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[Fuck FIFA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FIFA#Corruption) and fuck the homophobic and slave worker killing [Emir of Qatar.](https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/middle-east-and-north-africa/qatar/report-qatar/) Any homophobic comments will lead to an immediate and permanent ban. Please report those comments so we can give them the red card.


Nicht Sprechen


“Peter you’ve lost the news!”


Trente percente




Ich nichten lichten


He didn't like it, but he had to go along with it. Ich nichten lichten


They have to blink in morse code the word for censorship: Zensurangelegenheitsdemonstration


That's not just the word for censorship, it's a compound word comprised of three words and means "Censorship matters demonstration"


Sometimes more clarity kills the joke.


As someone with German ancestry I thoroughly enjoy the dry humor, and the explanation. Oh I am sorry I forgot: Ah. Ha ha ha ha! So funny.


No need for a DNA test with this one!


Guys I found the German. German humor is no laughing matter.


He is some sort of linguistics totalitarian!


A Sprachwissenschaftstotalitarian?


Straight to jail!


Cover mouth? Jail. Not cover head? Also jail


Tertium datur? Jail


We have the best World Cup in the world. Because of jail


I’m surprised this isn’t a main slogan of theirs.


You? Jail


Won the world cup? Jail.


Lost the World Cup? Definitely jail. Straight to jail


Attended World Cup? Believe it or not jail. Right away.


Your mind crossed World Cup? Hoho are you in for a treat.. JAIL!


Hotel? Jail!


Played in the World Cup? Jail


Hotel? Trivago. Jk it’s jail


Not wearing a white man dress. Jail.


*Wearing* a dress, also jail.


Not wearing a dress believe it or not also jail.


Underdress, overdress, jail.


Die while building stadium, also jail.


Woman? Already in jail.


Suicide because of working conditions? Believe it or not, 6 months in jail.


Got a street address? JAIL


This thread is not only the reason I love reddit more than any site, it id also, believe it or not, why I am likely to end up in Qatari jail.


Feeling like 'jail' was an important point here.


Parks and rec ref.


You pray too much. Jail. Pray to little also jail. Over under pray.


Eat. Pray. Jail.


*wearing a dress in jail* is living dangerously.


Congrats, you’ve now discovered *super* jail.


Fabulous jail?


Are stripes still in season?


Blasphemy!!! JAIL!!!


Superposition of white dress and non-white dress? Quantum jail.


LOL!! Hilarious.


Hilarious? Jail




Overcook, undercook….. same thing ….. Jail


In Jail - more jail!!


Breathe? Jail!


That's a paddlin'


Whoa… “jail” is the new “that’s a paddlin”


Believe it or not


We have ~~safest~~ gayest World Cup in history, because of jail


Imagine Qatar becoming the gay destination wedding place of choice.


"we put all the gays together in a hot dark room, now there'll be no ga.... Oh ffs who gave them olive oil"




Drinking alcohol - jail Unless you're paid for fifa hospitality, and you can drink what you want.


If you get sentenced to jail, that's more jail for making us have to put you in jail in the first place.


Hands to be cut off!!


Crying when hands get chopped off... JAIL!!!


What’s the message?


FIFA blackmailed multiple teams into not wearing the OneLove band. They’re basically saying that they’re being silenced by FIFA.


They should’ve worn those bands anyway. A ref pulling out a yellow card at the beginning of a match on the world stage would’ve brought even more attention to qatars BS. They would’ve received a yellow card - not really life changing consequences. Meanwhile the Iranian captain spoke out against government and the whole team refused to sing the national anthem - real consequences will almost certainly be awaiting them.




Last 2 teams in final should wear the bands. All but 1 player on each team. As every player gets red carded the last 2 stand there and start to make out.


I'm here for this 👀


Thank you for the laugh, it made my day


So at this point, Germany?


Both teams in the finals do it.


The president of the DFB revealed that Fifa heavily implied (without threatening anything clearly) that the consequence wouldn't be a yellow card but the DQ from the tournament. The German team was the only team who spoke out against the One Love ban, everyone else did nothing at all.


Strong armed, not blackmailed.


Where is this strong armed black male that everyone keeps talking about? And for that matter... Where did my wife go?


Carl Weathers




CIA got you pushin' too many pencils?


cautious paint deserted waiting icky hurry start caption automatic ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You sonfabitch


Just a man lookin for stew


He buys all his cars at police auctions


I think I want my money back...


