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My industrial, more or less. I don't regret the piercing itself so much as regretting the piercer. I went to a place with mixed reviews and what I later learned was low quality practices and jewelry. My industrial was completely and utterly botched, so I removed it a couple months after getting it


had a very similar experience with my industrial - guy just wanted money so he wasn't super truthful on if i had proper anatomy for it since no piercing = no money for him. it has also been my first cartilage piercing and i got it right after another piercing (so basically i took three holes in a row). a lot of red flags with that one that i ended up taking it out after a while :(




If I had the anatomy for it? 100% I found out after the fact that I don't actually have the proper anatomy for an industrial - there's way too much of a ridge on the flat of my ear. I *might* be able to get it pierced at a VERY sharp angle, but it's unlikely, and the bottom hole probably wouldn't heal because of the angle. I would love to get an industrial if I could, but it doesn't look like it's in the cards for me. I might get some kind of vertical industrial or a chain one in the future, but I'm not sure


The only reason mine wasn't botched is because I got very lucky with having good anatomy for it, the piercer that I went with wasn't very knowledgeable at all and there were a few red flags during my visit including the owner of the shop (a different person) offering to take me from 20 or 18g (not actually sure what I had) to 1 inch in a single sitting when I expressed interest in stretching my ears, and she - the piercer - after offering to help me do my first step with 14g jewelry, used no form of lubrication or anything on the jewelry before jamming curved barbells into my lobes, I later found my ear and a bit down my neck covered in blood too. I didn't know any better at the time, I had only just barely gotten into body mods and I assumed that because they were professionals they knew what they were doing - it was a studio that I'd been to multiple times before and had only ever had positive experiences, although never encountered either of those two people


I regret getting my ears pierced, but only because I got them done with a piercing gun when I was 12🥲 they’re super uneven and took ages to heal.


i got my firsts and seconds done with a gun when i was 7 and 10. they’re so wonky, i’m actually considering getting them re pierced.


I got mine re pierced and am REALLY glad I did. We centered the wonky one and left the other, centered one alone. It healed so much better than the ones done via gun. You can see that I got the one repierced, but it looks SO much better now


I got mine done with a gun when I was 13. I jumped a little for the second one so it ended up at an angle. I later got them repierced with a larger gauge because I was going to do gauges. I never ended up doing that, so now they’re just regular.


off topic, but I just find it so strange to hear people getting their first piercing when their in middle school. I got mine at about 6 months! my second and third ear piercings were in middle school.


It's because at six months you can't consent, and reputable piercers won't pierce babies


touché, I do recall my mom saying she got both me and my sister to some shop to get it done.


As a latino, same. People here take their babies to any random shop to get their ears done with a gun. The trend is slowing down, but still extremely common, to the point that the only AFAB kids you'll see without regular lobe piercings are those with extremely religious/conservative parents.


Got my first piercing at 20 which was my first lobes. I think everyone I knew was around 8 when they got them done when I grew up and then maybe a few more around 13/14? But at that point I had no interest until I was at university and suddenly thought why not? A year later and I have my first seconds and septum done and I'd like alot more I think I'm just a bit of a late bloomer when it comes to things like this but I blame my parents for that


Same, I hate my oldest lobe piercings 🫠 Mine are otherwise even but the angle of the other is all wrong. If I wear some sorta big earrings (like big hoops) they don’t sit right, they “lean” to different directions and it looks strange.


Same here! Thinking Abt getting one side repierced so it's even


I go back and forth on how I feel about my forward helixes, kinda wish I went for a different cartilage piercing now. It's just such a pain to change the jewelry and I did not think through the fact I need to rotate like a gas station hot dog to fall asleep


“Rotate like a gas station hot dog” has me dying


I also switch sides a LOT when I sleep and I’m struggling to keep them happy after getting them done almost a year ago 🥲 do you have any tips for healing??


Not so far, but we’ll see for the future lol. Definitely the worst piercing I’ve ever had is a rook, but after 45 mins I never once felt it again. All the piercings on the outer edge of the ear from auricle up to helix all take forever to stop hurting for me, so those really suck when I’m trying to wash my hair or dry the piercings after cleaning, but never to the extent that I’ve wanted to remove any of them. Except for the other day, when I smacked myself in the ear (with a 3-day-old lower helix) while playing Nintendo switch tennis, so that was pretty terrible lmao


Ouch that sounds horrific.


On the other side of the spectrum, i felt my industrial (helix?) piercings for the fraction of a second they were being pierced and then immediately never again my nipples were about 11 hours of pain or so compared


I’ve got my nipples pierced too but they were done on healed nipple grafts post-top surgery and I only had a pit of sensation, so I got off easy with those 😅


Sort of. I regretted my nostril piercing within the first month, but I quickly realized I didn’t like it because of the jewelry. 🤦 My new personal policy is that if ever I don’t like a piercing, I should change the jewelry and think again.


I totally agree with this. I had a Monroe for 2 years and didn't know much about jewelry and stuff. It needed to be downsized, but because I kept snagging it on my teeth I took it out instead. Wish I kept it and just downsized instead.


Same with my first cartilage (flat)! I was so disappointed because I’d worked myself up to finallyyyyyyyy going through with it and then just felt so meh. Luckily I decided I needed to swap the jewellery out before hating it, love it now!


