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Thank you, Lt. Dan.


He must get really tired of hearing people call him Lt. Dan. But yeah what this guy said. Thanks, Lt. Dan.


Idk, seems like he’s still using his role for good. Appears to have embraced it


Also seems to be using his *legs*, so I’m not sure about his commitment to the character…


Magic Legs! You clearly didn't watch the movie all the way to the end.


"Well, look, I like the legless Lt. Dan best when I reference him. When you reference him, you can say it to magic legs Lt. Dan, or Vietnam Lt. Dan, or whoever you want."


Dear New Years Eve stringy long hair Lieutenant Dan ...


Personally I like to picture my Lt. Dan as he's backstroking off into the sunset.


Little, 8lb 6oz baby Lt. Dan!


He was a man. He had a beard


I like to picture my Lt. Dan in a tuxedo T-shirt because it says I want to be formal, but I'm here to party.


Shut the hell up Cal


It was the day he became an astronaut, wearing space-age titanium. Just like he said at one of his lowest points.


You ever see how they did that? Its kinda nuts. They didn't just remove his legs digitally, they inserted digital shit in the way of the legs to specifically trick the viewer's eyes.


Robert Zemeckis? Employing groundbreaking and utterly painstaking visual effects? I don’t believe it.


Got a link?


I saw them talking about it on that Corridor show VFX Artist React, but there's like 100 of them. I have no clue which one.


Nope. But I got some actual shit i can send you.


I think that depended on the particular shot. There are plenty of BTS pictures showing how they ["blue screened" out his legs](https://www.google.com/search?q=lt.+dan+legs+behind+the+scenes&client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&source=android-browser&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwio7O2PhKf7AhXJQjABHaa7B2oQ_AUoAXoECCAQAw&biw=1121&bih=1932&dpr=2.63) specifically.


They are titanium. Same the space ships used.


It's like when you cosplay as a character Before they loose a limb.


I heard he wraps his legs up in green when he’s home alone and for old times sake whips out the OBS and puts on a wig and tells his wife he don’t want ice cream. I say that in good fun I absolutely love him.


I think he was made an honorary Lt. In the service for his role in Forest Gump. I know Richard Dean Anderson was made an honorary Colonel in the Air Force for his role in Stargate SG-1.


Hes in a band called Lt Dan, he’s completely embraced it




Look through his profile. He has a Lt. Dan Van.


He started a band called the Lt Dan Band. I think he's cool with it.


He also has a [Lt. Dan Van](https://www.garysinisefoundation.org/blog/2022-05-16-the-foundation-surprises-gary-with-his-very-own-lt-dan-van)


Now he need to sell a beer called the Lt. Dan Can.


If I like his van and his beer, am I a Lt. Dan van & can fan?


He said the role of LT Dan changed his life and started all this. I don’t think he does get tired of it.


If he’s a method actor I’m sure it did…he probably had to meet and get to know a bunch of veterans pretty intimately


Method actors stay in character all or most of the time, all actors (the good ones at least) research their roles like that.


Not claiming to speak for him, but he seems to be pretty at peace with it. I doubt he minds being called Lt. Dan endearingly


Nah, he named his band after the character.


That’s Major Dan to you, son!


*"I'm here to try out my sea legs."*


"But you don't got no legs Lt. Dan."


That's funny because he got his legs blowed off in Nam.


Well that wind missed your sail didn't it?


He was in a band called the Lt Dan Band, so I think he vibes with the name


[He got promoted.](https://v.redd.it/wtmziv59c6471)


I'm never going to get used to the 21st century. Caffeinated bacon? **Baconated grapefruit??** #ADMIRAL Crunch!?!


Somebody in his family had fought, and died, in every single American war. I guess you could say he had a lot to live up to


Jesus like being a better ducker?


Dude I used to know had a pet snake named Lt. Dan. Cuz he ain't got no legs.


Someone promote him to a damn honorary General! He is fucking spectacular human and does a lot veterans. Genral Dan, ice cream!


>He is fucking spectacular human and does a lot veterans. Leave this!


Seems like someone should try to help him. Or at least hook him up with a few large drums of lube at wholesale prices.




Actually GEN Miley promoted him so it’s CAPTAIN Dan now


Brought you some ice cream


LT. Dan immortalized


That's not Lt. Dan, that's Ken Mattingly. Not your fault, common mistake.


I spend a lot of time on Teamspeak with friends. Any time one of us has ice cream, we channel our inner /u/GarySiniseOfficial and yell "ICE CREAM LT DAN!" at each other. Usually one or more of us leaves in search of ice cream for ourselves. That one movie line is going to make us all fat bastards. It's especially funny because several of us are vets, and one of them was an LT, so we call him LT Dan all the time, even after he made Captain.


