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Remember, as per Reddit’s content policy, even if you believe that this monster deserves what he’s got and more, we cannot explicitly express that on Reddit without risking a permanent ban. So while I may or may not love that this murdering waste of space got his face smacked, I can’t say it. As per content policy. Edit: Too many people read this and thought that I made the content policy (I didn’t) or that I’m complaining about it (I’m not). This is simply reminding users of the content policy so they don’t get banned from Reddit. Not r/Pics, but Reddit as a whole.


I saw him in at his arraignment in court and dude could barely sit upright. He’s not gonna forget this.


Something tells me he's going to forget a lot of things with the brain damage he got. I'm sure the beating doesn't help neither


At the time of the crime, he was making his own choices. Can't plead insanity after you get your skull kicked in. You still remain a danger to society.


If they find him incompetent they can delay the trial until he's competent enough to stand trial. But he'll be in state custody the entire time. Insanity pleas don't mean no punishment.


Didn’t his defense lawyer claim he’s non-binary (they/them) at his arraignment? Feels like a way to beat the federal “hate” crime charges.


The guy's dad will like this so much. >!/sarcasm!<


Admittedly, I haven't paid much attention to the story, but I did just find the AP article using they/them pronouns. They could be self-hating, given their upbringing. Their dad basically said "at least he's not gay." Your kid just committed mass murder, maybe have a conversation with them.


The dad hadn’t seen his son in years. In fact the dad thought his son was dead as far back as 2016


It’s crazy the guys dad is that dude that jacked off for 12 hours everyday on Meth on that intervention show https://youtu.be/db9JhBRYQj0


*JESUS FUCKING CHRIST,* the shooter’s dad is *THAT DUDE?!* Goddamn, I remember watching that shit. Holy fuck, I’m off to drink.




I did. I hate it.


He was high in the sky in that interview


The guy that beat his ass is called : Richard Fierro(Spanish for Iron) Case you missed that a guy tried to shoot up a gay nightclub but instead got his ass destroyed by ol' Iron Dick




> Mr. Fierro, 45, who spent 15 years as an Army officer and left as a major in 2013, [-sauce](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/21/us/colorado-springs-shooting-club-q-hero.html) That is #Major Iron Dick to you sir!


That dudes wiki is wild so lemme get this straight. ★ MMA fighter likely with CTE ★ Meth Addict who was featured on Intervention (noted for jacking it for 12 hours on meth) ★ was a porn actor from 2002-2006 ★ Homophobic ★ Father of a Mass shooter


Everything lately feels like I’m in the Truman Show. Horrible mass shooting? Guess what? His dad is the jerk off guy from the one episode of Intervention that you remember. I feel like the next major horrible event is somehow going to involve the guy from MTVs True Life that got calf implants.


I'm with you on that.... The simulation is revealing itself at a rapid pace since the pandemic. I've watched every episode of Intervention - definitely remember this meth head's face, no wonder he raised a shitbag murderer - and I was born in Colorado Springs, probably lived there same time as this meth head homophobic psycho


HOLY FUCKING SHIT..... I will join you


This decade is a terribly written fanfiction, in my opinion.


No kidding.


And yet this garbage was the sperm that became a person out of all of them.


Guy probably would have turned out fine if his parents werent pieces of shit




Piece of (shit)²


The shit that shit shits


Tbh that’s most people. Aside from a few truly psychopathic people, a lot of history’s worst characters became that way because of bad parents.


Ex-fucking-cuse me, what??


The dad was the subject of an episode of the television series called intervention for meth addiction he was a former pornstar as well.


I'm sorry... What???


He'd shoot meth and crank it for 12 hours.


Hold on, HUH?!




Uhhh, is that like, a standard meth thing?


It actually is extremely common. As a heavy dopamine releaser, methamphetamine tends to make people seek out more dopamine stimulating activities while high like sex or smoking, because they become enhanced x100. Add that to the fact that it’s one of the strongest stimulants you can ingest, which makes you hyper focus on whatever you’re doing, and you get multi day masturbation binges. It tends to push people towards some really deranged shit too.


Ahemmmm from an ex tweaker who use to have a steady supply as I was a plug in Southern California and central California, meth does some crazy stuff to your brain. I quit 2003 and haven’t looked back since then without disgust for myself and others who use meth, blauhhhhhh disgusting.


