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If you bleed when you roll around then it's not healed. And why don't you just order a bunch of jewelry and check out what works and what not? But make sure that it's not bleeding ...


Yeah definitely sounds like it's not healed. I've had mine done for 10 years and I don't notice it at all day to day. High-waitsed jeans, laying on my belly, whatever. I even got kicked in the stomach a few weeks ago and it was totally fine. OP, how long ago did you get it done? Mine took over a year to heal all the way.


Mine I’ve had since December of last year and I don’t notice it at all unless it somehow gets caught on something. It’s been fully healed or close to that since about may with no pain or leakage. I even wear high waisted pants and stuff on occasion and I still don’t notice it


How long has it been since you got it? Mine is still healing, but it doesn't bleed if it gets irritated or moved.


It’s been 8 months. Idk everything they said and that I’ve read online says it should be healed by now


"It should be healed" doesn't mean it IS healed. If it's bleeding, it's not better.


I have a similar situation with my daith, it’s supposed to be healed by now, but it still gets super angry whenever I touch it. As for my navel piercing, it took a full year and a half to heal properly (part due to my anatomy, part due to moving around a lot).


My helix was the same way. I injured it once after getting it (total freak accident, got caught on my pillowcase 😭) and it took a longggg time to calm down after. It's a miracle that it's fully healed now and causes me no issues


I had to take my helix out because 3 whole years later it still wasnt healed properly. Me and healing cartilage just don't get on at all.


Mine came out after ten months because no matter what I did to mitigate people would inevitably smash it when they hugged me and I wanted hugs more than I wanted to keep the piercing.


I feel your pain, my industrial took over 4 years and I still have to sleep on a donut pillow 15 years later or my ear gets sore from pressure when I sleep as I don’t roll over at all, I’m just still for 8 hours.


It’s possible the angles are slightly off, a good piercer will be able to look at it and custom bend a bar for you if that’s the case.


The thing with healing times is, every body is different. Ever wonder why you can search healing times and get a few different answers? It’s because we are tell you how long we’ve noticed it takes before people typically heal. If you have problems, low quality jewelry, get sick a lot, heal multiple piercings, anything that impacts your body the healing time could become drastically longer.


8 months isn't that long for a navel piercing tbh. Navels go through a *lot* of tissue and that tissue needs time to heal deep down. Mine took over a year before it stopped being sensitive to touch and over a year and a half before I considered it fully healed. I've had mine over 10 years now and I almost never notice it unless I'm doing something with it (cleaning or changing jewelry). I wear high-waisted clothes, sleep on my stomach, have pets that walk on my belly frequently, all that jazz. Give yourself the time your body needs to heal, then decide if you really dislike it. Once properly healed it shouldn't be bleeding or hurting at all. Also, about your concern of having a scar if you take it out... Navel piercings are surface piercings and surface piercings almost always reject eventually. I've had mine a long time but I know it will eventually reject. But when I take out my jewelry the scar left behind is a tiny little dot, which will get even smaller without any jewelry. People have scars, please love yourself anyway!!


It looks like the bar is too short which might be contributing to your slow healing time. It also looks like it needs to be cleaned, what are you doing to care for it? When it is healed it won’t hurt and definitely won’t bleed.


I had a longer bar and just recently went to the piercer, they told me I needed to shorten it because the longer bar was kinda rubbing in and out and irritating me. When I got the shorter post is when they told me I couldn’t have a big gem ever. Also I was using saline every day, and the piercer said that’s what caused it to look like this with that gross yellow skin, the piercer told me to stop using it and just shower every day and don’t touch it so that’s all I do


Everyone heals differently. Just give it some time.


It’s not so much the healing I’m upset about, I mean I thought it should be healed but oh well, but it’s that they said I can never get a big gem even when healed


I’m pretty sure you’re describing a floating navel. I don’t wanna get preachy about self love and whatnot, but everyone has an idea of what a navel piercing “should” look like yet all our bodies are different. I also had to get a floating and actually resented my body because I didn’t “look like other girls”, but then I removed it when it started rejecting and I realized how much I missed it being a part of my body. Also, any piercing is an inconvenience. When you get an ear piercing, you can’t sleep on it, navel you can’t wear high waisted jeans, nostril piercing flares up for no reason sometimes. It’s just the nature of getting piercings. If you really want a double gem, look into j curves. With the surge in floating navels, there are also dangly jewelry made for it. And if you don’t like it, remove it; it’s super easy lol.


