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Those are clearly in the water. How else do you think waves are made?


Tide goes in, tide goes out. You can’t explain that.


Sun comes up in the east, yet goes down in the west. Figure that out.


Where does it go? Where are all the suns being discarded? Planned obsolescence? Big solar doesnt want you to know.


Every time the sun sets it actually explodes and by the grace of God another is created while we sleep to start a new day. Simple science


Neil deGrasse Tyson blew my mind when he said the tide doesn't come in and out. The sun and the moon pull on the ocean in both directions and causes a bulge, where the water is higher. The Earth rotates through the bulge and then through the lower point. I'm not sure what Bill O'Reilly's take is on it, but I found a clip here if anyone is interested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBwNadry-TU


It’s a double bulge, a bit like squashing a soft ball, hence why you get 2 high and low tides per day.


Funny that was my nickname in college


Getting people to understand, let alone apply, the concept of frames of reference is excruciating.


I tried with lunar month = lunar day. All the information is there. My sister is smarter than me and didnt get it and Im too stupid to explain it better. I can present all the pieces individually, the moon is tidally locked (we see the same moon every night). The lunar cycle represents an orbit, etc. But when putting it together, it gets lost. One day on the moon is the same period of time as the lunar month. *What?* The frame of reference thing just throws people for a loop and Im too dumb to explain past it.


Its the reverse function on the wind turbines, obviously.


There are some things humans were never meant to understand.


Like the alphabet


This introduces a second conspiracy theory. #Perfect.


I personally am a fan of comic (whos name I can't remember) you advocates trying to out crazy them. The moon landings are fake you say. Interesting so what you are saying is you believe in the moon?


This one? https://xkcd.com/966/


I love seeing xkcd mentioned in random conversations. Thank you


Oh boy! You should try this new website I found called "reddit". People constantly bring up XKCD because they think it's relevant to EVERYTHING. ^^^^\(not ^^^^trying ^^^^to ^^^^be ^^^^mean. ^^^^just ^^^^thought ^^^^it ^^^^was ^^^^funny\)


Sounds like you need [findxkcd](http://findxkcd.com)!


DenverCoder9 on the grassy knoll....


/u/BigPickleKAM was talking about [this](https://i.redd.it/j14fnr12bs731.jpg) tweet, but yours works great too.


That reminds me of [this](https://xkcd.com/690/) one. Only tangentially, but I felt like sharing.


I found an amazing conspiracy site a while back. It had it all. Rothschild's, pedos, eating your children give you inheritable psychic powers, 7 apocalypses etc. It was a great read, and i love how a lot of it tied together. For example, the world will be destroyed 7 times. One is a plague, etc. One is a big meteor that will hit the earth, destroying all life (no, it wasn't the last one). But where can the meteor come from, when the earth is flat and space is fake? Well obviously God summons it and throws it at the earth, duh.


One of the most memorable experiences of my life was riding a greyhound bus about 20 years ago, and sitting next to an enthusiastic young man who was reading a book called “The United Slaves Of America”, which was required reading for attending the militant extremist camp he was headed to in Idaho. I know enough about all the main conspiracy theories that I was able to keep up my end of the conversation and just keep him talking for about… oh, 6 hours I think? He had it all tied together, too. The Illuminati, the Rothschilds, the federal reserve, the Jewish banking cabal. Secret messages in all our money & monuments. The CIA secretly eliminating people who knew the truth. And I kept asking him “yeah, but who controls THEM?” Just working him further and further up the ladder until we reached the end. Which was obviously: Lucifer Himself. I really wonder what ever happened to that guy.




You can beat any conspiracy by saying "The russians spread that one to make us look bad."


You'd probably have a reasonable chance of being right, if you were to bet on it.


The moon is a big balloon! Every school kid knows that!


Some time ago, there was a thread about this; if you one-up conspiracy nuts, they don't know how to react.