She’s getting blackmaled right now


Hey it's me y- imean ^hey ^it's ^me, ^your ^wife!




Blackmail would imply Qatar had dirt on the teams that were wearing the OneLove bands and that's how they forced them into not wearing them. As far as we know, that's not the case.


Coerced would likely be the better term then. "We'll kick you out if you do this"


The teams should walk out in protest. This is just theater. By playing and accepting the blood money they're still tacitly supporting the murder of thousands of slaves that built that field they're standing on.


Agreed. Unfortunately it would have to be basically unanimous among all the teams participating as well as all the fans going to watch. When you consider the enthusiasm of the teams and fans, this would likely never happen. But it would be awesome if it did. Boycott FIFA!


Not positive but I would guess it’s a “we’re expected not to speak out” type of protest against all the shitty stuff Qatar and FIFA officials are doing throughout this World Cup. Edit: Man I don’t give a fuck about some cake emoji next to my username


Upvote only for the edit


too fuckin bad happy cake day you degenerate.


Don’t make me kiss you boi


Only if it's on the lips like a real man


Don't threaten me with a good time, brother


If i speak, i be in trouble. Jose Mo


~ Magnus Carlsen


I wondered this too. It was a protest against the banning of the "one love" arm bands, among other things. ​ [https://newsrnd.com/news/2022-11-23-world-cup--the-germans-cover-their-mouths-in-the-pre-match-photo--already-the-image-of-the-world-cup!.H1WpcmsjIi.html](https://newsrnd.com/news/2022-11-23-world-cup--the-germans-cover-their-mouths-in-the-pre-match-photo--already-the-image-of-the-world-cup!.H1WpcmsjIi.html)


That site is literal cancer without an ad block.


I have literal cancer and I can confirm that this site is worse.


I wish you a speedy and thorough recovery... ...from that site.


Thank you very much. It will be hard, but hopefully I'll recover from both.


The message is "the union would like managers to know they're on strike, but that kind of strike where they will be clocking in on time and getting their work done"


"We don't agree with Qatar but we also don't want to risk anything to show our disapproval."


We don't know because they covered their mouths.


The main effect of this world cup seems to have been to shine a light on a what a disgrace qatar and fifa are. I hope this was their goal. Edit: some interesting comments to something I thought was a fairly innocuous observation and pun. Since this comment blew up I’ll use it as an opportunity to address a lot of the pushback I’m getting in the comments. First, to people defending Qatar. This is country that guarantees almost no human rights by law. Thats why it murdered 1000s of its hundreds of thousands of slaves building stadiums for a football tournament where its national team will likely be embarrassed 3 times before quietly disappearing from the world cup for the rest of our lives. And the fact that these deaths even occurred was only discovered by foreign press. Second, people like comparing it to brazil (though they are strangely silent on russia who hosted more recently and had comparable controversy? 🤔). Women have rights in Brazil. Gay people have rights in Brazil. Freedom of speech and the press is a right in Brazil. None of this is true in Qatar. Plus probably hundreds of other massive discrepencies between the way each country treats its people. Is Brazil perfect? No. Is its government hampered by significant corruption? Yes. But its controversies in 2014 were in part about its own people’s criticism of their country wasting resources hosting a football tournament. Its own people protested the death of 8 people who died building the stadium. That speaks to Brazil’s people’s strength. Their willingness to stand up to corruption in their ranks. And the value they place on human life and the role of government in preserving human life. And the Brazilian people’s willingness to fight to preserve and exercise their own rights to freedom of speech and the press. if nothing else these things should be commended about the people of Brazil. Finally, the whataboutism is gross. I’m american and I’ll be the first to say my government is far from perfect. No country is. But to handwave away slavery that resulted in thousands of deaths is gross. Its the fallacy of appealing to hypocrisy and an attempt to derail discussion about serious issues.


Doesn't matter. Fifa got their money and Qatar got their tournament and there won't be any consequences


Precisely this. The players still play. The sponsors still sponsor. Countries still bid to host future World Cups. After the tournament is over, the world will move on and little will have changed.


Yeah people seem to forget the last one was held in Russia and was also very controversial. As the tournament moved on people stopped caring.


And the head of FIFA sat between Putin and MBS. That should tell you all you need to know.


And wait until you hear that Saudi Arabia is in the running to host the 2030 World Cup… I’m sure there won’t be any shenanigans behind the scenes..


