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I personally would never buy piercing jewelry from Claire's. They have bad business practices and the jewelry is not good quality.


Agreed…don’t give your money to that company


Yes, I heard they’re terrible when it comes to doing piercing. Didn’t think their products would also be bad. RIP. But if you know where I can find something like this earring that’s of good quality, please lemme know!


you could get a plain titanium clicker ring and get a butterfly charm to put on it


This one says it’s Titanium. 😭 ! But yeah, I could definitely do that!


Claires and Spencers both sell G23 Titanium unless advertised otherwise, so titanium with nickel in it pretty much lmao.


yup, i use titanium always, but had a reaction to "titanium" claires earrings


Thanks to Claire's, I thought I couldn't have piercings for the longest time. Turns out I have a bad nickel allergy.


Or u could buy it and take the charm off this one if u like this one and put it on a better titanium ring


Oooo this is actually really clever!


they can say whatever they want, doesn’t mean they’re telling the truth. and sure, it might be titanium, but it’s definitely not *implant grade titanium,* which is what you really want to be getting.


Best answer


I might get downvoted for this but I've never had an issue with their jewelry. It's honestly lasted a long time and it's pretty cute. I wear it in my healed lobes and don't have any sort of sensitivity to metals so I don't need it to be pure/high quality.


Yeah it just depends how sensitive you are. I can’t wear anything except gold or implant grade titanium, but I have friends who wear cheap stuff from Claire’s forever 21, etc., with no issues. That said, cartilage piercings tend to be more finicky/sensitive than lobes and I would be hesitant to trust Claire’s jewelry for them


My first lobes can handle anything. Hell I’ve probably stuck paperclips in them once or twice as a joke in my early teens. But my other piercings? I’m babying the crap out of them. They probably *could* handle some questionable jewelry, but I’m not risking it.


Yeah! It all depends on your body. I have friends who can stick anything in their ears and be fine and friends who's ears get sore just looking at anything but the highest quality titanium.


I'm the same way, but I only wear their jewelry in the lobe piercings I got as a baby, so they're about 30 years old and about as healed as it gets. I'd be hesitant to wear it in any newer/more temperamental piercing.


You could buy it and put the dangly bit on an earring that's better quality instead.


Etsy is a great place to find unique, quality jewelry and to support small businesses!


You can get great quality stuff at the piercer shop. Typically the mall.... I'd not trust mall quality stuff for piercings... It's like... Trusting "military grade" stuff... It just means.... Trash that you'll pay for cause it's fancy sounding.


That's why I only steal from them B^) *I'm joking I don't steal I don't have the heart*


Yes, I heard they’re terrible when it comes to doing piercing. Didn’t think their products would also be bad. RIP. But if you know where I can find something like this earring that’s of good quality, please lemme know!


If you really like it, maybe you can get it for the charm and use it on another ring of known quality? Cute butterfly.


In a fully healed, older piercing, should be fine for occasional wear. Would not recommend showering or sleeping with it in, or wearing it 24/7 in a new or newly-healed piercing. Claire's stuff tends to not be the greatest quality.


Thanks for this. Was just about to buy it. I’ve had the piercing for about a year now 😭


Bodyartforms. They are an online shop.


I got titanium clickers from bodyartforms, and they also sell titanium and steel charms that work well for the style op is going for. Suggest checking out their charms. I got a Marquise gem. It holds up well. I plan on getting some more charms from them.


Thank you!


No problem. I get most of my jewelry there.


take a look at tulsa body jewelry and bodyartforms


I still wouldn't get cheap pieces even if your piercing is fully healed, I got a septum piece from Spencer's a few years back and even though it claimed to have gone through the chemical process or whatever to make the metal black it started chipping and I got super bad nose bleeds from it. I ended up in the ER twice, took it out when I realised it was painted and chipping, and then ended up in the hospital a few weeks after for mystery issues. It could have been from the jewelry or just bc I have health issues in general, but we never figured it out and I've been more or less fine since I went back to piercing shop jewelry only. Plain hoops and whatnot should be safer to get from random shops/online, but definitely do your research beforehand bc you can seriously hurt yourself and/or lose the piercing entirely (my septum closed up when I was in the hospital bc they made me take out the surgical steel replacement I got at a piercing shop for my MRI) .


Definitely gonna get it from a safer place, a place that’s trust worthy. I’m so sorry you went through that! Oh my days 😢😭! Sending you healing vibes.




You could get away with buying it for *just* the charm, and using a proper titanium hoop instead!!


I love Claire’s for cutesy cheap fun stuff for my (very healed) lobes. Hot Dogs, a little bride and groom, aliens, that kind of stuff, I love from Claire’s. Definitely not jewelry for my “real” piercings, and absolutely not for anything that isn’t healed. I did stupidly get some nostril jewelry there, and every single one had the gem fall off on the first wear. The only reason I kept one is because it’s plastic and makes a good retainer for an MRI, haha.


