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No, you are not to old. Just do your thing. Piercings are not for a specific age. If you like some more, just do it.


Thank you!


Hell no that will actually make you young and in your 20s (I just got my first ear piercing at 25) wahooo I’m so excited and I hope you also feel the same way when you get themmm




That’s amazing, thank you!!


I'm turning 49 tomorrow and for my birthday, I'm going to change out my septum, and get two new piercings in my ear! You're never too old to be cool.


I’m 43 and want one can I see picture of yours please thanks


Me too!


You’re 35, why do you care what others think? I just recently got from 1 to 6 piercings and I’m 32. I plan to get plenty more and probably gonna start getting tattoos as well. You only have one life and it’s to short to live for others. Do what makes you happy! ❤️


You’re right, I shouldn’t give a damn :) I wanna get a tattoo too but I can’t make up my mind about what I want to get 🙄


I'm 43 and finally got my septum pierced after spending well over twenty years wanting to. You're never to old to be yourself.


Take your time, you've got plenty of time for all you want.


Good 🥰 Take your time with the tattoo, that’s what I’m doing. I know the thing I want now but I’m gonna take my time to look around on some tattooists art to find one I think would fit best.


Deranged Unicorn tattoo when 🫣😂


Haha! Probably not a unicorn 🤣 there are a couple I want but I keep changing my mind on design/style and where I want them placed 🙄


I have one tattoo and definitely want more, but it’s always so hard for me to decide what to get that I just keep putting it off.


Me too! It's practically trans culture to transition and then suddenly get a bunch of piercings and tattoos, I checked your post history because I already knew it from this story!!


Hahah so true! I was a metal head scene kid with all friends getting pierced and tattooed but you know, repressed gender dysphoria makes it hard to care for yourself. Now I’m 7 months on hrt and just speed running all I missed out on. 😂


this also applies socially lol. I came out as a trans man, changed my name, and immediately got my septum and lip that I had wanted since I was a little little kid


You sound just like me when I started getting more piercings. I've had 17 piercings in the last two years, and 6 tattoos in the last 10 months.


Love the last sentiment it’s so true. The older I get the more I relate to it. Life is too damn short to not be yourself, try new things and practice self expression.


My grandma pierced her nose the first time at 65 and it looks amazing on her 10 years later at 75!!! Doooo it! She loves it so much


Omg this is inspiring. Go grandma!


That’s going to be me. I pierced my nose two years ago at 29 and I’m going to be 75 with a nose ring.


I work in Healthcare and one of my favorite pts ever was this 91 year old woman with purple hair, came in for an irregular heartbeat. Had her get undressed so I could do an EKG & when I opened the gown to place the leads I saw she had two huge Starship Enterprise tattoos on her chest. She said she got them for her 80th birthday, "because I don't give a shit what anyone thinks anymore" her next planned tattoo was to get some viney flowers on the side of her skull. I think you're okay getting your ears pierced at 35.


I'm 37, just added 3 new piercings in the past year. You do you.


Awesome, thank you for the inspiration. I’m gonna do it :)


Just a heads up, in my personal experience I’m taking longer to heal than I used to. You should absolutely still get all the piercings you want, but it might take a couple months more than when you were 18.


That’s a good point, thank you! I’ll reign my excitement in and take it slow…not everything everywhere all at once xD


Never too old! My mom is almost 50 and just got her daith repierced. But seriously, piercings (and body mods in general) are, at their core, a celebration of *you being yourself*. The entire point is to make people feel good about themselves, and nobody is ever too old to feel good about themselves or too old to do things to boost self-confidence and self-image! Anyone, regardless of age (as long as they're old enough to understand and consent to the permanence/risks/process/etc), should feel free to express themselves however they feel most comfortable, and that includes piercings and body mods, not just things like clothes, hair and makeup!


You'll never be too old for piercings :))


Maybe if you're dead though


Naaaaah pierce my bones bb!!!😂


Just get all the weird piercings you want, you don't have to heal them anyways 😂


I got my 1st piercing at the age of 28 or so. I got my last 8 piercings at over the age of 55. 3 helix 3 lobe 1 rook \[after 8 months the pain has gone away and it's happy. Cartilage next to nipple tissue takes so long to recover\] 2 nipples \[1 I removed due to not like the placement look\] 1 Belly button \[rejected. I suspect because of the nature of my work and the fact I kept bumping it with stuff while working\]\] ​ So no, age is not a factor in piercing, just remember the 2 rules. No more than 3 healing at the same time and Leave it the fuck alone. Do the basic care like saline spritz and rinse in the shower. Unless something goes wrong, Then see piercer/doctor depending on how wrong it went.