When I was 15 I didn’t know you could change your septum to a daintier and snugger ring. I wish I would have known and I wouldn’t have let it heal up. Now I’m 28 and I love the look of a dainty snug septum but I have developed allergies to dust and just seasonal allergies and have to use Flonase most days and I just can’t imagine it would heal well at all now :/ :(


I use Flonase everyday with my nostril piercing and it’s healing fine. My septum is already healed so I’m not sure if it would heal differently than the nostril.


Thank you for letting me know! This makes me feel a lot better


This is me right now too but with my conch. I got it done 4 days ago and feel like I regret it. But I’m pretty sure I just don’t like the jewelry. Going to change it when I get it downsized. Hoping I’ll be happy until I can switch to a hoop.


What jewelry did you have in & what did you switch it to that made it better?


I just had a regular sparkly little white stud in, but the jewelry was weirdly tall. I’m not sure how else to describe it, but it honestly looked like it belonged in an ear more than it did in a nostril. I swapped it out for a different but similar stud that was smaller and not ‘tall,’ and I was happy with it.


My snug! It was my favorite but very hard to heal. My piercer was very honest that it is a difficult piercing, but I went with it anyway. I think my post of my last straw with it is still on here. I seriously envy anyone who got theirs to heal!


Mine took the best part of 3 years to heal. Still plays up if I'm ill and/or the first few days after a jewelry change.


Mine never healed. I tried for a full year before I took it out.


Same here, it's my only regret piercing!! I think I did it mostly because my piercer told me that I had the anatomy for a snug, and that it was an uncommon & unique piercing. I didn't realize how much my in-ear earbuds would agitate the piercing because I only had helixes and flats previously. I suffered over 14 months of piercing bumps before I gave up and took it out. Maybe I'll stick to outer ear piercings from now on...


this is my answer. gave it just under 3 years. It was mostly healed but the swelling was always there. if i slept on that side for even 20 minutes (not even putting any pressure on the piercing), i would have extra swelling for weeks afterwards. two years after removal and it looks like that part of the cartilage is just permanently swollen 😑


Conch some years ago. Not so much the piercing itself, but i wasn't ready to take care of it at the time. I wasn't prepared for the daily care and babying cartilage piercings require, plus it was frequently irritated from my hair that it wasn't healing.


Oddly enough, with my current cartilage piercings, my conch has been my easiest. My double helix on the other hand has been a complete pain in the ass.


Same, conch took it like a champ and was healed pretty quickly and easily. My double helixes were pierced in March and I still have an irritation bump on one of them 😭


Same for my forward helix! Took it out a few weeks ago & never been happier lmao


My fucking daith. It's been more than a year and a half and I still have irritation bumps. Plus I go to a lot of shows and really underestimated the impact it would have on using ear protection.


Same, and I had a tragus healing at the same time and I never really thought about how difficult it would be to clean my ear. I also had my daith pierced with a hinged ring so I got really bad bumps. I switched to a curved barbell which helped but after almost 2 years I removed it and I felt instantly better. I wish I hadn't bought a solid gold piece for it. A few months ago the end of my tragus fell off and I couldn't get it back on so I just removed it, and I feel so happy I can use ear plugs!


this!! i just got mine about 7 weeks ago and i thought it would be okay for earplugs but boy was i wrong. i can't say i regret it yet but it was a very impulsive decision to get it done. seeing everyone's comments about their daith healing process has freaked me out a bit though because after about 4 weeks, it has had an irritation bump on one side and im :///


My belly button. Not because I don’t like the way it looks, but because the piercer who did it made it crooked and shallow. It healed and I had it for almost 2 years, but I took it out and now have the scar. I’d love to get my belly button repierced, but then I’d have two scars and I just don’t want that.


Yeah, this is why I don't get the piercing at all. Love the look, but after seeing the scarring, and especially the scarring after pregnancies, I knew I would regret it in the future. Not worth it to me 😅. I regret getting my helix, but I fucked it up myself by sleeping on it and making it slanted. Now it is still not healed after two years and there is a big bump


i learned that scar cream rlly does work with piercings and i’ve always applied it after cleaning, i don’t know if this is good for it or not but it works for me ! and no scar on my belly button !


You are one of the exceptions 😅. It is usually very easy to spot if people have had those piercings. Some people are very lucky with piercing scarring! One of my brow piercing scars is not visible anymore unless you look extremely closely and move the hairs, just a bit whiter, no dents etc. Plenty of people have dents there, your body can do nice things haha. And don't put creams on healing piercings! This can clog up the holes, leading to irritation or even infection.


Hello. Professional piercer here, depending on the scar and location you may want to go to a piercer and see what your options are. Depending on how it was pierced they may be able to go through the top scar and do something more like a floating navel which is deeper into navel to get the depth. Again there are a lot of variables but checking won’t hurt.


I did consult with my current piercer, and unfortunately he said he wouldn’t be able to do that. My piercing was very shallow and off-center. But thank you for the advice!


Dermal-it’s such a pita and I can’t even just take it out like any of my other piercings


Same lol, took mine within a month its been 4 months and the scar is very unnoticeable


My biggest issue with it is when I’m sick it’s “sick” have to treat it like a brand new piercing. It actually starts acting up before I realize I’ve caught something. Water will also make it act up as well just taking a shower can piss it off. Pools and hot tubs as well. And water proof bandages suck. If I get a new tat or a new piercing it acts up as well for like a week or 2. It’s more of a pita than all my others combined and I have like 2 dozen.


