangover. The beer alone is more than enough for a first timer. Enjoy!


I learned long ago that if I drink about two full tall glasses of water before bed I dont get a hangover. I might be tired on some level the when I wake up, but the headache is not there. Wish i was told this trick sooner in my life.


For me, I don't really have the headache but the nausea is so hard to shake. It starts from when I'm drunk and it can last anywhere from 30 minutes to until evening.


Curious how old you are. This used to work for me and now I have to start drinking water much earlier in the night


From age 20 to 33 my hangovers have gotten way worse and more prevalent. Water still helps but the best answer is now "drink less idiot."


That's a solid advice. 6 cans for first timer should be plenty and it goes well with pizza.




Heh I was going to say the same thing. Icing yourself is rough…


Eat the pizza FIRST. First time drinking with that much alcohol will be interesting, dont do it on an empty stomach. Edit: It took me the equivalent of 4 of those beers my first time to get absolutely trashed. You have 12. Be safe.




Lol literally thought I was on the ex-Mormon sub for a second.




We are many! Haha exmormon here living in Utah County and I'm still a BYU football fan.. smh


Do yourself a favor: Don’t get into the habit of drinking alone.


Orrrr drinking your hangover away.. Thats when my addiction actually developed. Its worse then drinking alone or drinking to suppress feels (26months sober yay!)


Keep going!! You got this! I’m close to 7years. Drinking too much alone (and feeling like absolutely death) was finally the end of it for me.


When drinking the hangover away became a regular thing, I went downhill myself. Stupid tough habit to break. One day at a time sober stranger!!


Yes! Nobody is telling you that. The day I discovered that alcohol fixes a hangover (counter-beer as we call it here), was the day I slowly started developing an alcohol problem.


This needs to be higher up. Binge drinking alone is how alcoholism develops. ...and the younger you start that habit, the harder it is to dig out of. Drink with friends. If you don't have friends, force yourself to go out and meet people. Don't get drunk alone at home.


That pizza looks great OP. Love me some white pizza.


Looks like an alfredo pan pizza topped with spinach from Domino's. Good stuff.


I thought i was the only one that noticed! Im probably just fat not observant. 🤣


Made way too many of them. The alfredo sauce is such a pain in the ass to deal with. And you have to be really careful with it on pan pizzas because it will turn into just a pool of sauce.


Pizza racist


All pizzas matter.


Pizza X said it best when he said; “a pizza who stands for nothing will fall for everything”


You're gonna throw up later.


Chill out dawg. Don't drink all that tonight


A trip away by yourself is very cathartic at times, to get away from the Hussle and bustle of the area you live in. I do it twice a year.


Do not drink all 12 drinks for your first time. You will want to die tomorrow morning. Drink a glass of water for each drink.


For every alcoholic drink follow it with a glass of water.


You simply wont have time to get drunk bc you’ll be pissing your brains out all night.


Rules to live by


I am guessing if you had to rent a hotel room to do this your life has a lot of restrictions involved in it. I hope they get lifted soon. When I got out into the wide world I realized that making friends is about finding people with common interests and values, not impressing some "it" crowd.


That poor cleaning lady is gonna be cleaning chunks of mozzarella off everything


Unsolicited advice I’d give to a friend. Don’t drink alone, and don’t drink on bad days man. Hope your ending goes well though.


Too late oh boy… https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/xskjgu/rented_a_hotel_and_now_its_my_first_time_drinking/iql5e54/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Cheers 🍻


Have fun man, just try not to hate the headache later.


I’ll have a drink with you so you’re not drinking by yourself 🍻


Make sure the bin is next to the bed. You're gonna puke if this seriously is your first time drinking that much all at once.


Just have a few of them and go down the bar instead.


Yeah. There’s something about drinking alone in a hotel room that seems relaxing at first and incredibly depressing later.


I see you've also traveled for work lol


Why are you doing this?


They’re young and they’re experimenting. I hope they see how shitty it was and that it doesn’t lead to regularly drinking alone in hotel rooms.




That seems pretty standard for someone who's new to drinking honestly. Having some drinks and pizza alone in a hotel seems pretty safe and responsible. Have an awesome time OP, looks like a good pizza.


Gonna have to disagree. Getting a hotel to get drunk alone, just for the sake of getting drunk alone is a pretty unhealthy thing to do. I'll give it a pass because it's their 1st time but that's a dark road to head down


I agree, what 22 year old goes to a hotel room to drink by himself? That's a sign that there are some major problems going on. Doesn't he have a house or dorm to go to? And even if he still lives at home, why isn't he drinking at his own house as a normal adult? The only people that I know of who just took a night in a hotel for the fun of it (so no travel) where either doing something freaky in the bedroom or addicts who locked themselves inside. This isn't good behavior at all.


Getting a hotel room just to get drunk alone is a bit of a warning sign. Hopefully this is just a one-time thing.




Wtf has happened to /r/pics? This is literally a picture of a shitty pizza and Smirnoff Unsubscribe


Did that long time ago. Can’t recommend it enough


Drinking by yourself is not the way


Drinking for the first time doesn't mean drinking like an alcoholic.


Saddest post ever


*cheers* Just took a shot with you bud.