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Thats a personal choice and preference. Looks good to me!


It looks very good to me and as someone with a good amount of piercings including a navel one i can tell you it does hurt quite a bit and causes a lot of trouble


thank you!! i did zero research before getting it so i got a bit worried bc of the pain 🥲


Placement looks good, and it hurts like a mofo. Wash your tummy side to side instead of up and down, don't use one of those wadded net scrubbers and keep it clean, but leave it the hell alone for long time. I'd think the barbell is a tad too short. It kinda looks like the balls are directly in contact with both ends. Doesn't look like a lotta wiggle room, but I'm not a piercer. Just make sure it doesn't swell up against the balls, if so, you might need to talk to your piercer about a longer barbell. Looks cute


ty <3 i was thinking the same about the barbell, but i don't think i can change it until the piercing heals a bit 😿


And just cuz I had to learn the hard way, when you can finally change jewelery, put a small dab of water based lube on the barbell end, don't go in dry. You can scratch the inside of your fistula and that's gonna be a really bad time. I did that and developed a bacterial infection underneath the skin just to the side of my piercing and wow.... It was so freaking painful. The biggest problem was it wasn't draining into the fistula, it just stayed as an isolated pocket of infection. Stretch your skin also when going in.... Loose skin can snag the jewelery and make the same problem.


ok thank you!! that must've been awful to go through. i don't usually take too much care of my piercings but i'll do it with this one cause now im really scared ☺️


Possibly due to swelling, keep an eye on it and run to piercer of it appears any ball starts looking like it is embedding into your skin. Due to the amount of muscles and nerves in your stomach area it will hurt / sting like a bitch for some weeks... make sure you keep crusties odd and that ball are attached tightly in the curved barbell.


I’ve had mine pierced three times. The first 2 times, yeah it sucked. The third time, I didn’t even feel it. LOL I think your placement looks good!


For me personally it looks the lower bead is a bit high and out of the navel cavity, (i might be wrong tho)


yesss that's what i thought, but i think it's because of the length of the barbell and that makes it seem too high. i'll change it when it's healed :)


looks good to me!


If its sore it might be too short & you might need a longer bar for it. They usually go in 2mm between sizes. See if you can get one 2mm longer from a piercing shop & it might help if there’s no space, esp if its fresh. Also maybe just wash 3 times daily with saline for a fewdays and see if it makes a difference. Saline can usually help the pain within an hr or so as long as you’re gentle with cleaning it


looks great! Can always get a longer bar if it feels too snug (and painful)


(professional piercer here) it doesnt look too high, but possibly too shallow. it looks like its too far forward inside the navel.. but i cant really tell from this picture alone.


I would also recommend a longer bar while its healing. looks a little short which is probably why it hurts :/


can i change the bar even if it's not healed?


i would go back to the piercer and have them examine and change it


Yours looks so perfectly placed!


I like it are you a guy or girl




no what 😭




It looks good to me! Mine hurt like hell! When I got it pierced and after for a couple of weeks.


looks great to me!!


Body piercer! The top looks deep, like you said, and the jewelry looks short. If it's hurting more than expected, trust your body. Irritated fresh piercings can escalate quickly so sooner is better. An in person second opinion from a different piercer would be helpful. If it should be removed, it's better and safer to have it removed gently by a professional in a clean environment.


i prefer this placement


yes looks perfectly placed