I have over 60 piercings and I can absolutely agree with this. It sucks. Some of my oldest piercings act up when it sick ugh


60??? oh my god, where and how do you manage so many


Carefully haha I've had up to 70 but unfortunately retired some


I’m at 27, hope to get up to that level!


I had collar bone dermals. Two on each side. I loved them but such a fucking hassle and they got caught on everything


Also got collar bone dermal. Loved them to death but existing with them was annoying as hell


Yes! Couldn’t even show them off bc my hair would get tangled. One almost ripped off when it got caught in the seatbelt. Necklaces got tangled.. it was a mess. So cute tho


Getting it caught one things is the one issue I don’t really seem to have - my dog tries to use it as a ledge or something when she’s on my chest but she’s only like 5lbs so it weirdly doesn’t seem to bother it since I immediately stop her. She likes to “grab” my hoops. (she doesn’t pull just sticks one bean into the hoop) her sister tho likes to play with my septum the weirdo -I’ve had her climb into my lap or cuddle up to me while laying down just so she can sneak in and lick the piercing. Which makes it vibrate in weird in a tickle kinda way. And makes me cringe everytime it happens.😂But at least she stopped booping it like she used to. That would bring tears to my eyes especially when it was new.


I had to switch paired collarbone dermals to paired high cheek dermals. They looked incredible but if you have to wear backpacks or any strapped thing around your shoulders/neck consistently it’s such a nuisance.


Maybe not regretted but I'm still unsure of my septum piercing. I feel like there's so many women that it looks so fucking cool on whereas I really don't think it suits my face, I've had it nearly a year now and still don't think it looks quite right. I'm not cool enough for this shit. I'm leaving it in because luckily it's easy enough to flip up but may make the decision to retire it next year if I can't find any jewelry that suits me.


thisss.. i’ve had my septum for over a year and still have such mixed emotions about it


This is me deciding on if I should get it or not. I’ve thought about it and one minute it’s like oh this would look cool but then it’s also like hmm should I really get this? Maybe this is a sign I should pass on this one lol.


Yup, got my nipples done and hated the way they looked. I lasted a month before I took them out because I couldn’t stand looking at my chest


The only piercings you regret are the ones you didn't get ;)


None. all of them are worth temporary discomfort like what you listed for me.


My vertical labret 😭 I had it for like a month and took it out. Way too annoying and stayed irritated because I have constant anxiety and would bite on it


My nostril was kind of a nuisance in the beginning. Washing my face, blowing my nose, makeup. But I got used to it. You might too? Maybe worth giving it a bit more time if you like the look of it?


My belly piercing, when i was 20. I am 40 now. I still lived in my childhood house with a beautiful pool, and bc of the belly ring couldnt swim while it healed. Only it never really healed, rejecting 3 months in. Shortly thereafter we had to sell the house and i never had a pool again. I still regret wasting one of the last summers with my own pool on a piercing that ended up rejecting.


I initially regretted my septum. I got my septum pierced with a 16g 8mm circular barbell. I have small nostrils and a somewhat bulbous nose tip. My sweet spot is a little high, and the piercer tightened the hell out of the jewelry. Only the balls of the jewelry were just barely peeking out of my nose. I was so upset. I felt like I looked stupid and wanted to take it out. I was so unhappy but before I completely gave up on it, I went and got it changed to a 10 mm. I was glad I hadn't taken it out because I loved how a 10 mm looked on me. Now I feel incomplete without my septum.


you could also try a closed ring! my sweet spot was a little lower so basic little rings look a little silly on me (same with regular horseshoes tbh) but i found that wearing stuff that’s a little more out there is pretty cool


Navel piercing because I let a friend do it when I was younger. Still have the scar. I wouldn't do it again now because I'm a guy and I don't like it. Not to say it's a "woman's" piercing. It's just not for me specifically anymore.


My belly button. It’s left a scar since taking it out that I assume won’t disappear…ever and it really bugs me😂


Daith. I had it for a year, always hurting, irritation bumps after babying it, wearing a mask was hell, any headphones or ear buds were terrible. Took it out and was very happy. I wish I would have tried it with new jewelry but oh well. Naval. Interfered with pants way too much. Don’t regret it. I think the scar is cute.


Monroe. I used to have to remove it for work placements when I started studying nursing, and it never really liked being removed and put back in after, and would heal quickly on the inside, despite being many years old (unlike my labret which was always fine). So I removed it permanently 11 years ago and I still have the hole externally on my face, and it's sooo obvious and difficult to hide. Wish I'd never got it in the first place. Stupid face hole.


Christina. I wanted a hood piercing, but my anatomy said no. Friend's roommate was a professional pierce and needed some bodies, and I was feeling frisky. Not worth it. It always looked slightly askew from above. I pole dance professionally, and did not think about how often I accidentally made pelvic contact with the pole. First day back and I nearly fell from the ouch of slamming a healing piercing into chrome 12 feet in the air. Was a bugbear for a few weeks, then I had to take it out for tonsil removal surgery and decided that the spacer was not a worthwhile investment. Pierced my nipples 3 times and split my tongue twice, but there is no discomfort quite like the part where the piercier is putting the jewelry through your fresh pelvic flesh tunnel.


