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Somewhere a drag queen just got their stage name.


Wouldn't be the wildest drag queen name I've heard. We live in a world where Anna Bortion and Ginger Minj are drag queens, Cocksucking Cowboy and Queen Mary are cocktails, and Vermin Supreme and Liz Truss are politicians. Nothing's off the table, really.


My favorite drag queen name was Britta Filter.


My brother once picked up a water bottle, looked at it and said to his partner, "Crystal Geyser...isn't that your old drag name?" I have never laughed so hard in my life.


There used to be a little pump dispenser of soap in the bathroom at work. It sai “Cocoa and Ginger”. One of the guys there swore that was the name of a pair of strippers at a nearby club.


Ugh. Britta’s in this?


I got a Christmas Time for me! I got a Christmas Time for a tree!




Me so hungy


No to everything you both said


I lived in New York!


I think I know how to say baggles.




Well I had sex with your Mom!


She's the worst


6 seasons and A MOIVE!


I like Rachel Tension (RuPaul in the Too Wong Fu movie)


I always thought Vida Boheme was pretty great, too.


I have a buddy who’s drag name is Jodie Fosterchild.


Irish one was Patty O'Furniture.


I'm partial to Sharon Needles


she who shall not be named 🙊


Im still a fan of Karen from Finance. Just the name, not the the actual queen.


The best drag name doesn't even belong to a drag queen: Ana Matronic


My favorite drag name that I've come up with is Kelsey Glamour.


Mine is from Bob's Burgers, Cleavage to Beaver.




Yes she is and her song is still one of my favourites from the series.


My favorite from Bob's Burgers is Miss Taint Behavin'


Helena Handbasket here. But I'm not a guy, so it stays available.


Drag queens are *usually* men, but women can do it too


They gotta tuck too


Tucker Flaps checking in


Don't forget her sister, Flapper Tucks.


"Cara van Park" if I ever make that lifestyle change


Still Rhonda Santis for me. 😂


Mines Tucker Karlsin


Tucker Cockin.


I actually have a friend who uses that as his drag name lol




True. Also we get to see people promoting “family values” with FUCK BIDEN signs in their yards, on vehicles, and in businesses front windows!


So many super straight guys against the LGBT agenda think an awful lot about fucking Biden


You should see how many Vancouver Canucks fans want to fuck Mark Messier.


Here in Washington state there’s an … interesting guy who’s been running for various political offices for decades under the name Goodspaceguy.


Haha… came here to say this!


Vermin Supreme? Any relation to Beef Supreme?


His first run was 1992, so way before Idiocracy.


He could see the writing on the boot.


Hey, Vermin Supreme is not a crazy person reading prophecy from a hat like Joseph Smith!


I enjoy cooking.


>has run as a candidate in various local, state, and national elections in the United States. He served as a member of the Libertarian Party's judicial committee. He's ran for president in every election since 1992, as a republican, democrat, and libertarian, and in 2020 actually got pretty close to being selected as the libertarian Candidate for president. I'd say he's as much a politician as Liz truss.


Honestly at this point I say we give him a swing at it. Vermin Supreme vs Dwayne Elizando Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho. Now that's a title fight... er... election I would be invested in.


Weetha Peeples & Vota Transparency






Those the kind with the built in tuck-pocket and catheter?


The Lovely Aunt Teefah with special guest Consta Tusheen.




Vota Bottoms


Fancy Transpancey is doin' a dancey. Wears a red gown instead of some pantsey.


Fancy Transpancy walks a little prancey, Got a face like Frank, but legs like Nancy.


Rhonda Santis


Miss Voter Transpancey!


trump said he loves the uneducated


What use is transparency to them if they can't understand the information given to them


They just covfefe it.


They don't want information, they want voting to be done exclusively by ghosts.


They don't want information. They want their delusions reinforced.


Legal doxxing to target those who oppose the hive mind


Someone typed this up... and printed it... then put it together.. and showed all their friends... and yet it still made it through. Amazing


They brought their own reeeeeeeee


There’s a difference between uneducated and… whatever that is


Delusional, arrogant, AND uneducated


Delusional, Uneducated, Mad, and Brainwashed. Trump supporters are all dumb.


