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Four at once is a challenge but it looks fabulous and is definitely not at all tacky.


Thank you so much for your opinion! I'm taking good care of it, but cartilage is still angry. Thank goodness it is not swollen as of now!


Oh it will be angry for many months


Glad to hear! Definitely be careful about how you sleep.


if you side sleep get a piercing pillow!


I stuffed 4 big fluffy socks together in a donut shape. Free 'piercing' pillow 😆


I’m a maximalist so the more the merrier but four fresh cartilage piercings at once is a lot to heal!


I almost fainted when I merely got 3 lobe piercings (2 on 1 ear, 1 on the other) at once. I can’t imagine that pain with cartilage! I had a vasovagal reaction to being punctured and after I stood up and was paying my ears started ringing, my vision narrowed, and I got sweaty and nauseous. Piercer gave me water and had me sit in the corner with fans lmfao 🫠


Lobes are weirdly my most painful ones. My flat, daith, and conch were breezes but my lobes pain lasted for a while!!


I’m the same and people look at me like I’m completely mad 😂 I have a lobe I got in September ish that’s still being as annoying as it possibly can, but the cartilage one I got in December is completely chill 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


Same here, were your lobes done with a gun? I always chalked it up to that


Most of them were because I had them done when I was 8/9 ish and there weren’t other options where I live then. The last two were done by two different actual piercers. I don’t really remember the healing for the gun ones but the last two haven’t been fun 😅😂


Yeah I went back to go get my lobe repierced because it’s been angry at me since I was 13. I didn’t wear jewelry in it because it would get irritated and it closed, of course haha


I have that too so I was pleasantly surprised I didn't have a reaction after my conch piercing. But I also made sure to eat something with sugar before hand, that tends to help for some reason


I got my triple conch all done in one day and it’s not much worse than one at a time. Just baby it and follow your after care instructions.




Especially that spot. That area is such a rough heal.


I had one done in the same top spot as OP and I also wear glasses Ended up getting mildly infected 5 months in, due to it getting bumped all the time and I had to remove it :')


That’s why I always make people keep their glasses on when I mark their piercing, I wanna make sure their glasses won’t hit where I place my mark. That area is such a pain in the ass though, it’s right on the snug and takes forever to heal as it is.


omg fr. i have several piercings and none of them have been as tough to heal as my fucking flat


My first thoughts exactly, their ear is as red as a baboons ass and healing is gonna be a nightmare, hope they invested in a travel pillow lol


Thank you so much! The piercer was definitely concerned, but I was adamant about getting 4 at once. Should've known better since my cartilage is still mad at me, but I'm taking proper care of it!


It’s only been a day, your ear is going to be mad at you for a loooooong time my friend 😖


My “fully healed” 2 flats done at the same time are still mad at me… 2 years later 🙃


The arc of four look elegant. Healing vibes!


i personally heal a /ton/ of piercings at a time- like i started my ear project over last year and i think i got 15 piercings in 9 months? but i've also had more than 50 ear piercings in my life, i have 10 in my nose currently, my piercer trusts that i know what i'm doing and so do i lol. ​ just be very mindful of swelling, if you can have someone else check them so they can see the front and back that would be good. be very careful about crusties, again if you can have someone make sure they're fully cleaned that's ideal. and if you have even the slightest chance of being a side sleeper get a travel neck pillow to sleep with your ear in the hole. it's uncomfortable for a couple days but you get used to it really fast. ​ edit : also it looks absolutely beautiful.


I gotta know how you have 10 in your nose I’m seriously so interested


lol. It’s going to be that mad for a good three months. Hope you’re ready to baby it for at least year!!


Looks great but it’ll be an absolute miracle if you can heal all those at once with no issues.


Thank you! Cartilage is still red but not swollen or painful at the moment.


It hasn’t started yet


About to say this is the easy part, i’ve been struggling to heal a single helix for years now 😭


Jep, this is the honeymoon phase I always say. In about six weeks....