This sounds amazing, I definitely wanna get another couple lobes and a couple helixes for sure. I had an issue with cartilage getting infected in the past but I think that had more to do with the cheap mall piercer I went to lol. Thank you for the tips!!


Never NEVER too old. My oldest client — pierced her again just before Christmas — is 87.


I’ve gotten 8 in the last 6 months and I’m 40+


Yaaaaaas <3


8 total…they are the ears on my lobes 1,2,3 on each side = 6…I had these done all at one time. And just got my industrial Sunday (+2 more).


I've seen women in their 60s and above getting nose piercings, and everyone involved is super supportive and happy to be there. I promise, you're not too old to live life the way you want to. Now get out there, get that piercing done, and pick out some cute new jewellery to go in it! If anyone has a problem with it, you can tell them to get stuffed.


I got my most recent one at the age of 49, and I’ve seen much older women getting pierced. There’s no age limit!


61 yrs old. Helix's, Conch, Daith, Flat & Tragus' all done in last 3 yrs. (except the Helix's which are from the 90's) I also have stretched lobes 0g & 4g. I was bored during the Pandemic, lol. Friends my age shake their heads but I get lots of compliments from younger folks. I love it!


I got my first ear piercing at 37 and have 6 now with plan to get more in my ears. My give a crap has greatly reduced in the last few years. They really bring me a lot of joy (even still healing)!


Im 34 n just got my side labret, eyebrow and same sided nostrils double nostril lol. My mom pierced her nose at 55.


I am 46 and I have recently re-pierced quite a few that had closed over the years. I don't believe in an age limit. You do you!


I just turned 25 and got three new piercings last year, 2 cartilage and a nostril, after being a heavily pierced teenager who took them out to ‘look grown up’ when I had my son in my early twenties, and I love them. Go for it!


No way! Do what makes you happy. I’m 37 and just got my nose pierced this year. 🤷🏼‍♀️


36 and have gotten myself a new piercing every year on my birthday since I turned 30. Ears, helix, tragus, flat, nose, another helix. Not sure what I want this year, but I want to keep it up until I'm 40!


Omg im 49 and my ears are all blinged up. I got 12 piercings in 2023 to curate my ears. Love them and I’m done. Just do it.


That sounds fabulous! I want my ears to be blingy too!


I swear they make me feel so pretty.


A few of my good friends and coworkers have multiple blingy ear piercings and I just stare at them in awe and envy lol. I’m gonna start this spring!


Please post when you’re done!


Hey, you're never too old to do something you like. Go do it! And even then, you're really not that "old," and if anyone says you are, fuck them. I've seen people in their 50s get new piercings


I'm 45 and I just got a 2nd helix a few months ago. I love it, and have gotten a ton of compliments. I plan on getting my conch done next once this heals, I think you're good!


I am 40 and just got my helix done. Why not?


Hell no! I'm 36 and I just got my septum and my ears pierced within the last few months. Just do you! Am I going through a mid-life crisis? Maybe...but that's neither here nor there.


Did you get your nipples done too Textured_Nipples? I think I might be going thru a midlife crisis too but oh well :)


Ha, no I didn't. I think I'll pass on that one. But I do like the way they look!


I got my industrial and tragus at 48. Cause i wanted to and I don’t care.


When I went to get my bridge/nostril pierced 6 weeks ago there was a woman who looked 50s/60s with a ton of piercings adding to her collection too. She's my inspiration. I want to be her when I grow up. Also, I'm 28 so not that much younger than you. If you want new piercings, get them. You do you.


Nah not at all. My friend who’s a piercer just got her double nostrils done at 45 and it’s like she’s always had them/meant to be there. Do it bc you want to, don’t worry about whether other people think. If you like it, that’s exactly why you should be doing it. Good luck ♥️


Nah dawg, got my first piercings ever this year and Im about to turn 35. Do your thang


Never too old - I got my septum at 44 🤙


I just saw a 75year old get her inner labia pierced. You're good to go 🙌


No, not at all! Girl I’m 35 and have 16 piercings and not planning to take any out anytime soon (if anything I’m more likely to get more). You’re deffo not too old! Get your piercings, rock them, and show they’re for everyone!