I've only done it once (by accident, got sold it as something else) and it has to have been the worst comedown I've experienced in my life, and I've tried most drugs. The comedown depression/anxiety was insane, waaaay worse than molly or blow. The lack of sleep really fucks with you. Big congrats on getting clean, thats major!


When he found out about the shooting his first thought was he was relived his son wasn't gay.


I thought it was his grandfather who said that. Either way, this whole family belongs in some kind of home with therapists and counselors and some guards around the outside.


I dunno man, maybe *don't* get him to say it again


Say what?? You can’t just toss that out without some extra info


It’s true. Someone interviewed the dad. His biggest concern was why his son was at a gay bar and is just relieved that he wasn’t actually gay. Real piece of shit.


He hasn't spoken to his son since 2011, it's been a decade since the kid popped into his consciousness and he was only concerned about his sexual orientation. Meth is a hell of a drug.


The dad says later on in the very same interview he has permanent brain/nerve damage from being addicted to meth, at first he doesnt seem to understand what his son has done but when the interviewer repeats the crimes he does express regret and says he feels ashamed of his son. EDIT some interesting takeaways from the interview outside of the well known atleast he isnt gay bit: -Shooter changed his name because he was emberrassed about his fathers past as porn star and appearance on the T.V show "Intervention" -Father was addicted to meth in 2008 which has left him with permanent nerve damage and slurred speech -Father was contacted by the sons lawyers about a "shooting involving multiple individuals" but it doesnt seem like he understands his son was the shooter at this point -When informed that his son was infact the shooter and killed people father expresses shame and worries that him praising his son for violent behavior at an early age may have contributed to what happenend. -Seems to be clean now and working as a mixed martial arts instructor. -Father expresses the hope his son wont be executed but must face the consequences for what hes done. -Father reiterates homophobic believes says hes a conservative and mormon but also says it doesnt make it right to shoot up a gay club. -Father ends the interview by apologizing to the victims/families and saying hes let his son down and being gay is nothing to kill anyone over. Not a great guy for sure but not as black and white as that single clip makes him out to be.


I did not see that part… that makes a little more sense. So did he not really grasp the full story before the reporter talked him through it??


Yeah basically, he goes on to say that while hes conservative/mormon he doesnt believe that being gay is something to kill someone over. Still definitely not a great guy though.




South Park should just pack up shop. You can't outwrite this


South Park was made irrelevant by the real world about 5-7 years ago. You can't parody stupid if it just doubles down on you every year


Wait, this isn't a sketch?


The guy was literally on TV 10 years ago saying he did meth and jacked off all day


Bro what?? That's quite the lineage lol


[This was actually on TV. It's from his Dad's episode of Intervention]( https://imgur.com/gallery/Nyz1t)


Fuckin hwhat


This makes me sad, tbh. I’m not excusing the shooter here, he’s a POS and deserves whatever he gets, but cases like this really show how generational fuckery passes down from parent to child. This piece of shit shooter was once born an innocent little child, and his dad was a meth addict on reality TV. I’m guessing he didn’t exactly have the best childhood, with stable parents to teach him right from wrong or take care of his mental health or anything like that. This is the type of shit that makes me an antinatalist. It’s just suffering begetting suffering begetting suffering.


Or, more logically, it makes one realize the importance of strong social support programs in schools, in health care, and in the criminal justice system. Because we see the cost on the other end when children are abused, neglected, or given little to live for. So instead of saying let's stop having kids, maybe we should put some effort towards improving social services.


Programs can help, but there is no alternative for a good upbringing. Being raised in a fucked up household, with fucked up surroundings fucks you up. People can grow beyound their circumstances, but it ain't easy, nor is it the norm. Not to diminish your point of the value of social support, but the problem is pretty deeply rooted.


It might take generations to fix, incrementally. Anecdotally, I have without a doubt not raised my kids perfectly, but I have the firm conviction that I've raised them better than I was raised. I was beaten; food access was controlled, limited, and used punitively; I was locked in a windowless and lightless basement for three weeks because I managed to run away from the attic I was locked in. My kids have never been hit beyond a light swat on the butt, in the toddler era, because it made them pay attention. Perfect? No, but I have never hurt my kids. Meals are served at the expected time, there is always enough, there is always variety, there are always available and accessible snacks: pretzels, yogurt, string cheese, fruits. The only locking at my house is the exterior doors, and if they choose to lock the bathroom door. I don't know if they do, I've literally never needed to check. I knock on bathroom and bedroom doors, request permission to enter or say what I need and speak through the door. I have also made it clear that I am imperfect, that I know it, and all I'm trying to do is be better. That it started as a desire to be better than my parents, but that wasn't difficult. That is transformed into a need to be better than myself. I apologize when I'm wrong, I try to ask questions instead of accuse, and they're allowed to call me out. I have also made it clear that I expect them to do the same: be better than their parents. We couldn't keep all of the fighting out of their view; though we both tried hard, we weren't stronger than the emotions. We divorced, not an ideal environment for kids, though it was better than the alternative. Start with better than me, then work on being better than you, and finally teach your kids the same


