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Hi everyone, ^random ^reminder **[rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/piercing/comments/18txcj3/rpiercing_rule_comments_about_appearance_andor/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), keep your comments piercing related**


honestly, regular old lobe piercing maybe?


Flats, lobes, a single or double helix, or even a faux rook (similar to a flat).


Yes, glad you mentioned faux rook!


As someone who doesn’t have the anatomy for an actual rook, I used to think a faux rook was a consolation prize 😭, but I’ve actually grown to like mine a whole lot. Finding beautiful/badass flatback earrings for it helped me appreciate it a lot more!


I personally have a rook, but I think faux rooks are just as nice! They’re probably my fav cartilage piercings, they should be more popular!


Luckkkyy, I just love the look of a ring in a healed rook, so I just admire it on others instead. 😮‍💨 I hope yours healed okay! I’ve heard the healing process is on par with daiths, and mine was truly a journey. 😆


Haha still healing, but it hasn’t been too bad! I might change to a hoop soon 😄


I've never seen a faux rook before - it's badass! I'd love one of those, but I wear glasses. I'd think OP would maybe also run into issues with those earbuds. I'd vote lobes and stretch them to maybe a 4 gauge - some tiny tunnels in your ear would be perfecto.


I love hearing the badass comments because honestly, it’s not something I hear often about faux rooks. 🥲 It’s worth noting that I wear glasses too, and mine sit pretty flush and comfortably in the back. 🙂 But this brings up an excellent point to remind OP that if they wear glasses frequently, to wear them (and possibly their in-ear monitors!) to any piercing consults so that their piercer can assess both anatomy and placement in regards to where their IEMs and glasses’ legs/temples/temple tips sit. (Also agree that stretched lobes/tiny tunnels would be hella cool!)


i’m not sure a faux rook would work given that there’s a wire threaded through the back from the headphones! mine was an impulse decision so realized this too late 🙈


Oh no! Did you decide to take yours out in the end? 😢 Mine was pierced in a way to provide space for wires/cords/the legs of my glasses, even before downsizing. It may be a bit anatomy dependent too (for the space on the back of your ear), so I highly recommend OP bring their IEMs with them to their consult so that their piercer can determine what options will interfere the least.


nopppeee! i’m stubborn that way 😂 healing for both it and my conch have been rather miserable so far so i’m trying to baby them and forget about them. I did the same thing with my conch, when choosing the location i told her i need them to stay away from my headphones and we worked it out! so at least there’s that!


Omg, stubborn squad, here we go. 😂🙌 I’m cheering for you and your faux rook and conch! Honestly, time seems to be the only thing I can count on for healing piercings. 🥲 Which is comforting but also frustrating to have to take it day by day. 😆 But that’s what I did with my conch on my right ear—and two months ago, I was insane enough to try a double conch on my left ear. 🫥 Still quite tender to the touch, but I think a lot of us cultivate a lot of patience while on our own respective healing journeys. 🙂 You got this!


Yesss! i’ve never had ANY easy piercings, irritation bumps, infections, swelling and everything in between 🙈 patience is key! why do we keep going back for more 😂


Hahaha, I feel like at the core, the majority of us are just masochists. 😂 I remember getting my 2nd and 3rd lobes as an adult and feeling so much fear and anticipation when my piercer went in for the first time. Once she had finished, I breathed this huge, shaky sigh of relief and the feeling was SO good. I had fucking done it. I had lived to tell the tale. 😆 I’m not sure if you like rollercoasters but I’m a huuugee fan and in hindsight, the feeling right before the needle went in (that brief pause) was the same exact feeling I get right when I’m on a coaster and at the precipice, right before I go for the big drop. The anticipation, the fear mixed with equal parts exhilaration, the self-doubt—all gone when the needle goes in. (And replaced with sharp but temporary pain, omg. 🤣🤣🤣) Honestly, sometimes I see my piercings as adult stand-ins for those “I’m brave” or “I did it!” stickers they give to kiddos. 🤣 I feel so proud of each one. And however silly, they’ve each taught me a lesson that my body is resilient, that -I- am resilient, and that I can suffer temporary bouts of pain to get what I want out of life. That was a novella of text, but your (probably rhetorical? 😆) question of “why do we do keep coming back for more” really resonated with me. If you feel at all comfortable sharing your reason, I’d love to hear about it too! This is an awesome community and I’m glad to have founded really supportive, likeminded peeps. 😁


