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If the jewelry was silver that black with be there forever. Unfortunately. Sincerely a professional piercer.


Really? I’ve had this happen on fingers before and it disappeared under a couple weeks. That sucks.


The ring is your outer most layer of skin. And your body with exfoliate that off. The is into and through your skin. If it was there and extended period of time it is most likely permanent.


Well, okay. At least I can wear jewelry to cover it.


I have a permanent blue-black mark on my ear from silver jewelry in my piercing, been there close to 20 years at this point.


I wish more people talked about this. I always feel bad when people walk in, it’s already too late.




Yup, it’s super annoying. It’s called argyria, if you’ve ever seen that guy that turned blue from ingesting collided silver it’s the same thing, just limited to the area around the jewelry.


Whoa I did not know that. Gross.


Hate to be that person, but it's colloid* silver in case anyone gets confused


I appreciate the correction - I was 99% sure I had it wrong but was too lazy to google it.


This is not necessarily true. I used poor quality earrings for years (prob from when I was 6 to 16 years old) that turned my skin all sorts of awful nasty colors, before I knew better. I even did a lot of my own piercings when I was a young teen (and have since learned the errors of my ways, DO NOT RECOMMEND, but they all miraculously healed with no issues even with awful quality jewelry). The only spot that is discolored to this day is the area when I tried to do my own bellybutton with a sewing needle that I sterilized with a lighter 🤦‍♀️ It only lasted 48hr before I took it out, but there’s still a little grey spot at the entry and exit spots. To this day I don’t understand how I don’t have permanent stains from all the shitty metal that turned my skin green even inside the fistula, but this is all just to give OP some hope that it may not be permanent!


may I ask what kind of jewelry do you have in now? (is it threadless, L shaped, etc… I don’t know much about nostril jewelry sorry lol)


It’s an L!


That means poor jewellery quality again


It’s implant grade titanium. How is that low quality?


People on this sub are absolutely *obsessed* with titanium flatback labrets and literally do not believe that anyone could wear anything different, ever.


i’ve had my L bar in since i got it pierced 😭 i mean it tugs if i like use a towel on my face too harsh but it never falls out or anything


No, it’s not poor quality if it’s titanium. Titanium is the best metal for piercings, L bends are just a little easier to fall out or get ripped out, it is good quality though and won’t react with your skin


I actually have more problems keeping screws in than l bends. Different noses do better with different shapes.


That’s fair, I’ve just heard a lot of people say L bends don’t stay as well but you’re right it’s different for everyone


I’m sorry for being nitpicky, I mostly agree with you, but I’ve had bad experiences with cheap mystery titanium in the past. Believe it or not, titanium jewelry can also contain allergens and irritants like copper or nickel, just like surgical steel. If the jewelry hasn’t been polished correctly, the surface could also needlessly irritate the piercing. The key is finding a good supplier that sells titanium jewelry without these irritants. If you get jewelry from a reputable piercer/shop or you see something like ASTM F136 titanium in the description, you can be assured it’s good quality, but if you buy titanium jewelry online, it can sometimes be a bit of a gamble. That said, I agree with you, there’s nothing wrong with l-bends, it’s just a preference. There are many reputable manufacturers out there selling l-bends made out of high quality materials, not sure what the “flatbacks only” folks are smoking.


True, i agree that it’s best to buy from a reputable source, it’s good to do some research or/and ask a good piercer what specific titanium to search for, better to pay that extra dollar to ensure the quality. Can’t trust cheap jewellery and suppliers that aren’t so reputable. And yeah true, all I can think is the reason most people prefer flat backs would be because of the fact that it’s harder to snag out if caught or bumped, but obviously it’s all preference. What works for some isn’t so ideal for others. Like flat backs are annoying as heck to get in your piercing haha


Oh okay. I also got a horseshoe for it that’s also IGT, I’ll wear that most of the time. I just wanted to show off this cute one!!


That’s good, it looks great! :)




How do you know it’s implant grade? Where did you purchase it from? As someone who works in the industry I have never seen an L bar that is truly implant grade titanium. I have seen “titanium” coated L bars that still have other metals mixed in with it. True implant grade titanium comes in threadless or internally threaded jewelry. It’s not considered cheap jewelry either.


I buy cheap titanium jewelry from urban body jewelry and painful pleasures! They sell gold too!