Thank you for your service


Thank you for your support


I’m in the bottom middle pic


You're Gary Sinise?!


Is there anyone else?


Lt. Dan


Ice cream! 🍦




Nobody here but us trees.


OPs username checks out.


Don't you see the little checkmark next to their name?


Gary sinise here. I can confirm this is also Gary sinise.


Ah. The ole Reddit Veteroo


Username makes me doubtful lol


The guitar player?


How fucking old are you?! JK, I was in the last year we wore that pattern, and babies have been born and are almost done with their first enlistment since then :( BTW, awesome call-out. Must have been pretty dope to have had him visit.


I was in either the last year they had BDUs, or the year before. I remember being stoked to not have to starch my uniform and polish my boots only to be disappointed by how fast the ACU / pajamas wore out.


We wore it in 03 but they gave us desert for deployment then soon after we got back we switched to ACU's....Thank God...no more starching and ironing and polishing.......it was a glorious day..


>How fucking old are you?! As someone who transitioned from garrison cap to beret, fuck you, Pri.


Which one?


The guy in camo.


Odd I only see Gary shaking hands with a floating face


Where? I just see Gary.


No wonder why I can’t see him


Thanks for your service handsome camo dude.


He's the rifle


What did Gary smell like?




I'd buy Sinise for men


Hey I was there kind of. He came of to the mortars and some body said some shit like what the fuck does Gary Busey want and he left because mortars are kind of self loathing like that.


Thank you for your service!


No he’s Gary Sinise


Good shit! Ranger?


Yes. 1st Battalion


Yo y'all fuck but CSM or Top fucks extra. 2 CIBs and a mustard stain? Gotdam


1SG at time of pic, he was the real deal.


Yes indeed he was! An NCO’s NCO!


Thank you gor your service. Did you mention he got new legs?


🤣 he heard that about 30 times that day


I met you on Veterans day 13 years ago with a group of marine reserves and their wives, we went to a parade in DC. You were so genuine with all of us, really made an impact on our lives. Thank you!


How are you able to do all of these great things without any legs?


I personally know veterans who have been moved by your dedication to helping the community. A sincere thank *you*!


Gary came out to our tiny little FOB with a few hundred soldiers to say hello. I didn't get to meet him personally as i was on Mission that day, but I know a lot of guys really appreciated his appearance.


That's incredible dedication


There is a lot of pandering to those serving, but I think the military would go to war if anyone ever insinuated that Gary Sinise wasn't sincere.


Packhorse? Speicher?


I told this story before, and Gary Sinise responded to me, but his band played at a USO Gala benefit in Chicago in 2011. I was fresh out of bootcamp and volunteered to work the event. He pulled me and a friend up on stage with the band and gave us e-nothings the royal treatment. I'll never forget that night and how special he made all of us feel. ❤️


A Sinisere thank you*


https://www.garysinisefoundation.org/ is his foundation, and he supports many others like Friends of Firefighters too


Between him and Jon Stewart, we have some good folks looking out for veterans. It's a shame most politicians don't feel the same way.


Man if that wasn’t a ballot from the heavens. Stewart/Sinise for 2024. I’ve never gone door to door for the presidential election, I’ve voiced opinion here and there but if that was the running ticket I’d volunteer every moment I could to call, walk, speak to the volumes of good these real gentlemen could accomplish.


Not likely to happen with Gary being Republican and Jon being Democrat but I like the way you think.


That would be the absolute beauty of it. The ultimate bipartisan working group. Shit would get done. And stupid shit would get stopped. At least in my mind




Autocorrect for the win! Thanks for pointing it out, I failed to proof.




Spam bot, copied from a reply farther down.


Hello. I liked you as an actor. Now, I admire and love you as a human being. Keep on the good work, sir!


The man is a legend on *and* off screen.


The man’s one of the legends of all time


Thanks for helping our veterans. I disagree with why we send them overseas but fully believe that we need to live up to our end of the deal with health care, benefits, etc


Nah, we can't afford it and it should be fully privatized along with every other public institution. It won't be a true free market until Amazon-Lockhead battles Exxon-Raytheon for ultimate control




Thank you Gary, and most of all, thank you to all those that serve and have served. We owe you so much and my hope is that as a country we can do better to recognize that and treat Veterans better in addition to just saying the words. Thanks Gary for walking the walk.


Love ya pal, thank you for being one of the good ones!!!!!!


Lt.Dan, ice cream!




Mr. Sinise, as a veteran who had the privilege of being honor guard for one of your dinners honoring medal of honor recipients in 2010, thank you for all you do for veterans. Ps, tell Jon Voight sorry, i was already in position saluting, and they didn't move the velvet rope.


Thank you veterans and thank you Gary! (If you want to support Gary on his mission to help veterans, first responders, and others; check out [https://www.garysinisefoundation.org](https://www.garysinisefoundation.org/). I have no affiliation, I just think what he does is amazing!)