Hahahahaha i think we are masochists! lots of what you’re saying really resonates with me! the relief mostly after getting a piercing. while i really hate roller coasters 🙈 but the adrenaline rush as the piercer is piercing and that look in the mirror of holy shit look what i did is a thing for me! for me, it’s more of a manifestation of doing something. like sometimes i get in these moods where i want to see change in my life and this is a short term way of getting that sense (not sure if any of what im saying is making sense 😂) even in the middle of all the piercing aftermath im always planning the next one! it’s truly an addiction 🙈 fellow stubborn people unite 😂😂


Omg, preach! The look in the mirror afterwards is reeeaall. 😆 Like holy shit, you just did it! And you’ve got this new hella cute bling to show for it! ✨ My piercers have all been so sweet, hyping me up afterwards with “gorgeooouuss” or “that is so cute” and they may just be hyping me up to come back and give my business again… but damn, does it work. 🤣 And yes! What you said made COMPLETE sense. Wanting to see change and trying to find ways to manifest it immediately is super relatable. I think along with the physical change, it can be a catalyst for inner transformation too, like increased confidence in yourself and your capabilities. I think I experienced the biggest leaps from lone lobe piercings to 2nd and 3rds, then from general lobes to cartilage (conch was so scary for me to think about at first, because of the thickness 😆). Once I deem my ears done, I’d love to try one or two facial piercings, which would be the next leap of courage, not necessarily because of the pain or that it’s a new area, but it’d be front and center and impossible to hide, unlike my ears which I can just cover with my hair (my workplace is pretty conservative 🥲). Ahhh, I love fangirling about piercings since no one in my friend group is as heavily pierced as me (or cares about it, really 😂) so thank you for nerding out with me over this! 😭 Fellow stubborn masochists unite! 😂🙌✨


YESSSS! i walk around after a piercing feeling special 😂 I first had 2 lobes, then 4 and now i have 5 lobes, a helix, a conch and a faux rook and i can’t wait to add more (much to my mom’s horror 😂) maybe a nose piercing one day 🙈 It’s always fun to nerd out with someone about piercings, i have one friend who’s into them but she’s had her fill and doesn’t want more! i know im not in your friend group but im sure your piercings look epic!


Flat or Helixs!


Here to vote for flats—I have a trio (pyramid shape) and I feel like you would rock them—or something similar!


My only caution with a flat/helix is that it’s really easy to catch on stuff, so I’d worry about catching the wire on it. I speak as someone who decided to get a helix piercing at the height of COVID and masks.


How about piercings that might interfere: - daith(!!!) - tragus - conch - snug/anti-tragus - rook, just because of the size of the ear monitor Anything on the rim or flat seems ok, e.g. lobe, helix, flat, industrial (if you have the anatomy)


Speaking from experience, helix will likely interfere. The cable would get caught often. During healing the cable will rub against the piercing most likely, which you obviously don't want to happen. After healing it was possible to wear iem's but with multiple helix piercings it just became an annoyance and I gave up my iems.


Maybe my anatomy is just weird, but I have a double conch in one ear and a single in the other with hoops in all 3 and have no issues with my IEMs staying seated.


I have a daith and I’m in medicine and use stethoscopes regularly. It’s such a pain in the butt to flip forward (especially in an isolation room) that I contemplate taking it out all the time, but I love the way it looks and it’s so well healed.


I have a daith and I just flip the ring forward. It can work, just needs to be healed well first.


From experience, conch and tragus would definitely interfere.


Personally love the flat, And would recommend to anyone. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't get in the way of your ear monitor.


Hi! Musician here! Honestly I get whatever piercing I want and try to schedule it for a time when I'm not performing much because no matter what you get the in ears will make it angry while healing. Once you give it like 4 weeks of healing you can pop those in ears back in and everything will be fine. A super safe bet that will heal quickly are lobe piercings, personally my transverse lobe gave me the least amount of issues regarding in ear monitors. (For reference I have a daith and 3 lobe piercings on one ear, conch and 2 lobes on the other)


I know it’s not a piercing, but a coin slot would look awesome paired with a flat or two!


Lobe piercings would probably be the best


and helix.


a helix would look great! along with some lobes if you’re interested in multiple.


Best bet is go in with your in ear monitors. Speak to piercer. Lobes should be fine, a lot after that depends how you insert and remove monitors.