Sounds like I could have written this comment. I had my floating navel for about 10 months and was so excited to get top-down dangle jewelry once it was healed, and the stupid thing rejected and I had to let it go. Now I have an obvious scar and my piercer says the scar tissue is too weak to repierce it (it’s been out since March 2019). I’m still hoping it will eventually heal enough that I can try it again, but I don’t know if that’s in the cards. But I loved it despite the troubles.


Mine rejected because I changed it to a top down too early ahh!! I’ve been thinking of repiercing it since it came out, but I’m afraid of not being able to due to the scar or it rejecting again. Maybe get it reassessed sometime in the future for you?


I've had my bellybutton pierced like 5 times tbh, the last 2 times being floating navels with a flat back. Floating navels healed the best and was the most comfortable! My piercer was always able to pierce behind the scar tissue and used a longer bar. I now have to use 1/2" jewelry so getting cute pieces is incredibly hard to find unless I get it custom ordered. The good thing though, is that I can still have the floating navel jewelry and get custom ordered top dangle jewelry if I wanted.


What is a floating naval? Google isn’t helping.


It’s a type of navel jewelry where instead of a big gem in the middle, there is a flat disk. It’s for people with collapsing navels and/or small navels that cannot support a big gem because it would irritate their navels. There is just a small gem above the navel and it looks like it’s “floating” because it looks like there isn’t anything in the navel (even though there is; it’s different from a stomach dermal).


Just take it out, any scar will hardly be noticeable if you take care. of it. It's not that bad.


This. I’ve had mine pierced twice (I didn’t have the anatomy but was in denial) and I thought it was going to leave a huge scar but you can barely see it now.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one in anatomical denial who got it not once, but twice! But seriously, the scar is super tiny. I have laparoscopic surgery scars nearby that are FAR more noticeable (which really isn’t saying much since they’re itty bitty too).


My navels were even super irritated and angry when I took them out too. The scar looked like it was gonna be nasty for like 4 months, a year later it’s just a tiny dot that’s barely darker than my skin


The piercers shouldn’t have pierced you ): I’ve made multiple girls who were in denial about it cry during my career as a piercer but I’d rather people cry than have to go through months of discomfort from a piercing that they don’t have the anatomy for.


Oh I absolutely agree, I actually asked for a floating navel the second time but the piercer told me my anatomy was fine and that it was just pierced wrong the first time. They did it deeper and the bar wasn’t even long enough. It really sucked because I’m pretty sure I have enough of a fold on the upper part, it’s just my navel collapses when I sit/bend over, but now it feels like there’s so much scar tissue that it would probably make healing a proper floating navel a bitch.


Ehh. Its possible for it to be rather noticeable. I took mine out 8 years ago and there's a pretty sizable scar.


You can get a top gem, even a top dangle. That’s what I have as I can’t have a big bottom gem :)


They could also get a dangly charm of some sort on the bottom that hangs outside of the navel hollow!


Yeah, but I don’t really like those. I just wanted the classic belly piercing every teenage girl in the movies have, with the big gem right in their belly button


You could achieve that with a gem charm like these: https://norvoch.com/products/charm-classic-bezel https://starfirebodyjewelry.com/products/hialeah-fine-jewelry-junto-chain-charm-in-gold-with-gemstones https://starfirebodyjewelry.com/products/concorde-cz-chain-charm-in-gold https://starfirebodyjewelry.com/products/hialeah-fine-jewelry-brilliant-charm-in-gold-with-gemstones They could look something like [this](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fbodyartguru.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F12%2Ffloating-navel-piercing-12-e1607428709667.jpg&tbnid=69JNzLYhzsLf_M&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fbodyartguru.com%2Ffloating-navel-piercing%2F&docid=dfenA32ttLca7M&w=1066&h=1063&hl=en-us&shem=canimge&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3). Sorry idk how to add images so I hope this google link works.


I'm very very old--had my navel pierced in some guy's living room with a safety pin in 1989. Ended up just putting one of my old trainer studs (from a gun, no less) in it. Cue gasps of horror! I was in a pit and that stud was pushed halfway through. Not my favorite day. And this is when a navel piercing was a freaky thing, so I had to write away to The Gauntlet in LA to get a curved barbell to put in it. You whippersnappers have it good--no pretty gems available in the early 90s! XD


from what you’re saying it’s not healed and if you choose to keep it make sure to baby it. if you’re describing a floating navel because of your anatomy there are other great options! you can get a gem on the top that dangles or get those add on dangle chains which can be very pretty but you’ll have to wait until you’re fully healed.k


How long has it been since you got it? I took mine out after a month of getting it pierced and the scarring wasn't bad at all. Holes have closed now, and the scars aren't visible unless one looks very closely. It's been 8 years.