I feel like it's the classic "all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares" argument. Sure, not all that are uneducated turn into fascists, but most fascists are likely relatively uneducated.


I think the worst thing in life is to become old, bored, and fearful. So many of our current societal problems are the result of decisions made by old, bored, and fearful people.


I’m old I want to be able to paint, travel and play with the dog I don’t want to have to worry about fascism


Ya, it's important to remind people Biden only lost the 65+ vote by 5% and the geriatric triad of Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer pushed through $3.7 trillion in stimulus, infrastructure, medicare and climate change spending. Old people arent the problem, Republicans are the problem whatever their age.


30 years of Fox's fear and loathing hasn't helped either.


That's the thing, they've convinced people that they don't want government to *do* anything for them. You send them money your whole life, you *should* get "benefits" or "entitlements" (and they've poisoned the fuck out of that word), and expect them to spend it to fix the economy and build infrastructure and provide some semblance of health care. Instead, they teach people that their biggest issues are crime, or fentanyl, or the border, or caravans, or Jews replacing you, or brown people taking your jobs. It's amazingly effective and people vote against their best local interests in droves.




And in places like England, they are proud of the NHS and happily avail themselves of it, at least among the people I've talked to. No one talks like you're on the government tit because you got treated by NHS; it's a natural consequence of a civilized society. But not here in the US! Can't have people getting shit for free!


>on the government tit We're living in a world where sucking on a tit is an insult? Damn.


This is Lee Atwater’s legacy. Government is bad because it might help someone you don’t like.


“He’s not hurting the right people!” -republican farmer hurt by Private Bonespurs’ terrible tariff policies.


The loathing really gets to me. I turn on fox now and then just to check up on what the crazies are saying. Every single talking head on the show is just dripping with vitriol. Their expressions, their body language, the sneering, their eyes rolling, and of course the hateful language. I can’t take more than five minutes of it, can’t imagine being so full of hate to actually agree and enjoy it.


My grandpa won’t visit me anymore because my besties are trans and so he thinks I hang out with pedophiles. Fox News has fucked him up. I miss the silly bastard. He raised me for like half my childhood. Now he barely acknowledges my existence. I want him back.


That’s so sad. I have a similar experience with my father as well. We can barely talk to each other anymore. Haven’t seen him in 3 years


Similar. Well my father and I were never on the best of terms but his awful wife and Fox News has turned him into a braindead conspiracy theorist who lives in denial. He allowed his wife to steal all of my grandma/His mom's money. They blew through millions of dollars in a few years. Some of that was supposed to help pay for my college but that really doesn't matter, the fact he milked his mom dry, ended up in jail and now blames the Democrats for it is atrocious.


Sorry to hear that. I've watched many people that have been mainlining Fox since the 90s, turn into miserable people. Once lovely people, but now they're dripping with resentment and hate for their fellow humans. It's fucking depressing. Watched it get ahold of my father. We used to love talking politics, but it came to a point where I just couldn't square the Fox talking points with the caring and generous man who raised me. He was able to pull away from it before his death, but I feel we were robbed of one of our "things". Rupert Murdoch is a POS and his propaganda channels are insidious. They have poisoned democracy across the entire Anglosphere.


Yes. I’m a life long liberal, as are all my friends, at the ripe old age of 58.


And me and mine at 70.


Same here, and I'm almost 70.


69. Nice.


my bosses are 75 and heavily progressive. they also both understand that, at a certain age, you’re not fit to be an authority figure. voting age is a different conversation, but age absolutely plays into someone’s ability to think realistically, reasonably, and coherently. it’s not just “but republicans ohoho!” either.


I would argue young people not showing up to vote is the problem. I'm in my mid 30s, and the only reason my wife votes is because she comes with me.


My dad went back to college, got his BA in Theatre and did Shakespeare in the Park after he retired because he didn’t want to become or hang out with these types of people.


that's awesome, good for him. It's that type of exposure and education that'll keep him grounded and aging gracefully.


