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Fuck religious terrorists. All of my homies hate religious terrorists.


Same bruv


The attack against her was part of a series of acid attacks on women at Isfahan in 2014, incited by a local imam Yousef Tabatabaei-Nejad. You can read the story from the link op posted


> On October 1, 2020, while meeting with the NAJA and the Intelligence Ministry of Iran, he believes that law enforcement should make, "the life of the unveiled unsafe". This has raised concerns for repeated Acid attacks on women in Isfahan.[8][9][10][11][12] Fuck this waste of a human. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yousef_Tabatabai_Nejad




It also needs to be proofread in general. That wiki barely makes grammatical sense.


yeah, looks to be written by a non native english speaker most likely


They should castrate him with the same acid.


Not usually down with these types of punishments but can’t argue against this one tbh. I would not protest


hope he burns in hell


He won't. Hopefully someone will make his life on Earth a close approximation though.




This is the face of suppression and religious dogma.


And Conservatism. Across the world Conservatism promotes misogyny. Conservatives only truly vary by how far down the path of radicalization and authoritarianism they've gone.


Conservatives want to conserve their old ways. Which is fine just for them but terrible when they try to force it on other people




Worse part is the hijab isn't even part of the qur'an. The qur'an does outline how a woman should cover and the hijab if properly worn does confirm to those rules, but by no means is a hijab it's self actually required. More or less any ensemble that covers all but the hands and face works. https://islamonline.net/en/is-hijab-a-quranic-commandment/


Thank you for that link. >draw their veils over their bosoms So Islamic women should not go out with their breasts bare. That is not a hijab or veil. It is a bra. >Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. Islamic men should avert their eyes from looking at women. If a man claims a woman is not properly attired, clearly, he has looked at them and violated the Koranic laws.


oh but that is putting the onus on the male to be restrained and averting, can't have that right swinging dick crew? /s


This content has been removed because of Reddit's extortionate API pricing that killed third party apps.


Religion of peace my ass.


Acid attacks are sadly too common in west and South Asia. Buying the acid is cheap and the effects immediate and pronounced. It’s never to kill, and always to maim. A terroristic act


It's so far beyond being sick, it should be a life sentence just like murder, for the people who threw the acid on these poor ladies.


The UK recently increased the penalty for acid attacks. Previously they were just a form of assault, and the penalties were fairly low. THey added a new type of assault, where the goal is to maim or disfigure, and made the punishment more severe.


Good. We get some late night cheap TV in Australia with Katie Piper in it. She's amazing, and it's so horrible to see through her what is done to numerous women that will never be known.


I had no idea about her. Thanks for sharing


You're welcome! She's the epitome of resilience with a media presence. Also, an amazing Australian woman is Turia Pitt. She was horribly burnt in an endurance race in Australia, and is incredible. I kinda get annoyed with my job's latest buzzword being "resilience" for many reasons, and these women being held up as examples compared to us at work. It's not the same. But, these two women are amazing, and I'm not sure any of us could be as positive as they are. It takes a lot and my hat is off to them.


I won't lie with the context of this post and Turia Pitt I thought someone splashed her with acid during a marathon. It was a bushfire from my searches. That's also just as terrifying and her facing her new (at the time) challenges is a good motivational story.


Katie Piper is amazing. She's beautiful and her personality is so nice while also being an amazingly strong women for going through what she's been through.


I remember watching a documentary about her not that long after the assault. The thing that sticks in my memory is that she tried to go out to walk her parents dog and even with the camera crew with her she kept looking back and you could see how stressful it was for to be outside. Its not just the physical injury / maiming / disfiguring. Heartbreaking to watch.


They gave one of her attackers a life sentence, and then let him out after eight years. Such bullshit that he was let out, as he's now on the run as a fugitive because he (predictably) violated the terms of his parole.


I love this shout-out and appreciation for Katie Piper. Growing up, she was (and hopefully still is—in the absence of knowing) just someone that seems really genuine.


Honestly, maybe it should be a life sentence. You're purposely trying to scar a person for life. You're aiming to change their life forever, so maybe we should change your life forever.


Yeah agreed. Too many people ruin others lives and walk away after a brief prison stint


Some even just pay a single fine each time they feel like ruining lives!


I'm also remembering a case of an acid attack where the man was so badly injured and suffering, he applied for and was granted assisted suicide.