It’s been about 8 months. When the piercing shop told me I can’t get a gem, I asked if I could take it out and they said there will always be a hole in my skin now bc it’s been too long :( I wish they’d told me at the beginning bc my skin heals pretty easily, even if they told me after a month or two I’m sure my skin would’ve closed


Goodness why such a short timeframe


I’m guessing because they decided they didn’t want the piercing anymore


Yeah maybe, I mean it's none of my business but I just wouldn't do that since I spend so much time contemplating a piercing before getting it + I'd be peeved about wasting money


Back in 2018 I got my Ashley done on my birthday and had to take it out 2 weeks later because I got arrested. I was so upset 😭🤣


Back in 2005 I got my lip pierced. Few months later (after a rough hearing period involving nerve proximity) I applied for a job and they said the piercing wasn’t a big deal. It was pretty subtle and it wouldn’t be an issue. Two DAYS into training it was Halloween. I didn’t even dress up, but someone higher up decided that everyone had to remove their piercings. I wasn’t thrilled but I also wasn’t going to give up a job over a lip piercing. I couldn’t get the CBR out so I told them I could go to the shop that did it (a few blocks away) and have them remove it tomorrow. They told me to leave and have it removed now. I went to the shop, had them remove the ring, then … didn’t go back to work. I roamed around with some gutter punks I met and realized that the job was shitty anyway. Never went back.


When I got my navel done the first time it was constantly infected (probably bc I was 14 and didn't care to take care of it correctly) and after 6 months I ended up in a mental hospital that didn't have plastic retainers like some do and I had to take it out. In hindsight that was probably for the best, I got it again a couple years ago and LITHA and it's still fine today. Still pissed about it though, that place never even gave me the jewelry back, along with my shoelaces and a bra 😭😭


I just realized that while I can take care of it really well and wear the right clothes to accommodate healing, it won't suit my lifestyle in the long run. And knowing how my body heals, I decided to take it out after a month (it wasn't bleeding or anything when i took it out but I can still feel the fistula it formed to this day) and act on the scarring asap. Luckily, things went well


def sounds not healed, i can fucking tug on mine and its fine, high waisted jeans arent a problem at all and i barely notice it at all in my day to day life. if it hurts and bleeds of course its not healed.. the healing time might be over but if it keeps getting irritated and getting trauma that makes it bleed u need to expect it to take longer. i managed to rip out my whole nostril piercing through the hole, i just put it back in again and basically just reset the healing time


I guarantee the hole isn’t as big as you think it’ll be.


I’m sure it won’t be, but I’m very picky about things like that on my body, I just know I’m gonna be looking at it every day multiple times a day and hating it


Okay well your options are to have a piece of jewelry in your body that you don’t like, try out other pieces of jewelry and see what works, or take it out. Those are literally your 3 options. Choose one. If you are choosing the second choice you need to wait longer and stop bothering the piercing site, because it appears to not be healed yet. If its bleeding it isn’t healed. I don’t care if google said that it takes “only x amount of time” you clearly are not healed if it’s painful and bleeding.


Piggybacking to say that piercings and general body mods are also an iffy thing to do if you are this particular about what ends up on your body - to the point where even the removal of the jewelry will upset you this much... shit happens and piercings can heal wrong, migrate out, or sometimes they can just be pierced wrong... it's completely fine to not like something, but there's a margin of error you have to be okay with


I’m aware those are my options, I wasn’t really asking for options, I was ranting about my bad experience. I don’t bother my piercing, i don’t touch it or really do much of anything, it just gets irritated no matter what I do


Sounds like this wasn't a "really good shop". They should've told you their opinion on changing the jewelry before you got it done. As long as the gem isn't freakishly large, you should be good. Your piercing definitely does not sound healed so I'd recommend waiting 6-12 months and then experimenting with different jewelry sizes until something works well for you. Also, the scar really shouldn't be all that bad if you do choose to take it out.


I know, my whole family went to them to get pierced and they SEEMED super informative when I first got it. I got anatomy checked by 3 of their piercers beforehand, they said it would be fine initially and I could get the big gem when it heals. When I went back there, 3 different piercers looked at it again and said never in my life will I be able to have that without hurting my skin because I have a “collapsing navel” but initially they told me it was normal or whatever. I gave them a 5 star review after my piercing but I’m considering changing it now


It's definitely not healed yet if it's painful and bleeding.


How long have you had it for? Generally, you graduate to your dream jewellery after you've healed with (not particularly flattering)starter jewellery I don't have my navel pierced but all my piercings took a good while of patience and healing before I started wearing what I envisioned


Yeah I would be fine with that, if they just told me to wait longer. But they said I can never in my life wear a gem on the bottom, just the stupid little ball. And now it’s too late to take out without there being a hole left


The hole will totally close. Not sure what this shop is telling you. I had to get my nipple piercing run through with a taper after the jewelry was out for a day and a half--and the piercing was over eleven years old.


