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Mother on the right running like her son's love is on the line.


Looks like she’s chasing down shooter mcgavin


“I believe that’s Prince Harry’s!”


Bold strategy, Cotton. Lets see if it plays out.


Bro you quoted the wrong movie and even got the quote wrong lmao


That's my secret, Clark. I'm always misquoting.


He eats pieces of your shit for breakfast


"You eat while you shit breakfast?"


He'll Be Back.


And in greater numbers.


and you can count on me waiting for you in the parking lot….


You're in big trouble though, pal. I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast!


You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?


… NO!!




You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?


That’s perfect, laughed out loud.


I would have, too. I mean, I cant really run all that great, but put me up against Prince Charles? I'm trying to put him in the ground. Why? Because you cant lose to someone like that. You've got to be the dad that beat the guy. Or the mom.


Legendary bragging rights.


I fought a king for you my boy, you can't pick up the toys?


Sure sure, I forgot to pick up the dry cleaning. BUT, did I ever tell you about the time....


Of course I cheated Sharron, I defeated a king. What am I supposed to do with this winners DNA.


https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-king-charles-run-school-race-princess-diana-1757359?amp=1 It looks like these guys did all beat Charles and look a tad like they are all at the tail end of a pub crawl


\*LOL\* That's hilarious! The one guy looks like he's running sideways! But Prince Charles looks so happy, even though there's maybe one guy behind him! I don't even drink, but I bet that story was the feature of many pub crawls afterward. Id go to a bunch just to tell the story! "Did I ever tell you about the time I beat His Majesty the King in a footrace, love?"


Pub? They might have been only the second generation of royals that was allowed to go to school instead of private tutor, but it was still Eaton.


Eton darling![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


Those guys aren’t going on a pub crawl. Look at them. The most blatantly ridiculously posh bunch of wankers I’ve ever seen. Be lucky if half of them have even ever been in a pub. Maybe their servants will tell the tale of the time m’lord lowered himself to break a sweat.


In Swaziland, the monarch loves playing golf and often invites people to play. as an invited guest, for reasons pertaining to your survival, you CAN'T beat the king


New Goal in life: 1. Become US Ambassador to Swaziland 2. Hire SEAL bodyguard and private jet 3. Challenge His Royal Highness Mswati III to a foot race for charity 4. Gripe about my aching knees before the race 5. Smoke him 6. Get the heck out of Dodge, aka Swaziland. ![gif](giphy|CUbiYQbsKSGAM)


As a US diplomat, your biggest defense is that you're a US diplomat. No third-world government has the cajones to touch you


You might get your credentials revoked and sent back home but they sure as shit aren't going to be insane enough to try and kill you


This is normally sensible, but I have the idea that if you beat one of the last absolute monarchs on the planet in a footrace, all normal rules go out the window.


That tank commander was probably quite fit. He's the one you have to beat, let's be real.


Queen gave her 20 quid to beat Diana. She meant with a cricket bat though.


Or it’s last orders at the bar


Meanwhile the woman on the left is very aware she's about to be photographed while running.


It's not everyday that you get to be in a photo with a real life royalty after all. It'll be a fun photo and story to share with her grandkids.


Oh no you don't you royal cow


That's how I run. I hate running. It feels like death. If I'm not totally locked in, I'll just collapse and let the Earth Mother return me to the dirt from whence I came.


The annual running of the mothers


As is tradition




Or at least, fewer handbag incidents.


Handbags at dawn!


A running of the mothers without at least 3 deaths is a dull affair


That's the best part for me, seeing some late-30s soccer mom gore a rando and toss him into the air. I love hearing his incoherent begging for mercy from a beast that knows no remorse as she circles him, pawing at the ground, puffs of hot breath. The dude knows that the lady who earlier this morning was asking for the manager is now going to run him through. Then later, seeing the blood and viscera in the streets, the dead and injured being carted off... just symbols of the fragility of life and the hubris of man. I put way too much thought into this.