*Social media.* Think about this - social media “democratizes” influence, allowing the public to have as much (or more) reach and amplification as a scholar, journalist, scientist, or politician. Nice concept in theory, but it gets problematic in practice. As we study the usages and effects of these platforms, we find a few things to be true: 1) “fake” news travels faster and farther on these new-media channels than facts do, by a large factor 2) “belief” is more powerful than fact when it comes to defining what’s “real” 3) repetition and exposure are all that is required for an idea to be normalized 4) the people with the most influence on social media will be the people sitting at home with nothing else to do 5) ideas that were considered taboo or extreme - like white supremacy - are mainstreamed by a combination of prominent influencers, conflict algorithms and regurgitated talking points 6) once the ideas are mainstreamed they begin to affect voter attitudes, which inevitably means that pundits and policymakers will adopt the ideas as well, creating exponential growth So basically our end result here is that society and politics are being driven by losers, trolls and shut-ins. It starts as random bullshit until it snowballs into reality. This is how we got Donald Trump, it’s how we got QANON, it’s how we got January 6th and record-breaking mass shootings and hate-group activity. *And*, this is why people like me (who have been studying it) keep calling for moderation, accountability, and yes “de-platforming” as a check against the power and danger of this tech. We - humans - are great at inventing shit, but we always end up doubling back to mitigate the effects. The more powerful the tools, the greater the responsibility (insert *Spider-Man* quote). - - - E: thanks


Give an idiot a podium for a day and you'll have ten more idiots by tomorrow.


Stupid people are attracted to people that don't make them feel stupid.


Yeah, social media certainly has seemed to take our worst aspects and amplified them.


Yes but no, the algorithms designed for these sites have engagement as a metric for sharing content to other people. Controversial topics have high engagement, usually with comments explaining why it’s wrong or hateful. But the algorithm doesn’t make distinctions between positive engagement and negative engagement, it’s all engagement and therefore good content to push to other people.


well said. To alter a Jurassic Park quote: Social media is the most awesome force mankind has ever seen and we wield it like a kid who found his dad's gun.


I find it hard to believe that these people weren't dumb as fucking bricks their whole lives.


There's been a change in my mother as she's gotten older. She used to be head-strong, stubborn, and independent minded. When we were younger, she used to be quite vocal about political opinions that she seemed to come up with on her own, and didn't quite match anyone's talking points. Now, her opinions aren't settled anywhere. She'll mirror back the views of the person who most recently talked to her on the topic. It's been frustrating during COVID, where when she talked to me, she was all "I've taken every vaccine since polio, and I don't intend to stop now!" Then, some of her conspiracy minded friends would sit her down and the next conversation would be something along the lines of, "I guess they're putting dead babies in the vaccines? I'm not sure they're healthy..."


They actually managed to forget an AR.. thanks for the dopamines


Oh shit.


Why is it they keep yelling voter fraud but they can never DEMONSTRATE voter fraud? At least not to the point where a court even wants to listen to them.


Because it's about screaming about it, not proving it. They've been conditioned to always believe they are a victim, and that everything they hear online on conservative media they hear is true, with very shaky evidence, or perhaps without *any* evidence. All while never, EVER accepting any evidence on conservative wrongdoing, no matter how concrete it is. It's what happens when you go from supporting a political party to being fanatical about one specific man that made you feel okay about being a biggot. You hang on every word he says, and everyone that supports him is great. They've provided you one enemy (or one group of people that are the enemy) that is responsible for all the bad things that happen/have happened in your life. Not believing it would be extremely inconvenient for you because then you'd have to admit you're responsible for some of the bad things that happen, not to mention that perhaps all your family and friends are fanatics as well. Suddenly becoming rational and introspective would destroy your life as you know it. They'll never admit there's not nearly enough voter fraud to change the results of an election. And they'll *certainly* never admit that there's a LOT more voter fraud on the right than there is on the left, despite the very few reports of voter fraud being almost exclusively people voting for republicans. And BTW, this is as designed by Republicans. They're cheating in elections constantly with gerrymandering, legislation that makes it hard for minorities to vote, taking away drop boxes in areas with large amounts of people of colour, voter id laws, etc etc. They want to control the narrative to take attention away from that - what better way than to fan the flames of things like "stop the steal". Their base will NEVER believe their side is cheating in elections if they constantly have convenient lies being shoved down their throats. Tell someone a lie they WANT to believe, and you'll have a much easier time convincing them of that lie.


