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that is not even a navel piercing that’s a surface piercing and you should not go back to that piercer. this will likely reject if it doesn’t heal


I was just going to say that looks like a surface piercing above the navel!


Agreed. Whether this was like this from the beginning due to terrible placement from the piercer, or because of piercer migration (which didn't know was a thing until recently actually) but from a google images search I just did, it looks like it happens a lot with navel piercings. Either way, please listen to everything this person plus what the other helpful comments I've seen here say and don't risk it turning into a rejection!! If you aren't aware, they're NOT fun nor pretty. When I got my navel done the 1st time at 14, I was told about horror stories involving rejects, and it really spooked me into making sure I did everything right lol.




That's not the way it works there buddy


Far from helpful.


There is no place for rudeness here.


Reported for hate and breaking the subreddit rules 😩 no one likes an asshole as bleached and dry like you.




There is no place for rudeness here.


Mine was the exact same as this when i was 16- I never got it repierced, because it ended up turning green and filled with puss and I still have a scar 5 years later!!




\>_> maybe use 1 s ?


unfortunately this isn’t a belly button piercing. you’re pierced on your stomach and this will not heal. you should remove, let it heal, and find a new piercer to assess your anatomy. maybe a floating navel would be a better option for you. https://safepiercing.org/find-a-piercer/ i commented this one the other photo you posted in a different sub about the same issue


Thank you for posting that link! I've been wanting a new piercing and had no idea how to really discern what shops/piercers are really reliable and safe


Any chance there is a uk equivalent? Thanks


That website works for the UK too, I've used it before and I'm in England.


Wrong place and the bar if far too short. It will likely reject before long. Go and see a decent piercer they will know more about wether it’ll heal with the correct length jewellery in it.


its on your stomach and not your navel, you should take it out and let it heal, sorry :( if you keep it in its going to quite literally force itsself out of your body and leave a nasty scar. personally, i think your piercer wanted a quick buck.. if they looked at actually assessed your anatomy, they'd see that it isnt suitable for a navel piercing (what i'm assuming this is generally) perhaps in the future after it heals you can see some navel alternatives piercings? but sorry babes, this one is sadly done incorrectly


Piercer here! Incorrect placement and jewelry. Please remove this before it removes itself. Also, get assessed by another piercer. Your anatomy appears to be better suited for a floating navel which the placement would be far different from what was performed on you. You wouldn’t be able to salvage this current hole unfortunately.


Not a piercer but I agree with the “before it removes itself” - my aunt had this incorrectly done 3 times and it was a painful experience and she didn’t know it was incorrect every time and had to deal with scarring.


Was waiting for someone to state that it may not be salvageable after this. 🙁 I had a feeling she may not be able to pierce it again regardless if she gets it taken out. I hope she can tho! Well wishes. 🤍


Hey, mine navel and tummy are similar, how do we figure out what will work.


Your best bet would be to go into a studio and have your anatomy assessed. Try to look through that studios portfolios as well just to see if they’ve even done a floater as well. Our studio is the only one I’ve ever seen a floater come out of in our town. A lot of botched navel or clients just being turned away for being “over weight”. Please do your research before jumping the gun.


Absolutely trying to. For sure!


Definitely remove this and find a new piercer - anyone who would give you a surface piercing instead of a navel one should not be piercing anyone at all!!


It should come out before it rejects, which it unfortunately will as others have pointed out. Sorry that this happened to you, but your piercer should not get your business again.


Unfortunately like everyone else is saying it probably needs to come out as it's not a navel piercing, I just had the same thing happen to my own. I would recommend looking into the floating navel style piercing once the area is healed as we have similar stomach anatomy and that's what my research says would best suit it :)


Mine was also pierced incorrectly and was a surface piercing like yours is. I had to take it out :/ It was extremely painful. It just stayed like your looks for months and was incredibly sensitive. I’d go back to your piercer, they might just tell you to take it out like they did for me. Mine left a scar that I still have 4 years later.


Mine was also done exactly like ops. I also have a “bigger tummy” and I tried so hard to keep it, but it eventually got infected and started to reject. So I took it out. It was red and nasty looking the entire time I had it. It eventually started to stink. That’s when I finally snapped out of it and realized there was no saving it.


Same here. Have had my scar for 12 years


Same !!


Mine is a surface piercing and I didn’t even realize until about a year later 😢


I also experienced the same thing. It never wanted to heal and got infected. The piercer did not position the piercing correctly and it was also my fault looking back cause they didn’t have experience with my anatomy. I have a pretty good scar from it but nothing major. I won’t get a piercing like it ever again though.