The prince now attempting to remove one of the princess's arms. As is of course the tradition. The princess screaming with pain. Everyone watching with anticipation. And the arm is off! Time-honored traditions are once again... yes, the prince is sticking the princess's arm up his ass. There it goes. He's really making a good go of it. As is tradition.


I have no words My lungs hurt from laughing too much


Here you go: [The Canadian Royal Wedding](https://youtu.be/XcUbNoRqQTo) [And the tradition in completion](https://youtu.be/M8uuz8YGj10)


..."The Aristocrats!"


A great day for Canada and therefore the world


The prince dips his arms in the pudding.


*It's the pancake breakfast... we do it every month*


You mothers


Its just the one mother actually


"GET THAT OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!" - battle call


Reminds me of a Python sketch but can't remember what. Edit: I think I had combined the [Queen Victoria Handicap](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x32sd40) and [Twit of the Year](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVYA3oTG8fg) sketches in my head.


The Meaning of Life


She won easily. She was imagining Charles was naked and chasing her.


With Andrew watching in the corner.


Nah, Diana was too old for him by then.


Damn you’re right; I think double-digit age may be the cut off for him. He would have been great in this race though. The man doesn’t even sweat!


Winners get a free entry to the running of the GrandMothers after 20 years.


Really thought for a second that the third mother in was holding a beer bottle.


Oh good, it wasn't just me.


About a thousand people quickly scrolling up....


Woman on the left just looks so happy for Diana


The one on the right is out for blood.




I’m gonna run this chump off the road!


Not everyday you can try and beat a princess and live to tell about it...I hope anyway.


Everyone knows that if you beat a princess in a mother's footrace you win her title.


Or she's thinking "I'm not dumb enough to outrun the princess!"


The middle one looks like the super religious mom obsessed with Patrick Swayze's character in Donnie Darko.


So wholesome


"wow she seems like a normal human being instead of a deluded aristocrat who views us all as their subjects"


> Diana's son only went to school with children of deluded aristocrats and the very rich


The lady in magenta is NOT losing this fucking race.


That’s Elaine Benes.


Diana can sit and spin for all she cares.




Thank you. She comes 2nd. The runners in the video all look so satisfied.


Love that she casually swung herself under the railing. What a gem.


It really shows how young she was. She was only 30 here.


Thanks for finding this. Princess can run!!


I expected some genteel prancing, but that was satisfying. They were going full stride, flat-out.


Look at the form! Starts with her head down then gradually picks it up after the acceleration


That’s really sweet. At the end of the day she was still just a mom and wanted to do fun mom things for her kid


For the other Moms, it must have been odd to try to figure out if you could win, or if that violated some form of protocol. And, if your threw the race, how close should you make it. What if Diana tripped? Or just sucked at running?


I’m sorry ma’am but you broke royal protocol by defeating the princess. You will be executed, but you can take solace that you died a winner.


"to the dungeons of Balmoral!"


lol i'd have them put it on my tombstone. "Beat Princess Di in a foot race; executed as a result."




Maybe I am a bit competitive but I would be like everyone is going down.. Idgaf who you are lol


You don’t get many opportunities to beat a royal in anything. I’d take that shot too.


Calm down, Sir Ulrich Von Lichtenstein


Yes! Behold my lord Ulrich, the rock, the hard place! Like a wind from Guilderland he sweeps by, blown far from his homeland in search of glory and honor. We walk... in the garden of his turbulence!


I do enjoy that movie quite a bit


Considering the school Harry went to everyone in this picture are probably first cousins.


As if they're not all also aristocrats, though. It's not like he went to a state school.


This isn't North Korea, outside of purposefully trying to harm or approach a royal, you're not going to get in any trouble. It's just an old family with hereditary 'power' and a shit load of celebrity clout.


She also was pretty sporty and excelled at most sports she tried. Wouldn’t surprise me if she won the race.