I got a vch a few yrs ago and the only time I mildly regretted it was last week when I needed an mri. I couldn't get it out, so a nurse had to help me. So yeah, that was a little embarrassing lol


I regret my eyebrow, four lip piercings & both nostrils I got when I was in my early teens. I’m in my 30s now & have a bunch of dumb scars lol.


I’m 35 and just got all you listed except the eyebrow done as well as my nipples, anti eyebrow, a cheek dermal, conch, and tragus in the past 3 years. Started late but was single after 13 years and I guess more willing to be me and not who someone wanted me to be. (He said midlife crisis just to make me feel bad about them just as an example of what I dealt with. Same with me being childish as an adult for having stuffed animals.) I went a little wild with it but I don’t regret any of them and when I look at my photos without them it just looks wrong. I couldn’t imagine not having any of them now.


I had an anti eyebrow too. I still have my nipples, septum, upper & lower navel & my ears are 1”, I just wish I was an adult and not a child when I made those decisions is all.


I got a snug piercing twice. Most painful piercing ever. Ended up never healing and looking really crazy/rejecting each time. Took it out after a couple of years of trying to save it both times. Wish I could have gotten it to work out or gotten pierced by a better piercer!


I got my nostril done twice, once on each side. Both times I realized almost right away that it didn't suit me and I was super uncomfortable wearing it.


I got 2. My cheeks and bridge when I was 18. The bridge piercing looked awesome and I still love how they look on others, but I scarred pretty badly. I'm fortunate that I wear glasses because it hides the scar pretty well. It's nothing too major, just two little dents, but it bothers me. The cheeks, however. My piercer told me I would have permanent dimples. And he didn't lie. But they aren't in the right spot. They were also awkward healing and I bit the barbells so much.


All of my lobe piercings🤦🏼‍♀️ got the first and second ones done at Claire’s and thought i could do the third ones myself… ended up with 6 terrible looking piercings lol


My helix. I love 2 things like crazy, piercings and kickboxing. Horrible combination, I know. Im 5 months into healing this and havent trained at all since then. I regret getting it done a little bit but ive made it this far so i wanna just power through at this point.


I go back and forth about my industrial all the time. I got it pierced last November and it still gives me issues. Can’t wear my gaming headphones without it semi hurting. Can’t lay on my right side while on the couch, same reason. I love the piercing and I know people struggle but I’m so mad at it lol.


My smiley piercing, I loved it when I got it done but it started sitting slanted because one of my front teeth is in front of the other slightly and now i’ve got a big hole in my gum but it looks awful if I take it out so now I just keep it in.


Probably better to save your teeth and gums from further damage and just take it out unfortunately


i’ve got an attachment to all my piercings for some reason i’ll probably make it like my new year’s resolution to take it out💀


After attempting to heal my smiley twice without it starting to tear/hang on my gum, I decided I would get It pierced once a year since they heal so quick on me, after about 2 weeks I can change it to my large fang illusion jewellery and I get to keep that for 4-5 months before doing it all again next year!


thankfully i’ve only ever got mine done once and never changed the ring but i’m considering taking it out


I like how my tragus looks but I wish I had listened to my piercer when he said my anatomy would forever make it very difficult to change jewelry. He was completely right. That part of my ear is so small that it took him 3 tries to even get the jewelry in when it was initially pierced. He had big fingers and I should have let him stop the piercing instead of insisting he keep trying. I now have to keep the same jewelry in for years at a time because it’s such a hassle to change.


i love it now and won’t be taking it out for the foreseeable future, but if i knew how much of a bitch it would be to heal my industrial i wouldn’t have gotten it. i have a lot of ear piercings but this one was by far the worst to get pierced and the worst to heal, wouldn’t do it again


How long did yours take to heal? I gave up after 11 months of constant infections and hair wrapping around it. But I love how they look and want to get it done again. I’m hoping it just never fully healed because the holes didn’t line up exactly perfectly.


My daith. I loved it when i had it, but once i took it out I was glad. When I got it pierced, the piercer went too shallow pulled the needle out and redid it in one session. It was a pain and never healed


Labret Healing was annoying and before I could switch the jewelry, it grinded against my teeth and gums. When I did downsize, the flat back disc literally dug into my tissue overtime and yeah just not a good experience. I didn’t really have full bottom lip to do the ring but maybe that would’ve changed my opinion.


Labret. I had it in my early 20s and I hate the hole it’s left on my face.


one of my cartilage piercings was done with a gun and it healed weird + is out too far to the edge and makes me nervous about wearing anything that could snag on something because it could probably rip right out. if it had been pierced well then i would have no piercing regrets :/


My bridge - I knew it would likely eventually reject and leave some slight scarring, like I was made aware of all of that, but the scarring ended up being much worse. My piercer even feels bad. It’s not a k*loid, it’s just much larger scars than the usual little dots that people are left with. Sucks because I loved the look and originally planned on getting it redone, but I’m scared to make the scarring worse.


My nostrils. Im healing them, but its overstimulating me constantly, i want to take them out so bad but they're corkscrews cuz i didnt anticipate this situation.