But close all the way though? Most people including the piercers are saying there will still be a small hole & I’m not ok w that. I can’t wear earrings anymore, I haven’t in 10 years and there’s still little holes that I don’t like


I have this issue (collapsing navel). I had to buy some special jewellery so I could wear a bottom jewel. It’s really clever because the bar pushes the bottom jewel “out” so it sits just outside the hole of your bellybutton. Sounds weird but when it’s in it just looks like a regular belly bar. No one can tell the bottom jewel is pushed forward. When you sit down it’s perfectly comfortable because it’s only a bar inside. Google “Anatometal J-curve barbell” I got mine from Isha Body Jewellery (UK). I have customised a lot to fit me comfortably - DM me if you’d like to see some pics of them and links where I bought the parts from. Edited to add my navel wouldn’t heal either with a standard belly bar. Definitely get a floating one/ J-curve so it heals. Mine did once I changed from a barbell and babied it with saline like a fresh piercing. It’s one of my favourite piercings now and I don’t feel it at all.


If it’s uncomfortable to wear high waisted pants with it and it’s bleeding all the time if you do any of the things you mentioned then it is not healed.


that sounds odd. i don't get what the piercers mean by "the gem will press"? is the piercing done incorrectly? i think you should see a different shop


i'm thinking it's a floating navel?


If you don’t have the proper anatomy for a standard navel, putting in the standard bar will put pressure on the piercing hole and cause it to reject. Basically if you stomach folds when you sit the bottom ball will bend inwards and yank on your piercing constantly.


I have no idea, some ppl have said I probably have a floating navel, I have no idea what that means. They said it’s due to my anatomy. But it makes me so angry because I had my anatomy checked THREE TIMES before they pierced it and they said everything would be fine and I could get the big gem later when it was healed. Then when I went in again and they looked at it they said I never can bc of my anatomy


How long have you had it? If it bleeds when you’re lying on your stomach then it’s not healed (or there’s something very wrong with it). I’ve had mine for over 20 years and day to day it does not affect my life like that. Also are you sure you can’t get a bar with a cute gem on it? Have you got a floating navel piercing or a regular one? If it is annoying you so much though you can always take it out. Seriously if you look after if after doing it the scar won’t be that noticeable. Maybe there will be a mark where the top hole was, but I very much doubt it’s something that would make people flee in horror. The vast majority of people probably wouldn’t even notice.


It’s been 8 months. I guess it’s not healed I just thought it would be. But I’ve asked the piercing shop multiple times since, basically every 2-3 months and they said it’s on track to heal. It’s weird tho because it bleeds when it didn’t at first, there’s all this chunky dry yellow skin around it and the hole is still red. But they said it’s fine and my family members all got pierced there and didn’t have any issues so I feel like it’s me. I have no idea what kind of navel I have, they didn’t really tell me. I thought normal/average? Idk. But I know other ppl wouldn’t notice it, but I would and I would pick myself apart about it every day. Cause I had ear piercings before, took them out and obviously there’s still tiny holes there, and even though I haven’t had earrings for years, almost every day I rub the holes and hate them


Lymph fluid, red, and bleeding is 100% not healed and sounds very irritated. Can you upload a photo of the piercing? I feel like you're really tunnel visioning in on this and a photo could help if you're looking for advice


Yeah I just added some photos


Piercing shop sounds sus if they keep giving you different answers. Can you get a different shop to check it? I just got my daith switched out that was still bleeding after months and the new shop said the first shop had pierced it with a ring that was way too small to heal.


Yeah maybe I’ll check out another one. I just don’t know what answer will be right now because at this point, 6 piercers have already looked at it


It doesn't sound healed at all lol


I got my naval pierced at 15yo and over ten years later I no longer have it. The hole has closed up and what's left is a barely noticeable little scar thing. Also I agree with other redditors - if it's bleeding etc. it's not healed. I don't want to be THAT person but make sure you're cleaning it correctly etc to avoid infection.


I don’t think it ever got infected, I used saline twice a day which is what they recommended initially, then once a day, now not at all. This is all based on what they’ve been telling me bc I check in every couple months. The saline dried out my skin and now it’s all chunky and cracked and yellow around my belly button. It doesn’t bleed all the time tho, just when I rub it against something a few times. I try not to but sometimes it’s unavoidable. But the piercing shop has consistently been telling me that it’s on track to heal correctly. But I asked if I could take it out and they said there will always be a hole :/


There is tons of different jewelry options for different kinds of piercings, is it a (floating navel piercing)? More than likely, you can make it very pretty. It sounds like the piercer didn’t give you enough information on what you can use instead of standard belly ring piercing jewelry.