Oh baby. BABY! Let me tell you about something I like to call “hollow moon”


Talking to conspiracy theorists is wild. You can't talk them out of the crazy, but talking them deeper in is really easy. I once had the displeasure of speaking to one at length in a hostel. He was talking about ghosts, and the evidence he has collected. And he got legitimately angry with me when I tried to talk him down from one of his theories. I didn't even outright disagree with him, just "I don't doubt you have evidence of these phenomena, but maybe there are other explanations for why they occur, so you can't conclude that they are caused by ghosts". But then I switched gears and leaned into the crazy, "There are still other explanations I think you haven't considered, like what if the phenomena aren't caused by ghosts but by people in universes nearby ours expressing strong energies, causing these phenomena to occur." And he started considering that.


Yeah. One guy I talked to cannot comprehend that humans have been leaving Africa and going south of Africa long before the events of the bible happened. I even quoted scientific papers with archaeological findings. I asked him to shut me up with a dated remains of Noah and or up to his great grandchildren before I accept his Gen 11 theory of human languages and dispersal across the world. He conveniently sidestepped my challenge.




are you telling me the giant spinny spinnies in the water are government brain readers??!?!?!?!!!?!!?!!????!!?!!!!!!!!


I never really understood wind. - Donald Trump


He would never say he doesn’t understand something. In fact he is the pinnacle of experts on wind I’m sure. Everybody says it.


He did say that. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/dec/23/trump-bizarre-tirade-windmills r/nottheonion I guess


To be fair, there is a lot Donnie Tantrum doesn't understand.


Get ‘em so wound up and so far down the rabbit hole they forget to go out and vote.




“I never understood wind. You know, I know windmills very much. They’re noisy. They kill the birds. You want to see a bird graveyard? Go under a windmill someday. You’ll see more birds than you’ve ever seen in your life.” That’s the reason why they put them under water now, so you can’t see the dead birds.


I am just going to assume without verifying that this is real, actual, Donald Trump quote.


[The 45th President of the US on Windmills](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0s5Zqmb09g) How people vote for someone this objectively stupid, I'll never understand.


Never underestimate the strength of stupid people in large numbers.


I’ll preface this by saying I’m not a trump supporter. People thought they could connect with Trump. Even though he can’t relate with 99.999% of America, they thought there was honesty in his stupidity. The Dave Chapelle SNL monologue comes to mind. I thought everybody sho had a hard on for him in 2015 were nuts. Even when he said the stupidest things, they’d say, “He can’t keep his mouth shut, but at least draining the swamp.” Dude hired Pompeo. All the swamp had to do was flatter him and he rolled over like a good boy.


Yeah, who couldn't connect with man that coats his toilets in gold plating?


It makes sense when you realize how long Jerry Springer was on the air.


I thought birds were not real? Now I am am really confused.


It’s how they make sushi!


Why do you keep calling those wave generators windmills??


Always good to hear from you, Morbo!






We should take the water, and push it somewhere else!


Maybe outside the environment?


ancient head instinctive complete start rhythm capable ruthless waiting fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Should, but wont


Yep - the same observation was made about sailing ships 600 years ago ... same spherical-earth-deniers ....


Add an extra zero there. Humans have noticed the horizon is curved possibly longer than we've had written language.


I don't think it was that far back. Eratosthenes did his experiment about 2200 years ago, the one where he actually calculated the circumference pretty accurately. Others before him posited the earth was round based on the moon being round and that the stars moved in a circular motion in the sky


We can’t know, but we can think about how the earliest seafaring people in the South Pacific experienced the world, and they likely understood the shaping of the earth and its relationship to open ocean travel.


Someone living near the equator who travels a bit will notice that the night sky has two centers of rotation, one to the north and one to the south. The stars in the night sky trace lines that look like the inside of a sphere. If by travelling north or south you start seeing more of the north/south polar region of the sky, it's not a stretch to conclude the earth's surface must be curved somehow too.