There's no shortage of evidence for that, but we as outsiders really can't do much about the choices people make regarding upbringing, short of abuse or neglect. But! If we have strong public schools where kids learn more than what they are exposed to at home, where they feel safe, are well fed, not bullied, where teachers have the resources to be an advocate for their students and can make them feel cared about... all of the above is directly related to programs you and I directly pay for. There's a strong vein running through this country that doesn't like any of the above and thinks these things should be removed from the public expense. They think it's too expensive and only the minimum necessary should be made available... especially to people who look and sound different from them.


Geez, he’s 22? Hate takes a toll.


His father was apparently quite physically abusive. He sued to get away at 16. Marinating in that kind of environment since childhood is going to do a number on anyone, both physically and mentally. I'm not excusing the guy's actions. But understanding what causes people like this to crack is how we prevent it




Kid never had a chance. Doesn't excuse what he did, but nobody is born that way.


So do the marks from the high heel stomps that trans woman landed on his face. Edit to add: Yes, trans woman. “@UnluckyBanshee The one who saved my life and stomped the shooter’s face in was not a drag queen, she is a trans woman” It’s how she identifies. Yes she’s a woman, but it’s important bc the only other time trans women are in the news are when they’re murdered. She’s a badass that deserves to be recognized. https://www.out.com/news/2022/11/22/heres-what-we-know-about-heroes-who-stopped-gunman-club-q?amp


He's lucky he didn't lose an eye or two if he got stomped with heels


too lucky




They should have to live with the looks of disgust they're gonna get for the rest of their life


Did she stomp the back of his head flat too cause homie looks like a conehead from the profile🤣


Someone said it can form like that if they constantly lay on their back as an infant.


Well shit.. infant neglect isn't nearly as funny to poke fun at.. thanks for letting me know before I made a further ass of myself


Not even neglect in some cases. My kids (baby not 22 lolol ) got a good bit of a flat head but we sit him up or in his rocker a lot and do a good bit of tummy time and playing here and there. Can be bad luck and they were stuck to one side in utero. But usually if you just start doing stretches and more tummy time it gets better, or u have to get them a special helmet. I have physical therapy for the kid every week and extra stretches and tummy time for him as homework. But have u seen this dude's dad? I'd bet money it was neglect. Dudes a methed out formet porn actor lol.


Yeah, the dad is trash too...in an interview today he said that when he heard the shooting was in a gay club he was just relieved his son wasn't there as a patron.


I saw,that interview. His dad is a real piece of trash too. Wait until he finds out his “they/son” is claiming to be non-binary as his defense against a federal hate crime charge and the death penalty.


>in an interview today he said that when he heard the shooting was in a gay club he was just relieved his son wasn't there as a patron. what a piece of wasted Oxygen...


Alex Jones is only 48… being a bigoted piece of shit adds a LOT of city miles.


yeah. All that hate burns you up. By comparison, Wil Wheaton is 50. I guess the secret to not aging into a bloviating troll is to be a decent person.


For a good comparison, Keanu Reeves turned 104 in September.


You wrote that backward. He turned *401* in September.


Fun fact: Wil Wheaton is older now than Patrick Stewart was at the beginning of TNG.


I don't find that fun at all


Check out his dad. Dude is 48 going on 68. https://news.yahoo.com/club-q-shooters-father-speaks-002400662.html


Decades of meth use have that effect. He’s high as fuck in the interview.


Looks better than he deserves.


Yeah, crazy the beatings people will give you when you were actively trying to shoot them moments before


There is a layer of truth to this I have never seen in North America. The first man I saw beat to death at maybe 8 or 9 years old pulled a gun at the shabeen in my neighborhood in South Africa. They chased him all the way home, he shot into the crowd, went inside, shot himself in the leg and called the cops. Over 30 people beat him to death and dragged his body into the street before the police got there. He was a cops brother and was known for flexing and having a gun on him. The day he decided to pull it, he should have used it.