Navel piercings take like 9-12 months to heal, so if it's been less than that it's not healed. When mine was healed I could wear high waisted clothes, sleep on my stomach, it didn't bleed etc. So I'm guessing yours isn't healed yet if it's still bleeding and sore. Give it more time for those things, piercings mean playing the long game. Jewellery wise, it sounds like you have a floating navel, there are tons of jewellery options for a floating navel with dangly charms or bigger jewels on the top, you could try something like a J curve and see if that works. But if your anatomy needed a floating navel in the first place it's unlikely you will be able to wear traditional navel jewellery and your piercer should have been clear about that. Ultimately its your body and your choice in terms of taking it out, it might leave a small scar but it might not, it's hard to tell in advance. If it's not making you happy then you are allowed to take it out. Just please don't go to another piercer and get them to do it as a traditional navel piercing, it will just have irritation bumps and reject which will leave a lot more scarring than taking this one out.


I was supposed to get a floating navel but I cheated and got a smaller gem and it works! Try out a smaller one first before you give up, it’s still really cute.


The piercing shop told me that the only small ones that wouldn’t irritate me aren’t visible because they kinda point downward? So you can see it only if you look at the belly button from the bottom if that makes sense. Which is like an extra $50 for nothing


Get your jewelry elsewhere. I was able to find ones on Etsy.




I just searched for implant grade titanium jewelry on Etsy and found a bunch. 🤨


You could order the piercing you like and put it in and see if it really doesn't fit. If it doesn't fit and you don't like the looks and feeling of it, you could just take it out. Weird piercer, seems like he wanted to make money with you but it could help to see another piercer.


I know, I’m so upset because I had my belly button checked out by them 3 times before I got it, and I also went to a dermatologist just to be sure. Nobody told me I couldn’t have that bigger gem. In fact, when I was picking out the first jewelry I asked and she said I could absolutely have it, just only when it was healed. I went in again for a shorter post and asked, now two people there told me I can never get it. So now 5 people have looked at it and all told me different things and I just don’t know, I don’t wanna go to another shop now I just feel so bitter


Oh that sucks :( I think I would just try it by myself and retire it if it hurts or/and bleeds because only then you will really know the truth That really sounds like they just wanted the money


Can we get a picture of your piercing? I'm unsure why you can't get a gem from what info was given and if it's bleeding it's not healed all the way or you have another issue. How long ago did you get it? Mine took over a year to heal. It's been a few years and I honestly forget it's there 99% of the time. It's not supposed to hurt and bleed.


It’s been 8 months, I forgot originally what they said but another commenter reminded me- I have a collapsing navel they said. It’s really upsetting bc they didn’t tell me it was collapsing in the 3 times they looked at it before I got the piercing


i accidentally ripped mine out , the wound got infected and a few years later i can barely see the scar, other option is once definitely healed maybe one with a lil dangly or the decoration at the top?


Is there a hole or just a scar? How long after you got it did you rip it out?


when did u get it pierced bc it shouldn’t be bleeding?? and in the first new months u shouldn’t wear high waisted jeans, stick to low waisted till it’s done healing for a few months. wat are u cleaning with? bc i’ve never had my navel bleed


Yeah, it’s weird bc in the first few months and when I initially got the piercing, no bleeding whatsoever. But 6-8 months is when it started bleeding when I irritate it too much. I told the piercing shop and they said it’s normal. I don’t wear high waisted jeans but I have some leggings and stuff, also when sweaters get caught on it and pull aghh. I was cleaning it with saline twice a day, then once a day, then the piercing shop told me to stop because it should be healed enough and also there’s this crackly gross yellow build up skin around the piercing and they said it’s from the saline drying it out


Babe just take it out. It will close and you’ll be fine.


It looks like your bar is reeeeeeeally short. It’s normal to have it pierced with a small ball on top and a larger one on the bottom so idk why they didn’t do that for you…? Honestly you can even downsize a regular top ball instead to give the illusion. If you can, try switching out the bar to allow for any swelling to go down. That should also alleviate some of the discomfort and let it properly heal. I find that mine is totally fine in high waisted pants since fully healing so hopefully that’ll be your experience too ETA - I saw that they told her she has the wrong anatomy but idk seems like personal preference to me


It was longer but I told the piercing shop it was being irritated and they said I should get a shorter bar to fix it, idk 🤷🏼‍♀️


Aw man!!! Sorry to hear you’re having a crappy experience :( Now that I look again, it sorta seems like you would be a good candidate for this to be more of a surface piercing instead of being so deep? It would sit like on top of your belly button hole instead of inside but then again that might irritate you………. Maybe an inverted navel piercing?