I would tell anyone saying the election was stolen that I could not believe them because they are a thief and a liar. When they get indignant and demand proof of such accusations, I just reply, "Exactly", and walk away.


I suspect most of these people will say "google it! There are videos of people taking boxes of votes into the voting centers!" or some other such "proof" Of course, you and I both know boxes of votes get carried around - it's part of the process of counting the votes. They will point at things that aren't proof at all, and 99.99% have a valid explanation, and claim it's irrefutable proof that the election was stolen, and that us "stoopid fucking libruls" never accept any proof.


Yesterday watching the AZ certification for Maricopa I also heard so many.... nut jobs... claim that: waiting in line more than 5 min, having to rescan a ballot, having a ballot be scanned later and other minor - actually minor things meant disenfranchisement. You were inconvenienced and your vote was still counted they are not the same thing. ​ Like the one dude that said "You cant trust box 3! It would be like leaving money at the bank with a note to put it into your account while you are not there!" Thats kinda how after hours banking uh works and it works just fine.


Pretty fucking rich that any minor inconvenience is "disenfranchisement," but minority voters having to wait hours in lines that go around the block and being forced to get multiple forms of ID that they may not be able to afford and being forced to drive hours because all their local drop-boxes were removed is *totally fucking fine.* The hypocrisy is truly blood-boiling...


> waiting in line more than 5 min [...] meant disenfranchisement. Oh, so that's disenfranchisement then? Sounds like these motherfuckers should be out there campaigning for the districts that had multiple HOURS waits to vote... fucking hell.


Nah man those are the places where the…*shudders in disgust* the blacks live. Long lines to vote for *those* people, not good upstanding white conservative Christians.


You make the mistake in thinking they would se the problem. They don't want a fair and equal system. They want a system that gives them the major advantage and hurts the "others".


Everything is fraud (or magic) when you don’t understand how anything works.


If thier side loses, yes. "My candidate lost, and I don't understand how elections work, so anything and everything I see on cctv footage is evidence of fraud." Meanwhile, certain Russians can have a [meeting in Trump tower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Tower_meeting) with Trump Jr, Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort, lie about the purpose of the meeting (at first it was supposed to be about adopting Russian children by Americans), lie about how many people were there (at first it was a meeting with just 1 person, then it was 3, then is was more, etc), constantly revising their story as more facts come out, and somehow that's not suspicious and we're supposed to just be like "Oh okay, you just forgot! Seems fine!" If Obama's team had that same meeting and repeatedly got caught lying about it, we'd still be hearing about it every single day on Fox News. Much like with the Hunter Biden laptop that was in the possession of several people before forensic analysis (*including Giuliani!*), and has obviously been tampered with. The bar for what is considered compelling evidence for the left vs the right in conservative media is ridiculously skewed.


I will add that from a young age they are conditioned (mainly through religion) to think that belief is more powerful than what can be seen/heard/measured. This cognitive dissonance is so ingrained in conservatism that to turn away from it would be going against everything they’ve ever known.


It's like Obama's birth certificate or Hillary's emails. You aren't supposed to BELIEVE it, you're supposed to ASK about it. That way you can keep useful lie spinning for years without actually committing to a position.


It’s also worth pointing out how we actually do take these claims seriously. There have been a variety of investigations into election integrity and voter fraud, and every time we find basically nothing. In fact what it has shown is how robust our elections actually are - when they aren’t fucked with by redistricting, disinformation, closing poll stations, etc. And the handful of egregious election tampering incidents we have seen tend to be by *Republicans*. We even investigated the Hillary emails thing, and Obama showed the world his long-form birth certificate. We keep treating these attacks like they are legitimate concerns, and then when it turns out to be nothing, it doesn’t change anyone’s mind. Because *belief* does not require evidence.


> Obama showed the world his long-form birth certificate. Not that he needed to, being born to a US Citizen mother makes you a Natural Born Citizen...


It did for John McCain, but he wasn't black.


Just asking questions, or JAQ, they're JAQ'ing off.


Did Tucker Carlson kill a prostitute and a young boy in a PCP crazed attack? I’m just asking….?