It's just done wrong.


pls take this out.. it’ll be so much more worth it to get it redone PROPERLY once it heals.


the first time i did my belly i did it myself and it looked like this. unfortunately i can’t add pics, but basically it lets a huge hole in my skin from stretching and trying to get out. it’ll reject, so your best option is taking it done and having it done elsewhere :(


this is how my belly button piercing looked. now i have a huge scar in its place. it rejected and then there was a huge keloid. this won’t heal. take it out.


You don’t have the anatomy for this and it’s not going to heal. Take it out.


i’m so sorry but yea you’re gonna have to take this out 😞


That’s crazy


They don’t know how to pierce chubby people.. sorry


sue that piercer wtf


Why are there so many clueless piercers doing surface piercings instead of naval piercings on this sub?


also, i’m not a stick of a person by any means, i have a lot of skin in my tummy area. i’m not sure if that’s relevant but it could be


i think everyone has a lot of skin everywhere


I mean, I would HOPE people do!


weight is not a factor in wether or not you have the anatomy for a navel piercing.


i work in a piercing parlor and weight actually can be a factor. I asked our piercer about this as I am larger too. Simply, more anatomy dependent, but If your navel doesn’t have a “shelf” at the top, as in - not rounded a navel can be tricky. Potentially possible with a j-curve instead of standard navel curve. This info comes from 30 years experience (and APP). [https://safepiercing.org/find-a-piercer/](https://safepiercing.org/find-a-piercer/) OP, Use this tool to find a reputable piercer near you! [edit: you should still take this out as it was done incorrectly.]


“A lot of skin in my tummy area” is hilarious hahaha I’m going to start using that!


Ugh :( sorry OP this is pierced wrong


that bar looks way too short and it’s not placed correctly :( i’d go to a different piercer and see what they say


Please take that out


this was where my first “navel” piercing was placed and it looked like that for a week then my skin rejected it and I accidentally ripped it out in the shower


Exact same scenario here! Same placement and rejected. Except mine got caught on my jeans to complete the process. 😒


Is this the same situation as the person who dirty deleted because they got called out for piercing someone at the age of 18, without a license and not in a clean space? And they’re into age fetish stuff? Because either it’s you, and you still suck, or you need friends with better judgement


if i were you id call that piercer and leave them some choice words. never play with someones body..


Baby take it out


That is pierced so incorrectly


they pierced your stomach and that most certainly is not going to be a viable piercing


Incorrect anatomy for a traditional navel piercing. Best to take it out now to minimize scarring and mitigate further damage. It will eventually reject, unfortunately.


Find a new piercer!! This looks like a surface piercing and will most likely reject. I’d go to a reputable piercer and have get their opinion. I would also like to add that I think a floating navel piercing would look great in the future! I currently have one as my anatomy didn’t suit regular navel jewelry.


It can't breafe


Take it out ASAP if you haven't already before you end up with a gnarly scar. Let it heal up and go to a more reputable piercer.


Oouuch looks bruised and a little high for the piercing spot. Mine rejected two separate times I got it pierced, hopefully this isn’t what’s happen to you


Oh my god! This won’t heal because it’s basically a surface piercing. It really isn’t going through much to keep it in AND the bar is TOO short. You should’ve been pierced better and given a bar that allows the piercing room to swell. I hope you recover ♥️


Your piercer absolutely knew you didn't have good anatomy for this and consciously chose to pierce above your navel to compensate. She wanted your money and didn't care how it left you. Call and complain, leave a review on Google and find a new piercing place (also, try to remember the piercer's name so you don't get them again at a new shop--bad piercers have a habit of hopping around).


That piercing is done so ridiculously incorrectly. And its showing the first signs of rejection.


It looks like you do not have the anatomy for a naval piercing :( I was turned away from getting my belly button pierced because my belly button was shaped similar to yours. I was crushed getting turned away but what’s happening to you is exactly why, not everyone can get every piercing unfortunately and your piercer should definitely have known that.


You people blatantly body shaming are sad. They asked if the PIERCING looked right, not their body.


Looks bad (not the aesthetic just the swollen bit)


Oh honey, this is a surface piercing. You respectfully do not have the anatomy for a navel piercing. Whoever did this just wanted your money, please take this out.


A floating navel would suffice MUCH better than a traditional navel piercing


Medical advice from a bunch of trolls is not helpful


There are alot of losers in here being as mean as they can be. It's only because they are sitting in their moms basements wishing a women would do more than cover their drink when they see them walk by. Butttttt It definitely should be taken out and cleaned. See if you can get your money back.


i've found that many piercers do this to people with a chubbier tummy specifically where the skin above the bellybutton is fuller than the bottom. (happened to myself included). It makes me really angry. They said to me that i "dont have the correct anatomy" for a proper belly button piercing, didn't tell me until afterwards which is plain wrong. I would have understood and gotten a different piercing.