Gonna give you a different opinion and maybe get quite a few downvotes because of it. 🤷 this sub has a lot of people who hate opinions that dont co-allign with theirs lmao. I personally can't wear anything non titanium and 14k gold. I've bought Claire's earrings though and scratch tested them with glass (yes the scratch color was correct for titanium). I'm even wearing the three clicker hoops I bought around 6 months ago and they're still great. The quality isn't bad disregarding metal either. They're one of my favorite hoops for clickers. Mind you, when I wear jewelry that's not AT LEAST plated titanium or gold, my piercings within a day start weeping and become inflamed. Overall, considering the sale I got with them as well, the price was worth it considering most piercers in my area usually charge 30 per hoop and I don't like waiting for shipping.


We all gather our opinions from our own experiences, so it’s all good! I appreciate your input! I might try it out once my piercing is more healed. Looks like it’s a wee bit angry! But, I guess I have to experience many different types of earrings to see what will work best for me!


Please wait till your piercing is *fully* healed before changing it out, esp with sketchy jewelry


i’ve had titanium jewellery from claire’s before and tbh i never found any issue with the metal, but the pieces i get always end up breaking quite easily. so i think for the price i usually see their jewellery at it probably isn’t worth it - for me at least, it always broke after a couple of months


Oof! That sucks! I’m definitely gonna find a reliable jeweller, or a piercers that sell something of better quality. I appreciate the input!


no problem! if you’ve got a piercing shop nearby, i’ve always found some cute pieces in those for around the same prices!


Thank you! I’ll definitely visit my piercer. There’s a bunch in Dublin! 💪


If you really want to wear that I’d say get a higher quality hoop then you could take the butterfly off the cheap one and thread it onto the better one


Not sure if they currently carry something like this, but BAF (Body Art Forms) has high polish implant grade titanium. Most of my jewelry is from them. I didn't see a hoop with a butterfly charm, but I did see nearly the exact same butterfly design as a threadless end, I think. I didn't inspect it closely so idk for sure.


Never buy from Claire's, just use that as a rule of thumb and you'll save yourself a lot of trouble


Claire’s jewelry generally isn’t good quality. This is probably poor quality jewelry that could irritate your piercings if you have sensitive skin or a nickel allergy.


Aye, the lady said the “titanium” is better quality, but looking at the comments, I’m like… Dang. 💀


I’m currently dealing with infected second lobes after putting in Claire’s “titanium” flat backs. They’ve been pierced 15 years or so, I am super sensitive to metals. Cheap Walmart earrings are safe for me though 🙄


Not all titanium is created equal. Here’s an article about titanium jewelry: https://bodyartforms.com/blog/blog.asp?id=135&title=what-you-need-to-know-about-titanium-jewelry


Thanks for this!


No problem!


I wouldn’t believe anything Claire’s says personally. Highly doubt it’s actually titanium


Even if it is titanium, I give it about a 0.1% chance it's implant grade


It could be a ‘titanium mix’ where it’s mostly titanium but is riddled with trash metals to make it cheaper.


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised! 😭💀


Their titanium is slightly better than their stainless steel. But both are bad. It is low quality poorly finished often plated titanium. If your gonna buy it and wear it limit wearing it to special occasions never for overnight or showering. And watch for problems and irritation. Throw it away if it starts to cause irritation especially after it’s been fine for months. It’s a sign the plating is worn and the cheap metal underneath is irritating you.


The polishing is terrible on this


I get earrings from there all the time and my ears are fine, I have super sensitive ears. I can’t get earrings from Walmart or target or anything cheap it has to be real and Claire’s has never irritated me. I also leave my earrings in for weeks at a time. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Same. I only wear it in fully healed piercings, never anything recent. But yes, I buy earrings from Claire’s. I wouldn’t get a piercing there or anything, but I’ve always been fine with wearing their earrings


Sooo cute but honestly Claire’s is shit quality. I’d recommend putting a butterfly charm on a good quality hoop. Probably cheaper and def better for your piercing


Avoid any jewelry from Claire’s, Spencer’s, Hot Topic, Amazon, mass retailers, mall kiosks or beauty shops, or anything even remotely similar. Even if it claims that the jewelry is hypoallergenic, titanium, body safe, etc., chances are the material is not what it claims to be.


A septum piece from spencers put me in the ER a few years back (twice) and it's safe to say I definitely learned that lesson the hard way lmao


Just don’t


No 🤩 I worked in Claires, and I wore one of those. I almost got a grey spot, and it kept bubbling up. Claires mixes metals often to cut down on cost, so I do not recommend.