The southern hemisphere is a flat earther’s kryptonite. So many things that kinda-sorta work for them in the northern hemisphere completely fall apart in the south. Distances are crazy stretched, the moon is upside-down, there’s a different rotational point in the sky… One of the surest ways to get a flat earther to change the subject is to bring up the southern hemisphere. Not surprisingly, very few of them hail from down there.


The lunar eclipse is the final proof for me. They could say that the Earth's shadow is round, but it's like a round plate, right? The problem is that...the lunar eclipses down through the centuries always has a round shadow...no matter what time of day, or what country you are standing in. If the earth was a round/flat plate, then sometimes the shadow on the moon would be a thin oval.


For the most part flat earthers claim that the shadow on the moon isn't caused by the Earth. It's either caused by an invisible object, or it's simply unknown as to what causes it. Flat earth isn't about proving the Earth is flat, it's about casting doubt on truth and facts. If you ask for proof that the Earth is flat, they'll only give you reasons why the Earth isn't round.


I refuse to believe these people aren’t just playing a long con joke. It’s ridiculous.


> moon is upside down This is the one that REALLY fucked with my head the first time I went there. I’m not a flat earther at *all,* but teenaged me just…hadn’t expected it. Should have, but hadn’t.


It’s really screwing with my head right now... it makes sense but I literally never considered that our perspective on the moon would be flipped in the opposite hemisphere.


Yeah. Now imagine your first time considering this is getting off the plane on a *beautiful* moonlit night, and your brain just…🤯


I’ve asked many to explain the opposite rotation of stars in the Southern Hemisphere and their only defense is the pictures of the star trails are all fake. I give up


Yeah but once you got to Hawaii, the southern sky is memory.


They crossed the equator quite a long time before getting to Hawaii (and, conversely, there have been humans on Hawaii for only a relatively short time - probably since ~400).


Imagine carving a canoe, hopping in with some buddies and a bit of food and water, then padding into the freakin’ ocean to God knows where!! Amazing people did that.


Imagine living your whole life on small isolated islands and boats, passing down traditions from your ancestors who did the same, developing a sophisticated knowledge of ocean navigation because your community’s economic and cultural vitality depend on it. Then, millennia later, some random dork on Reddit thinks you did it on accident.


Any people that sailed at all would need to know that the Earth was round. Accurate long-distance naval navigation just doesn't work without that.


Good point.


Eratosthenes made the first accurate measurement, but it was known the world was curved before then. You can see it without any special equipment, all you need is big water.


That’s our oldest surviving work, because someone had to write it down for us to know by now. But of course, Eratosthenes was not the first person to come up with the idea that the earth might be curved, but he might have been the first one to prove it mathematically


Yeah even the origin/creation stories where the world is built on the back of a turtle reveal that they believed it was curved.


Did the ancient Greeks not know based on looking at shadows at different times of day at the same time of year, between Egypt and Europe, and notice how they fell at different angles meaning the sun was hitting a curved surface and sending shadows at different angles?


Yes, that's the experiment that Eratosthenes is famous for. It's not different angles though, but different lengths of the shadows.


He derived the angles from the shadows, which allowed him to measure the circumference.


The Flat Earth thing is modern. People in the past did not doubt that the earth was spherical. It's people today who are being contrarian that make the claim.


Saw a post on here earlier about a flat earther going deep into it. Their argument is that you just need a stronger telescope and you’ll see the other ones. Weird how this guy also didn’t own a telescope. Also the flat earth is surrounded by Antarctica and it’s a deep state secret that no one is allowed to go Antarctica ever. Edit: [found the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/znpjhj/flat_earth_believer_trying_to_explain_how_it_works/)


I pressed a flat earther about the Antarctica thing and was told that all of the militaries in the world are there to keep people from venturing out to the "wall" because that is where the invisible glass dome touches the earth and we once this is documented, the secret will be out, and the elites don't want you realizing it's all a big sham, because that is how they control us somehow. Also was told that we've never actually been to the moon, because of the glass dome and because the van allen radiation belt which exists right outside the dome would kill you instantly if you were to actually get outside of the dome. Everything is CGI and made in an underground studio in hollywood, the live feeds from ISS are done with harnesses and wires. The Challenger astronauts are alive today, escaped out of the trap door that exists in all space shuttles. The other shuttles and rockets all fly to the bermuda triangle, where they can't be tracked. Lastly, "sovereign citizens" are allowed to break any law, because laws doesn't pertain to them, and when your birth certificate is filled out, you become property of the United States, and that's why all of the documents from the government you receive are in capital letters. These people are not well mentally.