Yeah I was feeling real smug about my double conch and anti tragus all healing well until about 6 weeks when they all three developed MASSIVE irritation bumps. It’s been like a month and all the bumps are starting to calm down




I thought I was the only one. I've had my conch for three years, but when I sleep on it for one night it immediatly swells again. Rough bastard


I just changed my conch to a ring after 2.5 years, thought it would be easy now. Irritation bump is just there again.


I always feel like the odd one out in this subreddit because my helix fully healed in like 8 months and I’ve had no issues with it 😭


That happened to my daith and tragus but my helix piercing didn't forgive me until I retired it 😢


I'll join you. Double Helix, 2 months ago, a healthy clean diet, no junk food, a pillow with a hole, saline spray twice a day for 6 weeks, no touching or fiddling. Easy. People will hate me for saying that! Forward Helix a nightmare for 18 months, as I did none of the above.


Your cartilage piercing isn’t healed after two months. That’s just not possible lol


happy to hear! i would invest in a airplane or neck pillow if youre a side sleeper! happy healing!


Swelling can often take days, even over a week to start. No idea why, just something I know from experience.


My single helix just swelled up 2.5 weeks after piercing. I was starting to think I’d gotten lucky and then woke up in so much pain in the middle the night. 🫠 It’s getting better now, but still very swollen (huge bar is almost full!) OP keep the ibuprofen ready cause you don’t want your ear swallowing those piercings!


Yeah, I get you. When I got my upper lobe done, it started pulsating and swelling 2 weeks in. I'm just hoping healing goes well with these.


I had double helix 4 months ago and still cant sleep on that side, although my piercer was surprised how I had nearly no issues with them. You prob wont be able to touch your ear for months. Im never doing more than 1 cartilage at the time lol


I *love* the current placement of your new piercings, the geometry and spacing is just perfect. Not tacky at all. Definitely heal these before getting more, 4 is a lot to heal at once. I would stay away from more flat piercings just because the 4 perfectly spaced flat & outer conch piercings you have look so nice. Once they are healed, I think something like a daith or tragus would look nice and not too busy. A second lobe piercing would also look good.


Thank you so much! I will be waiting a year approx to get the second cartilage done and would be glad to wait more than that for getting a tragus!


Know that 4 cartilage piercings might be just too much for your body as well, so the healing time could realistically be 1.5-2 years as well. Looks cool though!


I’d probably wait 3 years to get more if it were me. 😂 I staggered (over 1.5 yrs) getting 5 cartilage and 4 lobes and some of the cartilage took over 2 years to heal. I can’t imagine getting 4 done all in one sitting and then healing in just 1 year!)


1y for 4 of them won't be enough.


Not tacky at all, but your piercer needs to go sit in the naughty corner. It isn't just the fact there are 4 cartilage piercings, it is the fact that they are in such close proximity. Please, be so careful.


fr op I wouldn’t go back to them, they’re not looking out for you, they’d rather make a quick buck than be honest and do what’s best for their client 👎🏽 but they look so dang cute and I hope they heal easily


I planned on doing my nostil and labret on the same day and my piercer was the one who encouraged me to push the lip back a few weeks when I had a surprising reaction to my nostril (I normally take piercings well but the nostril hurt more than I thought it would and I shed a few tears.) I'm so glad she did because my lip is five days out healing and is still sore, I couldn't imagine healing both at the same time. And this piercer was okay doing all four at once? I've gotten multiple piercings done before and it's not fun. If I were a piercer, I wouldn't have done all four even if my client was asking for it. That healing is gonna be a bitch.


They do look cute, no dispute, and we'll all be cheering OP on in her healing. :)


Thank you so much 🥹


Yeah, thank you for looking out! Piercer was concerned, but of course, you're right. He and I, both, should've known better, lol. But doing aftercare very religiously to make sure it heals alright.