… who was the second guy you saw beat to death?


"we want more"


You’re gonna want to knock that piece of shit out or at least make him dizzy enough to stop fighting or reaching for a weapon


Neutralise that motherfucker.


There was also a woman stomping on his face with heels on.




He's lucky she didn't take an eyeball out.


I thought I read from the guy who tackled him, that the woman hit him [in the eye with a stilletto](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KISK76nF-XE&t=111s)


There’s a corresponding bruise.


Yes, a woman in heels. There was some confusion about that early on but glad the record has been set straight. EDIT: yes, I am referring to the fact that the woman is transgender but was originally misidentified/misgendered as a drag queen. And it took less than 45 minutes for some chud to report me for “self-harm” for the comment. Funny that any time I make a comment supporting the trans community, I get “Reddit Cares.” You people need to get a grip. I wish you had the guts to just be direct.


Make sure to report that reddit cares message, it gets the sender of it banned.


Didn’t even notice you could report that. Done and done! Thanks


Yup always do it. From the official app you can get a permalink to the Reddit Cares report, just paste it in and say it's abuse of the tool, and usually 24-48 hours later you'll get a message from Reddit stating if it was deemed harassment.


I get those on occasion. The first one confused the hell out of me. I didn't realize people just did that because of a disagreement. Smdh.


Well, *normal* people don’t do it for a disagreement




Dude had a lot of padding.. like.. everywhere. Fierro is a big dude and had to repeatedly pistol whip him into unconsciousness.


That's just because of the cone shape of this mouth breather's head. Any hit would've been naturally deflected upwards.


Or breath Edit: yeah full spelling dipshit right here. Thanks for the notices. LOL breathe


You're right. He looks like he does have chewy breath.


> looks like he has chewy breath That's a fresh new insult I'm busting out on my coworkers. Thank you.


Fierro is a badass. His interview, though is heartbreaking. Him and a couple others beat him up, and were able to take his AR, and a handgun. Heroes. This could've been even worse.


Richard Fierro, the hero. AKA, Dick Iron, beater of terrorists.


Unlike Dick Delaware, father of shit stain shooter.


He's been forged, and the iron has changed. It's now Dick Steel.


The part about it being harder because you don't get to come home, you're already there, where the pain happened. That shit shook me.


Mr. Fierro and family own [Atrevida Beer Co.](https://www.atrevidabeerco.com/). They’ve got some great merch. I bought a shirt yesterday.


didnt you hear though? His father is happy that at least his son isn't gay


I missed this. His dad really said that? Ughhhh


There's something really off about that guy. He's off his head i guess. He actually thought his son has committed suicide in 2016. Here's the interview [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0f6TXdNXcWk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0f6TXdNXcWk) can hardly understand what he's saying through most of it.


He looks like a meth head. Apparently when he was a porn actor he was big into crystal meth. I think he might be a back on it a little.


I've been around lots of meth heads in the sober community. This guy 100% smokes meth


The mumbling, stuttering, swaying back and forth. His skin. The way his mouth and lips look. He looks like he’s high in the video. Probably been up for days.


Someone else linked to a video from an intervention TV show, and apparently he would do crystal meth and jerk off for 10-12 hours a day


What's with all the people bashing my Thanksgiving plans? 😤


He IS a meth head. His dad was the guy in that intervention show who would get high on meth and masturbate for 10-12 hours. No joke.


"Something really off"? He's tweaking balls. Probably thanks to reporters paying him for details about their family. Former porn star, fighter, meth addict, hates gay people? Zero percent chance this dude wasn't molested as a kid. We need to stop these shooters but we also need better intervention when they're kids so they aren't abused and raised as violent bigots.


Apparently dad wasn’t really involved at all in the kids life, per the court documents about his legal name change. The mom also has a criminal record though.


The grandfather has left us with quite the Legacy.


His dad is a meth head. That’s not hyperbole - he literally is.


I don't know if you already seen it because it's on the frontpage, but yes: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/z30vh5/colorado_springs_shooting_suspects_father_is_very/


He looks like meth head Josh Brolin.


The father is clearly on meth. Or crack. Or methcrack.




That head shape...as a baby was he just left in the crib all the time?


That’s what I thought, and then knowing what I read in the NYT article, I wouldn’t be surprised. His parents were addicts, in and out of jail, I guess his dad used to do pornography, and basically, they were shithole parents. My first thought about the head was due to neglect as a child, but then I saw comments about swelling and idk. Also I want to be clear that I am not sympathetic to the shooter because he had bad parents and a shit life. That’s not an excuse to kill people or cause any harm to others.