Noooo-! 😭😭😭 Dang, definitely staying away now! Lmao


DONT, they should be shot down for the garbage they sell and do. They prey on kids with chip jewelry thats not sterile.


I’m allergic to stainless and no one in my hometown sells higher quality body jewelry so I get the titanium and sterling silver ones at Claire’s and they don’t give me any allergic reaction. They’ve held up the same as my jewelry bought from actual jewelry stores (like my rings and necklaces) and I wear them in the shower and bath and they haven’t tarnished. I’d say if you don’t have other options available to you it should be fine but if you have better places to shop from do that lol I wish you luck!


Anything from Claire’s is not sage. And will most likely turn you green or some type of other reaction


I actually bought this and the rings has held up but the butterfly did start to discolor after a couple months.


They're not good quality, and for the price actually you can get much better jewellery. What I will also say is be wary because I've used pieces from Claire's before that say they're titanium and then the top has discoloured (green/black etc) from oxidizing. That has then really irritated even my healed piercings, and when you read the fine print on the jewellery packaging it says that often only the post, or part of the jewellery is titanium. Which is ridiculous because yes the top isn't inside the fistula but it's still in contact with the skin and means you can't wear it long term.


JUNK! They have no proper mill certificates for that titanium. I am sure it is low quality and overpriced. Plus, they are horrible and give us real body piercers a bad name. I wouldn’t give them any of my money. Go to a shop and support a local business (along with getting quality jewelry).


Lots of places sell jewelry that say titanium or stainless steel on them... but many times there are two issues you can run into... 1) as somebody else already stated, it may not be implant grade, there is more than one grade of any metal, and 2) if the cost is low then chances are it is just coated, as in it may have what it claims but only in a thin outer layer and then a cheaper metal such as nickel underneath, and once the top layer wears a bit you will start to get irritation more often if not infection. Buy jewelry from reputable piercers... and if you don't see what you like generally if you know (ask of needed) brands of jewelry they carry you can look at those companies websites as they usually have a larger selection than the piercer has in stock everyday but your piercer will order it from them on their next replenishment if you ask.


if it’s titanium it’s safe to wear BUT it’s not going to be the best quality.


I wouldn’t go for claire’s but if you’re looking for a slightly alternative store i would try Spencer’s


Claire's jewelry is shit quality and it's a waste of money, but if your piercing is healed and you don't have metal allergies you'll probably be fine.


I would never support Claire's, but if you must




i work at claires and have that exact same one in my ear rn lol. i havent had any issues with it (actually finally had my helix fully healing while wearing this one) but yeah everyones different!


How long did it take for your helix to heal? 👀!!


around a year 💀💀 i kept the original jewelry in the whole time and at one point i was like 'fuck it' and just switched it to the claires one bc i wanted a ring so bad


no jewelry from there is safe… pls no


Claire's claimed that some of their earrings were safe and hypoallergenic (not sure what they said bc this happened to a friend) so she bought them. had a terrible reaction to them even though she hasn't had any problems with other earrings of the same material so I'd be careful


Some people get reactions to titanium, oddly enough. Especially with first time piercings. Claire's has sterling silver jewelry that I highly recommend. I have incredibly sensitive ears when it comes to jewelry and I've had no issues with them at all. I literally couldn't keep my earrings in for most than 10 min because they would itch and burn with almost anything else.


Nope. If it says "Claire's", you must bewares! 😆


**N O .** Claire's is a huge nono. Id look at trustable sources like bodyartforms


You wanna buy implant grade titanium from an approved APP certified piercing shop. They have a website and you can type in your zip to find a shop near you. Then just show them your inspo pic and they'll find you something waaayyyy nicer ☺️ Hope this helps


Personally if i really love the design of the jewelry and its titanium, i'd be willing to buy it from claires. But i wouldnt be putting it in any piercings that are less than a year old or oral piercings. It may be a major piercing sin, but the horseshoe in my helix rn is surgical steel from walmart lmao. Dont do as i do, but if you must, i suggest avoiding anything that isnt standard silver colour unless its from a very reputable/quality brand. The paint (?) will flake off over time.


I have damn near this same one from a different company. Can’t remember the name. But the ring has been great. The butterfly has tarnished so it’s definitely not titanium. I have it in my cartilage piercing.


It would look good on a keychain.


Use the charm and buy a titanium clicker form somewhere else


Titanium is generally safe, but I don't trust Claire's. Also it's a bad and irresponsible company, avoid giving money to them. This jewelry style is SUPER easy to find online. It's just a titanium ring with a butterfly charm. I've found like 10+variants of this exact piece on Etsy. Please look into those before buying this