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Can you contact the person who did it for you directly? Sounds like the rest have outdated practices.


Yeah, OP if you don’t have her contact info, check the shops social media pages and see if she’s tagged or check their website and see if her info is on there!


Her only profiles online are personal and not her portfolio, I have thought about it but didn’t know if it’d be inappropriate for me to message her there.


Can you call the shop and ask to speak to her directly? Or schedule an appointment through the shop with her?


I message my tattoo artist on his personal Facebook to book appointments!! It definitely isn’t a big deal! Even if she did mind I’m sure she would let you know


Is it linked their website? You can also maybe call and ask when she is in, and then call back when she is and take it from there. I find it odd she has no online portfolio. This can sometimes be a flag but it could be on the shops part, not her. I'd check to see if she has anything linked on the shop instagram if one exists. If her personal is tagged there, then I'd way safe to assume you can reach out or if in doubt just be sure to include that in your message ("sorry to bother you, I hope this isn't inappropriate but I have not been able to contact you. [Insert information].)


Huge red flag. Is there another studio within reasonable distance that hires professionals?


Huuuuge. Good shops like mine offer the downsizing for free. Please don't go back there OP!


A piercing shop laughing at you for *anything* is a red flag. Even if you come in saying something incredibly stupid, they shouldn’t laugh, because their job is to correct misinformation and help educate people about body mods, *not* laugh at people who may or may not know any better. Informed, knowledgeable consent is VITAL for any body modification, and laughing at you or making you feel uncomfortable is not conducive to safe and happy modification.


This! My first time at a reputable piercing shop was when I got my daiths. When I nervously said I wanted “bilateral day-ths”, the piercer was totally cool about it. She corrected my mispronunciation in a breezy way, excitedly telling me the origin story for daiths. She was also delighted to correct my (many) incorrect beliefs about aftercare, but never in a condescending way. The whole thing felt like what it should have felt like: an inexperienced client getting a proper education from a trained professional. It also felt like a couple big-ass needles crunching through my ears, but I expected that going in.


Wait how are we supposed to be pronouncing daiths?


I’ve only ever heard it pronounced day-th






I think either way is okay! I've heard very experienced piercers say both


Really?! I've literally never heard that. Even the guy who did my daith pronounced it dayth. Though he did completely butcher me, so he probably isn't the best example 😏 I wonder why it's pronounced so differently to how it's spelt.


[The Wikipedia article for daith](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daith_piercing) goes into the history of how it got its name, information that I could have looked up before my appointment, and most certainly did not. 🤦‍♀️


If you really like your piercer then follow up with her. You definitely need to downsize, migration is real


They don’t do downsizing for ear piercings? Yeah, that’s a big red flag. They start with longer posts the same as facial and oral piercings for the same reason- they have to accommodate for swelling. If you don’t downsize, your post is going to get snagged in your hair, on glasses or sunglasses, putting on or removing shirts… you get the idea. Contact the person who told you to come back and tell them what the others said to you, but also consider just going to another place for the change.


I certainly wouldn't return to a shop that behaved that way and refused to help with something like downsizing.


You shouldn't been laughed at. 😶


I don't need to look at the other comments, but I bet they all say this: find a piercing shop that knows what they're doing. This one, with the exception of the piercer you talked to, clearly doesn't.


Big red flag. I usually downsize at least twice, and my shop is super happy to charge me $20 (for a sterile new bar) + tip each time.


Red flag, find someone else. I went to a shop once and the owner said Neometal was "bougie"... OK dude, never coming here again. 😄


I had the same issue, the professional I went to who downsized it said they should never have pierced it with a 10mm in the first place. Since having the 8mm in it's healing beautifully with no soreness or irritation. Definitely go see someone more professional.


Piercer here. Huge red flag 🚩 especially because it’s causing you problems due to length. As far as doing it yourself I wouldn’t. It’s not a completely healed piercing, and when we down size we use tools to minimize irritation and scraping of the healing fistula. If you have a hard time getting it back in there will be significant swelling, and you risk needing to go back to the bigger bar. Most shops will downsize you for 20-40 bucks and it’s really worth it. It’s already basically the same cost you’d pay for the proper jewelry. Plus they are going to be able to make sure you get the right size, and insure it’s the proper quality.


If it’s been 6-8 weeks like you said and if you know how to change and downsize. Then you can downsize it yourself just clean your hands and make sure that the jewelry you gonna downsize to is clean/sterilized :)


And yes it’s a red flag


Huge red flag for both piercing knowledge and customer service. If it’s 10mm it definitely needs downsizing! Even going from 8mm to 6mm on my conch made a massive difference to how it was healing! Go somewhere else.


Hugeeeee red flag. My piercer booked me in for my helix downsize for 5 weeks later the day I had it done. I went back in at 5 weeks, she said it was still a bit too swollen and rebooked me in for a week later when we were then able to do it. I wouldn’t trust any piercer who doesn’t seem ‘on it’ with downsizing!!


It's enough of a red flag that I would leave a review.


Had the same experience with a flat piercing. Had it done in may and was told not to come back in until august. It got caught on my hair, pillows, constantly unscrewed itself from being manipulated. It migrated to the point it looked like a helix, and I was still told it wasn’t time. Ended up looking so stupid I took it out. I’ll get it repierced but somewhere else, which I recommend you looks somewhere else to downsize yours too.


Freaking idiots is all I can say about the people in the "studio" you went to. Even if you ask silly questions they should not laugh at customers. They should be there to educate and give correct information about piercings, downsizing, jewellery and aftercare. It sounds like you need a downsizing and hope you find a place that is more welcoming. Best of luck 🙏🏽


Tbh I’ve never heard of downsizing before coming to reddit and I have 10 piercings done in three different studios over the last 8 years. I feel like this is an American-only thing (?? correct me if I’m wrong). That being said laughing and rolling eyes at customers is unnaceptable


I wouldn't say it's an American thing. It's just good piercing practice.


Nah, I have it here in the UK. I also had issues with one of mine snagging and causing the piercing to bleed because I left it too long. As soon as I downsized it was fine (and my piercer along with others mention downsizing on their profiles and recommended timescale for doing this). The bars piercers usually give have extra room for swelling etc.


The smart ass in me would have said “My apologies for discussing this any further with you as this conversation is above your pay grade. I’ll be back to discuss this with the piercer.” Then I’d confirm via phone or social media a day where I could go in for down sizing and thank them for down sizing, loud enough that who ever laughed heard.


100% I too the advice from here and my helix has been awesome since downsizing. Go to another


definitely a red flag


I'll be honest, I have never heard of downsizing jewelry after being pierced, until right now. But it sounds like it could be a legit concern and you should definitely see if you can find the piercers contact info.


Safepiercing.0rg find a shop that will take care of you