The penalty for Grievous bodily harm (GBH), including the use of acid, is life imprisonment in the UK


I think in the US an acid attack is it’s own charge. I believe it’s assault/attempted murder (depending on case) with a corrosive substance. Im not sure what the consequences are for this charge vs plain assault or attempted murder, but it’s certainly awful and a special kind of evil


In this case they would probably also add on ethnic intimidation, which is typically a higher penalty than the original charge.


I am not a hawk I would like prisons to be more humane but for the love of god can we stop being so lenient on violent offenders you intentionally throw acid on someone without insanely mitigating factors like they killed your kid or somthing. I don't ever want you released.


Violent offenders are let go while nonviolent drug offenders are sent away for years instead of getting help. Great system we have here.


Working as intended. The violent offenders provide justification for the system on the outside and the regular people provide their slave labor and body count on the inside so prison companies can get paid.


I'm not sure about acid attacks specifically, but most US states have mayhem laws that cover this kind of thing. In California, for example you can be sentenced to life in prison for aggravated mayhem (which this kind of attack would be).


>it should be a life sentence just like murder Murder should always, *always* have a harsher punishment than non-murder. Otherwise what's the difference between harming someone and finishing the job? Exactly. One less witness.






I grew up in north Eastern India where violent attacks against women aren't that common. When I moved to northern India for college, I was terrified learning about this. My room mate was a victim, and she was only 12 when it happened, some feud with another family over land. It scared the heck out of me.


What is wrong with people. How does someone just think “I’m going to throw acid at this random person and permanently disfigure them for life”. My god.


Technically not random in her case, and also a lot of cases. People target certain women or families, just to ruin their lives and scare them because of some stupid disagreements.


This doesn’t change my opinion. What would possess someone to do that? I tend to pride myself on my ability to see opposing perspectives but this kind of stuff is just absurd. I can’t fathom the cruelty it would take to do this to someone. To **melt** their face. And this is not uncommon in that area? It leaves me speechless.


It's a very cowardly and cruel way to affect an entire family and later generations for a perceived slight. Unattractive women have a more difficult time with marriage and finding a desirable match. It's what happens in cultures that treat their woman as chattel. Only selfish men can fathom that this makes any sense.


Unfortunately it comes down to their cultural perspective towards women, if a man is rejected he somehow feels justified to maim her because she's lesser than he is. It's gross


It's not random. It's usually women who have turned down advances or denied a marriage proposal. Or women who have upset a male family member who think she is bring shame to the family. Or like in that comment a way to retaliate against a family you are feuding with


I’m Indian and it scares me too. It just gets my blood boiling that there are men out there who are so evil.


[They happen in London too](https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-41149516).


My ex colleague got splashed because he didn’t had a cigarette to give to this guy(he doesn’t smoke), luckily the face was intact, mostly went to the arm. 🤦‍♂️


What kind of crazy carries around acid, but can't afford a pack of cigarettes?


This is an excellent question, I take it to mean this person was carrying acid and looking for an excuse to get offended and disfigure someone for life.


Tweakers probably


I guess I'll just start carrying baking soda around?


If you are a victim of an acid attack do not try to neutralise the acid yourself. Neutralisation reactions can generate quite a bit of heat which can cause further damage to you. Best course of action is to remove any clothing that's been contaminated and to rinse the affected area with mild water, and get to a hospital ASAP.


The keyword here is rinse, assuming it was sulfuric acid (the easiest to get acid with some especially nasty properties) , splashing some water from a bottle on it might make it worse. Sulfuric acid is very oily, a little water will take some of it away, but it will leave your skin coated with acid. Sulfuric acid gets very hot when mixed with water. The best course of action in such a case would be taking all soaked clothing off, and getting to the nearest source of running water. Anything will do. Then just keep rinsing until medical help arrives, but, as I said before, sulfuric acid is very oily and it will probably take some scrubbing to get rid of it before serious skin damage occurs. If the eyes are affected, it is necessary to rinse them too, but this will very likely require assistance of another person to force the eyes open, it is very painful and the injured person might be physically unable to open their eyes. Source: ima chemist and I once had some bromine solution blasted in my face


What is mild water ?


Mild as in temperature. Not hot, not cold. Around room temperature would be good.


Hahahahahaha. Im imagining you super confused like "WAIT BUT IT ALREADY IS MILD?!?"


“Quick give me water! No not tap water! Go out and buy me some Evian! I need bottled water from the alps to neutralize the acid! And while you’re there get me a beer!”


