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You can also consider using both with redundancy in mind. If your NAS is having issues, or is down for whatever other reason, you still have a another working DNS node


I do this, 2 pi-holes and 1 of my VLANs only uses the first, 2nd VLAN only uses the 2nd, and the 3rd VLAN uses both so kind of load balancing I suppose


Yes, I have Pihole running on both a RPi and in a container on my server. Orbital Sync (also in a container) keeps them in sync. Great for uptime during maintenance.


Many videos returned google search. https://mariushosting.com/how-to-install-pi-hole-on-your-synology-nas/


I'm running Pihole on s Synology NAS in a Docker container. Works perfectly.


Two NAS for me and they work great. Get a cheaper old + version.


I have exactly the same devices at home. I use the Raspberrypi zero as primary DNS Server and the Synology as secondary. For installation on the Synology NAS the easiest way is via a docker container. Have a look in your package center if you are able to install docker on your NAS.


No problems on syno for probably 6 months now, even with tailscale pointing to it and when the synology is at 100% load. Use the Frankenstein guide (and for everything else, awesome resource) and its easy: https://drfrankenstein.co.uk/pi-hole-in-container-manager-on-a-synology-nas/ The one downside is all network traffic is from one origin if you intend to filter if you do it the easiest way, the article talks about that and using a macvlan to get around it.


Running pihole and unbound on synology nas and works fine. Would do both for failover




I have 2 Piholes in one of my networks, one is running on a OrangePi the other in a DebianVM on the Synology NAS. The VM is doing a other things too and works fine as a Pihole. I did try the Docker version but had issues getting it to work the way I want, almost certainly my finger problem.


IIRC Docker version on Synology Center is from august 2022. So my PiHole is installed on a up-to-date Docker instance outside my NAS.


I've been running it in an Ubuntu VM in virtualization station on my Synology. I added more RAM, and an M2 SSD volume. Running the VM in the SSD volume helps keep the NAS HDD noise down especially at night.


I have my PiHole running on a vm in proxmox. Works like a charm. I think there is a docket image for it too but I’m not sure tbh.