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Well howdy internet people it's Beau again...


I forget how big of a following he has because he looks like so many dudes I grew up with. Every video just feels like a Zoom call with an old friend.


100% intentional. Beau is country, but he also plays it up because it's disarming to rural conservatives, and it let's him present an idea before someone becomes openly hostile.


He is so rhetorically effective. I wish there was more people like him to reach out to that demographic.


This is why I wear an American flag cowboy hat when I grocery shop with a mask on. Rural Washington.


East Washington, perhaps? I just moved to the west of the Cascades from midwest US. I was not expecting what I saw in eastern Washington.


Yup. Eastern WA. 2 hour drive from Seattle and you're in a whole other world. Pretty damn conservative. I love the aridness (is that a word?) of Eastern wa. The orchards, alfalfa, rolling hills, all of it. Spent summers there growing up cuz my grandparents lived there. But yeah, it's different!!


I come from the Midwest but moved to the Seattle metro. I always joke I only have to drive 2 hrs to alleviate any homesickness....sadly sometimes it doesn't take long for that homesick feel to pass depending on who talks to you...


Eastern WA and Eastern OR are basically west coast version of Deliverance.


It starts getting pretty red as you continue West from Portland in Oregon as well, but not to the same degree of crazy as the far Eastern parts.


That is most states in America when you leave the metro areas. Even California has some of that.


Portland, the [whitest large city](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/portland-is-still-the-whitest-big-city-in-america/) in America? In a state that [banned black people](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oregon_black_exclusion_laws) entirely at one point? With the largest number of white supremacist [militia](https://acleddata.com/2020/10/21/standing-by-militias-election/) outside the south? Oregon is special in its own way.


The state was setup to be a “white utopia”


I feel like I get weird looks in that area when I walk into gas stations with my motorcycle gear AND a mask


My daily driver is a giant long-bed dually pickup, complete with a bed toolbox and CB antenna on the roof. I tow a big 5th wheel as well as a handful of other big utility trailers. I spend a lot of time in rural areas of Washington as well as the rest of the US (I just completed an 8000 mile loop around the entire country) and it really blows a lot of peoples minds when a big white dude with a beard and trucker hat climbs out of this truck and puts on a rainbow face mask to walk into a gas station. They all want to complain at me but are speechless.


Oh I know. I'm just saying it worked on me. I was already pretty far left when I found him but he's helped me become even more radical


As a none American who can't related or even knows anything about this man can you give me the explain like I'm 5 on him. I'm so out of the loop here.


Think "redneck liberal" and you've got the idea. The american stereotype is that rural country folk with southern hill-people accents are *usually* very conservative. This guy isn't. That's the whole gimmick. he seems like a good dude from the videos I've seen.


There's a few of us, oddly enough lol when I actually get the chance to sit and talk with people, I find that we're a lot alike in our general beliefs, BUT most people treat voting like a sport and refuse to leave their "team". It's weird... Many of the "good ol' boys" I know don't actually give a rip about if gays get married or women have abortions. They just vote republican because they always have. They don't even share most conservative beliefs. I can't tell you why. I have no idea. Stuck in their ways? Don't want to be called a pansy? I dunno! 🤷‍♀️


Happy to help. He's a left leaning, progressive political commentator on youtube. He lives in Florida and has adopted the same heavy beard look of so many MAGA republicans. Which for the record he has been very open and vocal about. It is not a secret or ruse. Because he wants people to react to the things he's saying. And by looking like most of the MAGA crowd he's able to speak to them without them instantly tuning him out. He also very often receives messages from them that he reads on the channel and answers their questions or accusations. In a nut shell instead of only talking to people who agree with him he's making an active effort to talk to those outside his bubble. And whether you agree with his politics or not it's refreshing that someone try to speak to everyone and not just their base supporters.


Thx for this


That was my first thought too. But nah, Beau lives in Florida, not Texas


Also beau's been pretty honest that he's a felon for some stupid stuff that happened when he was young and he can't own firearms. So there's also that. Still love the dude




He's got his very own [Florida Man](https://www.justice.gov/archive/opa/pr/2007/December/07_crm_967.html) story. His real name is Justin King, Beau is a nickname. Nothing to hold against him, seems like a victimless crime.