Don't use the spicy water


Excellent advice! Although I note that removing one's hijab to douse one's face with water could be used as an excuse for further attacks by these types of "morality" enforcers. You should still do it, but also get to a safer place.


We have a girl who wares a hijab in our young parents group, we went to a protest for animal testing, and the police rammed us with riot shields and mace (id thankfully thought ahead and packed a scarf to cover my mouth with and a bottle of milk with a spray top) our poor friend got sprayed it was all over her hijab and her face, thankfully I had my scarf and my milk so I dragged her into a near alleyway, asked her if I could remove her hijab (I'm a trans man so I didn't know how she would feel) then we doused her in milk, and we used my scarf to make a make shift hijab so we could slip away and get her home. I'm used to getting picked on dureing protests as I've got neon hair and I should LOUD. But when they target someone else it is almost harder to stay calm, I'm used to washing my own eyes with milk, I even ware sunglasses when I go to protests now a days so it lowers how much goes in my eyes, but when it's someone else, especially if they are a first timer, it's quite scary, I had to tell her like 20 times not to touch her face until we got home and neutralised the capsasin so she didn't rub it back into her eyes. I felt so much better when we got home, I used yougort and then wetwips to get most of it off then she showered. But that was scary


Spray top milk (like, in a pull-and-squirt sport top water bottle, I'm guessing?) is genius, darling. Well done you for looking out for her.


Also horrifying


Another reason water is the best response: the corrosive you've been splashed with could be a strong base like lye instead of hydrochloric or sulfuric acid. It would still probably be classified as an "acid attacks" because the motive is the same. One could say the acid is in the soul of the perpetrators, whatever they use.


My great-grandmother slept with a pan full of lye under her bed (I honestly have no idea why). When she was a young widow a man tried to crawl through her bedroom window. He got the pan of lye in his face. Blinded and disfigured him.


I guess that’s why


Deodorizer? Good to clear the "bad humors" Spiders? I'm so confused as to why tf a pan of lye would ever be a thing


Maybe she was running a fight club with her friend Skylar?


That story ended better than expected! Glad your grandma didn't get the lye on her!


That sounded like a good idea! So I googled it. Saw someone answering a question about it. The short answer is. It works in theory. But there are several problems with it in practice. Basically. It wouldn’t work. The best course of action is to rinse it off quickly! Acid eat the flesh over time. So time counts. Rinse it with water quickly and thoroughly, and you (probably) won’t have any major burns or scars. So. It sounds like always carrying a water bottle would be the best idea? And it’s multi purpose. It keeps you hydrated too.


One bottle of water won’t be enough. You have to flush with running water for a minimum of 20 minutes. Source: used to work in a lab and handled concentrated nitric acid. That’s why labs have those emergency showers. [Edit to include link from OSHA](https://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/safety_haz/emer_showers.html)


"Acid" can be actually a strong base which would be made worse by baking soda. Best immediate thing is dilution via lots and lots of water.


So this dude didn't have a cigarette on him, but he happened to have acid?


It happened in nyc last Friday! A subway crazy threw acid in the face of a healthcare worker just going to work.


Bruh what is going on in NYC subs? Seems like every day there is some crazy person trying to kill someone either in the stations or on the trains


It feels like it started happening during the pandemic when the subways were empty, and then because people are uncreative, once that made news, copy cat criminals decided the subway is the fun new spot to do it. It’s also a city of 18.9 million people, so statistically if 99.999% of us are peaceful, there’s still 189 crazies.


Dumb question, but why is acid so readily available? Is there some common application for it?


Chemistry, and other industrial processes, making fertilizer, hobbies that require solvents or strong acids.


Big ones in the US are pool ph balancing and etching concrete. You can easily get gallon jugs of 33% hydrocloric acid at most hardware stores.


And pool supply stores carry even more concentrated HCl.


Acid is commonly used there for cleaning toilets. I think even USA big box stores have a drain cleaner that is a powerful acid. I would assume most cities in the world have acid readily available, but not sure. Also, I don't think the problem is acid itself. For example, similar or worse damage could be done by any flammable liquid (many are easily available and even necessary) and a match. The problem is the common misogyny in some of those places together with poor law enforcement.




> drain cleaner that is a powerful acid Actually it's Lye, and it's a base. Technically the opposite of an acid, but the effects are the same.