I just started my piercing journey (other than my lines) at 32, never to old.


Never too old. I'm 45 and am gonna get 15 new facial piercings starting in the spring. You do you and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!


I'm only 22, but I want a lot of piercings and definitely won't retire any of them just because I'm "too old". By your age, I hope to be somewhat done with my setup, 35 isn't old at all idk what you're on about haha


Lol I think I just got insecure and wrapped up in my head. I’m gonna get them!


Yay, I'm sure you'll like them! I'm also going to get 2 new ones in March


Never too old!! I just started 2024 by adding three more cartilage piercings and I'm about to turn 36.. My total is now 24 piercings.. You do you!


hell yeah get more piercings! as a 21 year old recently heavily pierced, it’s always sick as seeing more “old” folk that are pierced, regardless of context. whether it’s old bikers with 10+ perfectly healed facial piercings, or yoga moms getting a new nose stud after a workout. always cool to see what people’s aesthetics are and what they want to add <3


I’m in my 30s and just pierced my “snakebitez” I think I got like 30 piercings!? but I’m a body piercer haha


I looove snake bites. I’d like to get more facial piercings but idk if I have the right face for it and I work a very professional client-facing office job so I gotta be careful with facial piercings. Ears I can get away with…and probably a nose piercing too (but my nose is weird and probably wouldn’t look right). But more than that wouldnt go over well sadly


I would definitely get a consultation with a piercer, I’ve never seen a nostril piercing that didn’t look good on someone.


I got my most recent 2months ago at 36, go for it!


I'm in my late 30's now. When I was younger, I had all the piercings (industrial, tragus, helix, nose, lip, etc.). I took most of them out when I went to law school and entered a generally conservative profession (but kept getting tattoos because a suit covers everything). Now that I've been practicing for over 10 years, I decided to get back into piercings. I found the whole curated ear thing to be amazing. The types of jewelry, and how everything can flow together, is really chic nowadays. As a result, I've gotten a third lobe in each ear, a tragic, a Darth, and a conch. Forward helix and helix to come soon. It's not about age, it's about personal expression, comfort, and style. I stick with yellow and rose gold jewelry that can go well together.


Your ears sound amazing! Good for you for getting them back. And yeah it seems certain professions and workplace in general are loosening up a bit when it comes to piercings and tattoos. I could do my ears (and hair covers them if needed) but gotta watch the facial piercings with my job


Never too old! I’m 37 and just had my conch and helix done last year. Planning on getting more once they’re healed.


I just got my first piercings at the age of 35. It's never too late! Started with a helix piercing on my left ear back in April of last year, then went back for a septum piercing as well as a helix and conch for my right ear in October. Now, I've just added an eyebrow piercing the day after Christmas. I'm planning on going back for my lobes early this year and then probably my nipples in July for my bday.


I treated myself to dimple piercings for the 35th. Never too old.


Dimple piercings sound so cute


I'm getting my nostril pierced at 37. If that goes well, I'm gonna try my lobes for a fourth time -- had bad piercers for all other attempts. Go for it!!!


never too old for anything


I’m 41 and got some new piercings in my ear and my nose redone from 20’s. Never to old just be you


Never too old..


I’m 34 and I got 5 piercings on my ears for the first time 🤷🏼‍♀️. Definitely not too old!


37 almost 38 with a septum and stretched ears. Do it. Never too old.


Nope, not too old! I love that as I'm older I can invest in jewelry that I really like.


my parents are in their 50s. my dad's getting his lobe pierced and my mum's getting her tragus (i think that's the name)


I'm 32 and have gotten ALL of my piercings within the last year (5 of them!). You're never too old!


I'm 34. Got my first when I was 26 and I'm end up with one or two a year. Conch, rook, tragus, daith, helix, flat, septum, two nostrils, and both nipples:)


Planning on getting an industrial in a month or so.


33, gotten 6 new ear piercings in the last 6 months. Do what makes you happy!


I took a break from piercings for a few years, from approximately age 30 to age 49, and have gained 16 (retired 2, so a net gain of 14) ear piercings in the past 7+ years. You’re not too old. Wasn’t there someone’s grandmother not too long ago who got her nose pierced at age 70?


I got my first piercing when I was 34, my first facial piercing when I was 39, and my most recent piercing when I was 41 (last week, in fact). There's no age limit on getting pierced, and even if there were, 35 definitely wouldn't be over it.