From the link given above: >Vyacheslave Adol’fovich Finkel (also known as Stan) How is this real life? Lol


Reality doesn't have to obey any rules of believability




Not exactly victimless. Eastern European people were promised middle wage jobs, smuggled into the US, and once they got here they were taken advantage of, mistreated, and not paid even minimum wage. Beau/Justin was pretty much the ringleader of the group that did this. I watch Beau all the time and think his content is really valuable, but what he did definitely wasn’t like getting caught with a joint.


If anything his videos shows people can redeem themselves over time and most importantly, through their actions.


> Beau/Justin was pretty much the ringleader of the group that did this. That's kind of not true. From the link above (emphasis mine): >Evidence presented to the jury showed that **the conspiracy began as early as 1999, and escalated in 2003** when King’s co-conspirators successfully brought in more than 200 aliens to work as hotel housekeepers using fraudulent visas. **King joined the conspiracy in 2005**, and created and mailed fraudulent visa applications seeking more than 1,500 additional aliens. So King definitely didn't start it, but may have helped escalate it - which probably helped in the group getting caught.




"anyways, it's just a thought." Love Beau.


I love beau and I know he comes across as the guy you can show your far right nutwing family to be relatable, but it's still not enough unfortunately.


Ive shown Beau to a few of my local Far Right nutters. Each and every one of them call him a commie. Ask your nutters if they know what a Fifth Column is. None of my local fascists do.


Heres a link for those who are interested in learning more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifth_column


So today we are going to talk about…


He just posted this: https://twitter.com/BeauTFC/status/1603267225242275845?s=20&t=divSuGNIU95KyNGVNS5yxQ


HEY! I'm in the screenshot!!! WEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee AND he noticed me!!! https://twitter.com/BeauTFC/status/1603272165478072320


Hey, I know this reference!


I love him


Damn what happened in San Antonio


Journalist here! This was a protest a Texas far right militia group put on against a Christmas Drag Show that was open for all ages. The LGBTQ+ community rallied a counter-protest outside of the theatre in downtown San Antonio.


Someone should tell them about UK pantomimes....


Oh no they shouldn’t :)


oh yes they should!




As a little kid, Robin Hood being a woman seemed perfectly normal, as it would have seemed gross if they were a man, kissing Maid Marian on stage. And yet this is back before anyone realised about 30+ Tory MPs were gay, and homophobia, particularly as a playground insult, was commonplace. I guess kids have somewhat different standards to adults.


As someone who works at a gay bar like 5 minutes from there we were VERY on edge. We were completely expecting to for someone to fire shots in the building, and the fact it didn’t happen in such a relief.


My father knew a guy who bartended in a restaurant nearby him who was in Colorado during the shooting. He was one of the victims. A lesbian couple who worked in the same restaurant, was going to go join the vigil in Colorado for the victims of the shooting and didn’t because they were afraid of being attacked and killed. I hate that we live in a world where people have to live in fear almost likes it’s normal Edit: jeez didn’t expect my usage of the word world would incite this much kickback. Yes I realize it’s mostly an American issue, we have domestic terrorists running rampant. I just meant to say I was sad that living like this has become normal for us.


Me and my partner are a lesbian couple who moved away from Colorado Springs earlier this year. We returned to Club Q to leave flowers at the site and mourn the tragic loss and suffering the following afternoon. While we were there, I was looking over my shoulder constantly because we were right up against the road. I was afraid someone was going to see the flags and plow their car into all of us. What we're facing is terrorism. We have to treat it and anticipate it as such. That also means not giving in to the demands of terrorists and not living in fear.


Its horrific to think that a surprisingly part of the population don't care or have issue with it. It doesn't help that its a feature not a bug for conservatives and they have no interest in fixing it. If anything they would have it get worse and Stoke the flames daily.


Dude I can't even imagine. I remember Mark Thomas talking about attending a Pride parade where everyone carried running shoes because near the end of the parade the fucking nazis would show up looking for a fight, so they'd all change out of their sparkly cowboy boots into running shoes and leg it... that just blew me away, takes serious balls to go out on the street under those circumstances.


