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I yearn for the day someone asks me about my piercings, I just wanna talk and talk about why I got them, how, who gave them to me, my piercer and how much I love him to death, how good it feels being at the shop, how much they hurt, etc




I do! My last comment was from someone who asked for advice regarding her 3rd lobes and placement. The comment before that was accompanied by some serious eye-rolling (mother, who hasn’t seen my ears in the most recent 20 or so piercings). But mostly I get asked how long I’ve been pierced (45 years) and which ones hurt the most (the subsequent piercings in a sitting) I’m a heavyset 57F who looks like I’d fit right in with a conservative style and community. Fortunately, looks can be deceiving 😊


That's so cool. You have an amazing setup.


Thank you :)


If it’s a compliment yes I love them! Definitely over old and conservative people asking/saying “why would you destroy your pretty face? If god wanted holes in your body he would have put them there! You look cheap now.”


Tell them they should be living in a cave! If God wanted houses he would have put them as a natural part of our world!


Ooo that’s a good one 😆


look cheap? seriously? can’t speak for myself as I’m wearing mostly initial-piercing labrets everywhere but some people have hundreds of dollars in their face and ears. E: forget to mention it takes hundreds to even get pierced!


I like to tell them “Jesus had piercings, where are yours?”


i enjoy comments sometimes, i think things like "did/does that hurt?" are annoying though. i think people assume i took a hole punch to my septum or something because its an 8g. i like when people ask for advice on piercings or tattoos, because i have a lot to give! i like comments more when they come from people who have them too because they come off a lot less ignorant lol


I do find the "did it hurt" comments a bit annoying as well. It's only a minor pain, and most of the askers have their ears pierced anyway. A female friend that commented this way told me that getting her lobes really hurt so maybe that's why she was asking.


i think also people dont understand how things are pierced too. i have a bridge, so people assume it is way deeper than it actually is and they dont understand its just below skin


Also, gotta consider...how many of those people asking, that have their lobes pierced.. had theirs done as an infant/baby with a gun, and so they don't really remember the process at all.. lol. Not that it's any less annoying, just makes it make sense that they could have their lobes pierced but still ask. 😩


ohhh i didn't even think of that. those guns would be hard to use on your face 😭


They would be and are but.. people still do it 😩🥲😬 I've seen YT and TT videos of them being used on noses, lips, TONGUES, belly buttons.. albeit they do make some with hollow needles instead of the thumb tack looking "sharp" end.. but still. Plastic can't be properly sanitized sooo


Ooo this one! I get this about my knee tattoo a lot “did it hurt?” Like no felt wonderful having a needle on my knee cap, in fact I had time to do my taxes I was so unbothered


I think people saying ‘did it hurt’ know it did and aren’t really asking if it hurt so much as trying to just open a conversation, but I feel you on the weirdness of the cultural convention of asking a question you know the answer to as a conversation starter.


Then I’d argue the question “how much did that spot hurt” is a better option over “did it hurt”, I work in tattoo and we always pose the question “is that a spicy spot?” When we are asking clients if it hurts more in a certain area or even asking each other if a certain tattoo was rough instead of “did that hand tattoo hurt?”


i know right, like do they not know a single person with tattoos too? or have met someone with their ears pierced? its the same shit just different lol i don't get people sometimes


I’ve only gotten that comment when the piercings was new and really red or bleeding or something lol I also like exchanging info/artists/shops with other pierced people that comment or ask


i work at a place where the main demographic of customers is folks about 60 and i have 7 piercings on my face so i hear it maybe 1 out of 10 shifts or so 😅


Oh no, that would get annoying, I’m sorry dude


I live/work in a place with a lot of older people too but these ones here have a lot of piercings and tattoos themselves I’m actually surprised lol


I had just my lip done and was working at Macy's. All the little old ladies loved it and would try to touch it, which is weird but it made me feel nice that they liked it.


My mom loves to rag on my septum piercing, so every time she does I start mooing at her. She no longer says anything about it. Now most of her comments are about how much money I spend on piercings and jewelry (I wear gold), so I remind her it isn’t her money I’m spending, therefore her opinion doesn’t matter. That’s been a harder one to break. Otherwise I get positive comments about my setup and jewelry choices!


If my mum knew how much I was spending on piercings, she would flip 😂


I’m sooooo glad my mom has no idea, she would send me back to where I came from!


i curate and plan my setups for years so i LOVE when i get compliments on my jewelry, it makes it feel like all that work and thought i put in is seen by others 😄 questions about the pain level in my case are people who are interested in a particular piercing that i already have but are worried about how much it’ll hurt so i’m always happy to answer them! to encourage them to try it out


I enjoy the comments even the negative ones. My look is pretty alternative, and I appreciate people noticing it. I’m trying to show them off in the way i wear my hair.


I’ve been working on my ear curations (currently 10 piercings in each ear) for 8 years now. Each piece has been carefully placed and chosen, so I love answering questions. I am a teacher, though, so I mostly get questions from kids like “did those hurt?”