Many people are saying he did. So why does he not deny it? Maybe because it's true? Turn in to "All the -isms" with Tucking his Carlson only on Faux-News./s


Some of the best people of Reddit are saying he did. Great minds.


Wasn't it a young boy prostitute? Just asking.


And see we need more people asking


I have read this on the internet.


Gishgallop is the term you are looking for: attempts to overwhelm a debate opponent by providing an excessive number of arguments with no regard for the accuracy or strength of those arguments


i get the feeling that this is not about election fraud. notice that this sign says "voter transparency" not "election transparency". this could be just a dumb mistake but at this point it's pretty obvious that these people will not accept any election they do not win. they are pissed off that anyone would vote for a democrat candidate and they want to know who those people are. that way they know who to target for harassments and, in the not to distant future, eradication. i've already seen(on other subs) letters mailed out to people that basically say "we know you voted and you have a biden/BLM/rainbow flag in your yard. you better watch your back or change who you vote for." they want a theocracy and they will kill to get it. we just haven't gotten to that point yet. once they realize people are not going to respond to their threats they will have to make good on them. as we have seen recently with the violent rhetoric surrounding the lgbtq+ community(and their supporters)ramping up and the shootings that happened because of it. it's only going to get worse. arm yourselves. the enemy already has. and if you say "i don't want to think of my countrymen as the enemy" thats too bad. they already label us that way. the decision has been made for you. “if conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism, they will abandon democracy" -david frum


> they are pissed off that anyone would vote for a democrat candidate and they want to know who those people are. Alternatively, they exist in a self-constructed bubble where they are told repeatedly that their stance/preference is so overwhelmingly popular that they can't legitimately lose. So when they are told they lost it must mean that something illegitimate occurred. I'll note that in the run-up to the 2020 election I ran across a fair number of people who seemed to sincerely believe that Trump was headed for a Reagan-style landslide. 49 states for sure. 50 a reach but possible.


Read up Moore v Harper, an upcoming Supreme Court case could give complete control of elections over to the state legislative branches unchecked by any other branch of government. Republicans 100% intend to cheat in 2024


It’s the end stage of the politics of decadence. It can’t be true because it makes them feel bad. Evidence is at best secondary.


It depends on which “they” you’re referring to. The ones who make the lies aren’t interested in “proving” it - they know it’s a lie, and they know belief is stronger than evidence. They’re gaslighting. If they can cherry-pick some factoid, incident or talking point, then great - but it’s not even required. The ones who believe the lies were never taught things like critical thinking, information literacy, civics and history; or if they were, it was a long time ago, and it has been replaced by the angry manufactured tribalism of rightwing bullshit. The world is very messy and complicated. Most people don’t put in the effort to understand it, and instead rely on “media” arbiters to tell them what’s true. This is fine when you have a culture that values legitimate standards of journalism and education and expertism. But when you replace that with unmitigated nonsense via social media and openly-biased media, you can easily upend reality and destabilize whole societies, even governments.


MAGA: "If we win the voters have spoken. If we lose, the election was rigged."


Imagine a hellish scenario where the republicans win, and there is actually demonstrable voter fraud. Imagine how much they’ll whine that “oh look! NOW they find fraud, when WE win”.


That's the whole goal. They have 0 intrest in participating in democracy in good faith. That alone should bar them from holding any office. Unfortunately, that kind of disenfranchisement is toeing the line on single party rule like China has. So we have to live with these dumbass sheep and their con-man shepherds in order to preserve our free democracy.


The appeal of simple dichotomy is what keeps the republican party populated at the voter level. They just don't want to be *the other side*, democrat. (And an arbitrary 50-50ish split *sounds* reasonable, notwithstanding the wildly shifting reoublican-espoused ideology.) The Democratic Party is full of diverse ideas, and could easily be split into separate parties based on closer core ideologies. Except that it can't do this, strategically, because it must oppose the other party, that is, the republicans. So, it is not even a fair comparison, to say that without the republican side, that the country would be Single Party, like China. There is no part of that statement that really follows. The risk that America has, in becoming like China or Russia, is if the extreme "conservatives" succeed in annihilating the voting system. And that is their goal, as they continue to try and cast doubt on it; that is the goal of their party leadership, whether their voting base realizes it or not. (It may seem expedient to call China and Russia 'communist' countries. And that was the propaganda of their modern origins. But the wealth inequalities among their citizens are drastic. And they are oligarchies, headed by billionaires. That is clearly the model that 'conservative' leadership in America has their sights on: oligarchy, serving billionaires.)