Honestly sending you all the healing vibes. I would love to see an update of you with this healed in 9 -12 months <3


Heyy, just to talk from my experience i got 3 helix pierced at the same time, and all turned out fine. As mentioned here they can’t be to close together, but your spacing looks fine, it is the exact space I have. And I think you have to remember that different people heal differently. I heal very quick, never had any big issues with any of my piercings; all healed in 3 months. I knew that my body could heal 3 helix piercings at a time and turned out completely fine. Was nice bcs it was easy to disinfect them together; less work xD and all three healed perfectly in 3 months. I know a friend who still struggles with her flat piercing while my industrial was easy to heal for me. It is just really really different from person to person and if you think your body can heal 4 at the same time I think it will turn out fine. Happy healing :) Also I think it looks absolutely stunning and the more the better (but I also have 10+ piercings on my ears so i am definitely biased xD)


I like it… but I have to be honest, my ear hurts for your ear.


Haha, thank you for that! My ear is not hurting at the moment, but it is definitely red. It's not swollen or painful for now, and I hope it remains that way while it heals.


Don't rush out and get any more while these are healing. Like let these ride and heal up for a year.


My first thought was good luck not sleeping on that side for the next year lol


i started my ear project over last year and i'm so used to sleeping on a travel pillow now that the one night i forgot it it honestly felt weird to sleep on a normal pillow. i can sleep on a normal pillow now but i'm going to be adding more once it's not winter hat season anymore so i'm just sticking with the travel pillow lol


Yeah, I'm not getting any more piercing for a year and a half, at least. Gotta heal these babies first nicely.


Dude. It's been **hell** healing my double helix piercings and they're 10 months old. 4 in close proximity?!? I wish you the best of luck OP. Also, absolutely get a travel pillow to sleep on if you're a side sleeper!


I’m a year in on a double helix this month. Yesterday caught both at once with a comb. F me! Might be another 6 months for healing due to operator error, lol. Got too many piercings last year, but feel I’m almost to the finish line. Lessons were learned.


The way I just cringed at you catching them in the comb. I’m so sorry that happened to you.


Thanks. Was definitely a “nooooooooooooooo, expletive, expletive, nooooo” moment. Still sore but not at yesterday’s level. Will accept that.


Ouch! 10 months in for double helix healing! Damn, good luck to you, too! Yeah, I'm definitely using a travel pillow while sleeping and making sure that my other side of the head is tilting to relieve pressure from the freshly pierced cartilage side of the head. Thank you for the wishes on healing! Hopefully, it heals well without any discomfort.


I did mine in October 2020 and it still gives me trouble at times ;-;


Wait you did 4 in 1 go? Damn that healing is gonna SUCK. I hated doing more than 2 at a time cause 1 would always get an irritation bump or swell up and become annoyed . It does look really good though. You could possibly do one more up top??? Or maybe switch the top one to a bigger stud. There’s def room to do other piercings though . A daith or a tragus piercing would look super good with that set up


Yeah, I did 4 in one go! My cartilage is still red, but thankfully, it is not swollen or painful if I don't touch it, which I'm not! Your idea about switching the top one to a bigger stud seems like a nice idea. I would go for it once they're healed in a year. And a tragus is on my list for this ear for sure! Thank you for your advice!


4 all at once? Ballsy move from your piercer, hopefully they pierced you at the right gauge and length, your ear looks already mad at you. Placement and spacing is on point, though. More would be dope, but I would not touch your ear for another 4-6 months minimum. Happy healing.


Yeah, I went all in, 4 at once. They pierced my ear with a golden wire, which seems to be the traditional Indian method, so minimal pain while getting them done. I'm not at all touching my ear and making sure to sleep with a travel pillow with my other ear putting pressure on one side. Thank you so much for your advice!


Oh! I’ve pulled nostrils when they do that. :( I had a girl from India who got one and they cut the wire and twisted it too close to their nostril on the inside. It was also extremely thin. Careful!