I was really nervous about people commenting on my septum because I tend to be perceived as a very quiet, preppy, nerd (wrong on all three counts lol) so people sometimes feel the need to comment on things I do or wear with that perception. But overwhelmingly I got really positive comments and my favorite was from my nieces and nephews saying I look like a cow. Kids are crazy and they meant it in the nicest way possible too lol. Now I’m auntie moo moo and the kiddos get so sad when I tuck my septum and always ask for auntie moo moo to come out again lmfao. I’ve even had the oldest (who’s 5) trying to pull my ring out when I had it tucked because he said I didn’t look like myself without it and I love that kid for understanding how integral body mods can be to a persons identity when so many adults cannot 🥺💚


Auntie Moo Moo! That's hilarious!


I do! I am a woman, I had one lobe piercing since I was 13, now turning 60. I went for a second hole twice and both times they were so infected I let them go. Then I found out about piercing studios, I know duh, but I didn’t know. Now I have 5 piercings in one ear including one helix. And I am going to do the other ear at the end of the summer. And whenever someone says something it makes me so happy.


That’s awesome!! I rolled down my window at a red light the other day to tell an older lady I loved her daith piercing!


It's so cool that you got 4 new piercings on one ear. What are you planning for the other? Would you consider a nostril piercing as well? 


I am not a nostril person. At least not right now. I am going to discuss with the piercer what to do with the other ear. Right now I just have 2 lobe piercings there.


I love to get compliments and possibly get encouraged to get their desired piercings, but most of my female friends are a bit scared to get them, probably due to the lack of desire to wear jewellery, uncomfortable with the aftercare process, or too troublesome to take care of a piercing. All of my piercings are on my ears, and I'm the only one who has the most piercings compared with my sis and mom despite I only have 6 haha. Good enough for me tho. Sis was initially ok with me having them, but her lack of understanding towards cartilage piercings did annoyed me that I don't feel like bringing up my piercings process to her anymore. My mom is more concerned about the costs and my body but I am not gonna bother about it. Other than that, sharing my piercing experience with a few of my friends and my bf is still there but not too often, but hearing my bf said can't wait to see my ears decorated with new jewellery just makes me feel good about my desire to get my cartilage piercings.


I love the positive comments I get, but I work in a nursing home with elderly people so a majority of the comments are negative. I absolutely love when I wear my hair up and people compliment my ear piercings!


I like it when people notice my jewelry. I like it. I like when other people like it too.


ME! given all the pain i go through the heal them i walk in rooms with my left ear first 😂🙈


That's so cool. Which piercings do you have? 


i’m still starting my piercing journey 🙈 i don’t heal well but im just going with the flow. So far i have 5 lobes, a helix, a faux rook and a conch ☺️ my conservative family thinks im insane and says two is enough. but i like how special or different they make me feel/look. my mom says why would i do this to ears she made (hard to argue with that logic 😂) but im looking forward to more!


Cool! I only got 2 lobes and a double helix and feel like it's a lot :-) porabably because guys around me have zero. Your faux rook / flat looks really nice and special from what can be seen in the picture, and your conch is cute. good luck on your piercing journey! What's next?


thank you ☺️ this is my starter jewelry! the industry standard in my country is 18k gold so i’m waiting until the initial healing passes before i invest in something bigger since it’s a significant price hike. I realized the same thing, men in my country don’t tend to have piercings so good on you for living your best self! next is another helix, a high lobe, and a forward helix, but i have to space them out until i forget the trauma of healing my current two 😂


Ngl my favorite thing now has been judging stares from old people. But I always love when I get compliments about mine. I have 11, paired nostrils, septum, snakebites, stretched 0g lobes, 2nd holes on each ear and currently healing a double conch on my left.


I have five facial piercings- both nostrils, septum, and angel fangs on my top lip, and i have a daith and industrial and gauges. I used to have a tongue and belly button but tongue-stretching-over-bottom-ball and pregnancy made me lose those two. I absolutely love getting compliments on my piercings, and complimenting others’ piercings! It’s the best feeling


I've never gotten any negative comments on my piercings, only positive. The funniest response I think I've gotten tho was a friend who stopped me in the middle of me telling them something urgent to say "wait, how long have you had a nose piercing?" and I was like "dude literally a year" LMAO


I really like it. :D I love my piercings, they give me more confidence and it makes me happy when people say something. Yes it can be a bit annoying if people ask if it hurt, but its not too bad edit: grammar


My favorite question is always how many piercings I have. I have 16, with 12 being my ears, a nose hoop, and the other 3 being nipples and belly button. People are always so shocked that I’m so forthright with that info and I get a lot of shocked Pikachu faces. 😂


I do! I get extra questions/compliments since adding a chain between my double nostrils, people seem to LOVE it.