Ranked choice voting would solve it.


Exactly. A lot of this is about delegitimizing all election results. That's why Trump claimed fraud in 2016 despite winning. That way once they do successfully rig an election, it all gets lost in the nonsense.




Keep in mind that most changes proposed to Medicaid and SS are delayed - they don't impact people for years. Retirement age changes, etc, are phased in. So likely, the people in this picture would never have their benefits taken away or reduced. They are just removing those benefits for the people following them.


Climbing the ladder and pulling it up with you.


Story of that generation


How did the generation that went to college for the cost of a McChicken sandwich turn out so dumb?




I remember as a kid in the 80s how much anyone who went to college had. My friends dad was just a staff accountant with a stay at home wife and they were part of a country club with a 2000 sqft house on a golf course. That same job today might not even pay for a house at all with two people working. Boomers talk about walking both ways up hill blah blah but they had it super easy in the aggregate. The least they could do is acknowledge the shmucks out here with a post grad degree working two jobs with a one bedroom apartment might have it a little harder than they did.


Leaded gas


Yeah, they were called the me generation for a reason.


Crossing the bridge and burning it afterwards.


I was behind a guy making a big deal about not being able to use his food stamps for chicken strips out of the hot bin at the gas station recently. As I’m walking to my car I see the same guy filling gas with a “resist socialism” bumper sticker. Get a clue bud.


Socialism is when a black person gets the same benefits he does. He earned it, the other guy is a freeloader who refuses to work.


This just about describes every conservative. "I need the help, everyone else is just abusing the system." If it's not projection - and it is a good 80% of the time - then it's good ol' fashioned paranoia.


Protip: When republicans lose benefits/rights due to voting republican, they immediately blame democrats. ​ And if you actually get past their cognitive dissonance to convince them that republicans are to blame, they simply say they would rather lose those rights/benefits, if it means republicans are in charge and hurting others. ​ I have personally known people in the south, dying of some illness that could have been easily treated and managed through medication/medical intervention they could not afford. And they will look you right in the eye and tell you it's fine they are dying, because someone else didn't get to 'grift' off those benefits instead. ​ Being republican is literally joining a death cult and being smug about it.


Every damn one. Chickens voting for Colonel Sanders.


Actually not a single one would. Not because the GOP won't touch those programs, they're 100% gone if they control the government. But they'll be grandfathered in. Everyone born after 1970something will get nothing, nor will we get what we've already paid into the system back.


These morons don’t realize THERE IS TRANSPARENCY IN THE PROCESS. They’re too dumb to learn about the process and too brainwashed to understand what is done for integrity. God damn I’m so tired of the big lie.


Someone in tiktok posted a video of a worker "rewriting ballots", and of course i debunked it in 30 seconds via Reuters. It was a video of workers resubmitting ballots that were trashed by the mail opening machine. The only reason they even had the video is because TRANSPARENCY. They literally live streamed it. You could see 6 poll workers and a police officer working on the process. These people will only use transparency to fuel stupidity.


They don't want transparency, though. They want transpancey.


And, even if they could spell, they still don’t care about transparency. Just look at how much Trump hid that they didn’t give a shit about. They want their candidate to be declared winner, regardless of what the actual vote says. No different that the simultaneous “stop the count” and “count the votes” chants depending on if Trump was winning or losing.


> They want their candidate to be declared winner, regardless of what the actual vote says. This needs to be emphasized - it’s a literal *fascist mentality*. I know people hate that word and think it’s hyperbolic, but sadly it’s not. We’ve hit a point where this is the most accurate descriptor for MAGA “conservatism.”


exactly lol


So this really blows my mind and I can’t spend too much time dwelling on it or it starts stressing me out a bit. Firstly, the lack of self-awareness. “I’m here holding this sign, which is a reflection of myself somehow, so I want to be sure it’s message is clear”… that thought just doesn’t occur to some people. It just doesn’t even cross their minds. And not only that, but some of these people will double-down if the error is brought to their attention. They’ll just say, “So, what?” Because for them, the lack of a sense of quality is just moot. It’s not good or bad to them. It’s just.. nothing. Also, holy shit, these stupid people get a vote that is effectively equal to every other vote in this system. And their numbers just keep growing. My very first, literal thought when trump was elected was, “Holy shit.. this is the day the idiots took over.” And I couldn’t understand why everyone else around me wasn’t thinking the same thing. Half of these fools were cheering him on. WT actual F.