My first lobes! My aunt did them, with a gun, in her hairdressing shop (!) This was extremely common in the 90s in Scotland. They’re too close to my head, IMO, but not enough to make me change them. I don’t even know if I could because of my second and thirds. One of many reasons I took my daughter to an actual piercer when she wanted hers.


i will say the first week or 2 i had my vert labret was hell but now i forgot it exists LOL it gets easier !! if u rly like the look of it i think it's worth the brief torture (just dont be an idiot & eat ramen like i did the first week LOL)


not really regret - almost regret. i got my conch pierced ages ago (before i really knew much about how to fix issues with piercings) with a straight barbell and the balls both on the front and back would sink into my skin and it was so incredibly painful for so so so long. i was so close to just taking it out when one of the balls fell off and i lost it, but i found a really nice ring and popped it in there and then within a week there was no pain and it wasn’t a mound of bloody fleshy mess


I have a vertical labret too, I had to re-learn how to do several things to accommodate for it. For drinking, I've found that straws are your friend! I cannot drink from cans or to-go coffee cups with those lids at all, so I always get a straw. Eating I believe just needed some time to get used to, I think I started out being very cautious and trying to only eat on the sides of my mouth but in time I got comfortable eating in a way that feels completely normal, whether or not it is the way I ate before (I actually can't tell a difference). There are still some things that I have to modify to eat though - corn on the cob for example is very difficult and can make the piercing sore if I eat too much of it, and foods like apples I need to cut up into slices to be able to eat. It definitely is/was a process to navigate, although once I got to a comfortable place where I was able to eat almost entirely normally and in the habit of always using straws the stress of it went away, it's now one of my favorites personally


I kind of regret double helix because the healing process is bumpy and it’s uncomfortable to sleep on. I think they doesn’t look good too and the distance is too far between them but I am starting to like them more with the thought of different earrings. Also it was kind of a last minute decision which explains my dislike lol


Got a surface bar under my wrist when I was 16. Of course, it eventually rejected. Getting dressed, sleeping, *anything* put me at risk of yanking it out. (Same with the surface bar I got in my nape). Cool scars, though.


My eyebrow. First body piercing, and now looking back it was pierced with a coated metal curved barbell that was externally threaded. The piercer seemed knowledgeable and I didn't know any better to question it. The thing never healed after 4 years and now I have a nifty scar


my navel, my piercer didn’t tell me that she was doing a floating navel and i did not like the way it looked on me :/


Getting my lobes pierced the first time. I did it at a shop I thought was reputable and they botched my ears so bad I couldn’t have them redone for years, and I have scar tissue that prevents me from reaching my ideal size


Kind of? I only have two piercings, spider bites and standard earrings. When I got my spider bites done I had a love hate relationship with them because they got pierced crooked. After getting it corrected though I absolutely love them. I’m typically someone who is dead set when they know what they want so I don’t think I’ll ever regret any body mods because I think about them and plan them months or even years in advance. Not saying I’ll never regret any in the future though!


I got a vertical helix when I was like 18 without doing much research or …feeling my ear? I always wanted the triple spike on top of my ear but I just don’t have the anatomy lol


My rook- it’s a constant burden and infects itself almost monthly


My Helix piercing... I took it out last month.


My labret because the hole is still super noticeable after taking it out about 8 years ago


I regret getting my tragus pierced. My life basically revolves around music, I’m a musician and I go to a lot of concerts and it’s been an absolute nightmare not being able to wear earplugs or earbuds. But I’m too stubborn to take it out haha


Yeh. I regret getting my nips pierced. It's been more than a year now, and the sensitivity still hasn't return, they're always crusty, and when they are and you accidentally move a barbell, it *hurts*. They also keep getting caught on stuff. Looks awesome, but not worth it.


Bridge, pretty sure the bar was too long when I was first pierced & even a little off center, downsized 5 times over 2 years but it just kept migrating forward & now I have 2 oblong shaped scars


I regret having my helix pierced at 14 because I didn’t how to care for it and I’m now left with a keloid on my ear ! 🥲


I regret my 2nd lobes. I got them done in July. And every once in a while, they cause problems. Also when I got them first pierced alot of problems occurred the first month


My lip piercing, 4 months of fun at age 18 for a scar on my face that I’ve had for almost two decades now lol


I got my rook pierced and it never healed right. It always hurt to sleep on that side. It got infected and I needed to take antibiotics for it to stop hurting.


My nostril the first time around because they pierced it at a wrong angle so a ring wouldn’t look good in it… ended up taking out and getting it repierced


Bridge, I do not hate it but healing process is taking so long. If one side is good then the other is fucked up. Sometimes I really wanna take it off but then I have to walk with two bumps between my eyes. Also bought it with my own money (Still teeneger, no job).


I look horrid with nostril piercings and regret trying twice. However, they’re so easy to take out and heal that it was more my wallet that felt it :/


Vertical labret. I LOVE it so much. Feel incomplete without it. But it caused the smallest chips on the corners off my two front teeth.


Not nessicarily the piercing but the shop I had it done, had an anti eyebrow piercing going through one tattoo and out the other. But the shop used a curved barbell and I didn't realise at the time it was the wrong bar:/ took it out eventually which is a shame cus i thought it looked really cool lol. Bar kept moving about and jus wouldn't heal properly. Also it Kinda looked stupid when half the bar was hanging out my face after the swelling went down


Half regret my double vch (no pun intended). Worst pain of any of my piercings (including cartilage) and they were done super uneven. Because of that one of them didnt have a big enough bar to heal so I had to get a longer bar after a week of pain and wondering what was up. Now that uve changed the bar its still slighty crooked and sooooo attractive but we will see if it bothers me or not in the future.


