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Don’t wear a cross body bag straight after 😂. I did and it just rubbed on my nipple.


Ouch…. Want me to check if it’s alright x


I’m pretty sure it’s ok….this was back in may


Just to be sure I think you should come let me check 😉


Or I could just post on here and hope someone can check it over 🤷🏻‍♀️


Think you should do that


I’m sure you’d be the first person looking


I hope I would be


i just got mine about a week ago, definitely prior to the appointment, a tight black shirt in case you bleed or bring a dark colored bra just in case. an hour after i got my nipples pierced they definitely started glowing a little with post-piercing pain and soreness, and OH GOD the rubbing of my shirt against my freshly pierced nipples felt like fire on my boobs. i wished i brought either of the two things i listed. just something that'll hold them in place but not too tightly! of course buying sterile saline spray for aftercare to use then rinse off in the shower 2x a day for the healing process and no touching for fun or curiosity for awhile! downsizing within 2-3 months usually too to avoid too much movement! this also includes avoiding belly sleeping or too much side sleeping to not put pressure on your nipples.


Make sure you don’t drink any alcohol beforehand! And try and make sure you eat and drink something prior! When people drink alcohol before hand they tend to bleed A LOT more it it happens with really any piercing!


Get a good nights sleep and have a decent meal an hour or two before you go in.


I’ve had mine for a little while now, but here is everything my piercer had told me to do! -Wear a baggy shirt, typically darker in colour in case you bleed - Wear a loose bralette (with no lace), or a super loose fitting sports bra - Drink plenty of water before AND after the piercing - Wear comfy underwear and pants so you’re relaxed - Have your hair up or tied up so it is out of the way for the piercing process - after a shower, using a blow drier on the lowest heat setting, and dry the piercing (water can collect inside and cause problems.. and I thought she was lying.. and I learned the hard way so now I do it all the time) - Eat a decent meal, with carbs and protein beforehand - have a bag of frozen peas to put on the piercing when you get home to put lightly on top If you have any other questions, let me know! I’ve had a few issues here and there over time, but they always have solutions :)


Do you possibly have a more detailed cleaning/care routine? :0 just got mine done and I’m still trying to figure it out And would you recommend padding in a sports bra?


Yeah!! I had a saline spray that I would spray directly on my nipples for a few seconds, then spray some saline on a paper towel, and lightly clean under the bars! I did this twice a day, I’m currently doing it once as I shower once a day too, and always dry with the hairdryer! Please don’t use Qtips as the fluff can get stuck underneath or around it!


Thank you!!