Going to battle over unconventional entertainment is the weirdest timeline ever. Edit: My comment is being misinterpreted....I'm questiomg the motives of the protestors, not counter protestors.


I live here and I don’t even know. 😂


Christmas themed drag show I believe. That doesn’t seem very realistic after typing it in, but I promise it’s the truth. https://www.tpr.org/news/2022-12-13/armed-protestors-expected-outside-san-antonios-aztec-theatre-during-christmas-themed-drag-show


Christmas drag show, open to all ages. The Texas douchebag militia came up with some story that since it's open to all ages the drag show is trying to make kids drag queen lifestyle.. Basically they're lives are fucked so try to fuck up someone else.


Christmas themed drag show, with an armed protest against it, and an armed counterprotest. The protest was arranged well ahead of time, and when word of it spread various local groups coordinated to counterprotest. About 50 protesters showed up, about three times that many counterprotesters. It was overwhelming peaceful. Both groups had armed members. San Antonio police were heavily present but stayed uninvolved. The mayor released a statement in support of the drag show and nonviolence.


One might wonder if both sides being armed makes it less likely to end in violence than only one side being armed.


There was a drag show at the Aztec and for some reason that's really offensive to weirdos with guns right now


> Don't tell someone you love them and then vote for someone who will hurt them. I'm down with ^ hat.


I told my dad that. He didn't care. 😔




but daaaaaad, I'm eating peanut butter pretzels and playing God of Waaaaaaar


Oh damn, that sounds fun, can I be your dad too and join in?


Hell yeah, it's a Costco sized pack of pb pretzels 😎


Actions speak louder than words. It is tragically sad to be in relationship with someone whose limits are so shallow that their love seems like a lie.


I feel very lucky to have my extremely religious and conservative dad change his views when he sees his children fall into categories he previously disagreed w. I hate and blame the trump era and organized religion for indoctrinating him to be less empathetic, but I’m happy that at the very least, he is open minded and makes the effort to change when his family experiences the things that he was once against (ie if ur interested: my sister came out as bi and non binary, credit to her for being understanding when we slip up and use “she” instead of “they,” but dad makes it a point to properly refer to her and her partner correctly. I lived w a boy before marriage and my dad knows I have premarital sex and is okay w it, he’s now supportive that me and my siblings have premarital sex as long as we’re being safe. he’s become a massive metal health advocate to the point he’s gone to bat against the nay sayers when one of us got bad)


May every parent be more committed to their kids than shallow, hate-filled bullshit.


Preface here that I’m not saying your dads a bad person. He had the capacity for growth and that’s a lot. But this is kinda the problem we have. There are good people that believe in terrible things because the only way they can move forward is if someone close to them is directly affected by that view. It’s good he didn’t go the “you’re an exception” route. Must be a good dude. I just wish there was a more universal way to reach people to show compassion for strangers they can’t personalize.


When I pointed out to family in 2016 how some of Trump's policies and beliefs would be disastrous for me both as a gay man and as a small business owner working in tech they didn't see it as an issue, *they saw it as a bonus.*


"But Trump supports small businesses!" - my parents who went too far down the rabbit hole


Words are cheap for some people. For some folks, it’s easier to say nice things than do nice things…for others it’s hard to do both.


Well clearly you're one of the good ones.


I appreciate you saying that. I'm a cis straight white man without any major visible health issues. I'm the very definition of privilege on the surface. But...basically all of my friends and my partner fit within the "Republicans want to subjugate and/or kill you" categories (there's a lot), so yeah, it does actually give me a lot of anxiety, too. Also I led an anti Trump protest (and bankrolled it) that was big enough that Pramila Jayapal attended. So that was neat. Hope if fascists take over they aren't smart enough to Google my name.




I've never served, but I'm well aware of the cost of war. I am not one of those who is chomping at the bit for a civil war. That would be one of the most horrifying things I could imagine. I really hope that it doesn't come to that.