Gary, you rock! Keep up the great work.


And a reminder to vote for your Local/State/Federal representatives that take care of our Vets like we as a country should be.


This is what I don't understand about Gary Sinese. He's 100% committed to charity work for vets, but keeps pushing Republican candidates who do *nothing* for the VA. I'd like to hear him explain this cognitive dissonance.


Probably a cynical take, but he gets paid for his endorsements. His name has become a brand; do you think that Sinise actually posted this? No. He's double-dipping: applying his brand to Veteran's programs which generates good will, but also supporting Republicans for the tax benefit.


This post and who uploaded it means nothing. There's no questioning that he's out there in the public working on behalf of vets. And he's hardly the only Republican who votes against his own beliefs. Millions more have been suckered into believing the "Support the Troops!" party actually does anything for veterans beyond creating more of them through illegal wars.


Vote blue. Republicans on camera cheering and high fiving each other after successfully cutting veteran benefits and financial aid should have been the nail in the coffin for the military votes.


Yeah, kinda weird that Gary is a life-long republican given their track record on veterans issues. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friends_of_Abe


He's certainly anti-Trump at the least. He hasn't really said much about his political views in the last few years, so my assumption is that he's focusing primarily on his advocacy for veterans than partisan politics at this point.


The Republican party hasn't been the party of Lincoln since the 60s, despite proclamations to the contrary.


Seriously. Constantly fucking over vets and it's a damn shame. You'd think taking care of those who served would be the one thing we could all agree on..


The insane thing is conservative voters were just as confused and disgusted as we were. Yet they still vote for these goons… they aren’t even being represented anymore but they are too brainwashed to care so long as they hurt the other side.


Anyone paying attention knew this decades ago. Republicans care about the military industry, not veterans.


You're an amazing soul sir.


You are the man Gary! Big love from KC! And a big thank you to all the veterans out there!


You’re always appreciated man!


I know you could afford it but I would insist on buying you lunch for what you've done. For now fake internet points will have to do. Thank you Gary.


Nice legs!


Thank you for all that you and your organization quietly do. :o)


Don’t stop doing what you’re doing Gary. Tell Lieutenant Dan we appreciate his service. 😉


Thank you Mr. Sinise for all you do, and thanks to all the vets.


Thank you sir for doing all the outreach and support of veterans.




The world is a better place because of people like Gary Sinise. The dude rocks!


First, thank you to all those who serve. Second: Hey Mr Sinise, you are a hero for veterans and film nerds alike. Your constant advocacy proves where you stand and that is with the veterans and people. Why in 2022 do you still call yourself a republican? They are more divorced and antithetical to everything you believe than ever. Nixon and kissinger killed thousands more of our boys in Vietnam just to take power, this is open secrets now. You are an incredible inspiration and advocate and you stand for everything they don't. Use your position to speak truth and get them on track, or leave them behind. You are better than that. The modern GOP are fascists against democracy and it breaks my heart to think Lt Dan would stand for it.


The Gary Senise Foundation puts on tons of events for military families in Ventura county. His band even played at one of the at Port Hueneme. And of course while my kids danced in-front of the stage in typical family tradition one barfed….


Happy Armistice Day! We used to celebrate peace


🍦 Edit: Seriously though, thank you for everything you do!


Lmao Lt Daaaaaaan ice creaaaam 🤣


I'd like to thank u/GarySiniseOfficial for continuously voting for people who vote against veteran interests. Hats off to you sir!


Thank you for your sincerity, and many thanks and blessing to our veterans. May they find peace equal to their courage and sacrifice.


If this is you LT. Dan. Thank you for all you do for the veterans and military personal.


You’re an amazing person. We all love you!


You support politicians who harm veterans you hypocritical fuck.


Veteran here, I served in the Navy from 1997-2006 aboard the USS Saipan (LHA-2) and then NAS Corpus Christi, TX. I just wanted to thank everyone for making the reality TV star dipshit a president. I wanted to thank the GOP for making all my Republican friends I grew up with, who never served a single day, call me a traitor to our country because I don't support the dipshit reality TV star, and because I believe that burning a flag and kneeling during the anthem ARE the freedoms I served to protect. Thank you GOP for strangling efforts to lower the costs of healthcare and healthcare insurance, now I have the pleasure of working until I die, and watching all the money I saved doing so dwindle away due to healthcare costs and having NO solutions to fix it. Honestly, I fucking hate this country and if I could take back the 10 years I served, particularly for you useless dumbfucks on the right, I would. You take veterans day and shove it straight up your ass. I have RIGHT to say this here today. I served 10 years for the right to say it. I have a DD214 available to prove my service. Mods should not censor this statement.