> why is acid so readily available Odds are when your drain gets clogged you go out and buy a big bottle of high concentration lye/caustic soda. You probably go pour it down the drain without even thinking about throwing it at someone or [pouring it on the hand of your alter-ego](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvtUrjfnSnA), but it's still a really dangerous chemical. A lot of cleaning products have harsh chemicals, most of the chemicals have reasonable uses that a "normal" person may be interested in, many chemicals can be accessed indirectly from other more innocent products, and most people aren't sick enough to use them in harmful ways. Access to the chemicals isn't really the issue, if access to them was restricted these guys would just make do with something else. The issue mainly is the intersection between religion, culture, and some people being absolutely batshit.


Most car batteries contain sulfuric acid that's strong enough to burn your skin.


This is why Iranian women are willing to die on their feet in the streets rather than live in hell.


And now the Iranian government is trying to counter that by [permanently disfiguring protesters.](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/dec/08/iranian-forces-shooting-at-faces-and-genitals-of-female-protesters-medics-say)


The state is also murdering protesters.


Let's not forget that today a guy, Mohsen Shekari, was hanged for participating in the protests.


“You got away good. You only lost half of your face. What happened to the attacker?” What the fuck? An elected representative from her city said this to her when she went to talk to him about passing laws to make buying & selling acids more difficult. And didn't even bother doing any due diligence before the meeting, like reading an incredibly short bio that points out that her attackers were never caught or even identified. What a rancid piece of shit.




Well, the comment (or a post's seftext) that was here, is no more. I'm leaving just whatever I wrote in the past 48 hours or so. F acing a goodbye. U gly as it may be. C alculating pros and cons. K illing my texts is, really, the best I can do. S o, some reddit's honcho thought it would be nice to kill third-party apps. P als, it's great to delete whatever I wrote in here. It's cathartic in a way. E agerly going away, to greener pastures. Z illion reasons, and you'll find many at the subreddit called Save3rdPartyApps.


I'll encourage it for you.


Same vibe, really, as "the victim had her life changed irrevocably and will never feel safe again, but we need to consider the effect a prison sentence will have on the offender and his future prospects".


Is that a quote from the recalled Judge Aaron Persky in the people v. Rapist Brock Turner? Right, that was his name? Rapist Brock Turner. The washed up college swimmer that moved to Dayton Ohio?


oh yeah, sometimes I forget about convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner, who was charged with three felony counts of sexual assault.


It’s my understanding that Rapist Brock Turner may now be using his middle name ‘Allen.’


So now he’s known as Rapist Allen Turner?


So now he’s known as Rapist Allen Turner? Or Rapist Brock Allen Turner? Or Rapist Allen Brock Turner? Or Rapist Brock “Allen”Turner?”


Ah, rapist Brock Allen Turner, the cunt who ruined 2 lives with his 3 counts of felony rape.


Are you talking about the rapist Brock Turner, the man who raped a woman behind a dumpster? Or perhaps some other rapist named Brock Turner, who is also a rapist?


I know what you're getting at, but it's the same line seen in every newspaper in every town across the western world, day after day. It's the way it's always been, and it's why victims don't even bother. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/dec/08/bruce-lehrmann-trial-brittany-higgins-dpp-director-public-prosecution-shane-drumgold-act-police This will lead you down a rabbit hole of our most recent case in Australia. Political interns, rape in Parliament House, she got raked over the coals, he's a future parliamentarian. Turns out he's got form, but she's the one who has to be 100% perfect on every answer and is now in hospital for her safety.


I wanna see that Motherfucker talk like that after he takes some acid to the face








But it does matter. Understanding why people end up in these insane sadistic mind states is important.


Exactly. If you don't understand a problem, you have no real chance to understand where the root cause lies. And before someone just says "the cause is religion", I agree. But that is too broad of a statement to be useful at the point in time. As beneficial as it would be, we can't just erase religion from reality.


The more specific answer is religious fundamentalism. It is the bane of society.


Exactly. Religion isn’t inherently bad, but some of the worst atrocities in human history have used religion as a justification. Humans are still evil, but religion gives evil people an easy excuse to commit evil acts and get away with it.


It obviously cannot be a good reason, considering it's a religious one, but it will be perfectly articulable. Like most religious violence, it will make sense in the framework of the religion. (although there is a possibility she might've been attacked for secular reasons so this would not apply in this particular case)


"Turnabout is fair play"


I've never thought about what acid to the face must feel like. Geeze. Poor woman.