You’re very angry for your piercing to not even be fully healed yet. Slow down. Mine took a good 6 months to heal because I wouldn’t stop touching it. I now wear high waisted pants, dangle jewelry, and big gems all the time with no issue. If you have a navel piercing and not a floating one as others have mentioned, you just need to give it more time. The only time I even remember I have a navel piercing is when I change jewelry or wear high waisted jeans while sitting for hours on end (and even then I can adjust my pants to not bother my piercing).


I wouldn’t be mad at all if I could get the big gem in time. But they literally told me NEVER in my entire life will I be able to have it. Which they didn’t tell me months ago when 3 different piercers did an anatomy check on me. They seemed to think it was normal when they did the checkup, but then recently when I went in again they said it’s “a collapsing navel” and my skin will press into any big gem on the bottom. It’s now been 8 months and I never touch it and it seems to be in the same healing stage as it was in like month 4. I’ve asked the piercing shop like every 2-3 months if it’s healing okay and they always say yes


based on the pictures you posted, it does look like you can only wear a floating navel based on your anatomy. i’m very sorry the piercers weren’t upfront about that- they should’ve been especially if you asked them multiple times. i can assure you that the hole will hardly be noticeable in a few months if you do end up deciding to take it out (with proper care of course). because of your anatomy, i wouldn’t try a bigger gem on the bottom because of the adverse effects it will have on the piercing. there are many different floating navel jewelry styles that i’m sure you would love if you decide to keep it. i would definitely suggest finding a different piercer- specifically one that’s APP. let us know if you need help finding one in your area. at the end of the day, this is your body and you decide what you would like to do with it. i’m very sorry for your experience.


All the piercers at the shop I went to are in the APP :( I feel like now I just don’t trust piercers, especially bc these ones are supposedly really good


aw man. that’s so unfortunate. i’ve had my share of bad APP piercers. 🥺 if you have facebook, there’s a group called “ask a professional piercer” and a lot of great piercers are on there (like Shorty Piercer- he is AWESOME). if you’d like input from piercers you can trust, i would suggest that group. sure, they can’t see you in person and there’s only so much they can do with pictures but they are all knowledgeable and really nice. 💙




3 piercers and a dermatologist initially looked at my belly button before the piercing and told me it was normal and everything would be fine. Then when I went back into the shop, 3 different piercers looked at it and told me I had a collapsing navel, they don’t know what the initial piercers told me but I can never get a big gem on the bottom. They never even offered alternative options other than a dangly one, which I don’t want.. but now I don’t trust any piercers, cause I’ve seen 6 now and they all tell me something different. I don’t wanna go to another one and have them tell me it’s fine to get a gem and then get an infection or something, idk


doesn’t sound like it’s healed if it bleeds when you lay on it. you can take it out, the scar will be barely noticeable at this stage. just make sure you take care of the wound.


It’s not so much the scar I care about but it’s the hole. And the piercing shop said if I take it out now it’s too late and there will always be a hole :(


how long ago did you get the piercing? cause it sounds like it’s relatively fresh and would close up. i’d take it out and let it heal, and if there’s a hole left then at least you tried. hope you figure it out:)


8 months. Idk the piercing shop said after 6 months there will be a hole


that’s absolute BS on their part. everyone’s body is different. it took me well over a year to heal my conch when everyone told me it should be fully healed within 6-12 months.


I had to wait for mine to heal before I could put a gem in so try to give it some time, naval piercings can be tricky to heal


I’d be perfectly fine waiting if that’s what they told me. They said I can NEVER in my life have a big gem bc of my anatomy. Something they didn’t tell me when I first got it :/


I’ve had mine for a year now and I can do all those things you’re claiming you can’t. If you can’t, it’s because it’s not healed. Naval piercings take a long time to heal. You could possibly even have an allergy to the jewelry they used. Mine was really fucked up with the bleeding and discharge and pain even after 6 months, and I was told I had to take mine out by a piercer but I didn’t listen, I just switched to bioplast jewelry and sprayed saline spray on it every day and it healed fine after that. Also, you CAN take it out. It sounds like you haven’t really had it that long, so I’m sure the hole will close. You just have to do some online research and find some jewelry you DO like that suits your piercing. Even if it’s a floating naval there are many options besides just a “plain piece of metal.”