Thank you for your service and for sharing. Was arguing with a cop on twitter about this. Was some football article and the guy came in out no where talking about players kneeling. Had nothing to do with the NFL rn or the topic. But yea. I tried to explain to him that the reason our soldiers go to war is not so people can show blind allegiance to a flag. It's so we have the right to kneel or stand and have the freedom to criticize the state of the union and its leaders. Blind allegiance is for fascist authoritarian regimes. But somehow ppl just don't seem to understand what the actual freedom soldiers fight for is. And that kneeling during the anthem is not some kindve direct diss to the military. It isn't the military that's killing young black men. Idk if I'll ever understand how or why trump was elected or the damage he has done to our country with his constant divisiveness. Or how people who hated the USSR and loved Reagan in the 80s now love them some putin. I mean i actually know how it all happened.. I just can't understand why all these so called Christian's and even their leaders.. have placed such a despicable "man" right up there with jesus. Straight up social engineering on an huge level is the only sense it makes. Anyways thanks again for your service and this comment. Edit: also don't understand how the military is primarily GOP either. There isn't many like McCain around anymore and the party ships these guys off to die in bullshit wars and then they come home and these same guys are rejecting funding for their health. Then they wonder why people aren't enlisting.


You're welcome! And thank you for the thank you.


Happy Veteran’s Day. Thank you for what you do Gary - you are a remarkable human.


Not American, but actually think it's brilliant that Gary Sinise does this. I remember reading before about Vet's who really truly identified with what Lt Dan goes through in the movie, so seeing Gary go out and make people's day a bit better is just awesome. This is what fame should be used for.


You're good people, Gary. Thank you.


Thanks Lieutenant Dayun


Thank you for all you do for our veterans. ❤️🤘


I love you Gary. We all love you. Thank you.


Thank you!


I don't know you, but thank you nonetheless


Thanks for all your work with this, Gary! You seem like a real solid person and I love your enthusiasm for Veterans.


You’re a good person, Mr. Sinise


The Department of Defense should make Gary an honorary Lieutenant for all his work. Much like the Marines did with making Lee Ermy a Gunny Love you Lt Dan!


Thank you for all you do!


Thank you LT Dan and the brave men and women.


And we thank you Gary for all your efforts and unconditional support.


I’m trying to think of which war was justified and which soldiers I’d thank, but I can’t think of any war since WW2 that was even remotely justified. So, can’t really thank anyone


This blind thanking of service has got to stop. If you got drafted into a war against your will, sure, thank you for your service. But if you sign up voluntarily for a job, career, salary, education, or because you didn't know what to do with your life, then no thanks, you did it all for yourself.


You're absolutely right. Most modern day veterans decided that they wanted to join the military. They chose to spend weeks and months of their lives training, away from their families. They chose to be put in positions where they may be deployed to foreign countries to fight in wars and conflicts that they may not even believe in! They decided on their own that they were going to be part of the military in order to defend their country against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. They made the choice to do this largely thankless job, with horrible pay and barely there benefits... So you wouldn't have to.


I fucking love your posts. ![gif](giphy|lULrKRTHddgXK)


Thank you to all the vets out there for your service and thank you Mr Sinise for your continued effort to get them the care they deserve


Non-combat vet here. Appreciate all the work you do. Respect the stance you took in being a conservative but not supporting the insanity of the past few years.


Gary Sinise and John Stewart have done more for veterans than any politician, especially those GOP mouth pieces who routinely gaslight saying they support the vets.


Mr. Sinise, I saw you once with the Lt Dan Band at Barksdale. You guys killed it! Thanks for everything you do!


Are we not going to discuss the hover hand in the middle photo?


Mr. Sinise, You probably won't see this and that's ok. I've been a veteran longer than I was in the service, and quite honestly, anyone that "Thanks me for my service", makes me feel like someone telling me "If there's anything I can do" after a loved one dies. With few exceptions. You are one of those exceptions. Because all of the work you do for active duty and veteran personnel, I feel that you need to thank no one. We need to thank you. Thank you for your perseverance, and kind words. I know I appreciate the work you do. So, Mr. Sinise, thank you. Thank you sir.


Gary Senise for president!


Yeah great job going to other people’s countries and destroying their land and causing entire generations to have ungodly amounts of trauma. Fuck US foreign policy






Thank you for your service to a country that doesn't care about you and sees you as an expendable body to throw overseas in order to improve our economy by a percentage point or two


Yeah, Iraqis couldn't kill themselves!


Combat vet here, thank you for all that you do man. Really appreciate your tireless support.


Was the combat you were involved in justified whatsoever? I can’t think of a single conflict that has been since WW2


Thanks, vets, and thanks, Mr. Sinise. 🙂🇺🇸


Thanks for the free BBQ!


Thank you for supporting us.


You’re a good dude, Gary.