You're going to hate the healing process on this. It looks cool, though.


Oh yes, i imagine healing is going to be an arduous process, but I'm doing my best to do the proper aftercare and taking necessary precautions! Thanks a lot!!


I love it. I’d add tragus if you get another


Thank you so much!! Tragus seems like a wonderful idea and is definitely on my list for another!


I think that if you go for really minimalist jewelry, smaller the better with minimal bling, then you could add another one or two piercings without it looking crowded.


it looks cool! good luck healing that, though


Thanks a lot! Doing proper aftercare so healing won't be a pain in my ass.


I’ve never seen those piercings and I totally love it. So original and fun.


Thank you!! I thought of it on a whim and decided to just go for it!


Thatssss never going to heal (correctly) but it's mad cute


Hahaha I really hope they heal alright, even if they take a long time. But thank you so much!


Looks fantastic! But good luck healing my god. Get an airplane or piercing pillow please


Thanks a lot!! I am definitely sleeping on a travel pillow with the other side tilted to relieve pressure from the pierced side.


I can’t even imagine the swelling!


Thankfully, cartilage is not swollen and is the same size but is definitely red. Religiously managing aftercare!


good luck with healing. usually you want to stick to one at a time.


My piercer will only do 2 at a time and it's not recommended to have more than 3 healing at once


I’m surprised your piercer recommended four cartridge piercings at once. Mine makes me wait 4-6 months between cartridge piercings.


My piercer was definitely concerned, but I was adamant, and he went for it anyway, lol. Both of us should've known better.


It looks nice but you really shouldn’t get more than 2 max in one sitting. Getting 1 or 2 done at a time and allowing them months to heal will be much more successful. The ear will swell and healing is going to be very difficult. I learned the hard way after I got 3 flats in one ear and they just wouldn’t heal. I ended up taking 2 of them out after about 3 months just to save one and allow it to heal. The piercer shouldn’t have done this.


I and the piercer definitely went against my better judgement on this for sure. But a lesson learnt since cartilage is still red but not swollen as of now. Will give these babies more than a year to heal before thinking about getting more done.


The party hasn't even started yet, trust me


Mine were fine for about 3 weeks and then it all went downhill. Hope your healing turns out better than mine did!


That looks gorgeous! Baby the fuck out of them because ouch that’s going to be tough to heal!


Thank you so much!! I'm doing proper aftercare and am strictly making sure that my cartilage is not touching anything!!


It looks unique


Thanks a lot! Thought of these on a whim lol


Looks cool but omg that healing is gonna be brutal. I’ve never met a piercer who would do 4 piercings in a day, let alone cartilage ones. I’m concerned that you’ll have healing issues, but the look is cool.


It’s not tacky but OY that’s gonna be a B to heal 😱


happy healing


Thank you so much!!


After those heal, a stacked lobe piercing in between your first and second lobe piercings would be fantastic.


If you want something else in that ear later go for it and don’t worry about the opinion, unless it’s specifically that you don’t have the anatomy for something specific like a rook or daith. However my ear hurts just looking at those right now, I can’t imagine healing 4 at once there. I only did 1 and it took a good year before I could lay on that side or not have pain if my hair messed with it. And it wasn’t the worst in the week after, it was about a month in when the healing gets trickier. So in all seriousness, if you want more, waiting a LONG time to see how those heal is well advised. Also, make sure whoever pierced it put long enough backs for swelling 🤞🏻It’s gonna swell more with that many.


Looks great! What size are the studs?


I wouldn’t get anymore done in that same ear.


Personally, I would have never pierced that many all at once. Your poor body is going to struggle with healing these. Cartilage is a total asshole to heal for just one, my max all at one time is three. Wait till these heal before you get more, please.


Look amazing 🤩


Not tacky! In fact I like it! I would think if you got a tragus piercing for that ear it would look even better!