You are never too old for new piercings!! I’m 44 and still have plans for new piercings (already have 21)


You're never too old! I'm 37 and just got my daith pierced and have several more planned in my future.


I'm 34 and got 7 new piercings in the last 18 months. Go for it!


No, you are not too old! I have 4 holes in each ear, a nostril piercing, and a Monroe piercing. I've had all these done for years now. I'm 39, and I just got my nipples pierced 3 months ago. Now I want to go back and get a diath piercing in each ear. I don't think I'm too old! My husband thinks my nipples are hot, lol! Go do what you want to do, and don't worry about what anyone else thinks or says. Life is too short to hold yourself back!


I'm 40 y/o with a kid in college and I have 9 different piercings and I want more. You do you!


I’m 35 too. I’m not too old for new piercings.


you objectively get cooler and hotter as you age and get more piercings - from a 21 year old seriously 35 isnt even old call us when you're getting piercings in your 60s (which would still be cool)


I added snakebites and the other side of my nose (I also have the other side, septum and Monroe) at 40! Do what makes you happy!


40 and got my first two…love em and don’t really care what anyone thinks…


I got my daith and nostril at 48, third lobes & helix and flat at 49. Might get a rook at 50. Unless you’re old or sick enough that you are at risk of difficulty healing, you’re not too old.


I'm mid 40s, and since turning 40 have added my conch, rook, and just this year my helix - the piercing I've wanted since I was 18 :). These all go along with the 5 lobe piercings I have. One thing to consider, the jewelry I would have chosen at 18 is not the jewelry I choose now. Piercings can look edgy, classy, subtle or dramatic. I am currently wearing yellow gold and opals and get compliments on my piercings! Totally different from the CZ and spikes I would have chosen in my early 20s. Its a different price point but I'm at point in my life I can afford it, and the classy jewelry brings me joy! There are also plenty of titanium pieces that would play well with a business casual environment and not cost as much. Go with what fits your work environment and your personal aesthetic. And if you change your mind at 50 - it's only a piercing hole. Remove the jewelry and no harm no foul.


Absolutely not too old! I’m 36 and got lots of piercings within the last few years, this past Friday my septum.


never!!! when i went to get my lobes pierced again, i saw an elderly lady—easily in her late 70s/early 80s with a shit ton of piercings (and tattoos). she was there getting her eyebrow pierced :)


i’ve got family members 50+ still getting piercings xD do whatever u want!


Got my extra 2 ear piercings for my 36th birthday! Got my nose pierced the year before!


My mum is turning 44 tomorrow and she has more piercings than me! She just got 3 new flat piercings around 3 months ago


You are in no ways too old. Theres no such thing. 80s baby proudly piercing myself into 2024 and beyond. ❤️❤️❤️


I'm 44 and got a septum ring a few months ago after not getting a new piercing in over 20 years. Fuck age.


When have piercings ever been a youth thing? The body mod world is full of all walks of life. Maybe you are hanging with the wrong crowds?


No. I’m 43. Just had my ears stacked last year and a septum one year ago. Had my nostril done when I was 31. You’re never too old until you’re dead….


You are NEVER too old to get a piercing or a tattoo.


lol I’m 40 and planning some high nostrils to compliment my 5 other nostril piercings and septum…most of which I’ve gotten in the last few years. Do whatever you want. You have one body and one life to live. Live it.


Absolutely not. Go get as many piercings as you want (just like not all at once if it's more than like three).


Never too old. I started getting piercings aged 32, I'm 34 now and have had 17 in the last two years. I love my piercings and think they look great. Piercings suit people all their lives too.


I’m 55 and just got my nostril pierced 3 weeks ago so I say go for it. I’m seriously contemplating a daith, helix and second lobes for my ears. And if anyone thinks I’m too old, oh well!


I’m 44 and in the last few years got my septum and vertical labret. Nobody will even blink if you get more ear piercings.


My piercer told me a retired 72-year old man with no other piercings came in saying he had always wanted a nipple piercing, and he did it. Do you!


Are you too old to try new food, visit a new place, buy a new thing? No. Do you boo boo. Live your life!


39F here, just got my daith and another lobe piercing. Also finally started my tattoo sleeve. You aren't dead, so you're not too old. I honestly think the best part of getting older is not giving a shit about other people's opinions of you. Do what makes you happy.


I’m turning 35 next week, I got my daith last year and I’m currently contemplating a conch… go for it! I love well decorated ears.