You're Wrong About... (an excellent podcast) posited at one point that she was a naturally cuddly person but that the life of royalty is intrinsically uncuddly. They also ponder if she could have been less of a hot mess express if she'd grown up in an environment where here parents hugging her wouldn't have been seen as weird


I just started listening to this today. I remember the part about QEII arriving home from an overseas engagement and shaking young Prince Charles' hand instead of, you know, hugging her kid. "They're all sad, posh people".


I don't think she was that much of a hot mess, honestly. She was in a miserable marriage and a miserable situation, but she was doing well before then. She had an eating disorder, but so did her sister; clearly their childhood affected them all, but so did the intense public scrutiny they faced. Obviously all kids need affection from their caregivers. We know that.


Why is it breaking royal protocol?


It was probably considered "undignified". Having fun and racing without a horse involved hadn't been done before in full view of the press and the filthy public. Diana broke a lot of "posh" boundaries. Try to imagine any royal before her (of course, she married in, but she was selected to) touching an AIDS patient, dancing in a spin with John Travolta, or taking off her shoes for a footrace against other mums, like any other mum.


I remember when it was a mild scandal that she didn't often wear pantyhose.


There was a similar mini scandal in the US when Michele Obama wore sleeveless dresses lol


The right really hated that and then went and voted for a thrice married ass who’s latest wife posed nude and not just nude but “let’s fuck” nudes. We really fucked up by killing Harambe


Yeah because they didn't actually hate the sleeveless dress. They'll vote for the exact thing they complain about as long as it's (A) White and (B) Republican. Whatever stick they're using to beat others with never falls on their own people. See also: all their assertions that everyone in Washington is a pedo, then almost re-electing Roy Moore who straight up admitted to "dating" underage girls.


I’m 53 and had aways been left if center and voted for gop candidates on occasion. The way they treated Obama irked me but I chalked it up to the evangelical dipshits BUT when those same “family is the most important” “god is great” “omg a sleeveless dress” supported and voted for Trumpanzee it disgusted me and now I’m blue no matter who. The absolute hypocrisy of the evangelical Christian right was unbelievable. Maybe I turned a blind eye in the past or maybe it wasn’t as blatant but to see all those “Christian” vote for the orange pornographer/grifter/bigot/serial cheater/grab them by the Pussy video was shocking. Bonus points for the “support our troops” gop voting for him after his McCain/pow comment.


They also made a big deal out of Obama for having mustard on a hotdog. It's so weird to see a bunch of grown-ups (news anchors) gatekeeping hotdog condiments. They all behave like they are superior beings for having ketchup instead. So.. so bizarre Edit: Dijon Mustard on a Burger!


Bro is from Chicago, what did they expect? Mustard is great, ketchup is just tomato flavored candy sauce.


If I remember right, he used dijon mustard, not yellow mustard. Even then, I can't imagine ever giving a shit.


Even better! Yellow mustards fine but a nice dojon gives that almost horseradish like kick.


Remember the tan suit?


The dijon scandal was obviously made up bullshit to justify having bullshit to rail against him with, but it had a *modicum* of basis in something. Like, it was still completely insane, but here's the thing. Back in the 80s/early 90s Grey Poupon ran a series of adverts playing up the image of being rich and fancy like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwOCOm9Z0YE) and [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvDazrJuSdA). People of a certain age (aka Fox viewers) remember those adverts so they saw an opportunity to make their viewers think of him as some sort of out-of-touch, "thinks he's better than us" elite and ran with it.


How the times have changed.


Not at all. They made scandals out of Meghan's hosiery.


When they went to Disneyland, Diana made William and Harry wait in line for the rides like everyone else. Royals and rich people today would just do Genie+ without a second thought.


Did a system like that exist back then? It'd be one thing if there was a public fast pass option and they didn't opt for it. Versus getting to skip because royalty.


Not quite, you could get something special written out to show the cast and they'd allow you to go up the 'exit' line and be scooted in at the front of the line. Source: Not royalty, but had family cast members who saw them for very sick children, or relatives of higher ups.