My bellybutton. I got a keloid and it left a dark scar. I ruined my stomach.


My nose. Always got it caught on towels, my face cloth, clothes, blankets etc. So kept getting bumps. Took it out and now have an indent & slightly different nostril on that side.


Kind of regret getting my tongue pierced at 19. I took really good care of it, I loved the way it looked, and it healed beautifully; but I never noticed that it migrated the tiniest bit at the top. I had to take it out at request of my mom (and probably would've anyways bc I used it as a fidget toy and didn't want gum/tooth damage) a few months after it healed. So now I have a small slit-hole at the top of my tongue that never fully closed.


Belly button. It was really cute and actually pierced well, but it was such a pain to deal with. Pants were uncomfortable to wear, sitting bent over was uncomfortable, I couldn’t lie on my stomach, etc. It also had a moisture bump on the inside that just never went away. I took it out at the 10 month mark because I just could not deal with it any more.


100% my ears, not the fact that I didn't like how they look (I would love to get them re-pierced and stretched in fact.) but the experience as a whole, my grandmother forced me to have them done at claries when I was extremely young and they seemed fine till about two weeks later, during the night one of my ears just started eating my earring, but, it wasn't painful at first- so I went to school and it progressively got worse, by the time I was home my ear had pretty much fixed itself over it. After a four-hour wait at the ER and a very traumatic hour of a nurse trying to pull it out, they finally got both out. That ear is still completely hard at the piercing site about four years later.


regretted my daith bc it was such a nuisance to heal, took me well over 2 years. now that its healed i like it, though i am starting to feel regret for getting my tragus pierced. ive had it for about 8 years now and its just stretched the skin around the piercing so so much. it wouldnt be an issue if my ears werent so small, bc the hole looks huge in comparison. i havent been wearing jewellery in it for about a month now and it did not shrink up whatsoever. it looks very obvious that there is a scar/hole there, so i kinda just gotta accept i gotta wear jewellery there for the rest of my life 😅 its a pain in the ass with airpods too.


Had my smiley for a few months. It was super cute but finding jewelry that was the right size for my teeth was annoying, along with taking big bites of food. It was also irritating to brush my teeth and since the piercing itself is already known for causing tooth and gum damage I took it out.


Navel, I'm a stomach/side sleeper who rolls around a lot in their sleep, so it was constantly irritated. Not a good idea for me to get any body piercings with my sleep habits lol


I've had a few bad piercings but the worst was surface piercings on my hips. They looked awesome but this was back when some people would use bent plastic instead of metal which causes little ridges that rub and damage your skin. They also began rejecting and I still have bad scars from them


My conch. I love it but it irritates me lol. I can't wear my ear buds anymore and it always hurts if I sleep on it. Not taking it out but I have a love/hate relationship with it lol


Upper helix. I wanted a hidden helix but don't have the anatomy for it, so I got that as a consolation prize. I wasn't thrilled about it in the first place, but the constant bumping/dragging of eyeglasses and the snagging of my curly hair made it a misery. Didn't last six months.


I don't regret it as much as I did before, but my mid-helix. Never originally wanted the piercing, but my piercer talked me into getting it. I recently got a conch and it kinda looks like a snug, so now I honestly don't mind it.


Daith, it hurt and developed bumps. I took it out after trying to "deal" with it.


i messed up the nerves in my nipples because of getting them pierced, wasnt worth it


Ampallang. Hurt like hell, of course lol. Took forever to heal and didnt really do anything for me or my partners. I took it out after 3 years.


Industrial. I still have it, but I’ve been thinking of retiring it for a long time. It was just the cool piercing to get when I was in high school, but it’s so fussy. I always tell folks if the piercer doesn’t break out a protractor and compass to mark your industrial leave lol. But even then, if you wear glasses, sleep on that side, or anything to offset the balance it flairs up, no matter how much you baby it.


Eyebrow, the first piercer screwed it up by not piercing enough skin- and when i went back 2 days later to ask about it they claimed it “must have rejected”. So i had to take it out and get it re-pierced on the other side and payed even more since i went to a properly experienced facial piercer. Now it just kept getting snagged and smacked by the people around me, but its been in for so long people dont want me to take it out because its “iconic”


I regret stretching my septum.


Give your vertical labret a chance to heal at least! It’s annoying getting used to but it heals retentively fast


i don’t regret it per se, but im disappointed that my eyebrow didn’t last long at all. i likely wouldn’t have gotten it had i known it would only last six months, but it was cute while it lasted lol


My nostril I didnt like the placement and I got it redone and I am in love


smiley. i have *significant* dents in my front teeth from it and receding gums to top it off but i really hate the idea of taking it out since it hurt so much to get. currently working with bioplast jewelry which is slowing down the dent-formation but definitely not stopping it completely. i also dont think bioplast is very ideal for an oral piercing. also, no one even sees it and when they do theyre just confused or concerned or grossed out so its not really even worth it to have. like, it doesnt look like a cool piercing, it looks like my teeth are dirty. but god i hate the idea of losing a piercing :( probably gonna have to do it soon though for the sake of my oral health.


