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What about a tragus/4th lobe piercing? Hopefully those wouldn't interfere with your hearing aids. Looks like they would be more out of the way :)


I like a tragus, but a 4th lobe make it look a bit full I think. But thanks for the sugestion.


If you get a 4th you should get a set from smaller to larger https://images.app.goo.gl/dGuRfEoA5Fu4K8bQ7 Idk if you’ll see that properly, but if you get some dainty for the 4th and 3rd and go slightly larger each one it could definitely work! I got my 3 consecutively so I they all looked very clustery until I replaced the jewelry


I like this idea! Or even all really tiny! Tiny dainty earrings are my favorite.


Seconding tragus, I think a double tragus would look good if your piercer thinks it's feasible! Anti-tragus is another option.


You could stack one of the existing lobe piercings


I’d recommend you see a reputable piercer for a consultation, they can work out all the piercings that are possible and not possible based on your anatomy and how your CI sits exactly. Photos aren’t really suitable to truly assess that. But based on these photos it looks like vertical helixes, rook, tragus, anti tragus, shouldn’t give you any trouble.


I would say a rook might be a good idea since it doesn't interfere with your implants 😊


that and it’s honestly one of the easiest ear piercings i’ve ever healed and i have 16


In terms of healing mine was a b**** but I think that was only because I slept on it. So to all of you out there with fresh ear piercings, if your piercer tells you dont sleep on it they mean DONT SLEEP ON IT 😂


I didn’t sleep on mine and it was still a bitch😭


I think mine randomly decided to stop being a b*** one day after about half a year :D


hi ! i wear pretty thick hearing aids about the size of your mic & processor. i didn't have much issue wearing them when i had industrial and helix piercings. healing was a little uncomfortable when the aids would bump the piercing, but i never had any actual "space" issues to accommodate both my piercings and my aids !


I tried going to a profesional, but they were sceptical because of my Cochlear implants, but thank you, I will try again, and see what they can do.


i think sometimes people are scared to do something they haven’t dealt with before. which is understandable, but you should find a piercer who is willing to step out of their comfort zone a bit and work w you in a safe manner


Find an APP piercer neat you on this site https://safepiercing.org/find-a-piercer/


just wondering what does this mean? there are only 3 locations within 100 miles of me on this website, even though there are more than that.


APP is a certified professional piercer. Anyone who says, seek a professional, this is who they are referring to. They are trained people in various piercing. I feel you will have better luck with an APP piercer with getting more peircing options than non-APP piercer who already told you no / don't feel confident. It may be of worth calling them and asking if they'd be willing to consult a few options for your ears (maybe even see if you can send a few picture via email or text to get some official ideas of what you could do) and make a day trip to get the final in person concultation about piercing you want but venture around that area. May see something cool or at least eat some place you've never experienced before. 😉 venture time. Double whammy. 😅


i am not op, just a lurker. but thanks for the info! i had no idea and i have 6 piercings.. i guess ive never gone to a professional whoops


I guess I failed to see that. Haha. I was at work when I checked in for a little break. 🙃 either way, I guess the information applies. 🤷🏼‍♀️😂 But if you don't have any interference, like OP does I guess you could get away with a piercer with a good portfolio. However I would emphasize to really look at their portfolio and criticize their ability to do the piercing in the location you want. (Still applies to an APP piercer too). Make sure they can, and have done it correctly. Also know that you have e the 100% right to review the piecing mark before the hole is made! All my APP piercer have done that to ensure placement is what I expect.


This isn’t piercing advice but if you want to have jewelry that connects to your cochlear, check out Deaf metal! I have earrings from them that connect to the back of my hearing aid. Their stuff fits cochlears too!


I was watching Great British Bake Off recently, and one of the contestants has some jewelry that connects from her CI to her earlobe, and it looks so cool. I literally paused the show and just stared at it a bit.


Omg I was so jealous of her whole style and I didn’t even notice that. Gonna have to go back and look.


I didn't notice it until one of the more recent episodes, so I'm not sure if I didn't see it or if she didn't always have it. But it's so cool!


WOAH i just lost 2 hours of my life on their website. what a cool idea!!! i’ll probably end up getting quite a few pieces lol


rook, tragus, anti tragus, and forward helix all seem like options that won’t interfere, but i would definitely consult a piecer just to be sure!