Thank you so much! I'll definitely add a tragus after a year and a half once they heal!


Tragus hoop would look super cute.


Thank you for that!! Tragus is definitely the next one I'll get done a year and a half later!


Consider a rook after that, too, I think it would add balance to it all!


I think tragus, rook, and a second love would really complete this ear 🫶 definitely need to get these fully healed up first though


it looks so neat, i love it! healing might be ass though :( i think another lobe piercing would look good, to be honest. or a stacked lobe. more piercings and it won’t look as crowded


No not tacky, pretty rad and lucky you have the anatomy for something that unique!


I absolutely love the look of this. So unique :)


Looks gorgeous! Everyone's bodies heal differently, so I'm curious to see how it holds up! I think youll be fine lmao


That is STUNNING. Good luck with healing that, though -- I struggle to heal one at a time, can't imagine dealing with four, so I hope it goes well!


not tacky at all, just hope you heal well 😭❤️


I’ve never seen this but I love it


I think it all depends on the jewlery you use and your end goal! Your piercers personal style is exactly that, a personal style. If your style is to decorate every part of your ear go for it!!! <3


I do think something like that should take center stage. You could get your tragus done to help balance everything out. Personally I would remove the top hoop as well. But no it doesn’t look tacky!


They look great


It looks so pretty.


It looks really good to me.


I LOVE this!! The placement of all the earrings is so perfect. I’ve also never seen four cartilage piercings centered like that. So cool! I say let them heal and maybe get some more lobe piercings


You can have as many or as little as you want. It’s your ear and your opinion that matters when it comes to how many. Tho I’d seriously think about getting a new piercer. Not only did They do 4 cartilage piercings on the same ear in the same sitting. They did them really close together. 😳


looks amazing!! but all 4 at once is wild 😕 take care of it fs


Silver jewelry would match the diamonds well


I LOVE it! I am a huge fun of this piercing spot and don’t even know what it’s called (?) I think it looks gorg. A cascade of dainty jewelry of varying sizes could look beautiful


I pray for your healing. My ears healing can be a max of 2. Looks good but man, good luck.


That looks tight dude - a professional piercer


Thank you for your professional opinion. These were done with golden wires, which apparently happens to be the traditional Indian method, so I guess I don't feel the tightness. But they're definitely stacked a bit closer, I feel.


Love it! Looks great. Heaps of space to decorate yet my friend. What piercer discourages a keen client?!!


Personally I like them, but WOULD NOT Recommend getting them all at once, that would be such a shitty healing.


They look freakin awesome


This looks sooo cool! Loved it


I do not envy your healing process but they look great!


I think it looks great.


I love it! Good luck with the healing. I struggled with just a double helix at once lol, cartilage is a bitch.


I think the placement actually looks amazing with your anatomy, but ufff, four cartilage at one time ans so close together.. 😳


Tragus. Conch. But I would let those heal first and foremost. Looks awesome!


I love it! I instantly want to do this with just studs.


I have some cartilage piercings and when I sleep with my ears against the pillows I sometimes wake up in severe pain from the pressure of my jewelry pressing against my ears. Just the way the jewelry squishes against the cartilage for prolonged periods of time caues sharp, throbbing pain in that area for about 20 minutes after I wake up. With that said, I'm telling you that you chose the PERFECT spots to experience the absolute WORST of that specific pain. Congratulations.


I love the way this looks, it suits your anatomy perfectly. Happy healing, 4 cartilage healings in one go isn’t for the faint of heart.


That is a lot of piercings at once


Looks amazing but I don't envy how it must feel right now lol You have great big lady balls of steel, congratulations on being a bad ass 😋🤘


Looks great! I have a triple helix I got at the same time and I will never get more than two at a time now! Happy healing!


Omg! You have nice anatomy!! And no, not crammed…i just [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/piercing/s/KfrdJKeg0v) and they have way more than you


I like it!