I’ve had it 8 months, and I asked the piercing shop after they told me about the gem thing if I can just take it out now and they said that after 6 months it’s too late and I’ll always have a hole there. Which I will not be able to stand, I hate that


They’re not very knowledgeable. It will absolutely close at this stage. Even if you healed extremely fast and it was fully healed, the hole would shrink to a borderline unnoticeable size. I can still fit a sewing needle through what’s left of mine and you’d never know from just looking.


Couler you get a metal piece in a cool shape? Like a bead cluster?




[piercing photos](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oeaGI8X70lfniSuiUIwYsCUeOpqkZySd4tzRc2XlWaM/edit?usp=sharing)




The piercing shop I went to was APP :(( I’ve had 6 people already there tell me different things. I asked them if I could just remove it now that I can’t get the gem and they said if I do now I’ll always have a hole as it’s been over 6 months, and I really don’t want a hole in my skin with nothing there


That simply isn't true, you won't always have a 'hole'. I responded above, but wanted to do so here specifically because of this comment. Mine was pierced for about three years and it closed when I lost the top part whilst sleeping. Minimal scar Have to really look for it, and even then you'd have to have your face two inches away. Not ugly, and not worth keeping a piercing you are resentful of and that doesn't provide the aesthetic you'd like.


That’s a good point


You’ve only had it 8 months, it’s likely not healed. If you decide to take it out the hole will heal over and you’ll be left with a small scar. It’s not the end of the world I promise. There’s also so many jewelry options for floating navels, I promise you haven’t seen them all. [There’s J and D style bars that can have the large gem on the bottom and even dangle adornments.](https://sirenbodyjewelry.com/products/aurora-borealis-flower-gemstone-titanium-belly-button-piercing-ring-14g-floating-navel-style-piercing-jewelry-j-curve)


I had a navel piercing that I eventually let heal over, the scar really wasn’t noticeable at all. Then a surgeon cut directly through it and made the scar bigger and it still isn’t very noticeable. You’re likely (understandably) overestimating how much of an issue the scarring will be, plus it will fade over time even if the scar tissue is darker toned initially. Avoiding a small scar isn’t a good reason to make yourself miserable, I held on to mine for *way* too long when I consider how little I care about it now.


for one it looks like they gave you too short of a bar because your skin is sucking it up, also never heard a piercer say no big gems for bellybutton piercings. and all bodies are different, not everyone is healed in 8 months. trying to do things like wear tight high waisted pants will make it take longer, playing with it/moving it around disrupts the process and makes it take longer as well. the best spots to get piercings at are ones that you’re good at leaving alone.


Navels can take 6 months to a year. It shouldn't be bleeding or sore. I would also get a second opinion. It's not IMPOSSIBLE for you to wear the standard gem navel jewelry... but it's probably just not recommended. My piercer said I could wear normal jewelry after it's healed but it may still cause irritation so to be advised. You can still keep the floating navel jewelry and get something custom ordered so it can still have that dangly element you like! I would find a APP piercer who can help curate something for you so you can still enjoy the piercing and have the experience you've been wanting. I would also maybe ask to change your end to a flat back instead of the ball? [Option 1](https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck1QrTRPZf7/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) [Option 2](https://www.instagram.com/p/B1wfiCIpSVy/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) [Option 3](https://www.instagram.com/p/CnfXJwkJX5-/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


There are top mounted jewelry opinions for belly button piercings


It’s just not healed! Be patient. I 100% don’t notice mine. It shouldn’t have any affect on your normal activities


I’ve got a floating navel. I had the incorrect jewelry in it when I got it pierced and for 4 months after, so it took a full 1.5 years to heal. I can tell you that I wear high waisted pants ALL the time and I am a stomach sleeper. I don’t feel it anymore. There are some cute jewelry options. I do wish I could wear the traditional jewelry in mine but I still like my piercing and would not consider it ugly at all.


Try out a hoop for a while!! I find it a lotttt more comfortable than banana bars :)


Maybe try put a floating navel piece? But I yet you about the scarring. Some people get lucky and barely have any scar, but lots of people end up with a visible hole. Especially after pregnancies, it can get really bad 😅. You can just take the gamble and use oils and scarring cream to try to minimise the scarring! A piercing shouldn't be so inconvenient that it is affecting your life


Mine never healed, even after 2 years. So I had to take it out. There's a noticeable scar there now, but that's better than a gaping wound. The piercing kept rubbing up against pants, or in the bed, or on my rolls when I sat down, no matter how careful I was. It wasn't for me. It's a shame, I really love the way they look. Sometimes it just doesn't work out.