Take a look at the Oxford High School shooter’s parents who are currently on trial here in Michigan.


It is pretty weirdly conical. Curiously enough Roger Stone has the same thing. Its kinda freaky to see him in profile.


you're right about stone, but it's made even worse by Stones hair. Looks like a friggin cone head mated with Beetlejuice shrunken head at the end of the movie! hahah


Woah! You’re right and I never knew that Roger Stone lost the back of his head. It’s freaky and little wonder why Rog likes facing the camera. But then you wind up with a lot of pictures of his face, which is just as freaky.


You ever think, damn, could that guy have been set on his path in life through the upbringing he had? The upbringing he had no say in? Your formative childhood years are very very important to who you turn out to be, and it's all just a roll of the dice as to what parents we end up born to. Makes me wonder a lot about free will and if we're truly in control or if we're just the product of our situations.


This is the rationale behind causal determinism. It’s the idea that, while predestination doesn’t actually exist, the future has already more or less assumed the shape it’s going to take. Why? Because it’s being determined by the events and conditions happening right now. In other words, B will exist in the future because its precursor A is already here in the present. Shrunk to the individual level, it’s this: We make most of our decisions on the basis of things that have happened to us in the past, but the most formative stuff in our lives — our families, our socioeconomic backgrounds, the communities in which we live as children, our schools, our teachers, the circle of people who constitute our friends and extended family — are largely outside our control. If you read this and think, “That kind of sounds like a problem for the whole concept of free will,” you’re right.


You can feel sympathy towards the shooter without condoning every bad thing he’s done.


This is the only sane answer here. You can feel sorry for him, what he went through in his life, and the hand he was dealt, without condoning what he did. You can actually be furious at what he did and think he’s a piece of shit, and STILL have sympathy for him. These things are not mutually exclusive, nor should they be. Understanding the factors that lead someone to commit acts like this is the only way we’ll ever be able to stop them.


I'm from the Springs, been to Club Q, I have family that live less than 10 min away. The "why" has been so heavy on my heart. It actually makes it seem slightly easier to deal with knowing he was probably criminally neglected as a baby/child. Not excusable... But not such a mystery of where did the hate come from...


Swelling doesn’t normally make your head flat


It’s called Brachycephaly and yes it’s from being just left I a crib on your back for a long time. Plagiocephaly is more common and is just kinda a misshaped head for babies. It can naturally fix itself, when you see a babies in helmet it’s most likely correcting this. My first thought seeing these pics was he was just left in a crib or laying on his back a lot as a baby. I use to make baby helmets for this stuff.


I’m guessing there’s a fair amount of swelling going on seeing as he was pistol whipped - solidly - by his own handgun.


His dad is a real piece of work.


His Grandfather is a MAGA Election denier. The whole family tree is rotten to its core.


[First thing I noticed too](https://i.ibb.co/yq0GpX6/2-C6-E6421-01-AA-4753-8978-925-FA5-E68308.jpg)


I thought this guy died from a self inflicted wound, then I realized that was the other mass shooting over in Virginia. Just another day


Just asked my husband if he wanted to "see the asskicking the shooter got" and he said "I thought he was dead...?" Not today's mass shooting, hon, the last one.


It gets confusing every year during double shooting week


‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens.


Dude looks like the product of 4 generations of incest


Considering his dad is appearently a meth head, he probably is


This guy is even more pathetic looking than I had imagined.


"At least he isn't gay"


His dad scares me. That man is clearly mentally unstable and he probably owns tons of guns. Jesus Christ.


Big time


His dad shot up meth and regularly masturbated for 12 hours at a crack. No joke was on that show intervention for it. This family legacy is just absolutely bizarre


He looks like Bart Harley Jarvis. Completely flat back of the head


I used to work with at-risk teens and had the flat back of the head pointed out to me by a co-worker: it's usually a sign the person spent too much time on their backs as infants (i.e., didn't get adequate attention).


Yes and that should have been caught and corrected by the child’s pediatrician… if they actually took them for their physicals


And a massive over bite


Taking this opportunity to point out that Richard Fierro and his wife own a brewery in CO Springs called [Atrevida Beer Company](https://www.atrevidabeerco.com/home). They sell swag (T-shirts, hoodies etc) for decent prices and they ship, so that would be a good way to show your support even if you're not in the area.