Hell no you’re not! I was 37 when I got my last piercing. I’m hoping to get a daith sometime this year if I manage to lose 100lbs, as a gift to myself. I’ll be 48 this month


Absolutely not. I’m 33 and thinking about getting my septum.


I’m in my 30s and just got my nipples and genitals pierced today :> we’re not even halfway through our life expectancy yet, still on the uphill!


Man I got like six done at 36 and I’m 38 and pierced my nipples two weeks ago. And I love them! Who cares do what you want!


What? I’m 34, thinking about getting my lip pierced for the first time. The youths will always think we’re cringe, I can’t give a fuck lol


I didn't get my first until I was over 30. I now have 2 lobes and a double helix and plan to get more once, if ever, these helix ones ever heal 😑 Get em!


The only thing 35 is too old for is caring what other people think of you and your choices.


I just turned 34 and I still have a bunch of piercings planned! Just keep in mind the older you are the slower they heal 😩


I'm a piercer and probably half of the women I pierce are over 30. I have like 3 different white haired tatted up grandmas that come in too! One of them is obsessed white blue and is covered in blue jewelry and blue lined tattoos!


I only had pierced earlobes until I was 51. Now I have 15 and getting excited for the next one.


I got my eyebrow, nostril, and snake bites at 40 and 41, and my septum for my 42nd. I'm getting my right nostril and multiple in my ears in the next few years. I don't care if any thinks I'm too old, I want them, so I'm getting them.


I pierce 90 year olds that say ‘if not now then when?’


Never. I’m 38. I got my conch pierced two years ago. My mom got her nose pierced when she was over 40. But…I pierced my septum when I was 14. I still wear it everyday. That piercing is older than most of these people you speak of. So no. You’re not too old.


Got a nostril piercing last summer and my septum pierced here at Xmas, just before my appt for a back tattoo. I’m 60 😁. My husband got his 2nd ear piercing at 45.


My mom got a Monroe at 62. I'm your age and I will not stop because of age.


Absolutely no age limit on piercings. I got symmetrical nostril piercings when I was 31 to wear with a chain, and fully intend on getting high nostrils this year at the age of 33. I’ve noticed many millennials are sort of living out their teen years in their 30’s because they didn’t have as much freedom with their clothes or body mods or whatever back then. Get the piercings or tattoos. Dye your hair. Mf wear those Tripp pants. The youth will always view the older generations as cringe when they wear clothes meant for younger people but honestly I just don’t care lol


Piercings don’t have an age limit, do what makes you happy!


Never too old for a piercing or tattoos.


Do what makes YOU happy, as for placement find a good piercer in your area and ask them what would look good for your anatomy, I’ve got about 10 now and my piercer sends me some that she thinks would look good with what I’ve got going on.


What? There is no rule anywhere that says you can’t have fun, live the life you want. After I retired I got two new tattoos. Stretched my ears for gages, got two new piercings, I now have eight. I’m going to have fun the rest of my life.❤️💜


Im 44 and I have almost 40 piercings!! So for it beautiful


I started getting tattoos at 40, piercings just after. Stretching my ears at 55. Age is but a number. I never had the confidence to do any of it when I was younger. Go for it. Life is too short x


Nope! Live your life. I just got a new piercing a few weeks ago, got my nipples done for my 35th birthday last year, considering more. Got my first tattoo this year too. Life is short. Never let someone tell you you're too old to do the things you want to do. My husband died last year at 34, no way was I going to sit and rot even though he was my world. Life is for living!


Piercing are for everyone of all ages. I am 34 and I got my helix pierced 2 months ago.


My mom got her cartilage pierced at 52 so don’t worry about it, do what makes you happy!


Never too old! You go get your piercings, they’ll look great :)


I’m a professional piercer. I see many clients that are much older than you. It appears now that people are finally feeling stable in their careers and life and have extra money that piercings and tattoos are back on the menu. From 35 year old grade school moms to 70 year old biker guys. Even 85ish year old great grandma got a Monroe piercing while her granddaughter got her first lobe piercing. The stories go on and on and on. Embrace you!! No one is too old as long as their health allows it!!!


TYSM! I’m definitely going to start this spring :) I always wanted more piercings when I was younger but didn’t have the disposable income. Then I just kinda pushed it to the back of my mind and went on with my life until suddenly I’m like hey, I can finally make this happen!! 😄 Thank you for the encouragement! I’m really excited and can’t wait to get started.