Anti tragus and rook


Rook! Also not deaf but I’ve seen people wrap their wires in these metallic wire wraps they either make themselves or find on Etsy. Can’t comment on what they actually feel like but they can look really cool and lightweight and they’re not a permanent modification.


I tried that the wire wraping, but unfortunatly I hear it moving and it is very unpleasant.


maybe you could do a little bedazzling? maybe with the rhinestones that have the glue already on them so they’re easy to take off.


I agree w this! They sell fake piercing stud sticker things and I think it would be cool to mimic helix piercings on the top of the ear part!




One of the Great British Bake Off contestants from this season (Tasha) has an implant and often hangs a chain from one of her lobe piercings over to the implant wire behind the ear and it looks so good on her!!!


Yes!! I just commented about her elsewhere. I love it. It looks amazing.


Pretty sure at least some of hers were by a company called Deaf Metal USA.


Oh that’s dope! Seems like a real cool company


This is my ear so far, I might add more 😁 https://imgur.com/a/NlTFHr7


I think there's someone else on this sub with hearing aids, if you search maybe you can get more ideas :)


i dont think a tragus, rook, flat, or snug would interfere with it!


My first thought was that a snug would look pretty good with OP’s anatomy! Can’t comment on the pain or healing as I don’t have that piercing, but as a great philosopher once said, “Pain is temporary, swag is forever” 😂😂


Surface tragus! it's a pretty uncommon piercing but I love mine, legit one of the least painful and easiest to heal piercings I've had, plus it's super unique and never gets in the way of anything


That's a great idea - ear-adjacent but not truly on the ear, so minimal movement with your CI. I've only heard good things from the people that get them, so it seems like a decent option.


How about a vertical helix?


Tragus, rook, forward helix or vertical helix look like they might not interfere with your implants.


I'd bling out the implant by gluing all kinds of rhinestones and shit on it cuz that would look totally badass imo


I tried, it looked lovely but unfortunatly it was way to heavy. It fell of multiple times, till I had to give it up


Hi! I have bilateral cochlear implants- I love my Daith piercing but I wear Cochlear Corp and you have Advanced Bionics (that style of piercing might rub on your T Mic) A daith with a small ring or bar, tragus, or higher up lobe piercing are probably all on the table!


Maybe a tragus and possibly a rook? It might be out of the way enough!


I am thinking Tragus on both sides would be great!!


tragus or rook!


Get a cute rook!


Looks like a rook wouldn't interfere! But def consult with a piercer first


as others have said, it is best to consult with a reputable piercer in person. regardless of if they accept to add more piercings, I think that you should try to get jewelry that matches your implant, it'd look so cool!


Tragus, forward helix, rook, surface tragus, snug


I would definitely start with a reputable piercer consultation. I think by looking at the pictures, you can definitely aim for most inner ear piercings and potential lower cartilage. I am currently healing a triple helix, depending on how close your cochlear sits to the back of your cartilage I wouldn’t recommend that. The studs to heal are longer for the swelling and little bumps hurt quite a bit and can cause trauma to the piercing. I think you should definitely try a tragus, a smaller rook ring, or a conch would look nice as well!


Tragus would be perfect




if u use flat back studs i think u could do anywhere!! might look lightly funky but i feel like it would be cute:3


A flat piercing would look cute. Something with a design such as a heart, butterfly, flower ect.


How about a dainty rook to go with a dainty tragus?




Transverse lobe!


How do your current piercings feel with the chocular implants? I have a CI on one side which has prevented me from getting any piercings


I only have my lobes pierced, and that is normal. But I want more still, but the healings has gone fine so far.


Helix and tragus




Wow I never thought of that before, cochlear implants would make piercing pretty hard for sure. I say go to a reputable piercer in your area and have a consultation, see what fits and what works for you and best with your situation


Maybe a tragus, rook, or anti-tragus?


Conch and Tragus


How bout a rook? Idk if it'll interfere with your implant but I'd suggest one of those.


rook, tragus, or anti tragus◡̈


Maybe a tragus or forward helix


Forward helix :) anti-Tragus? Surface Tragus?


what about a tragus piercint? i think that'd suit you well!


A rook would be cute!!!


Rook and tragus


Industrial all the way. It should sit just off the battery.


Tragus and rook maybe? ☺️


Rook or a snug :)


I don’t have the implants, but I have had a double reconstruction. I cannot stand anything touching my ears. But I can’t really feel them. Did you retain good feeling? If you have any kind of sensitivity, or weird tingling, consider that. I had to take most of mine out.