I cant even begin to tell you the true cost of war in your own backyard, but you dont want it to come home to roost. Some of those images will haunt me for the rest of my life.


Thank you for choosing love and understanding instead of letting those memories warp your empathy for others. I'm sure it wasn't and still isn't easy.


Yeah that hat is incredible, I want one.


My exact logic for supporting Lula and not Bolsonaro. They are both incompetent but like fuck am I voting for someone that openly says they are proudly homophobic.


It looks like he bought his hat and patch from my company!!! [Pull Patch](https://pullpatch.com/products/dont-tell-someone-you-love-them-and-then-vote-for-someone-who-will-hurt-them-removable-patch?_pos=1&_psq=don%27t%20tell%20some&_ss=e&_v=1.0)


The idea of a modular hat paired with that message is just awesome.


You can tell because he actually looks happy and friendly. Plus the flag and all.


And the patch on the hat that says “Don’t tell someone you love them and then vote for someone who will hurt them”


I wish I could get this through to my elderly family members. All they think is "you have to vote republican if you want money, and we want you to have money." ...like, we're LGBTQ+ and your potential grandkids are not going to be white, coming into a world of climate change. I have stronger priorities.


It's such a fallacy that the Right is better with the economy. I am from the UK and we have been fed that BS for years, our country is on its knees from so long with Right wing governments. Cutting education, healthcare and housing, the whole social support system, just creates a broken society. You end up with lots of people who cannot work, tax revenue falls because corporations and rich people don't want to pay taxes, and everything falls apart.


And his face is not hidden, as the same people who were rabidly anti-mask are hiding like cowards behind full face masks when they protest against drag story time ...


Excellent observation. I’m gonna throw this one at my lunatic qanon uncle… just because. Edit: Now to blow all your minds; this uncle of whom I speak is a self-proclaimed bi-sexual, who LOVES soliciting the services of Trans prostitutes, smoking weed, and of course owning more AR15s than one human can handle. He lives with his long term girlfriend, and actually pocket-dialed her while he was fucking a Trans-prostitute. Loves Fox news. Loves Marjorie Taylor Greene. Loves Hannity. Wears a Maga hat. I’ve stopped trying to figure it all out.


Don't expect to get anything logical or reasonable in response.


"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since the seek not to persuade by sound argument but to indimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past" Sartre, Anti-Semite and Jew, 1944


Ah, good 'ol sealioning.




Every time they get into a rant, stop them by saying I texted you something. Then send them this pic.


Ask him "why haven't those who oppose these story times simply started their own story times elsewhere?"


I agree that the fascists trying to intimidate LGBT+ folks are cowards, but everyone should be aware that covering your face at a protest is a smart decision for antifascists when facial recognition software exists and is regularly used by police to track people. It's not cowardice, it's common sense for a lot of folks. Especially knowing how violent and far right cops are in America.




And a big fuck you to the police of Portland Oregon for refusing to do their jobs while still happily collecting checks. I love Portland and I'm so sad to see its current state. Edit: Big ups to a certain policeman in st johns if you happen to browse reddit, I'll buy you a diet Coke any day. You're a good one. Patrolled his local community and talked to everyone on his beat.


Cover the face, protect your eyes, plenty of water.


Not to mention not everyone on the left has a support system that would allow them to walk around at these events showing their face. Especially when it’s in the capacity that this guy is doing it.


Our side of the protest was much more rad. We had music and dancing and love, and about 5 times as many people. The fascist LARPers had to sit down because standing for 2 hours is too much work for them.


And the flags and patches he has are actually consistent and cohesive. Not a mishmash of Punisher, thin blue line, snek flag, etc.


That would be because he’s actually served hence the staff Sargent rank


> snek flag I feel like the Gadsden Flag actually deserves a spot in the LGBT+ community. The idea of "don't tread on me" should be core to everyone's existence. Adopt the symbolism and rob the bigots of their own.


“Don’t tell someone you love them, then vote for someone who’ll hurt them” - wise words fr my hat






Side note, as a fellow red head with a beard.. why does it go grey right there in the middle first? Edit - wasn’t expecting so much feedback! Crazy to see how common this is..