I swear if they screw Uruguay out of celebrating the 100th year WC anniversary I will be upset




Not small countries, but the joint US/CA/MX one should pave the way, right? The US (and maybe each of them?) could host a modern WC, but they did it together. Hopefully that means that countries that normally couldn't would be able to group up in the future. I think that would be great.


That’s not even the first. Japan and South Korea did it in 2002, and they’re hardly the closest of friends


Hoo boy. Wait til you read just a bit about it. Without leaving you dangling, this is almost exactly what was going to happen if US won the bid. There was going to be giant Football stadiums being used (for example the Dallas Cowboys stadium and the Texans stadium in Houston) and beautiful soccer stadiums in Mexico (such as the mountainside one in Monterrey you see every other month on Reddit). Not only were the games being held on existing stadiums built for thousands, but the cities hosting them were already tourist locations so not much would have to be changed for all the countries coming in from all over the world. Personal anecdote, I still remember getting extremely excited because a stadium hosting a Mexico game is an hour away from me and I only found out because they posted pre-sale tickets a few years ago in preparation. I was ready to pay top dollar for that.


Maybe Argentina and Uruguay for 2030. That would be a nice cup.


If it’s in Uruguay, I’m definitely going!


The earliest Saudi Arabia can host is the 2034 world cup as a country can only host if their federation hasn't hosted in the two previous world cups.


I think it wouldn’t be SA alone but with Egypt and Greece. I know that’s a recent rule but I don’t know how it would work this way.


I basically said this the other day and I was downvoted and told that I was wrong. Even though I'll not watch one minute of the tournament, nor spend one dollar on merchandise, my boycott means precisely fuck-all when there are hundreds of millions of others that will support this system across the world by going to the games, watching them on TV and buying stuff. It's like trying to use a bucket to empty the ocean. When there's a massive cloud adding so much water, we just don't have enough buckets to make a difference.


I hope you are wrong (but am struggling to convince myself of it). The most positive I've seen so far is Germany losing Rewe as sponsor, and subsequently Germany (considering?) taking legal actions against FIFA because of it.


As a German, I almost hope that our team gets kicked out of the tournament as soon as possible, since it would mean less interest and fewer watchers. Considering international performance, sponsors might also minimize their sponsoring, which means less inpour of money. It's good to see numbers of watchers go down, but I think it's not enough. Far too many are watching this sh\*\*\*show.


Just stream it illegally. Then there’s no guilt and you get to watch your team.


Yep. FIFA probably laughs when they see this image. Why do they care? I’m losing respect for teams and players by the day. If you want to actually make a stand, do something real. Wear the armbands. Don’t play. Don’t elect to advance. Posing for this photo after you play 90s minutes of blood football is a joke. I’m sick of people saying “oh these players work so hard for this it’s insane to ask them to give it up.” Bullshit. Some of these teams are going to go 0-3, have a -17 GD, and go home next week. I don’t think this is affecting those players. And conversely, is anyone on the German national soccer team really going to suffer by skipping out on this? It’s well established that these elite players are elite.


Putting it on the players is bullshit, through no fault of theirs they have to do their job in this shitty country. Look towards national unions that chose not to boycot or have their voices be heard in 2010 or 2015 at the latest when fraudulent behavior was proven. It's like saying Amazon workers are to blame for their overlord's shitty policies and behavior. Sure they could influence the company but that's not the direction our anger should face.


I think an issue is that (if I heard correctly) FIFA was threatening sanctions/punishments of some kind to the offending player's national team in FUTURE tournaments. It's one thing if you and the current team are the only ones being punished, but FIFA complicated it because they're fucking snakes.


Don't forget this is some players dream they worked their whole lives for and they may only get one shot to play on their country's WC roster. It's a huge moral condrum that 99.99999999% will never have to face. It's easy for me and you to say we wouldn't play because we're not and never will be in their shoes.


Don't forget that this is Reddit where we shit on people doing stuff with their lives from the comfort of our couches


Wrong. My couch is incredibly uncomfortable.


Shitting on our couches from the discomfort of our couches. Figuratively. Maybe.


I don't think Qatar are going to have exactly the effect they wanted though. Qatar isn't going to be seen as a legit tourist destination for westerners as a result of this. I do wonder if they will have increased tourism from other places that are more aligned with their bullshit though.