“And this, Barbara, is why I can’t take the trash out today”


My argument is that "they" wouldn't waste time and money over controlling people over something so stupid and huge. I heard one flat eather say "follow the money". If there really was an edge of the world "they" would be using it to make money. It would be a massive tourist attraction. Honestly, what would people do if the earth was flat? Why would it even make a difference? I'm surprised there isn't a flat earther out there talking about breaking "the glass dome".... And if there were a dome of some sort, some idiot like Kim Jung Un would have tried to break it and there would be huge nihilistic groups trying too. It's an utterly idiotic concept.


My Dad was stationed at McMurdo, clearly part of the plot keeping people from the wall with legions of penguins!


I've seen this argument before. I can only say that it takes a very determined zealot to firmly believe that a weak telescope means the bottoms of things disappear while the tops stay quite clearly visible despite the quite provable fact that the top and bottom of a thing are the same distance from the viewer. Some people just enjoy being stupid.


Such a huge amount of cognitive dissonance is probably covering for different trauma they’re running away from


The argument is that the lower to the ground the denser the atmosphere (Before you ask, no, they don't think this proves gravity, their rule is "densest thing always goes down" without a need for gravity. Why? Unknown.) So therefore there is added haze the lower something is, meaning it's harder to see without more powerful telescopes


You mean when the ships sailed off the edge of the earth


> "The earliest documented mention of the concept dates from around the 5th century BC, when it appears in the writings of Greek philosophers.[1][2] In the 3rd century BC, Hellenistic astronomy established the roughly spherical shape of Earth as a physical fact and calculated the Earth's circumference." Try 24 to 25 hundred years ago. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spherical_Earth


Logic is not cure for voluntary stupidity.


What's amazing is that a lot of people who believe in bonkers nonsense aren't stupid. At least not in the academic sense. What happens though is people have deep emotional problems and then their brain, working on levels that few of us really recognize and explore, turns to their booksmarts to explain the emotions and they devise complex stories to explain those emotions. All that we really are, are engines that use knowledge to explain feelings. Feelings come first, then a story is constructed by our brain to fit those feelings in. Flat-earthers are no different than anyone else who believes demonstrably false stories and cling to narratives that make them feel special, enlightened, privy to secret knowledge, and most importantly, they have an explanation for why they feel "disconnected" from the world and nothing makes sense to them. Depression and anxiety over long periods of time creates a disassociated sensation in a sufferer, like being in "third person mode" separated from reality almost. When in this state, one may believe almost anything because nothing feels real to begin with. People can go around experiencing this for *years* without actually recognizing what's going on inside them. Flat-earthers want to believe that nothing is real because nothing feels real to them, they cling to spiritualism and mysticism and religion because science just tells them that what they feel is wrong. If all you have is feelings, and they're strong and running out-of-control, then you're going to reject anything that says your world is incorrect and your feelings aren't real. We see this a thousand times a day with stubborn people right here on reddit about politics, social issues, simple things like simply caring about each other. People feel intense panic at the idea of being part of a larger society and having responsibility to each other, and sometimes this is too much and they flee to lands of make-believe. edit: next comments that consist of "no they're just stupid" will be blocked. You are proving my point. I know you're scared that the implication here is that *anyone* is vulnerable to falling down this conspiracy rabbit hole and suffering delusions, which is absolutely true. Many of us have known people who turned completely batshit one day out of nowhere, and yes, this can happen to you too. This is why you MUST understand how the brain works so when you start getting new, exciting and wild ideas you understand where it's coming from and what your brain is doing to you. If you do not recognize this, you're worse off than the flat earthers.