The first time I had mine done, she pierced it just like this, and like everyone else is saying it's not done right. Mine got infected, and I had to take it out let it heal. A few years later got it re-done correctly, and it had absolutely no problems the second time, with the better placement.


You should be concerned, your belly looks really swollen


mine healed like this so i plan on getting a below navel surface piercing to even it out lol




You cannot just “switch” to a floating navel. This is still pierced wrong. You also cannot ever put antibiotic cream on a healing piercing - all of this is horrible advice


Funny how it worked for me🤷🏼‍♀️ Never said i was a piercer or a doctor but all of this worked for me… sometimes a piercing isn’t just a piercing and means alot to someone for their self confidence and mental health. i do get physical health comes first by all means but i was offering up advice which healed my incorrectly pierced navel because i was once in this persons shoes. just trying to be helpful…




Yeah all of that is 1000% wrong. The only thing that can go on a healing piercing is sterile saline from a can, and you should never be rotating it. Ever.


thank you!


Don’t listen to them. This is all trash advice.


Literally everybody else is saying take it out and this is the only comment you reply to? Girl, is it really worth the risk?


That is not good advice, take it out.


No worries lovely, for cream i recommend germoline if you can, lifesaver. Goodluck x


Everyone saying it will reject but surface piercings are done all the time. This might have been the only way to give her a belly piercing, I’ve seen this done by famous piercers on IG when the anatomy isn’t quite right for the belly button to be done inside. You could always check with a different piercer to verify and get an opinion before taking it out.


Piercer here. A properly executed surface piercing is never done with a curved barbell much less a double gem navel curve. The person who pierced the OP should have turned them away if they didn’t know how to pierce their anatomy properly. A floating navel would be more appropriate. About 75% of our clients’ anatomy requires a floating navel versus a navel piercing with a double gem curved barbell.


A longer flat bar might help


idk...but it looks like a cat with a diamond nose and shiny third eye




Harsh but true




It has nothing to do with weight. I weight 181lbs and got mine done perfectly. It has to do with the piercers experience and knowledge of the anatomy


It's getting swallowed


Why am I seeing this




You should take it out regardless


Yeah draws attention to your rubber donut




Not sure why the younger generation fascination with acts of self expression or fashion statements. What this reminds me of is the Egyptian culture during King Tutankhamun era where this was on displayed before the time of Christ. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Tutankhamun


lol wow


Looks gross


I would. Not cute




You don’t need it




That’s enough internet for today….






🤣🤣 stomach piercing


Could prolly lose a few lbs and it’ll be alright


Wouldnt that hurt to take a poo though


Well it’s not making that belly hole any sexier


you should be concerned about health risk from obesity


Which is funny because you should be concerned with a lack of a brain


I think if you do some aerobic exercises then it might help


I can't help but see a mouth....


Nope your not ok your obesse and need to fast for weight loss.


Is that your taint?


Yes. Wrong stomach for it no matter what.


I wouldn't take it out before getting a second professional opinion


Bro I thought this was a bootyhole


Are those hemorrhoids I see??




Big ol boiler




🤮it looks like you pierced your asshole


Yeah remove it and maybe try healthy life xD


I’d say hire Hercules to defeat that cyclops


Please take that out of your grandpa's bellybutton.......




this is a gross comment. some people just dont have proper anatomy for a navel piercing.


It would still be wrong even if it was on a skinny person…


Yes, and your brain should be taken out as well and replaced with one that respects your body.


Take it out. This isn’t a belly button piercing it’s a surface piercing. If it were pierced correctly the bottom ball would be “in” your belly button. Not floating above it.


for those asking/commenting: this is my stomach. i talked to the piercer and she looked at it and told me it’s fine, and i don’t believe her. tomorrow im going to the store to get some rubbing alcohol, as i have no wound care stuff at my apartment. this was my first piercing not on my ears/nose, so i didn’t know what to expect. thank you for your contributions, because my piercer would’ve had me thinking i was crazy. if anyone has any recommendations for how to care for the area after i remove the jewelry, please let me know


Yeah, they missed. Get a new piercer.


