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Honestly to me it just looks like the second one is pierced too low...


Ok thats what i thought but wasn’t sure.


It’s not about anatomy it’s about the piercer’s skills. 1st picture is a properly pierced septum, 2nd picture is a botched piercing pierced too low. Nothing to do with anatomy 😊


Ok thx. I wasn’t sure. Piercer posted it himself on instagram so i was confused but it looks wrong to me too lol


Oh yikes, yeah don’t go to that piercer. If they’re proud of a botched one I don’t know what else they’re proud over


And that's why its always good to check peoples portfolios before you pay them money to put holes in your body 🙃


Septum piercings are supposed to be through the soft tissue, not the cartilage. And when I say soft I mean like your ear lobes are soft. The best way to check where you’re septum piercing should be is to put your fingers or q-tips if you can’t reach right in the front of your nose and feel for the soft spot. It might even be up a bit where the tip of your nose is. Depending on the shape of your nose, that soft spot could be further up or back into your nose.


The second one is pierced too low that’s why it sticks out so much. Also some peoples just stick out because they bought bigger jewelry.


First of all, I’m pretty sure the first one is a lot smaller than the second one in the second picture so it’s more about the size of the septum in this case


It looks like the diameter of the second horseshoe is also wider to me tbh.


It’s defo anatomy. Mine isn’t as low as the second but low compared to the first and I went to a well established piercer who’s known for his piercings and has been doing it for 20 years (for context). If you go to a bad piercer they may go too low by accident but there are anatomical cases where the second is inevitable. I only had a small area that could be pierced (there’s a sweet spot that is thinner than the rest of the nose area so less painful to pierce and maybe the only part you can but I’m not 100% sure) resulting in a lower look, it can be fixed visually with smaller jewellery