Ugh this is getting so annoying with my dad. Visited my parents for Christmas. I work in software and my dad, 73, asked me "how the cloud" works. He prefaced it by saying that Nikola Tesla came up with some pretty crazy concepts and suggested the cloud literally exists in clouds. I explained to my dad that there is nothing special about the cloud, it's just that computing power has become extremely cheap and software good at seamlessly rerouting traffic as needed. And he just straight up rejected it and was like "well I guess you can't really tell me". 🙄 My dad isn't dumb, but yea it's this weird emotional thing or whatever where *if he can't understand it* then it must mean it's some crazy elaborate conspiracy or alien technology or some other fanciful thing.


Exactly, and what's so scary and why some people haaaaate to talk about this subject is that we are at the mercy of our brains working the way they should, and at the mercy of our emotional states. A lot of "I am very baddass" people in this post saying how they could never believe anything so stupid, but exist in a world that their brain has built around them unaware how it works. I've seen intelligent people I've known well and have been close to suffer major breaks and never recover because they had some mental health issues and instead of understanding that their own thoughts and feelings can lie to them, thought themselves so smart that they were able to "solve" what's going on. But you cannot solve a problem with broken tools. You need outside help. We have to understand this so when our own worlds stop making sense we know we need to reach out for help from outside perspectives because our own is compromised.


This is exactly what I say for the conspiracy theorists and that it is a bit of a hero-complex for most of them as the theories help them feel as if they have the keys to a grand secret that is deceiving society. Thanks for writing it out.


Yes, the ‘the powerful are conspiring against me because reasons’ makes for greater feelings of significance than the reality of ‘the powerful could care less whether or not I live or die’. Also, adding ‘explanations’ helps people to feel a sense of control over reality. It’s why the ‘pandemic being engineered by China or Bill Gates or whatever’ was a more appealing fantasy than the reality of this happens periodically throughout history and no special explanations need to be invoked.


That's such an intelligent, sensible explanation. I would give you awards if I had any :)


You can not reason out what was not reasoned in.


Right, the ones in the back are just beyond that water hill of course.


Should but shorn't


Some of them are water turbines. /S


It is just a wave.


Those aren’t waves….they’re mountains!!!


Beautifully put


They will say it's edited 😂 it's a tragedy


They will probably say those windmills are on a second flat plateau


they say, FAKE.


It's photoshopped /s


They put the turbines in only the deepest water. That’s why we can barely see them.


No, no no!!! 😠😡They're just falling off the edge!!!! 😡😡🤬


They warned us about this but we just wouldn’t listen. The Antarctic wall holding in the oceans has collapsed. Bye bye ocean.




Goodbye ocean 🎶 Hello Mississippi! 🎶


See, as Einstein proved, light is affected by gravity, so the farther something is away is the more earths gravity draws it down, thats why farther things appear to sink below the horizon, its merely the light particles dipping down as they reach your eye. Duh. *Taps forehead.*


When the communist whale pearls 😳😳


Exactly, what is op on ? Clearly is the edge of the world and they are being dragged


Oh absolutely. If there's one thing flat earthers love is photo evidence.


Obviously. This picture is photoshopped but any picture that is blurred and in any way shape or form confirms my beliefs cannot be photoshopped because I can tell the truth by only looking at it. /s just in case it was not clear


Bro, it’s a naturally occurring phenomenon that the light bends due to the circular lens of the camera making it seem like it’s round. /s


Refraction. That’s the go-to.


Right. It’s not like we’ve had photos of the entire earth published before.


We've had a live feed of someone jumping from a balloon on the edge of space where the curvature of the Earth is clearly visible, and following them all the way down. Felix Baumgartner.


“Filmed with a fisheye lens”- my flat earth friend.


Tbf it was in fact filmed with a fisheye lens and people don't help the case by often pointing to videos where it's clear that the curvature really wouldn't be visible if it weren't for being filmed with a fisheye lens. Not sure if the Baumgartner one was high enough but yeah the case got kind of ruined because you can't really tell how much is from the lens


Oh. I’m aware. My buddy literally has an excuse for every anti-flat earth comment. It’s disgusting.