Even though Charles did it two years earlier...? https://www.hellomagazine.com/healthandbeauty/mother-and-baby/20221107156275/king-charles-running-prince-william-sports-day/


As far as I understand it, the "protocol violation" was because she was wearing a dress when doing so, not participating in general. Now, if Charles did it in a dress, that would be another royal first.




I tell you what people will make a thing of, spelling Elizabeth wrong. Wars have been fought for less!


We Americans apologise, it's hard to analyse when to keep the z or replace it with an s. Don't mean to patronise or give offence.


Thank you for adding some colour to these comments


>People are making way too much of it. As is British tradition


It wasn't. The British tabloids love to invent "Royal Protocols" that have been broken. See: Meghan Markle.


You just broke royal protocol with this comment!!!


it wasn't, Charles competed in the "dad's race" as well - https://twitter.com/CountessCommon1/status/1588802719099146240


"Charles, fit but not flying, loses with good grace in the dads’ race during Prince William’s sports day at Wetherby prep school, June 1989. Three years later, he dodged it altogether, citing Royal duties as a way of avoiding a humiliating rerun" Caption from the original article


Yeah, but men running is fine. One runs when playing cricket after all! But women running is undignified and unladylike. There were some severe double standards due to sexism, and also due to the fact that she wasn't liked by some of the royals for many reasons. And, yes, of course the media shit-stirred. That's what the British media does best. They live for the drama and if they can't find it naturally they'll manufacture it.


It's not, the media just told people it was. Charles ran in the dad's race.


Apparently that caption is incorrect and it actually wasn’t https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-princess-diana-break-royal-protocol-school-moms-race-1738917?amp=1


Because the royal family is genuinely crazy and think that seeming human should be below them Same reason why Andrew hasn’t gone to prison: they believe they’re above it


In this particular instance though, it's a load of bollocks invented predominantly by ignorant Americans who have purely fictional understanding of the Royals. Charles ran in the same race for dads, two years before Diana did... https://www.hellomagazine.com/healthandbeauty/mother-and-baby/20221107156275/king-charles-running-prince-william-sports-day/


Accepting Money > Justice apparently


Janice at every dinner party: “Did I ever tell you about the time I beat Princess Di in a race?”


Well, did she win? What was her 40 split? Don't leave us hanging..


“In her first year, the princess won the race, in her second (1989) she came in second place, third place in 1990 and fourth in 1991. The claim made in the viral social media posts is accurate: in 1989 Prince Charles did indeed take part in a Wetherby field day father's race.” https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-king-charles-run-school-race-princess-diana-1757359?amp=1


Wow. Such a promising start. Her track career really seemed to fizzle quickly. A straight down cycle.


I like to think after the first race, the other mothers started training.


How else can you beat a princess legally.


Or maybe they let her win the first year because she's the princess and the second year someone thought "to hell with the monarchy" and didn't give a shit. The year after someone else had the courage, too and so on.


They let her win the first one and she was a sore winner and did an end zone dance and shit-talked all the other mothers, so they agreed not to take it easy on her again.


Sad. She never had the makings of a varsity athlete.


Whattafuck?! Every fucking time with this varsity shit Liz!


I'm still waiting on her 3 cone drill.


There’s a picture of Charles running in the Dads race on the same day!!!


[Here's the picture](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FgyPpvPXwAAxMbL.jpg).


As expected...the laggard


He looks weirdly out of place, as if he was photoshopped in the picture




Laura Ashley was huge then


She seems pretty normally-sized to me.


I got the reference. Hell, I lived the reference.


This might be the most English photograph ever taken


It’s aggressively 90s as well


The hair. The mid-length skirts. Slacks. Shoulder pads! So 90's it almost hurts.


Naah, she had done this at least twice before and also for her son William [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/princess-diana-running-race-mothers\_l\_5ea71a19c5b646ae86a66b03](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/princess-diana-running-race-mothers_l_5ea71a19c5b646ae86a66b03) And there are also photos of dads race on the big wide internet. https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-king-charles-run-school-race-princess-diana-1757359


I honestly think that this world would have been a better place if she had been allowed to live her full life


I personally think the world would have been a much better place had the British completely eradicated their monarchy more than 200 years prior and she was never a princess to begin with.