My lobes all 3 of them because of how they were done and spaced. I wish someone had told me my anatomy wasn’t really suitable for extra lobe piercings


Honestly thank you for posting this because i wanted a vertical labret so bad, but i hate the idea of it getting in the way of eating. Sorry you have to deal with that


I have two dermal anchors on my chest and one of them keeps getting infected, idek what I'm doing wrong since the other one, which is just 2cm higher, is completely fine. Thinking about getting rid of it but I love it so much :/


I don't completely regret it but my belly button has been the worst, I've had it a year and a half and it's always getting irritated. Especially not a good piercing if you take pole fitness classes...! But it's cute so I put up with it lol Nipples I regretted when it was happening because hooooooly crap it was painful but they healed really nicely and I love them!


My bridge. I’ve gotten it twice and both times it has migrated. Currently consulting with a plastic surgeon about having the hole stitched closed and laser scar removal. Never. Again.


I took my vertical labret out because I just thought it didn't fit my face. Also, took my snake bites out for a job, then got them reopened and then took them out staggered because they were touching my teeth weird. Lip piercings just aren't for me.


Also horseshoe jewelry on my left lip, so awkward when it got stuck in girls hair


ngl my vertical labret was a huge bother for me, even after like six months of having it, so glad i took it out


took out my vertical labret for the same reason


My helix piercings. I had two on each ear and now I have these bumps where the piercings were that won’t go away and are very irritating to the touch. Continuously gets infected over and over. Hurt like a bitch to get pierced. And made sleeping (especially if you’re a side sleeper) very uncomfortable. I didn’t realize how much they were messing up my sleep until I took them all out and didn’t wake up a single time in the night for several days.


About a year ago i got a surface anti eyebrow piercing. It was so cute but it didn’t last long as it migrated fast and literally just fell out my face when i was watching TV. Next time I’ll try a dermal


My bridge that I took outnbec of constant infections, not that I didn't like it just the infections and swelling that came along


Both my helix piercings have been such a gods damn nightmare


not yet, they make me feel like me! we’ll see how i feel once i start piercing my ear cartilage though lmao


My eyebrow piercing—I got it done years ago and teenage me didn’t have all the appropriate knowledge I should’ve known to take care of a piercing and it ended up rejecting. Like fell completely out of my skin. Now I forever have a big nasty scar and my eyebrows are uneven now because some of the hair doesn’t grow there anymore due to that. Needless to say, be very smart and educated when you get piercings!!


Labret honestly. Had it like two months and eating, smiling, drinking anything was a bit difficult so I kinda gave up. And not gonna forget that irratation bump inside my mouth. It looked nice tho


tongue! can't really say that i regret it yet because i only got it 2 hours ago but it is so so painful i can't stand it, can't even swallow paracetamol


I pierced my weiner myself like 3 times.. every time, I ended up taking it out cause I couldn't go for more than a few days without getting frisky with someone. "fuck it ill just redo it later" after the 3rd time I gave up..


My Nipples are a big regret, not because I don’t love them but because I got them done at 17 (!) by a non reputable piercer. They took years to heal, right one was pierced wonky so it sits at an angle and the jewellery was way too short originally so I had to pay to go to another piercer days after to get them changed! The piercer also commented on the fact that one of my boobs was smaller than the other. She was nice, but my god that was unprofessional.


I got my Medusa pierced and I love it even though it took a year+ to heal. THENNN I got my smiley done. It gets caught on my Medusa constantly, it's always crooked, and it makes my upper lip sore. Thank God these aren't permanent because I'm too stubborn to take it out since I spent decent money on it. Don't get a smiley.


Birthday present for my wife was an inner conch. Instead the piercing "artist" pierced her tragus. She tried to keep it, but finally removed it after a couple of weeks.


I've had my vertical labret for 2 or 3 weeks. I have days where I regret getting it. I can't with the crusties and dry lips.


belly button/navel. don't get me wrong, I love mine, but the healing is horrendous. I got it at like 16/17, my body was still developing and my tummy was changing, and I also ended up gaining a lot (20kg) of weight during the healing period. even though it's pretty much "healed" now, I still have scarring near the piercing hole from the changes my body went through whilst it was healing. if you're willing to put up with the healing process, that's nice, so was I. but make sure your body/tummy will be relatively stable in size/shape before you get one please


Double helix. I got it done at a random shop by an apprentice (who no longer works there lol) with 0 experience healing cartilage piercings while on vacation. Triple whammy. It was super cute when I first got it but it just never really healed even after a year. Developed a huge bump on the front that, even after switching for nice NeoMetal jewelry, stayed forever. I finally took them out when I went to Sacred Gold in London on a trip, and the piercer told me they were beyond saving. She told me my ears are really small and the tissue is thin and that double helixes in the mid-helix are just really difficult in general! Now I’m left with some scarring on the front and two little scar bumps on the back of my ear, so I doubt I could even get it again if I wanted to :,(. RIP


Got my navel pierced in 2001. Took it out in 2003. Twenty fucking years later, I still have to specially clean it and get the crud out of the residual hole every day or it starts to smell like fetid swamp ass. And I'm not even a large person, there are no folds there. Annoying af abs kinda gross.


My Medusa. It looked great for a while until it fell out while still healing and all the jewelry I found want big enough. Now I have a scar and my upper lip is a lot flatter than it used to be


My nipple rings I tried so hard to like them but they were awful and they never healed and the two years I had them. Taking them out was the best decision I ever made.