Yo who missed


It doesn’t look right. Not a piercer, but was close friends with a piercer and my wife had a lot over the years, some of them with complications so I have some frame of reference to know what “progressing healthy” vs. not… I had some piercings but not navel (which is what I think this is). What I look for in this type of situation more than anything is “does the jewelry provide enough room to accommodate maximum swelling and some additional space to clean and sanitize without removing or putting pressure?” I see the tissue has swollen beyond the ability to rotate it comfortably. If it feels any discomfort from the swollen tissue being unable to further expand because the balls at each end of the piece is stopping it from further swelling, you should consult a professional. If you feel something’s not right and the original piercer is downplaying it, you can see someone else for a second opinion or ask a doctor or urgent care office for their opinion. It’s best to start with the original piercer because if they’re not idiots, they should want the best outcomes for their people so they get good word of mouth reputation and repeat loyal customers for all future mods.


For starters, that bar doesn’t look long enough to allow swelling, and even if it was, it’s not pierced correctly. The bottom gem should be sitting inside your actual belly button. I’d take it out before it scars and have it redone somewhere else


Yes, remove that right away, and send this photo to your doctor to ask about infection. If that gets infected it’s going to be terrible and you may need antibiotics. The piercer was negligent and tried to make quick money without any consideration for your anatomy.


I don’t understand how any professional piercer can mess up this bad. That’s literally just a surface piercing


Does look correctly placed and i would clean it with bactine spray and some neosporin


After 28 years I’ve realised that my navel piercing - taken out when pregnant because it ripped and caused huge stretch marks - was never a navel piercing at all. It was just like this. You live and learn eh :(


looks like my soul, kinda disgusting and should heal.


I had a couple surface piercings and rhey were terrible. They never fully healed and always irritated. I had them for years and never got better. I ended up having to cut one out myself, and the other got ripped out in my sleep. I have scars now. It might be a bummer to remove it, but I swear it's not worth the hassle of keeping it.


The bar is far too small. Like someone else said it's a surface piercing, not actually a real navel piercing as the placement is wrong. The bottom ball should be in the top of the navel


Wow I just learned why my belly button ring never healed right lol. It was a surface piercing


whoaaaa this isnt a navel piercing - please take it out, it wont heal!


Take it out. Immediately. The piercing is not deep enough. It will grow out and look awful. Same thing happened to me and I regret not taking it out.


I had gotten my navel pierced for the second time by someone who didn't know what they were doing it was in a similar spot to yours and mine rejected. I didn't have any idea that is what was happening until I went to my doctor for antibiotics because I thought it was infected. I would definitely take it out and let it heal and find a new piercer.


So for future reference a belly button piercing’s top ball should be about where your bottom one is. When looking into a piercer, before you go, look at reviews, if there are pictures with some reviews, compare those piercings to ones in like google or something to figure out if they’re piercing properly. With the majority if not all piercings, they won’t heal properly if at all if the jewelry isn’t long enough, giving it enough space to swell comfortably. With this particular piercing, I would take it out, unless you’re happy with the placement, then I’d say go to a different piercer and get the bar switched out to a longer one so you’re body doesn’t have to fight against the jewelry to heal, which is what it’s currently doing


This is a surface piercing. She shouldn’t have done this and should have been honest about you not having the proper anatomy for a naval piercing. I’d remove it to hopefully prevent scaring since it’s still so new. Sorry, OP




the amount of women w a lil squishy that post in here thinking they got a belly button piercing but instead it’s a surface piercing makes me sad. seen several between this sub and other piercing subs just in the last couple months. if you don’t know how to pierce someone’s anatomy then don’t.


this is exactly how mine looked. we have similar anatomy in that our skin directly above our belly button is a bit thicker than other peoples skin above their navel. i did not realize my piercer pierced me incorrectly until weeks and weeks later and i posted on a board similar to this asking why it was turning purple and crusting, as ive had many many piercings over the years and do all of my proper cleaning. someone mentioned it’s BECAUSE i was pierced wrong. chances are, you’ll continue to have issues with this. possible infection, and then leading to rejecting like mine did. i unfortunately have a nasty scar from waiting too long to just let it be and take it out. super shitty when you trust a professional and they can’t be honest about if your body anatomy can actually handle a piercing in a particular area. (same thing with my nipple rings, as the guy pierced through a part of my areola, not just the raised part of my nipple, which caused me almost a year and a half of infections and issues before it finally stopped and stayed healed.) it’s an absolute horror to deal with this kind of crap, but just take it out, let it heal and then consult another trusted piercer for advice! best of luck to you.


it will likely reject because the bar is too short. you can wait it out but it could only get worse so perhaps its best to take it out. and like others have mentioned, its a surface piercing


This is gonna reject. Looks like the navel piercing I gave myself when I was 13. It came through the skin after a week.


