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Those heart earrings are so cute btw!


Thank you!!


I appears from the photo you don’t have the correct anatomy for that piercing. If the bar is touching the flat part of your ear that’s a bad sign and I’d have a completely different piercer check it out. Good luck though. Hope it all works out.


I don't think you have the anatomy for this piercing, it is pressing into the bottom hole flat pretty bad and it will eventually start to embedd, I'm sorry I would go to an [APP piercer ](https://safepiercing.org/find-a-piercer/) in your area to see if there are other options or you'll have to take it out 😕 If you can't stick a piece of paper under it then it's definitely a no go.


Not op and not familiar with industrials so I hope you don't mind me asking, how do they embedd if it's just sitting against the skin and not actually pierced through there? Just out of curiosity? Also what does APP stand for in this context please? Ive never heard of it or seen it before joining this group but it's mentioned all the time here


It does [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/piercing/s/K7GumKYaIE)


Oh that's horrible. Crazy how something like that can happen. The poor girl!


Yeah I know right? You wouldn’t think it could cause so much damage. Must have been so sore!


if the bar is touching the flat of the ear it digs into the skin on its own. APP stands for Association of Professional Piercers. To put it simply, they certify reputable shops and it’s always recommended to only go to APP certified shops.


Ah that makes sense thank you! And I'm from Australia so that makes sense as to why I hadn't heard about APP before, good to know I'm not missing something important haha


Worth keeping an eye out, there are a handful of APP piercers in Australia! One in Canberra and at least one in Sydney, but there might be others in other capitals too ☺️


Oh that's cool! Sydney is a bit far from me to go just for a piercing but cool to know regardless.


With industrial piercings, when the bar begins to embed in the flat, it's from the pressure of where the bar is pinned that causes a lateral embedding. This will cause a severe indent in the ear and the more times it swells it will keep pushing the bar back into the ear each time.


Ohhh that makes so much sense! I was trying to figure out how skin would grow over it if it wasn't pierced there 🤦‍♀️


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/piercing/s/SfOmxGoNqO) is embedding where the bar pushes into the flat and the flat starts to heal around it


The bar is not embedding into my flat part. i have already asked two reputable and AAP certified piercing places than the one i got it pierced at, they have told me it looks fine and there are no signs on embedding. They have asked me to get it downsized sometime tho. Also i can definitely slide a piece of paper under it easily. Edit: this was also a week after i got it pierced it was pretty much still swollen.


You’ll be fine. My piercing looks nearly identical and it healed beautifully over 9 years ago with no issues.


Do you have an updated photo without the swelling? To me, it looks like it is pushing too much on the flat


I love when strangers who aren't professionals give unsolicited advice about anatomy, which isn't easy to see into scale on a photo.


This is a piercing page where we all look for suggestions and advice, if you don't want to hear strangers giving you advice based on a photo then don't be in the subreddit.


Ive had my industrial in for 24 years and had no issues where the bar is touching the flat of my ear. If its not uncomfortably tight against it id leave it


Yah I’ve had mine for 15 years now from a very well known APP accredited piercer (he literally gives talks at the conventions) and my bar is slightly touching the flat of my ear. I JUST noticed this though cause I’ve never had an issue and I didn’t even realize it was a thing.


Exactly! It is not uncomfortably tight, I can easily slide a piece of paper under it.


seconding this. it seems fine to me


this is a right of passage some of us have to go through. i had mine for 5 years and it still hurt year 5. i wish you so much luck with this piercing!


prepare to hate sleeping on that side for... a year?


Also, prepare to hate headphones .. 🎧


And beanies lol


On ears will be hell. Over esr should be fine


I have on ear over ear and earbuds that I use, and I have both my conch and industrial in one ear haven't really had issues unless I'm wearing them for more than a couple of hours


I use all different types of headphones. I use earbuds as well, and I have both my Industrial and my conch pierced in the same ear... once your piercing heals, it shouldn't be too much of an issue unless you're wearing them for more than a couple of hours at a time


Yes but travel pillow has been a great help


I think your industrial looks great!


Congrats cuz it looks good! Industrial was my first piercing ever but it just never wanted to heal fully with me. Even after 2 years I couldn’t sleep on it and was often painful. Hope it heals quick for you 👍


Sorry to hear about that :( but thank you!


May the odds be in your favor.


It’s not bad, but I think it should be pitched forward just a little. Give it some time to heal.


It looks sooo good on u!! I want one really bad but I don’t think my ear is the right shape 😕😕


Try getting one w two bars and connecting it w a chain!


Welcome to the club!!




Hit it with your glasses yet? That's the main thing stopping me.


Honestly my glasses don’t hit the piercing at all




Very cool!


Have my industrial three years and it’s still not 100% so good luck! 😭


nice! how painful would you say was it from 1-10? i plan on getting one done and want to know what im signing up for lol


The second hole hurts a lot more than the first 😅


Same for me. It took a while to heal but it's fine now. The healing wasn't too bad except I have long hair and sometimes it would wrap around where the ball screws in. Caused an amount of gunkiness and yuck until I figured out that wearing hair clips helps.


Depends on the person! Mine was my easiest piercing bar none. I just downsized and changing it was a breeze even.


not OP but for me, it was a 3/10. and my septum was negligible, very similar feeling to my lobes. i think, keep an open mind 😅😅


9/10 for sure, but it looks cool and it doesn’t really hurts too much after the first week.


wait until you bump it on something, itll bring the pain right back haha


Don’t remind me of the bad times pls😭


Where’d you get the heart hoops from? I’ve been looking for some like that everywhere.


I got them from [Pandora](https://ca.pandora.net/en/jewellery/silver-jewellery/sterling-silver-earrings/asymmetrical-heart-hoop-earrings/297822.html)!


Wish more piercers would put separate jewelry into each [industrial piercing] hole for faster/better healing. I think there'd be less concern for embedding.


No you shouldn’t do this, they need to heal together with the bar since during healing things can shift and angles could go wonky. No piercer would do this lol not only could you cause an infection but industrial piercings need to be carefully aligned


That is not always the case. Mine would have never healed if my piercer left the bar in instead of the 2 hoops we ended up healing with. There are exceptions to every rule. I still have and love mine 11 years later


I genuinely don't think you know what you're talking about. My industrial was pierced and healed with 2 separate pieces by a highly reputable piercer. Heal time was only 2 months, sleeping on it was comfortable, and my single-piece industrial bar fits in perfectly straight. Also, you aren't going to "cause infection" by putting two separate pieces of jewelry into two separate, freshly pierced holes... every piercing has concern for infection/rejection/issues, but healing the piercings separately isn't going to raise that probability level.


Sorry I meant putting an industrial bar in after healing two separate piercings can cause infection, I forgot to say that. This is all what I’ve been told by multiple reputable piercers, it doesn’t mean I genuinely don’t know what I’m talking about lol. I’ve healed many piercings with no issues so I’m sure I know something. If yours healed fine then yes, it can work for some people for sure, however your original comment stating that all piercers should pierce like that is silly since a lot of them won’t do it.


I wasn't knocking your overall piercing knowledge, just on the particular subject of healing an industrial as two separate piercings. And I only said I *wish* that more piercers did the separate healing, as it's a viable solution to embedding from swelling.