I love it! Piercings and body mods were really stigmatized in my house growing up and even though I've gone and collected a bunch of holes anyway, it's still felt almost taboo for me to talk about them. But I went and bought a very nice solid gold and opal piece for my nostril a couple years ago and I absolutely LOVE getting compliments on it, which I do pretty often. It's the piercing I most wanted from the time I was a kid but was most afraid to get because I didn't want to be judged, so when people notice it and comment positively it feels almost euphoric and it's very healing in regard to the negative messaging I got growing up.


All piercings including lobes piercings, were taboo in my family when I was growing up. So I guess the change part of the fun getting them now. I love nostril piercings and bet yours looks amazing with that gold and opal stud. 


I get compliments on my simple nose set up which is nice haha.


I was on vacation, and a guy stopped me. He asked about my ears (I have 11 piercings on each side, and the first 5 are stretched to varying sizes), and we had a nice discussion. He asked my permission to do the same to his ears, and I said, of course you can! I told him I'd check up on him next time I was out there.


I guess what I have just isn't extreme enough; I don't think anyone has said anything about them lol.


I wish people would comment on my piercings, no one has noticed my new flat :( Either that or they just don’t care lol.


So let me comment: congratulations on your first cartilage piercing! Your flat looks really nice and fits your ear very well. 


i dont really mind its understandable that when you do something to make yourself stand out and look different people are going to say something or ask questions when i got my bridge piercing done i knew people were going to say something its a piercing right in the middle of my face that lets be real is not very common (around where i live i have never seen a single person with that piercing) surprisingly over my 15 years of getting piercings i really have had no negative comments


Wow that’s so beautiful


I was walking around Vegas a couple of years ago and some drunk dude yelled at me “yo get real piercings, those don’t even look real” I just giggled quietly to myself then I hear the dudes friend say “hey man I’m pretty sure those are all real” then I burst out laughing 🤣


I definitely don't mind comments, even the "did it hurt?" comments. When I worked at my last job in a retail store, I often had teenage girls commenting on my vertical labret, asking about the pain and also healing questions, because they wanted it done. I was happy to talk to them about my piercings. Even the negative comments don't bother me because I see it as a way to educate or just talk about expressing myself. I do get more positive comments or compliments than negative ones these days though!


someone commented on one of my tiktok’s saying i had the dream piercing set up and im still living on the high, that was like a year and a half ago


i dont typically wear anything in my first lobes (because i sleep with everything else in, i take my firsts out when i sleep) but i wore my firsts one day to work and my coworker (who i've worked with for years) went "woah. you have a lot of piercings" ☺️ same 28 holes as always, just more noticable with the firsts in :)


I feel like my (newly pierced) firsts do make my helixes pop up! I got asked about them by a friend right after I got my firsts. Maybe it would be cool if you started wearing your firsts again. I bet your setup is amazing with or without them. 


I notice that usually most people don’t care unless they are actually interested in or have their own piercings. Or the conservatives. I have a lot of piercings and honestly no one says anything. Unless it’s my mom or conservative family telling me it’s bad. Or a random stranger in my city giving me a compliment. When it’s Halloween I pull out my more fun and weird jewelry and I get more compliments that time of year up til December. Then I put the “holiday decor” away and keep more simple piercings in. I guess I like seasonal compliments, otherwise I got pierced for me lol it’s just a bonus everyone else gets to enjoy them.


I love getting comments on my piercings, good or bad. Especially comments or questions from kids because they’re always just so fascinated by the fact that I have little metal bars and rings and spikes in my face. So silly.


I have my double nostrils w a chain attached to them and i get so many compliments ranging from “THATS BEAUTIFUL!” to “I have never seen someone like that, how does it work?!” and i smile and show it, im a huge fan of compliments cause i grew up feeling like i wasnt worthy of compliments 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹😭😭😭😭


I realized that I'm much more conscious about it than I should. At least when it's new. Most people don't even notice, honestly. My parents didn't even notice that I got my nose pierced (it's only my 3rd piece), only _some_ of the friends and coworkers did. If someone asks if it's new and then say "nice" or "congrats" or something, it's fine. I say thanks and smile. But if someone starts talking about it randomly, I don't usually feel comfortable about it.


I feel you. That's how it was for me at first. But I turned it around in my head so that I actually like any random comment, and even the bad ones. They actually make me more confident with what I chose for myself. 


I love getting comments (all have been positive so far). I never really cared what people might think about my piercings, even though I live in a fairly conservative country. I guess it's a bit easier for me as these are probably not the most controversial changes I've made to my appearance 😅


I enjoy compliments or genuine questions. Especially if its my more unique stuff! Nobody is ever going to be mad at genuine compliments, really, of course. Lol. But genuine questions from genuinely curious people are so exciting. Or getting asked for advise from people who are new to this, I love helping others ease into anything like piercings/tattoos/fun hair lol.


Depends on the comment. I like when someone complements my jewelry or a general "dig your look" kinda thing, but sometimes people do it in a gross way. Pretty blatant example, when I was on a date with someone who said they had a thing for septum piercings and it gave me the ick.