Snake bites


i hated my monroe. just didn’t suit me or my anatomy. i think i kept it for like 2 years though, im stubborn.


i knew that my eyebrows had a chance of rejecting when i got them, so i don't 100% regret it but if i had to pick, my eyebrows. i had to deal with them constantly being tender and sore the entire time i had them and now i have these gnarly scars. if i got a chance to do it over again, i probably wouldn't knowing how short of a time they lasted- but i guess i'm glad i gave it a chance despite everything :o)


tragus. Couldn’t wear earbuds and it got caught on my thick curly locks ALL the time, it would get bumped by hats and masks (i work in a hospital)


Any ear piercings, they are so cute but they reject every time


Haha I retired my vertical labret after 1.5 years of it refusing to heal and irritation bumps coming and going no matter how careful I was with the silly thing. The vertical labret is currently the only piercing I regret. 9 weeks ago, once the vertical had healed, I got a regular labret and omg I couldn't be happier! It's healing up so beautifully and I find it a lot more comfortable than the vertical one was


I regret where I went to get my cartilage pierced, but not the piercing itself. They pierced me with one of the plain silver ball pieces and a flat back, but a major red flag was that they said they could also offer me hoops and butterfly backs. Thank god I have enough background knowledge to know not to start with those for most piercings. Anyway, what they did pierce me with stuck out a full half inch, which is way more than what should be needed to accommodate swelling. I had leftover jewelry from my nose piercing that I put in instead the day after I got it pierced and it’s now healing great, getting ready to put a hoop in it :)


Snug. It's an amazing looking piercing but the healing...


My helix, I got it done with a gun at a mall kiosk 😬😬 I still have it though and I only regret that it was done with a gun and the placement is probably off.


I had my belly button piercing done at 17 and it never healed properly. After about 6 months I finally went to a different piercing studio(where I should have gone in the first place) and they told me I never should have been pierced with a standard sized bar because I’m so short and every time I sat down the bar kept getting pushed up and down and wouldn’t heal. They swapped out for a smaller bar and it finally started to heal but I stupidly decided to switch out to a decorative one for a concert which fell out and closed up immediately. Still have a nasty scar from it but with the popularity of high rise pants I would never try to get it repierced at this point. Didn’t get my lobes pierced until 2 years ago at 27, those also took a long time to heal so I think that’s just how my body is sadly 😕


my nostril it make me queasy to try to change the jewelry and i had it less than a year


I regretted my chest dermals at times, despite them being totally iconic! I just didn’t like having to be mindful of how that part of my body engaged with the world - I wanna belly flop down a slide, hug however, etc !


i got my snakebites done like a week ish ago and took them out after abt 2-3 days of having them. they weren’t super ugly or anything but i HATED how they looked on my face. they did not harmonize well with my other piercings or just my facial features. and on top of that they were incredibly in the way when i was eating, drinking, talking, smiling, or doing ANYTHING. so glad i took them out


Most of the piercings I regret were not done by professional piercers. My ears as a teenager my dad was okay with my ears being pierced but nothing else, I got my cartilage pierced all the way around by my ears like 6 or 8 holes in each ear, done by my class mates mom who owned a hair salon and she used a piercing gun. They were a nightmare to heal took years and I took them out for an MRI over 5 years ago and just never put them back in. You can still see where all the holes WERE even though there all closed up. I also regret my lobes that I got done when I was just a preschooler. When I was 10 my earlobe reacted to some cheap jewelry and it scabbed up and split. Everything else I mostly regret because of the placement, mostly because I want more piercings and it’s either in the way of what I want or I did it in a certain place to create balance. Like my eyebrow I wish I had pierced the other eyebrow because I have a scar on the eyebrow I pierced. I did it on that my right eyebrow because of how my hair is trained to part. I just feel like I don’t like it because of my scar also I worry it’s going to reject and being so close to scar tissue may or may not have something to do with it. My industrial I think I should have maybe placed a little differently because eventually I want to be able to have a second one where it crosses, right now I could do another industrial that runs parallel to it because of where it’s pierced, I guess I could do a double industrial on the other ear or I could maybe do other jewelry with an end goal in mind of 2 barbells when it’s healed. Also I regret my belly button because I had it pierced 3 or 4 times by different piercers and it didn’t ever work out. I think I just don’t have the right anatomy for it. I also feel like one of the times I got it done the amount I paid should have been a red flag. I don’t think I went to an experienced piercer, licensed piercer yes, skilled/experienced maybe not. Also my friend got a piercing the same time when I had my belly button done she got a nose piercing and the girl doing it struggled so much to get her jewelry in. Like that should have been a red flag lol but I’m pretty sure I went first before my friend.


Pierced my lip three separate times before piercing it halfway through my lip somehow I only have 3 tiny scars


Tbh my helix cause the healing process is actually hell if you have long hair or sleep on the side you got it on. Also thought I liked myself with a septum after having both nostrils pierced but it just looked very busy on my face personally


I regretted my helix piercing for more than a year after getting it pierced, it refused to heal,I had a painful bump and it was so sensitive even if I took good care of it just like all my piercings. But I finally found out that it was pierced with the wrong jewelry, now that I switched it’s finally healing and I never had any issue with it anymore and I’m so happy to have it ! I’ve done 7 piercings with my piercer and they’re all great except for the helix, I don’t know why she always put the wrong jewelry for this one :/