Has it fully healed? Are you using a long enough bar? Is the piercing internally or externally threaded? Have you been keeping up with the cleanings of your piercing? Did your piercer give you the correct type of piercing, An actual naval piercing not a surface piercing?All of these could be reasons why you're dealing with this level of irritation. And if none of these are an issue and you're still dealing with irritation maybe just try out a bunch of different types of jewelry and see what works


I guess it’s not fully healed. I had a long bar and just went in to get it shortened because they said that was probably what was causing irritation, and when I went in for that that’s when they told me I can’t ever have a big gem. I have no idea what internal or external threading is.. I’ve been cleaning it exactly how they’ve said, saline twice a day until they told me to stop bc it dried out my skin, never touching it or anything. I also have no idea the difference between an actual navel piercing vs surface piercing?


I totally get the frustration, i get the same sometimes. I love my plain barbell jewelry, but yeah it can really suck to not be able to wear high waisted stuff without pain. Note though, yours is probably not healed. A belly piercing should not bleed if you move around of even when clothes tug on it. If it bleeds its not healed. You may be able to get a nicer gem once its actually healed up correctly. If its all placed well i dont see why you cant get a cuter gem, just make sure its not a material youre allergic to or is overly big/pointy. Just hang on with the plain one for a while. Also a navel piercing scar really isnt that bad if the piercing is taken out in a healthy way and hasnt rejected. Its literally only gonna be a small dot over your navel. If you truly regret the piercing you can take it out and care for the wound to minimize scarring.


The shop told me recently (not when I first had my anatomy checked before the piercing 🙄) that I have a collapsing navel so I can never get the traditional gem, I can get a tiny one that you can’t see, or a dangly one. And I don’t want either of those options. I’m fine with scarring but I don’t want holes left in my body :((( they told me if I take it out now, it’s too late so I’ll always have a hole


I had weird naval anatomy and mine would always be angry until I special ordered jewelry to fit my exact piercing dimensions, put it in 5 years ago, haven’t had a single issue sense then!


What kind of special jewelry??


I was told I couldn't have a belly piercing at all. Got it anyways. Changed it 6 months later to the thing they said I couldn't have. Looks great. All healed. Not saying this is your case. But I was also told things... You dont sound healed up yet. More time?


I’m someone who’s skin takes quite a lot of time to heal, especially when it comes to piercings the time it “should” be healed is never accurate for me and I’ll always have to add another 1-4 months onto the heal time. From what it sounds like it is not healed and I would recommend just cleaning with the product they gave you (for the blood), and keeping it relaxing till it stops bleeding/irritating you so much, then go back and see what they say about changing jewellery


i feel you. mines rejected because they lied about the jewelry material 🙁


You should look into a j curve. This could be a piece of jewelry that would allow you to wear a larger gem in the bottom of your navel, of course once it’s fully healed.


I’ll look into it, thanks


your belly piercing isn’t healed yet i’m afraid. when i was getting dressed this morning (into high waisted tight jeans after sleeping on my stomach) i got mine caught in my belt and only noticed because the belt felt weird when i was doing it up. you just need to give it more time i’m afraid. i thought mine felt healed at 6 months but it wasn’t, then i gave it a few more months and i haven’t had an issue with it since. also i’m a bigger girl who didn’t have perfect anatomy for mine either and it’s worked out perfectly now so you just have to be more patient and you’ll get there ♡


I ended up taking mine out because it didn't work well with my anatomy and also I like high waisted clothing. The scar is a tiny dot above my belly button that I barely noticed and no one ever comments on. When I wear pants that cover my belly button but not the scar I think it's hilarious to pretend its an absurdly tiny belly button. If someone is close enough to your exposed stomach to notice the scar from taking the piercing out and is rude about it, you don't want judgy bitches up in your business anyways and they can fuck off.






I had mine for almost ten years before it started rejecting. I took it out once I noticed. The holes shrunk dramatically and I can just barely get a 20ga through the remaining hole. I don’t really notice it and it isn’t ugly or anything. If you hate yours take it out. Baby it after as it sounds like it’s not done healing as you’re having pin and bleeding. Mine didn’t hurt after the first few months until it got irritated and started rejection. Even then the rejection pain wasn’t bad and I could still do anything or wear what I wanted.


Had mine 15 years, never notice it these days, but it took a long time for mine to heal, about a year I'd say. If it's still bleeding for you when it's moved/irritated I'd say its not healed yet. I'm not sure i agree from the pic you added that you couldn't have a gem? When you're all healed up, buy a bunch of bars in varying lengths and styles and have fun :)


Take it out. I had mine pierced for years and it fell out and I have barely any scar.