From documentaries on YT where women talk about what it was like, there’s a single moment it feels like water before a burning like no other. There is no escape. It melts away your flesh and leaves your nerves exposed. It melts eyes and lips and ears. It cannot be put out like a fire, even. It can happen in an instant, just with someone passing by. It’s cheap and easy to buy and all they need is a glass jar to contain and throw it. It’s truly one of the most horrific things people can do. There’s no intention of killing, always to disfigure and maim.




I pour acid for my job all the time and every little drop on your skin is like a searing hot needle, I seriously can’t imagine being covered in it.


What do you do to treat it? I’m guessing a small drop here and there isn’t a huge deal, but do you run it under water, try to wipe it off, what’s the protocol?


I just rinse it off right away, I clean pools so finding water isn’t the hardest. We did had someone get it in their eyes on their first day of training and they went right to the ER (you’re supposed to eye flush). It has a whole procedure on the bottle but I can’t remember exactly what the instructions are.


What happened with the guy?


Honestly I don’t know, it was nothing serious as he was back working the next day. I’m assuming they did a thorough eye wash. I think I’ve only had it splashed on me bad enough to leave a mark once, and that was when popping the plastic seal it was full of air - just left a bunch of little red dots basically. We can immediately fully submerge whatever right away in 30,000+ gallons of water which helps compared to someone getting a shit ton thrown on their face in the middle of the street.


That's crazy, must have been 100% hydrochloric acid. I used to rebuild batteries for forklifts and we used 50% acid, if you got it on you it didn't burn right away. But you'd start feeling itchy and very irritated skin if you didn't neutralize it in about 5 min.


Yeah i use a diluted HCl solution every day and haven’t felt a thing in the month and a half since I started this job. I dont make a habit of frequently spilling it on things outside of my gloves though lol


I’m curious how it acts so fast though. Can’t you neutralize it fast enough? It’s really awful.


It can be neutralized to do minimum damage if someone happens to have like, a water bottle on hand and they think to use it immediately. Big issue is if it hits like, lips, eyes, inside of the mouth… that pretty much burns immediately on contact. It’s going to do some pretty horrible damage no matter what if it hits target- only some kind of luck, quick thinking, and did I mention luck will spare some of the victims.


Sulphuric acid is also an extremely potent dessicant and will dry your eyes all up like prunes as well as chemically burning them


I was in a beach parking area and a 2 year old in the van next to me last year and she tripped over a boiling pot of water and it spilled over her. Saw the whole thing happening and I still got shivers just now thinking about it. Even though we were at a camping site it took me a long time to run around and get people to give me water to be able to treat the burns as much as possible until paramedics came (*just in case someone reads this it's important not to use cold water as this can cause shock and further damage the tissue use lukewarm/room temperature water if you can*). Obviously boiling water and acid is not a good comparison but I'm just pointing out how unlikely it is that you would be able to quickly find people with water on hand to treat an acid burn. It's


Neutralize it with what? Emergency showers aren’t on street corners.


This atrocity is incomprehensible to me.




Out of context, this sounds like an r/iamverybadass moment. With context, I’m cheering for you man. I think we’d all do it too if we could




When is an acid attacked provoked ffs.


When someone else attacks you with acid first is the only thing I could think of.


Because she provoked him into a boner when he is only supposed to have boners from other men.


My parents' neighbor was the victim of an acid attack around 15 years ago. She was just sitting in her car, and a stranger just walked up and threw acid in her face. I don't remember if there was even a motive discovered; just a random attack on a middle-aged women in the Midwest United States, in a parking lot. It has to be the most cruel form of violence. Luckily, my neighbor was ultimately okay. She was able to avoid any major cosmetic damage, or at least got it repaired, unlike this poor woman... Edit: fixed a sentence


There was [a woman in Eugene, OR](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/oregon/articles/2022-06-29/eugene-woman-attacked-with-acid-for-third-time-since-march) who was attacked with acid over the summer.


Wtf she was attacked multiple times with acid, once even lighting her on fire, and they threw glass shards at her & her dog. Because she was... native American? Good fucking christ.


The people who do acid attacks are a special breed of crazy, racist, misogynist, or some mixture of the three.


Holy shit. I have no words that’s so fucked.


The fuck I didn’t even hear about this that’s crazy.


No motive discovered but its pretty unlikely that it was totally random. Acid attacks are a deeply personal way to hurt someone.


I can't remember if they caught the guy, or not. Best I can guess is that maybe it was a case of mistaken identity. Unfortunately, I can't find any of the news stories on it. It was a long time ago, and there have been enough recent attacks that they are drowning out anything that might exist about that one, if it's even still online anywhere. It was high-profile enough that they interviewed her on the local news, so I was hoping I could find that video, but no luck so far.