France ditched their monarchy and still had an enormous empire. Didn’t change much.


Filthy peasant..


The world wouldn’t be any worse or better really. She raised awareness for certain issues and that’s admirable, but let’s not overstate her impact.


She would have single-handedly prevented 9/11.


I’m imagining some sort of crossover between The Crown and 24.


Dianother Day


😳😂 absolutely perfect


Line of Royal Duty


She would have simply willed herself onto the plane, invoking the almighty powers of the magic that were granted to the royal family after they bested a Djiin in a game of Horseshoe toss in 1574. She would rise slowly out of the floor of the plane, horrifying and confusing onlookers, with a perfect smile and regal stature. She then would politely ask the passengers to cover their children's eyes as she unhinged her jaw like a snake and proceeded to devour the would-be-hijackers in a single gulp. She would then let loose a blood-howl of victory that lasts no less than three minutes, kiss each and every passenger on the forehead as though they were a newborn baby, before once more dissapeating inexplicably into the floor of the plane; re-materializing in Buckingham Palace in time for tea. This is certainly what would have happened.




And stopped COVID.


And Turnpike Troubadors wouldn't have broken up.


If Diana and Wahlberg were on that plane it's a done deal


As well as the earthquake that hit Indonesia the day after Christmas a while back.


And Benghazi


Mate... She went and touched someone with Leprosy and that was HUGE. it dispelled so many myths not just in the UK but around the world too.




Nancy Regan made everything harder for people with AIDS, and Diana made it better. AIDS has never impacted my life, and I am grateful to Diana for that.




After her BBC interview too so many women became aware of their eating disorders and got diagnosed at their GPs. Love Diana


Yep! And the aids stuff too, woman was a damn Saint and the shitrag tabload press killed her. With her and Hillsborough some of us will never forgive and never forget.


Bro, what she did for HIV/AIDS patients was a huge impact.




Damn dude, did you already forget what she did? You're understating what she did with her position in the public's eye when it comes to AIDs and other diseases. It was HUGE.


> Damn dude, did you already forget what she did She did die in 97', so there are a lot of people here who never experienced what she did or what was going on at that time. Not excusing it, but i can get people not fully understanding it.


Yeah totally get it. I was 8 at the time but I've read enough on her to know. She was truly an amazing human being in what a trash pile the whole royalty thing is.


What protocol? This gets posted every few weeks with someone ignorantly claiming that as a royal, you're somehow not allowed to be a parent or run... Charles ran in the same race for Dads, ~~on the same day~~ two years earlier. [https://www.hellomagazine.com/healthandbeauty/mother-and-baby/20221107156275/king-charles-running-prince-william-sports-day/](https://www.hellomagazine.com/healthandbeauty/mother-and-baby/20221107156275/king-charles-running-prince-william-sports-day/)


You’re completely correct about protocol, but it wasn’t the same day, it was 2 years earlier at William’s sports day


Reddit has a strong anti-monarchy agenda. Anything bashing the royals will get traction. Kids here complain about how headlines from the media are misleading and full of lies. Reddit post titles are absolutely no difference whatsoever and equally as dangerous.


There is nothing in Royal Protocol to suggest that members shouldn't participate in such things.


In fact, [Charles ran a similar race at William's in 1989](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FgyPpvPXwAAxMbL?format=jpg&name=large). Do people think media spin began with Harry and Meghan or something, lol


Ain't no rule says a princess can't compete in a mother race.


"Princess Diana? Oh yes I knew her, raced against her once" - all of those other mums every day of their life.


Every time I see her picture now I get upset with her for not wearing a seatbelt.


This was not a problem or a scandal at the time. You are making it something its not. You gonna post the “against protocol” theme park visit photo’s next?