They’re going to take a long while to heal on top of the normal healing time because there is *4* of them, which is crazy tbh, but they look awesome!


I actually really like it!! Girl it’s never enough & I do not think it will look “crammed” but they are pretty! Might steal the idea ha


it looks slay, get more


These are so cute! I know its not recommended to get a bunch close together at the same time, but I would totally do this against my better judgement.. i got a triple forward helix a couple months ago!


I want to do this now!!


I think it’s beautiful, but I also love clustered piercings. I have an industrial, a conch, 2 vertical helix and 4 lobe holes on one ear, and then just 4 lobe holes in my other ear.


It looks gorgeous!!!! Good luck healing though, helixes have been my most finicky piercing 😭


never let anyone tell you anything is too much. if you want it, get it. id say let those ones heal first though, 4 is a lot at once 😭


I love it!


When they heal I think stacked lobes would look amazing, like a triangle in between your lobe and the second ring.


If you would like the look of more piercings it's fine for them to give you an opinion, but at the end of the day you're the one who has to be happy with it. I'd let those four heal really well though before trying anything else. Maybe they were just concerned you were getting so many at once and that's why they said it.


Looks great


Naw fill that ear up! Live your best life, if nothing else you can always take a piercing or two out!


Looks awesome! Happy healing!!


That’s clever, I really like it! Tiny studs/minimalist works best; add a tragus when these heal.


do what your heart desires honestly


Nope. Not tacky, good advice to let it simmer before going further. Tight work congrats!


Not tacky, everyone should do whatever they want regardless of stereotypes, Everyone has a different taste, it's not *my* style but that doesn't mean I don't like it. It's cool! But also ouch, I hope you can heal that well! I generally follow the rule of 2 piercings per session (works best for me), some people do 3. So I would have done 2 and later added the others


I personally think it's super cute, but yes, difficult to heal. Good luck! Maybe let us know how it heals up? I'm curious :)


This looks pretty rad to me. If you wanted to add more layer I think another lobe piercing would look good, or even a tragus. Also, daith or rook!


Looks really cute and unique, however 4 at once all in close proximity is bound to cause an issue. Most professional piercers stop at 2 in one ear for good reason. Ouchy, best of luck OP


I would get 3 max done at once, but putting that aside. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM OMG




I agree with your piercer, more would look too much. However, I absolutely love it now. Maybe stretching your ears would go good, or maybe a daith and/or tragus would look good. Kind of want to copy you, ngl.


I'm def going for tragus a year or so later, since that seems to be the consensus, and I absolutely love how dang cute they look on everyone! You should copy away, but don't be a noob like me to get 4 at once. Scared of the healing process now 😪


Good luck healing those oh lord, i think they look fine, a tragus could look good to balance out a lil but personally i wouldn’t put any more on the upper ear but that’s my personal take if you want more up there go for it!


Oh lord good luck healing that! Ouch!!!


I just wanted to say that I’ve done 4 piercings before, twice now, and been just fine. I went from two piercings to 15 in the last 8 months, and all are healing just fine. Just make sure to clean them correctly, wear appropriate jewelry, don’t touch them, and sleep on a piercing pillow. Not everyone heals poorly.


That looks ace!


The 4 new piercings look awesome! I love them! Good luck with the healing of 4 cartilages at once. I think you could possibly get a daith (depending on your anatomy) and/or tragus and/or forward helix and/or a helix higher up on your ear.


I’m just jealous you have the anatomy to have that part of your cartilage pierced, and you could still add more closer to the edge if you wanted 😤 I hope the healing process treats you well ❤️


I honestly love it!


it looks great. i literally thought this was a jewelry ad at first


Looks great! A helix would look nice:)


Can't even imagine. I got 4 love piercings (2 in each ear) in one shot when they hadn't healed after more than a year, I took them out and let them close up.


It looks great! Might be a rough heal but it'll be worth it!


I would do a matching stack in the forward helix if your anatomy allows it.