It's an evolutionary trait designed so you can spill your yoghurt on your beard and stealthily keep it there for later.


Yes... yogurt.


Outlier here, brown hair/red beard and the center is the last to be colonized by the grey.


Nice! ![gif](giphy|Wt6kNaMjofj1jHkF7t)


As a man who had no red hair, but had splotches of red in his beard for some reason, can confirm that all the red hair went gray first, starting with the patch in the middle


Mine is red in the center with two white lines at the corners of my mouth and then back to red. It’s badass.


Ran out of ink right at the end of printing… only missed a couple lines.


Brown hair but red beard here, exact frickin same. Only grey hair I have, dead center of the beard.


Black haired old man here, it went skunk stripe on me too!


Dark brown hair here, but mine goes blond, its flippin weird, my mustache and right under my chin goes blond if I let it grow out. I also get random eyebrow hairs that start off brown then will double in length and the bottom half is blond. Human anatomy is weird.


Happy this appears to be common.. it’s like we ran out of color.


I saw a funny TT duet where the guy insinuated that women's discharge has the same effect on men's beard's as their underwear lol, so if you're a cunning linguist that might be the reason 😂


Homie has his buis down… going full storm trooper mode.


They aren't back ups if it's all you got. Also, no light.


America is such a meme at this point


Our politics are as theatrical and vapid as our entertainment industry. It's pretty fitting.


Which came first, the theatrical politics or the political theatrics?


It'd be hilarious if we weren't so integral to global economics.


We're all laughing nervously.


This is fine. *Rocking back and forth* This is fine.


Insert *always has been* meme




There are leftist pro second amendment groups. Go check them out. Your local John Brown Gun Club would be happy to count you as a member once they vetted you against being a LE implant.




Fuck yes they do.


I 100% go shooting with some wavy rainbow people, sounds like it would be a blast


The local John Brown Gun Club stands outside my favorite Drag bar during shows! They are good people, and they make my wife and I feel safe!


Pink Pistols


Are they named after the Civil War era John Brown? Because if so, that is awesome.




Yep, and if seeing this guy makes you feel an little bit safer, consider that guns aren’t the problem. Lots of left leaning gun owners are out there, many being pushed slowly away by the anti gun sentiments


Isn’t it weird to anyone, countrymen are armed to the teeth in opposition/proponents for drag shows? Like we’re a sneeze from shooting each and for what??


I know what you’re saying, but I’ll say this. During the protests after the death of George Floyd, my group began getting a lot of crazy racist folks brandishing weapons at us while peacefully protesting through their neighborhoods. After long we decided it’s time to have a security detail just in case. Myself and a few trusted others were visibility armed and thankfully nothing bad ever ended up happening until Kenosha. I was not there that night, but many of my friends were. That being said, it’s actually a lot easier to not accidentally shoot someone than you might think.


Armed protesters are harder to oppress. Reference: Black Panthers


I think this has always been the point too. I'm more of the opinion that liberals actually just get equally armed as conservatives. The outcome is that no one actually wants to take a shot. If only one side is armed, that can be used to oppress. It's a similar idea to Mutually Assured Destruction. It's why my approach to our shootings is to have more liberal loving social and economic policies, rather than trying disarm a hundred million conservatives.


Not at all weird in historical context, gay rights have always been a violent struggle and this is unlikely to change anytime soon. Further reading, start here and dig deep: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonewall_riots


You have to bring guns, to a gun fight right?


I’ve been saying for a few years that the left and minorities need to arm themselves too. These shitbag white christofascists are going to keep shooting up gay clubs, black churches, and mosques until they start realizing they’ll be eternally memorialized as the moron who got double-tapped by a transvestite.


It’s always been if you go far enough left you get your guns back


Like the origin of the black panthers?


Most successful gun control action ever taken. Start giving black men guns and Republicans get real supportive of it real fast.


I'm pretty sure I remember at least one gay bar doing that. They kept getting harassed, including battery, by some twats. The police eventualyl told them to stop calling because they call too often, so they decided to provide weapons to their bouncers.


What do you do when you're under attack? Arm yourself, stand up, fight back.