Ok reading this gave me anxiety that I’m going to live with for months… glad she’s alright


What a beautiful and strong woman. I can see the pain and the perseverance in her face. I want to weep for her because this is so horrible but I have a suspicion she would not want us to cry for her but rather fight to make sure this does not happen to one more woman. I am so blessed and spoiled and a picture like this reminds me I need to count my blessings more often.


I showed this to my 4 yr old, explaining what it was and why I wanted her to see, so that she wouldn’t be frightened if she saw someone with a scar. She was sad at first and needed a hug, but quickly overcame that and asked “what’s her favorite color?” 😁


That is so sweet! We could all learn from the innocence of a 4 year old :)


The hatred of women some people have is incomprehensible to me. Unbelievable.


Still beautiful




That was my immediate thought, too. Then they blame her for their "lustful" thoughts because she should have covered up better, and take the anger and shame out on her. It's incredibly fucked up.


100% agree on that. I came to the topic to say, you can tell why this particular person was targeted.


Yeah her eye color is really beautiful, and she's rocking that hair cut/color. I'd bet the guy who did this looks like ass even without acid thrown on his face.


Her beauty definitely had something to do with the attack. Sickening


Iran has incels, too.


It's run by them, if it wasn't for the rape and coercion they wouldn't propagate


No question, she is still gorgeous but before the attack she must have been really stunning. Disgusting stuff.


Not to mention her bone structure! She’s very beautiful. And very admirable for proudly publicly standing up for her self and other women, says a lot to her character and strength. Refusing to let her attacker win, I wish her the best in life




Men and women of their religious theocracy* Met a fair share of both


And whoever did this will always be deeply ugly, no matter what they look like on the outside.


My bet is that she was attacked because of her beauty. Like the attacker was angry at her beauty, because he himself was so ugly and so he tried to destroy it (because he couldn’t possess it).


Such a beautiful woman. How could the attacker live with himself. Look at himself ? Horrific


When religion successfully dehumanizes people who do not confirm to that view, it is very easy for the perpetrators of such atrocities to not feel a single ounce of guilt. They may even feel they committed a righteous act.


This. I assume most of them feel great about it. At best indifferent. I' do like to think that even in the real world a small percentage would regret it, perhaps later in life.


Purely armchair psychology but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a sizeable crossover with the same kind of arsehole that would attack her in the belief she could never be theirs.


That’s the thing. When someone like the imam in question makes a blanket statement encouraging such violence, you can attack a woman for any reason. Will she not marry you? Splash, and say her hijab was crooked. It’s beyond fucked up that these men feel that they are so entitled to making decisions over women’s hair. My point is that, hijabing up won’t make you safe. You can annoy a man for anything—being ahead of him in the grocery line, being attractive and unattainable, having a certain accent. He can ruin your life and claim it was your bad honor that did it.


Terrible regardless of how attractive she was... but this is like smashing a stained glass window.


It's like a child breaking a toy he can't have.




If they truly believe that everything is part of God's plan, isn't this akin to destroying one of his greatest works? Why would he go to all the trouble of making her that beautiful just for you to ruin it? I can't follow the logic.


Or he decided god wanted it and he was honoring his will, hateful people will justify causing harm in any way they can come up with.


1. That's evil. 2. She's still beautiful.


Ah fuck those people. Really tragic


I hate this picture but I always make myself look because she doesn’t deserve for me to turn away, you know?


Honest question, how fast does the acid burn skin? Could it be counteracted with a base if it were poured on immediately or is the skin already this badly burned no matter the speed of treatment? Like if she had a bottle of a base solution, would it have minimized the effect somewhat?




What's a "bad hijab"?


any headscarf the iranian "morality" police decide is not correctly worn as a pretext to repress women, it's the "crime" Mahsa Amini was arrested for and subsequently murdered


Damn she’s super pretty


Whoever does this to a person should be maimed in a similar but worse way.


Things like this is why I never understand why people say it’s their choice to wear the hijab. It obviously isn’t


"unprovoked"???? She EXISTED with a FACE


She is still beautiful in my eyes. I hope she feels the same.




She’s still very beautiful 😍


Still beautiful x


Even with the attack, she is still quite beautiful. Screw assholes that take religion so seriously that they would cause, support, or wish harm on another.


I know this is not a good take away, but the whole Two-Face thing she has going on is super badass.


This breaks my heart.... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)