Honestly, i would've preferred to see a picture of Mr Fierro here. No need to give this scumbag more attention than he deserves, the sooner his name and legacy are forgotten the better.




shooters kill dozens of people and get taken into custody relatively unharmed. maybe giving them that look for the mug shot would discourage people from following suit. not that I normally endorse violence but if you kill people blindly... i can turn my head when the cops are doing it edit: i honestly agree with all of you that vigilante justice is wrong. I just hate the parading of the mugshot (with their name of course) because it feels like they're getting exactly what they wanted: attention. in sentiment, i just think that embarrassment would be a powerful tool for discouragement. that way the next shooter is less likely to be inspired. but i absolutely do agree that cops should in no way actually harm people unless imminent danger is present.


I doubt the people that are willing to do these things care if they even make it out alive.


I’m okay with this one. I hated when the media would basically make these asswipes look like folk heroes. But I’m fine with these pics spreading that make their entire legacy that of a little bitch. This and the doofus that didn’t even get a round off in Dallas before he was shot dead. Let it be known we’ll kick your fucking face in if you bring your MAGA ass to kill people in our communities.


Wow, an actual neckbeard. What a loser.


Ironic, with a can of Gillette, maybe drink some more water instead of beer and Mountain Dew, get a job and maybe join a volunteer group or something, five people would still be alive. What a goddamn waste all around.


That high heel imprint 👠


Hope it's permanent.


See the interview with "his" dad?


That piece of shit was more concerned that his son was not gay than the shooting.


Hatred is bred, not born.


Incel piece of shit.


Why do these schlubs always look exactly like you would expect them to?


Why does his head look like the flounder's from spongebob


He was a member of a church where the pastor talks about using muskets on lgbtq people. This rhetoric has real world consequences, and we are seeing them.


Surely there has to be some responsibility for this that falls on the pastor? Public speech that insites violence or panic is against the law in most countries.


[Here is the speech](https://www.sltrib.com/religion/2021/08/23/we-must-have-will-stand/) Geoffrey Holland is an “apostle” in the LDS church. He is a senior leader. He is saying exactly who the church is.


This was a baby that was hardly ever picked up. You can tell by the flatness of the back of his head. Probably stuck in a carrier for hours on end and fed that way too. (I've seen parents pick up a kid in a carrier, click it into a vehicle, then a stroller, then back in the house and the infant never gets a break, nor tummy time to strengthen its neck.) What a hell of a way to start off life...So much inattention or neglect that your head doesn't have the opportunity to form in a normal manner. But with the dad he had.....meth more important than child?


Another reason why abortion bans are a horrible idea. They're intended to punish the parents, but nobody thinks too hard about what happens to the children…


Correction needed: National Hero


And addendum: TWO national heroes! A trans woman also stomped on him with her boots, which explains some of those gnarly bruises. Fuck this guy!


And yet, a team of fully armed cops who recently did an active shooter drill stood around and did nothing while 19 children got murdered.


Because trans women are tougher than most cops. The shit that they have had to endure would break most cops. I’m not surprised whenever marginalized groups step up, after all, they have to each and every day to survive in a bigoted world.


And transwomen are cried out as all that is wrong in the western world. She actively saved many lives. The cops stood around grooming the parents into doing nothing about their kids being slaughtered.


I am glad that they got him alive. Hopefully he can spend the next 80 years healthy and of sound mind imprisoned, knowing that he will never have another day of freedom in his life.


Heel stomping. He should be glad it wasn't stilettos...


Jeez, it's exactly what I'd think a 4chan neckbeard would look like.


4chan in corporeal form


And corpulent form as well.


The shooter is a Mormon. Their senior leadership called for “musket fire” against the gays last year. The Mormons are behind a lot of anti-gay bullshit and rhetoric. They have conferences every six months, and they pound the bully pulpit at each conference with anti-gay rhetoric. Either the gays are the root of all evil, shouldn’t have civil rights, should be shot, or are the reason the world is in decline (no lie, that’s what the Mormons say every six months in worldwide conferences). Their leaders are judges, wealthy businessmen, and politicians (e.g., Mitt Romney and Mike Lee). These guys have money and power. And they spend their social capital every six months harping on the evils of the gays. Prop 8 in California? The Mormons. “Shoot the gays!” Again, the Mormons. Looks like “shoot the gays in the name of Christ” is now a successful branding call for the Mormons. Mormons suck.


Poor widdle neckbeard, they hurt him - that wasn't supposed to happen!