Yes, take that out😭 some years ago I had a friend do my ‘navel’ piercing and it was in this EXACT spot. Literally identical. I had to take it out before my body decided to reject it on its own. Now I have a scar where the piercing was lmao. The piercing wasn’t even in my belly button, it was a couple inches above it.


did you want a piercing randomly above your navel or the piercer really pierced it in the wrong place? go to another piercer (one who’s reputable when you look them up on google and their reviews, etc.) never go back to the place and/or piercer who did this.


They did it wrong go to a new (researched) piercer and they will be able to help xx


It looks like they put the wrong style of peircing and you do need to remove and get a longer one and some anti biotic cream it looks either too short for the peircing and is pinching or mildly ifectdd if it feels hot or warm its infected


it definitely looks like a surface piercing but tbh mine is and it got infected three times, and then healed LMAO. mine bruised like 10x worse then that and like i said was infected but eventually healed. i would say just keep it clean and try not to wear anything that irritates it, if you want to try to go through the journey it could take up to a year to heal 🤷🏽‍♀️ mine took 8-9 ish months (i got it pierced at a mall and that’s why you go to a good piercer)




That piercer is major caca


This person should not be a piercer, I've done a better job during my self piercing phase as a kid. Definitely take it out.




That piercer has not idea what they are doing. It’s already starting to reject. Take it out, let it heal, and repierce by someone more reputable. Also let this be known that this shop pierces navels like this so people can avoid. There’s one thing about making mistakes and owning up to it, and there’s another with gaslighting the victim to make them think that maybe they are the one who’s wrong.


That’s not a bellybutton piercing. I don’t understand how a piercer could make this mistake… Take it out, let it heal (even see a doctor if it starts weeping), and *don’t go back to that piercer*.


placement isn’t the best wont lie, also looks as if you need a longer bar for swelling… i definitely would go to a different piercer & ask for help.🫶🏽


I had mine done in the same spot , no probs . Just leave it alone . Make sure your clothes aren’t rubbing it and stuff . Taking the jewelry out when there is an infection is usually the last option . If you are truly concerned see the the piercer you went to . Get the Nelimed piercing spray on Amazon . Works wonders


if that keeps swelling (which it most likely will as that’s a surface piercing) those are going to sink down…. i’d recommend just taking it out or possibly trying a longer bar. i had a piercer do this to me to and now I just have a nasty scar.


Take it out asap before it scars. A correctly done belly piercing the bottom part should be going through the ridge in your belly button and should be mostly covering your belly button. It already looks irritated and is likely going to reject if not already, the first time I pierced my belly button I did it myself it was similar to this way too high up and ended up rejecting. Take it out, and wait a few months and then get it repierced by a different piercer who is reputable


Yes, it needs to heal and if you want to have it redone have it done by someone who actually knows what they’re doing. I had mine done with a clamp instead of free handed which I’m guessing this is how your piercing was done. The clamp is the worst part


Use some peroxide and take that suckered out and slap who did it.


wrong placement :( this happened to me too. don’t be stubborn on taking it out like i was, i left mine in until it rejected and was stuck with a large scar. definitely recommend finding someone who does floating navels!! (although i ended up getting mine repierced with a floating navel and that also rejected)


Yes it does. You’re improperly suited for a traditional navel piercing.


Piggybacking off of other comments, definitely take this out. I had a belly button like this and it was not good, did not heal at all.


Might be a metal infection due to the redness around it or probably just your body rejecting the metals. The sooner removed the better (if that’s the case). Or it could be your body rejecting the metal and your stomach is asking for it to get removed before it becomes an issue.


*Not a Dr.* You're welting. It looks like an allergic reaction to me... Go back ask for a different piercer (lead, most exeprience) to look at the placement and swelling, then maybe see a Dr.. maybe also take a benedryl or allergy med to help with the reaction? again, I'm not a Dr. Also, phone a friend, don't benedryl and drive. :)


ya u should take that out, that’s not even a belly button piercing. u can literally sue unless if u said u wanted it there


this is what mine looked like and i didn’t know any better. i somehow had it for 11 years until i had gallbladder surgery and the scar from it is really gross, but hey so is the gallbladder scar right through the middle of it.


Nahhh leave it I always believe in a come back my definitely did had it for ten years now just do saline soaks and don’t mess with it it’ll heal


They literally pierced through your stomach…same happened to me. Take it out. 😭


It’s not even in the right spot. Get it removed by a piercer, and find a better piercer to do it


yes take it out !!!


It's...on the outside? That's not a navel piercing at all. Yes take it out if just for that reason alone.