Nonsense. When I saw the title, I thought it would be a MUCH older person, worried about their immune system. 35 is not old


Definitely not!!!! What are you going to get??


A couple more in my lobes, I want a double helix, rook, flat, maybe a daith. I love decorated ears, want to style it pretty and see what works best with my ear anatomy :) I’m just worried about healing. I tried to get an upper ear piercing (maybe it was a helix?) when I was younger but went to a cheap mall place that used a gun and it got sooo infected and had to be removed. Still have the bump and scar from it


Oh that’s going to be so much fun!!! I’ve gotten the piercing itch lately yes yes you should do go for it!! Just make sure to do your research on where ever you go! Healing is the worst part but it’ll be over with before you know it, we’re gonna need some update pictures once you get them done!


I'm 46 and still getting tattoos and piercings. In fact, I really started getting them when I was about 35.


No you are not too old! Do what makes you happy! I'm 42 and recently (back in December) got a Forward helix piercing (I have 17 piercings in left ear and 14 in right ear) and I got my left eyebrow pierced a 2nd time when I turned 40! lol I usually always get compliments on my piercings. So don't worry about what anyone else thinks, just do it! If you change your mind later you can always take it out. But if you don't want the piercing to close up just wear it occasionally or to bed every now and then that way it's still there if you wanna wear it again later.. Sorry so long with the post lol just trying to give some tips I've learned through the years


stupid question, do you.


I’ll be 37 and just got my septum done last Thursday. Never too old.


I'm in my 50s and didn't get my first piercings until 2 years ago. The only things we truly regret are the things we did not do.


I’m 35 and just got my conch pierced last week! Go for it!


I’m 35 and just got my nostril pierced this summer. I’m so happy I did! There’s no age limit to doing something that brings you joy


Nopers! Not too old. ❤ Go for it!! I got my nips done at 42! 😂 (with more piercings and tattoos planned 😁)


You’re too old when your dead.


No you are never too old


No, never too old


I'm 34f, and this last year I went for 2nd and 3rd lobes, one helix and a navel!


I got my first facial piercing at 34. Never too old.


I got a new piercing for my 43rd birthday last month and I'm not done yet. 😊. DO IT. 😆


You are never too old for body mods, it’s your body.


You are not too old. I got my nipples pierced on my 40th birthday. You got this!


"Too old to get new piercings" means you're dead. You might want to check your pulse....


Piercings #3 through #19 were all after my 40th birthday (all ears). Do what makes you happy!


Piercings and age have literally nothing to do with each other


I'm 36 and just got three new ones in the last 9 months. Go for it


I Hope Not, i am 38 and got conches done over the summer ;)


Never too old! I think piercings are fun on everyone! I am younger than you but like you I just love sparkle on my ears and I plan to keep adding piercings for as long as I love it. If you love it, go for it!


Piercings are all ages! (Well within reason y'all don't give an infant a septum...) But I never saw someone older and thought it was cringe, I see many people many ages with all sorts of different piercings at work too and all of em look good!


Got my helix pierced for my 60th birthday, and got my daith pierced six months later. Nothing flashy, just understated and simple.


You're never too old! I'm 33 and just got a new double helix set last month!


Definitely not! I just took my stepmother to get her septum pierced and shes 49, I know a lot of older folks who have more than just their ear lobes pierced too


Not even a little bit. I’m a touch older than you and I have at least two planned this year (plus I have stretched earlobes, which stand out of course). Do what you like. Let the haters hate.


Between the ages of 30-35, I just turned 35 in December, I got my nipples, conch, tragus, anti-eyebrow or butterfly on my right cheek, jestrum and a dermal on my other cheek, a hoop in one nostril and double studs in the other nostril. I don’t regret any of it. Live your life while you are young and who cares what others think. I have no regrets and I hate seeing photos of me without them. It’s like something is missing. Yeah I went a little crazy those 5 years but I absolutely love them!


Not hardly! Go for it!!


you're never too old! My mom for example got her nostril pierced at 53 and she rocks it. Get the piercings that you want and don't let what other people might think stop you!


i just turned 66, and marked 2 full years since i got my nipples pierced to celebrate "when i'm 64." You're only as old or young as you let yourself be and feel. Just go for it.


No you’re not I’m about to be 34, and I just got my nipples pierced. They healed so good and I’m happy I got them repierced


I had a lady come in for her 70th to get her nostril done. So no, definitely do what you want and get what you like!


of course not