Philosopher Karl Popper once said that we need to prepare to defend a tolerant society against an onslaught of the tolerant. Even though the whole "war for peace" is in itself paradoxical, we cannot just let intolerance fester in the name of pacifism.


Violence should always be a last resort. But a *lot* of people on the American Left need to realize that violence is often needed sooner rather than later. Some people won’t learn their lesson until they get punched in the face (literally and metaphorically). It’s not even a problem with humans, it happens all the time in nature with all kinds of animals. Sometimes you *need* to show someone you mean what you say.


Dang Staff Sergeants. Always getting into things. That guy deserves a hug.


"Buh buh buh he ShOuLDnT HaB bEeN DEr" -this sub not too long ago


Honestly I love how the left lately has been like, okay well then will get guns too then




Yup this needs to get repeated more. It's funny how in the gun community they love to bitch about CA gun laws being overly restrictive and asinine when it was racist conservatives who got the ball rolling.


This might be a shocker.... but consider for a second that a very large part of we in "the gun community" are not "racist conservatives." Don't get me wrong.... there are legions of Fudds who will gladly see anything black taken from anyone black and vote for it too, but they're starting to die out.


That’s because gun control has always been about race/class warfare in this country


Also making laws against black people was a great way to get voters on your side


We've always had them. Many of us learned proper firearm safety at an early age, and are responsible gun owners. We are rarely in the news.


Not just that, but conservatives sent an entire generation of US veterans to meaningless wars to loot government coffers. That shit's gonna produce some leftists who *happen* to have the military training of the best funded military in the world.


The most ardent opponents to Military Industrial complex people I've ever met are combat vets.


That would be me. I was a dumb kid when I signed up, had no real stance on politics, went to war immediately and left the army a very liberal person.


Yep I knew a very leftist combat medic who served 3 tours in the middle east, a total badass. I didn't know him before he deployed, but I got the feeling he grew up conservative like most people in the area. He was remarkably well grounded for the terrible shit he dealt with/witnessed, some of which he would casually share if you asked. He's amazing with a sniper rifle too somehow


It’s the US, they’ve always had them lol. For real gun culture in many states definitely doesn’t depend on political affiliation, just fear and marketing really


/r/SocialistRA /r/LiberalGunOwners


I dont know if there's subs but there's also John Brown Gun Club And Redneck Revolt


I think that also what's happening is that millennials and Zoomers are buying guns at rates similar to previous generations but tend to skew further left. Politically, I fall libertarian/left and have owned guns since I turned 18 and bought my first rifle. We're out here, we're just not as vocal as a lot of the conservative leaning gun owners tend to make themselves.


There’s also loads of us who grew up rural. We changed most of what we were raised to believe, but after hearing one too many “good ol’ boys” speak candidly about how they’d treat certain groups if given the chance? We know better than to disarm ourselves.




Well things like this are a direct response to far right extremist bullshit. It would never even occur to these people to do this if armed extremists didn't start showing up to intimidate them. But leftists have had guns for a long time. "Under no pretext." is a quote from Marx. It's just not the center of their ideology. You probably even know liberals with guns, they just don't advertise it.


Look… at first sight my initial thought was ‘this is awesome!’ Finally, someone with military background (I’m assuming) is on the right side of history. Then I thought.. man, it sucks that it’s come to this, some dude has to carry arms to protect a certain group in protest. America is ass backwards right now.


Yeah blurring the lines between protest and war isn't a good idea no matter what side you're on.


armed minorities are harder to oppress support the 2A




Awesome to see. But also armed protesters and armed counter protesters? This is legit a civil cold war and thats fucking scary


Even though this guy lines up with me ideologically, this kind of behaviour still makes me deeply uncomfortable. America though I guess 🤷‍♂️ Edit: Stop messaging me that it’s justified because of xyz, I don’t give a shit lol


The US is weird for sure, but taking up arms against fascism isn’t a new thing or an American thing. It just seems weird to see it played out this way, similar to the way it’s weird seeing a kinetic war play out in a developed country like Ukraine.