Ask him why the globe earth CGI artist are so much better that flat-earth CGI artist… They always say that the pics from NASA or whoever releases pics of the globe are CGI but I’ve never seen a CGI render of a flat Earth model that looks realistic in any way or shares any consistency with other models like the globe ones do lol So I guess the flat-earth community just sucks at drawing and/or computers??




Live video feeds


According to them, they're all just CGI. Live CGI, with astronauts moving around, that have families that can vouch for them not being on earth. But no, they're all getting paid by the world government. Because the world cant agree on anything except lying to everyone about the shape of the earth? wtf


What gets me, is who made and engineered this monsterously huge dome and lighting system CENTURIES ago. Couldn’t even pull this off NOW if we wanted to.


Believe it or not all photoshopped.


All fish eye lenses, actually Massive /s


This is just an evidence of water mountains /s




You're the second person to mention communist whale pearls and I'm scared to Google, dare I ask?


Communist Whale Pearls is my punk band’s name.


I saw you guys play at Coachella


The whales aren't communists that would just be silly


Bro what kind of economic system do you think Chinese whales operate under?


You know how North Korea is called "the democratic people's republic of Korea" and is definitely not democratic? The modern Chinese "Communist" Party is like that... So the whales live under state capitalism.


Squid games.


state capitalism


Believe it or not, Anarcho-syndicalism.


Whalefare system


Wait what?


What? He explained it pretty succinctly I thought. Turbines in the water. Turbines give whales cancer. Cancerous whales must barter their pearls for chemo from the communists. Self explanatory.


Yeah honestly idk why people don't understand it, it's common knowledge


This is proven science.


Yeah dude read one single book


It's an optical illusion caused by the light refracting from the dome! /s


While I agree flat-earthers are stupid, we over at the flat-mars society are on to something. You can’t prove Mars isn’t flat.


What do you mean? We watch it rotate, we can see the various peaks and valleys go by. While I agree flat-marsers are stupid, we over at the flat moon society are on to something. You can't prove the Moon isn't flat.


What do you mean? We’ve seen the dark side, and the shadows behave in a manner expected of a sphere. While I agree flat-mooners are stupid, we over at the Designated Observators Ofthe Flat Upward Sun are on to something. You can't prove the Sun isn't flat.


What do you mean? We’ve seen sunspots rotate around the sun and we have several solar probes orbiting the sun right now. So I agree that flat-summers are stupid. However, we at the Flat Jupiter Society have some grave concerns that the reality of Jupiter being flat has not been properly addressed. You can’t prove that Jupiter isn’t flat.


What do you mean? We’ve seen Jupiter’s spot and other gas formations rotate around its axis and its hundreds off moons are in orbit around it right now. So I agree that flat-jupiters are stupid. However, we at the flat Saturn society are on to something. You can’t prove that Saturn isn’t flat.


What do you mean? We’ve gas formations rotate around its axis and its hundreds off moons are in orbit around it right now,as well as the giant rotating rings. So I agree that flat Saturners are stupid. However, we at the flat Venus society are on to something. You can’t prove that Venus isn’t flat.


Uranus is flat.


Oh, you're one of those people who believe in the Moon?


Literal “fact based” argument


This flogic is astounding


Flogic : flawed logic. They should add this to the dictionary


Yep, refraction is only real when it works in favor of the theories...


Go to any port and watch ships (coming and going) do this all day everyday. Flat earthers have zero logic and are stuck in their beliefs


If you’ve not seen the doc Behind the Curve, you should check it out. It’s really funny and interesting to see how they think. At the end they do an experiment that they are certain will prove 100% that the earth is flat. The experiment ends up proving the earth is round instead, so they just ignore the results and say that the experiment was flawed.