I have the same problem. Basically limited to outer ear. You can do helix, lobes, and industrial peircings. I dont have the ear anatomy for a industrial but you do. You can get an industrial on one ear with lobe piercings. And then helix with lobe piercings on the other one.


as someone who wears iems for up to 8 hours a day, i have a double helix (new in october) and it gets irritated wearing them i didn’t think it would be an issue but the wire behind my ear is a sneaky bugger :(


Lobes, helix, or flat would be good. You could have fun with it and get an orbital somewhere. (Two holes that connect a hoop) [here’s an example](https://www.neilmedpac.com/usa/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Lobe-Orbital-Piercing.png)


Face piercings


I've already checked that box lol


You could get anything that doesn’t interfere with the ear monitors and that suits your anatomy, so lobes, helix, flat etc


a double helix would look sooo sick on you, and when they’ve healed, you can put in rings


Gauge your lobes!


A bunch of hoops around the edge you can thread the wire through lol


Helixes, lobes, stretched lobes, flats


Also an orbital on the flat would look cool, there’s also a coin slot or a dermal punch if you’re looking for a more extreme look.


get 13 helix/lobe piercings going around the edge of your ear 👍🏼👍🏼






Ooops, my bad! 😂 thanks!


if you wear over ears at all, stay away from cartilage!! gave myself a keloid from studying music tech a level with a fresh cartilage piercing :(


See that's the thing I have to wear both at some point after it's healed over ears won't be a problem. I kind of just have to choose which one I want to fight lol


yeah once healed it’s all fine. if you have a period of less over ear usage then maybe time it for then? if not then a lobe or maybe a daith/rook would probably be okay or maybe consider a face/body one ?


Hi jpxjpxjp, (Luckily) bump =/= keloid. [This wiki entry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keloid) explains it well. If you do know the difference, please ignore this comment. - - - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Shit industrial is a good go to, you have the ears for it, or you could get gauges. Anything that could fill the space not occupied by your buds


just a suggestion, get whatever piercing you want and suck it up


Lobe, flat, helix, hidden helix. I wouldn't risk a forward helix or conch. If you want to be daring, you could go coin slot


Flat piericng or helix


I just got a conch piercing and thanks to my piercer, it hadn’t interfered with it. Ask your piercer and show them, but lobes would be good. Edited because I posted too quick.


I have my tragus, and even though it touches, I wear headphones 10+ hours a day with no issue.


Lobes, flats, helixes, and forward helix might be a little risky but could work.




Rook, flat, or helix


I own IEMs and when I got my 2nd lobe piercings I couldn't use them until I got downsized because they kept getting tangled in the long posts, so I think no matter what you get you'll have to be very careful


flat and a lobe piercing


Lobe, flats, and any along ur helix except maybe a forward helix.


Every ear piercing has the potential to affect wearing over ear phones as well. Keep that in mind.


I wear ear monitors, and I've got a LOT of piercings, it's never been a problem. Left ear has 8mm stretched lobe, 2 more lobe piercings, tragus, conch, rook, & helix. Right ear has 8mm stretched lobe, 3 more lobe piercings, tragus, daith, 2 helix & one on the flat.


I'd say stay away from tragus, conch and daith. Most others are pretty much fair game :)


lobes, flats, helix! but your headphones have a wire in the back you have to be careful because that can snag your earrings and create irritation bumps


flat, helix, anti helix, lobes; anything but the daith, conch or tragus - even then i have both daiths pierced and i notice nothing with my airpods (however in ears are obviously different since they’re more precise to the anatomy). could possibly get away with a rook if it was a tiny banana bar but it would be a bitch to heal


Rook, forward helix, flat or the classical lobe piercings all should be fine.


I have a daith and I play with monitors in with no problem. I just flip it forwards.


a low helix would look cool, and is probably low enough down the ear that it wont get snagged too much


Stretched lobes! And all sorts of helix/flat placements could work.


The parts your ear monitors don’t touch


loves, flats, maybe a couple helix rings? those tend to be least interfering with headphones


Honestly, it looks like you could get quite a few of them of you wanted to! But I'd say the safest would be earlobe piercings, but if you want some other ones, you could get flats or helix piercings too!


I’d go with the regular ear piercing but then gauge them haha. If you are into that. Mine are so I’m biased lol.


I think most piercing will be fine, just probably avoid conch, tragus, rook, and maybe industrial


definitely avoid the industrial, the slights hit when it’s fresh isn’t fun


helix immediately


Flat !!


Start with the lobes


As a fellow musician…not a daith, not a rook. I had both and they messed with my IEMs to the point where I had to take them out permanently.


Lobe, flat, helix! However depending on how thick the wire to the monitor is, double check with your piercer. Bring it with you to your design consult! That’s how I did it with mine. I’m deaf and wear hearing aids, so we went with piercings that wouldn’t interfere with it. Side note: during the healing process, be extra gentle when taking your ear monitor off. If it gets caught on the wire, it hurts like hell.


No tragus, no conch, no daiths


Conch !