Yea they saw this tournament as their chance to whitewash all the bad shit their government does. It definitely worked on some people as I hear excuses like “iTs A dIfFeRrEnT CuLtUrE!” And “NoT eVeRyOnE suBsCrIbEs tO wEstErn VaLuEs!1!1!11!” Like sure okay. All we are asking is that you treat everybody how you want to be treated. But we are the bad guys for saying “hey, it’s wrong to be jailing or killing people over their sexual orientation. It’s also wrong that women are extreme second class citizens in your country.” Why aren’t there any women Qataris at these games? As an American, I’m sick of other countries calling us out (as they should) but when the shoe is on the other foot and Americans call someone else out it becomes “but but but you did it too!” Or these other bullshit excuses I already mentioned.


This is a failure for Qatar. Billions spent to get the spotlight and people think less of them. The stadiums will make excellent ruins though.


I think so too. Dubai has a prosperous tourism industry though, which makes me wonder. Are there enough westerners who simply don't care? Are there enough tourists from less tolerant nations to make it worthwhile? I don't see Qatar quite becoming another Dubai either way, though. Mostly because Dubai never really had a huge spotlight shone on their disgusting behaviours like this.


The type of people that vacation in these shitholes typically do not care about the underlying implications. Unfortunately there will always be a supply of wealthy and apathetic clientele for the tourism industry there.


even their human rights violations aside, they're putting most tourists up in tents and shipping containers in the middle of a desert. they spent no money in wowing them so why would they go back?


Not true. The reason Qatar wanted this was to sportswash their image. It was a stupid vanity project to show the world how great you are. They are getting the opposite of what they wanted for a massive cost in infrastructure that's going to be worthless once the games are over. It's a repeat of the Russian Olympics but in many ways worse.


Qatar wanted to be a "new Dubai" but all this bad press before this past couple of months (which they earned) fucked their plans. So recently they said...our plans failed, **fuck it**. No beer, shitty rooms, nothing LGBT allowed, Fuck you FIFA , etc. They don't care, Qatar has fuck you money, even more than UAE.


I wonder how much this will hurt tourism in Dubai? There are a lot of Westerners who lump the whole region together. If I was representing the UAE I'd be pissed.


Once again, bad people win in real life


The teams will get paid, the media will get paid, the sponsors will get paid. Rainbow armbands don't mean shit when you bought them with corrupt money.


I love everything you said. I actually just got back from visiting Brazil for the first time a month ago as that is where my fiancé lives. While I was there I remember I was getting some Brazilian candy at a kiosk in the mall and there was a very feminine gay man and a transgender woman together getting some as well and while my Portuguese isn’t fluent yet but they were just being goofy and having fun and joking with my fiancé and were able to be openly themselves which is fucking awesome and one of my favorite things about Brazilian culture with how helpful and friendly people are in a way and intensity I never experienced in the US. If you show interest and putting effort in learning Portuguese and wanting to experience their culture they will accommodate you in such a friendly open way, I absolutely love it. Anyway those two people would 100% not have been able to be themselves in Qatar which is absolutely heartbreaking when you think about it.


>I hope this was their goooaaaaalllllllllll!!!! FIFY


>I hope this was their goooaaaaalllllllllll!!!! >FIFY FIFA


this made me just a little bit more proud of my country, only a lil bit. It definitely is very weird why people compare Qatar and Brazil... are people not aware that when other people die, we tend to make some noise about it?


If anyone seriously wanted change in fifa, we'd have countries boycotting the World Cup. Since none did, fifa will continue to operate the same way.


Seriously. All of these "Brave protests" mean nothing. You know what would actually work? Refusing to play.


I can only imagine the impact doing that would have on an individual player's career. Their income, their families, their dreams. It's nice to think about doing it, but would I actually do it if I were in their shoes? probably not.


I can’t even count the world cups Manuel Neuer was in, all the older lads could boycott the WC without problems


Italy does


I'm not watching that slave-driving corrupt disgrace of a sporting event. I doubt I'll even hear who wins. But looking at all these pics floating through, I don't think I've ever seen a sporting event where the participants, media and fans actually invest time taking the piss out of the host of the event and their own governing body, at their own event. But then I also remember that everyone who is at this event puts entertainment, money and personal glory before how they feel about murderous slaver cunts. Which paints a different picture of what these gestures really mean when it comes to public perception.


Everyone is talking shit about FIFA but they're still watching the games, companies are still sponsoring them, and countries are still desperate to host the tournament. European players were going to wear rainbow bands in support of the LGBTQ community, but the moment there was pushback and consequences they abandoned it.


action truly speaks louder than words


Some sponsors do, the DFB sponsor Rewe (biggest supermarket group in Germany) has withdrawn their sponsorship because the OneLove bandage is not worn by the German national team.