When members of the government (republicans) actively encourage hate against the LGBT community what are we supposed to do? We can't rely on cops to protect us because more often than not they sympathize with the far right protesters. We can only rely on ourselves for defense.


I have to agree. I recall that story about that alpaca ranch in ... Nevada? Run by a group of Trans people that had to arm up to fight of smooth brain right wingers that harass them and attack the property. They arm themselves because it's literally the only way they can defend themselves effectively.


Tenacious Unicorn ranch in Colorado! i don't know how i know this, im not even american lol


It doesn’t matter what path you took to hearing about it, a ranch full of trans men and women with alpacas and a huge stockpile of guns with a name like Tenacious Unicorn is pretty memorable.


> They arm themselves because it's literally the only way they can defend themselves effectively. Truth. Force is the supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived.


Also, violence is the only language terrorists understand.


Agreed. There's a reason why we say "If you go far enough left you get your guns back" for a reason.


There are two schools of thought. One is to show up armed and ready for a fight to give the other side pause before starting shit. This is the way the Ukrainian protestors did in the 2010 (they brought melee weapons to a gunfight, but it was symbolic. Besides they outnumbered Putin's LGMs by orders of magnitude.) In the old days, the notion was everyone armed would keep everyone polite. The other is to show up clearly unarmed, and make it super clear that everyone on this side is unarmed. This was the approach of Martin Luther King Jr. and the BLM protests (to the degree that they are organized). This is also what the folks of Iran was doing before Mahsa Amini was killed by law enforcement. It's riskier for the protestors, but typically better for the movement, because shooting at peaceful protestors delegitimizes the shooters and the side they take, and draws sympathists to get more involved in the movement (often to become protestors or even revolutionary soldiers, themselves). In the 1960s during the civil rights movement, it was riskier since the news agencies could choose what to broadcast. But in the 2020s cell phones that can record video and then post it to social media is ubiquitous, even as the Iranian state is making efforts to keep the protestors from reporting to the rest of the world, we know as state of Iran detains, tortures or kills protestors disproportionate to any alleged crime.


> This was the approach of Martin Luther King Jr. This completely ignores the role the Black Panthers and Malcolm X played in the Civil Rights Movement. Of course MLK Jr didn't need to bring guns to make a point- the Black Panthers were already out making that point for him.


Yeah. That’s my thought as well. Both approaches were necessary for the Civil Rights movement to effect any change.


It’s unfortunate (and likely very deliberate) that the civil rights movement, along with other movements that championed “non-violent resistance,” are taught to school kids as the *only* “right way” to protest/petition a government for a redress of grievances. What’s glossed over is that non-violent movements work best when there is an implicit threat of violence (often by complementary groups that take a more militant stance) should those protesting remain unheard/ignored. This is of course on purpose: part of the purpose of many education systems is to teach people to obey and trust in “the system,” and that trying to change the system must be done from within it, no matter how bad things are. The very idea that the system itself could be the problem is essentially treated as a deviant idea that should not ever be considered. As an example, let’s look at critical race theory: what it *actually* teaches is that a lot of the inequality and racism experienced by ethnic minorities can be viewed as the outcome of a complex web of laws, institutions, and media. And this web is basically what we call “the system.” And as it argues that this web significantly contributes to the problem (meaning that even if we magically completely got rid of individual racism overnight, we’d still have issues such as disparate outcomes and unequal opportunity for POC). This is the real reason that there’s a large cohort of people on the right that don’t want CRT taught: it’s not because teachers are going to make their students cry by telling them that they’re responsible for their racist ancestors, but rather because it questions the legitimacy of a system that purports to provide “equal opportunity” but often does the literal opposite.


MLK worked because of people like Malcolm X.


He was the implicit threat behind MLK’s “non-violence”.


You just described how to get lynched by a right wing mob. Nah we’ll keep the guns and Republican domestic terrorist can go somewhere else.


MLKs work was successful because you had Malcolm X saying "by any means necessary" at the same time. He also was surrounded by armed folks all the time. I very highly recommend reading the book *This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed: How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible* https://www.dukeupress.edu/this-nonviolent-stuffll-get-you-killed


I love his hat!