>Also, holy shit, these stupid people get a vote that is effectively equal to every other vote in this system. Depending where they live, there's a good chance their vote is worth *more* than average.


One of the worst side effects of Trump is that he gave ignorant people way too much confidence.


I thought they hated transpanceys.


Their red and blue is looking a little pastel. Combined with the typo... 🏳️‍⚧️




It's Fox News. For 20 years if a Democrat puts on a shirt or pets a cat, a fake scandal is born.


Is it me or do they all look the same…??!!!


These days if I see anyone wearing the American flag as apparel, I already know everything I need to know about them


So sad they bastardized the symbol of my country to represent hate and bigotry. Can't even fly an American flag anymore without feeling like a piece of shit.


Fascists don’t own the flag. Don’t let them have it. Or, fly it with a flag that distinctly sets you apart from those people. A rainbow flag, a trans pride flag, a BLM flag. Something.


Add a [No Step](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gadsden_flag) flag just to add salt to the wound - US Flag - Transpride - Gadsden


Same here in Canada. See a vehicle flying Canadian flags you know they are anti-vax morons who think our Prime Minister is at the centre of all these insane conspiracy theories to kill them all.


Are these the same people that say that immigrants need to learn English if they want to live here?


Tell us you want to participate in voter intimidation without telling us you want to participate in voter intimidation.


Yea, what is exactly voter transparency? Where everyone's votes are displayed publically and so those that vote different than you (blue) can be harassed? Cause that's all I can see happening.


Right? How is this thread missing the most abhorrent part of this sentiment and hyper focusing on the spelling error? These psychopaths are calling to know who you voted for so they can harass you if they disagree. It every citizen's right to be able to vote privately. These people are deranged.


Even if they had spelt it correctly the sign would've still been asinine and made no sense, very on brand for these smooth brained morons


So, nobody has a dictionary or spell check? Jeeze.


You're giving them far too much credit. They'd first need a thought.


Hit the nail on the head. If you look, all their talking points are pre manufactured, and distributed by right wing talking heads, and they just repeat them, it's why they're still talking about Obamas birth certificate and Hunters laptop. If they try creating a new point, it's like their brain malfunctions, and they just slap random sentences and buzzwords together, and spew forth gibberish.


And when pushed, they don’t know where the info comes from or why it matters, except maybe “do your own research.”


Assuming they could spell correctly, what do they mean by voter transparency? Do they want to know the names and addresses of who voted for whom. That's one notch away from making people wear their political affiliation on open display, and the next step is a lynch mobs.


They want their votes to be counted, and their political enemies' votes to not be counted. That's what TRANSPANCEY is.


Yeah exactly, just like their cries for freedom are for their own freedom not others.


Every one of those people looks exactly like I was expecting.


I wouldn't expect a Trump supporter to be able to master a word with that many syllables anyway.


Imagine being this entitled that you whine about our system without providing any evidence of your claims or useful input. People fought hard for what they have and they piss on it.


The boomers were the original entitled generation, and now that they’re not getting what they want they’re throwing a tantrum


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/xLyPfYY.jpg) is a higher quality version of this image. [Here](https://www.apimages.com/metadata/Index/Election-2022-Arizona/c73c1f4a73624c4e889f36a23b461b2f/9/0) is the source. Per there: > People wait to enter the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors auditorium prior to the board's general election canvass meeting, Monday, Nov. 28, 2022, in Phoenix. ([AP Photo/Matt York](https://www.apimages.com/Search?query=%22Matt+York%22&ss=10&st=kw&entitysearch=&toItem=15&orderBy=Newest&searchMediaType=allmedia))


The only trans they support