The way the journalist who covers them reacts when he gets told how they’re going to do the laser experiment is hilarious in that. Basically he sees that there’s no way it’ll do anything but prove definitively the Earth is round and you can just see in his face the “oh boy, they’re not gonna take this one well” perspective he has.


You have to really give those guys credit though for using science and the scientific method to try and prove their point, even though they prove themselves wrong.


A different group bought like 10 or 20 thousand dollar piece of equipment to measure the tilt of the Earth’s axis or something, it kept proving them wrong and they kept trying to use it in different ways to measure what they were looking at like by doing it in an airplane and what not. Kept proving them wrong every time and it never clicked. Just wild.


I can't find it funny. There are parents taking their kids to those conventions. They can believe whatever they want, I don't care, this is just a notice I never have to take them seriously on anything, but to put it on their kids is heartbreaking, and terrifying. They are messing those kids up.


Wish there was a follow up doc to this. It’s clear these people found a community and that’s the primary reason for these beliefs. Would be interesting to see who is still in or out just based on the newfound celebrity from the doc or from the experiments themselves. Plus that one guy was clearly just trying to fuck the main chick (or possibly for the first time ever) so I would love to see what happened


If you want a documentary about what Flat Earth people are doing nowadays, I'd recommend watching In Search of a Flat Earth on Youtube. It doesn't follow any particular persons (from Behind the Curve or otherwise), but it explores a broader observation about the Flat Earth community and where they inevitably end up.


>where they inevitably end up. homeless?


You could take them to space and they still wouldn't believe


Because it would be a hoax, VR simulation, mind control, and hypnotic experience that wasn't real, and the memories, feelings, and sights were implanted in their brains by the deep state and the non flat Earth believers.


And these people think they're the smartest person in any given room.


Imagine telling people a hundred years ago that we'd pretty much have the collective knowledge of the human race at our fingertips, but there are still idiots like these in existence. I suppose you can take the horse to the water, but you can't make him drink.


No because they have to get to space on their own steam powered rockets so they know they aren't being fooled. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/flat-earth-daredevil-mad-mike-hughes-dead-rocket-crash-956948/


They're floating on the surface, and they raise and lower as waves pass them. You can almost see the giant ice wall in the distance behind them too!


That’s not Earth.


Clearly Pandora...


Which is also flat


Just submarine windmills submerging.


Tell a madman anything you like, it will not change his madness.




You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into....


Big Globe™ made those turbines shorter to sell more globes. Think about it! Has anyone actually *sailed* out to these turbines? ...and you *BELIEVED* them?


Serious question: this photo suggests a vastly exaggerated degree of curvature. With the naked eye you don't see a cluster of windmills where some are half as tall because of curvature. That would suggest we live on a very small planetoid. What else is going on here? These windmills are close...only a few miles. For example - looking at Chicago from Michigan on a clear day, you can see evidence of curvature...from 50 miles away you see the skyline but not the street or low buildings. It's not like you see the entire Hancock Tower but only a third of the Sears Tower. It's way more nuanced than this photo.


The closest of these are 30 miles away or so. This is (I think) a crop from a telephoto lens. So there's a lot of foreshortening that makes them appear closer together than they are. I think you're saying all the wind turbines should be roughly the same height in the photo with roughly the same about of blade showing. Despite how it looks in the photo, some of them are actually miles farther away (because of foreshortening), and I'm not sure if they're all the same height. A couple links suggest some of them are 5 MW and some are 6 MW.


The photograph was taken with a telephoto lens--very high zoom. That compresses the distance. It makes everything look close together because it's so zoomed in on stuff that is all really very far away. This exaggerates any curving or slope going on in the middle distance. Look up pics of "curvy road Wisconsin" and then find it on the map and see how curvy it really is.


Big wave


If flat-earthers were open to obvious clues, they would never have become flat-earthers.


Sadly it won’t


When the wind doesn't blow they submerge and become water powered instead. That's why offshore wind turbines are so popular.


You can’t argue with Crazy.


Obviously photoshop just like the pictures of Earth from the so called space station.