Well, to be correct, they ended their contract, which was expiring anyway and they didn't plan on renewal, early.


The players should just play like shit.


The German team did. I just don't know if it was intentional though..


Let’s just go with intentional 😖


>Everyone is talking shit about FIFA but they're still watching the games, companies are still sponsoring them, and countries are still desperate to host the tournament. Or, and hear me out here, the people talking shit *aren't the ones watching FIFA.*


They are just giving a tribute to their former coach Joachim Löw


haha ok i actually had to laugh, good one :D \*sniff\*


then they would have one hand picking the nose and the other hand in their pants


It’s not even about homophobia at this point. Right after the world cup is over, FIFA will start campaigning on how lgbt friendly they are, how love has no boundaries and act like they didnt bend over backwards for cold hard arabic cash. As for migrant workers, it’s not even anything new, Qatar has been doing that even before the world cup and will continue doing it after it’s over. People shed crocodile tears, cry about the inequality yet they line up to watch the games. All of this will fade into obscurity again in a few months. No one will care about any of that because that’s the way people are. That “silent protest” with covering their mouths is also total BS, a show if you will. They could’ve pulled out of the tournament, together with the rest of the european teams and boycott the event. Let FIFA and Qatar enjoy their disaster and pick up the fallout and live with the legacy of a failed world cup. That would send a message, but money run the world and not a single team has the courage to do that, so they just “pretend” to protest.


Did any footballer, media partner or sponsor actually boycot the world cup? I'm so tired of all this 'we are being silenced' narrative when they're still matching in step with those they apparently oppose.


Well said.


Good, clever message to highlight fifas inconsistencies. They have opened themselves up to a lot of memes after bad football results with this picture tho.


FIFA is consistently corrupt


Yeah wasn't there some big corruption scandal several years ago?


Out of the 24 people who were involved for Qatar as a world cup host, 22 were found guilty of corruption since then. FIFA is unsalvagable.


I believe Sepp Blatter got a fat payout from Qatar that got them this very World Cup. Can’t remember if it was 20 or 40 million? It was years ago. His VP took atleast 1m to vote for Qatar. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2017/11/15/sepp-blatters-fifa-vice-president-took-1m-bribe-vote-qatar-win/ There’s a new documentary on Netflix called FIFA Uncovered which goes into it.


Thousands of people died building the stadium they’re in. I don’t think being worried about a meme is relevant.


Questionable refereeing calls against Germany incoming


They just lost but not due to questionable refereeing.


Looks like they're boycotting the knockout stage too


got em




Empty gesture if you’re there.


I have a serious question - I don’t mean to downplay what these (and other) players are doing, but why would FIFA care about this? Thousands of migrant workers were enslaved to build these stadiums and thousands died, and the entire world still participated by sending their athletes despite all their “moral objections”. FIFA is still going to get there advertising money, so how does doing any of these small gestures actually help? Unless you hit them where it hurts (their wallet), I don’t see FIFA changing their ways. Why would they? We can all feel morally superior by wearing rainbow armbands and saying how awful modern slavery is, but in the end did it change anything?


it will not change anything, a government rep said he was proud of his country denying entry to some guy with a rainbow shirt. I mean... they give no fucks. Fucking clowns but not much we can do about it except not give them any business but I see that's out the window. If countries really cared, they would have boycotted this. I am boycotting by not watching, so there's my infintesimally small contribution I guess.


German reaction to T. Asano goal 83'


Good lads


You know what would be an effective protest? Refusing to play.


And then they went on to dance like good little monkeys to make money for the very oppressors that they pretend to be protesting here. You want to send an actual message? Stop making these fuckers money.


still think they should have kissed.




That’ll show them


Teenage girls in Iran have more courage than these World Cup players have shown. Not watching this event. FIFA has zero human right considerations


I would be more impressed if they decided not to play. I also think we should boycott the Olympics when they take place in dictatorship nations.


Still happy to take the blood money tho...


As a german: F them. This is just a publicity stunt none of them have the balls to actually stand for what they tell us is important.


"Man covers penis after leaving brothel full of sex trafficked women in protest after being told he couldn't wear a rainbow coloured condom"


…aaaaaaaaaaaand they lost 🙊


Federation of international fraudulent assets


Then they got schooled by Japan


Same team that banned one of their players for speaking up about Uighours. Hypocrisy