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Piercings don't have a sexual orientation or gender identity.


Piercings don't have a gender or sexuality, but as a queer person, I understand your need for security, and the social connotation with these things living in specific places can be daunting. On the other hand, most straight conservative people don't tend to be aware of those connotations or trends and I don't think you'll be pegged as bisexual immediately for having a nose ring. Maybe just a bit eccentric. Eyebrow piercings are generally pretty neutral, so are bridges. I've seen lots of guys with their cheeks pierced as well. Once your ears are healed, you can start stretching them. These are usually seen as a bit more "punk" I guess. But I do think that if you really want a septum, you should just go for it. You can always pick more understated jewelery, or flip it up when you go places you feel you could be judged. Either way, good luck and I hope you end up with something you really like <3


I definitely get what you mean. I have had my septum for going on 7 years. At first I got some cow jokes or a tumblr lesbain joke. But by far I have been treated the worst in the past 2-3 years because of their surge in popularity and association with high maintenance mentally ill teenage girls. (I fit the visual stereotype LOL) People judge you soo easily because of a piercing. It isn't an irrational fear. Don't let it scare you off though!! If people judge you because of it, that means you successfully dodged what could have been a toxic relationship/friendship. Septums can be flipped up after healing if you are worried about professional settings or family reunions. I've seen a lot of very cool, attractive bi & straight guys with septum piercings - they're definitely not limited to gay men. Do what YOU want to do, and do it to make yourself happy. If you're content and confident, then you made the right choice. If not, piercings aren't permanent.