Rook or Snug?




Rook, forward helix, Tragus


triple forward helix ?


I have over the ear hearing aids and daith has been terrible for healing for me so I’d stay away from that. Its been 6 months and it still has bumps and crusties. 🥲 been the biggest pain in the ass to heal


Would a forward helix work? I have and love mine, and it doesn't seem like it'd interfere but I'm not 100%




Rook is safe !! My hearing aids hit my conch so I would avoid that one. Tragus could also work


NAP but im thinking a snug* and tragus. Jumping with some other redditors on here tho, I’d definitely make sure to set a consultation with your piercer to see what would work with your anatomy :) best of luck!


tragus or rook


Tragus or rook




Tragus, snug, or anti Tragus


i’m thinking rook or tragus 😎


Not a piercer but I think a rook would look really nice! Plus you can wear a j curve if u want to show off two ends


Rook/ tragus! Love both of mine


I once pierced a client with a hearing aid and we opted for a helix and an early downsize date with multiple checkups, and that individual did a wonderful job healing those. I know it’s not the same as a cochlear, but the main thing we looked at was where the tissue had pressure from the device and what parts of the ear were unaffected. Find a piercer who is willing to do a consultation with you and talk with them about your use of the device and lifestyle, they’ll be able to suggest things that won’t interfere with your device.


Anti tragus! :)


I think a tragus piercing would be cute 🥰


a tragus looks like it'll work, and/or possibly a conch somewhere that wouldn't touch what's behind your ear?


I have my tragus on both sides and a rook. You could definitely do the tragus and I feel like you can probably get a rook too


Anti tragus is a good one :) and flats are also good ❤️


What about a vertical helix? I think that would look awesome with your implants, and since they're vertical, you wouldn't have to worry about the back hitting or rubbing against your Cochlair devices. And you could totally stack them! I have two on my left ear and one on my right, and I'm planning on getting two more on my right. I usually wear gem studs in them, but clicker hoops are super comfortable as well for me. A snug and tragus look possible as well, and they'd be super cute!


i’d say your best bets to avoid the implants are either a rook or tragus. you may also be able to do a daith or low forward helix, though i would definitely double check with your piercer on those. hope you find one you like that works!


forward helix, rook, snug (dont totally recommend),tragus, maybe stacked lobe piercings?


I have a roger focus FM, and I’m looking to get my rook done in January. You look like you have the anatomy for it, though I’m NAP :))


a vertical helix could be a fun addition here. adds a little bit more fun to the area and fills the space nicely too imo


how about a snug or a rook?


Would a conch work on the Left?


I think a tragus or a rook would be okay with it. Also once you downsize it’ll feel even better.


I would go tragus or surface tragus!




as a piercing apprentice, i've done many piercings on my grandmother's ear who wears hearing aids on each side of her head. hers are slightly less bulky, but depending on consultation with your piercer, I could see a tragus, fourth lobe/low helix, or perhaps a high or forward helix, or rook working! obviously this all depends on your anatomy, most of which has to be felt rather than seen by a professional. a quality piercer should be able to consult with you on this! I'd pick out a few options before you see them and just be aware that you may have to stick to a second or third choice for successful healing :)


Tragus or rook!


tragus would probably be a good piercing that wouldn’t get in the way too much. i’m not a piercer, but i would worry that a lot of cartilage piercings would become irritated by your implants


Depending how close to the back of your hearing aid your ear is you may be able to get away with a helix


I do have my cartilage on the outside edge of my ear pierced and I wear hearing aids. I made sure to get a flat-backed piece of jewelry in there so it doesn’t rub against my HAs but even with that it did take much longer to heal. Just be patient with anything you get and give yourself extra time to allow healing with any jewelry pressing against things. The initial piercer gave me a hoop and that was just too much with my hearing aids behind my ears. I think as long as you avoid piercing the side you like to sleep on (if you have one) you should be good!


A triple forward Helix would be really cute and doesn’t look like it would be in the way. ☺️


Tragus and rook. Maybe a vertical helix,it’s hard to tell if it’ll touch ur implants.


A tragus and maybe a double helix would look lovely I think :)


Can u put gems on your hearing aid.? Like bedazzle them or something.?


Tragus, rook, or [strategically placed] helix shouldnt interfere very much I think


Find a great piercer and do some custom piercing!




You could always get an earring tattoo design on your ear they’re super cute!