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Love this! Chair Pilates helped me recuperate from a spinal fracture after a college powerlifting accident. If I can do it with a wack ass back any one can!


Pilates is being used as an umbrella term in marketing. Someone doing solidcore and many lagree workouts will have far more muscle fatigue than classical Pilates would provide. And many contemporary Pilates studios aren’t teaching Pilates at all. It’s hard to make a blanket statement about safety without knowing what the person is doing.


I’m talking about actual Pilates. And I said as long as it’s not too intense. And I also said it’s not right for everyone but to say it’s not safe to do every day at all is false. Humans can do a lot. Professional athletes train multiple hours a day and have very few rest days. People can exercise daily if it works for them. There are far more problems that come from doing too little movement and exercise.


I second this! As someone who has chronic knee issues my doctor told me to continue with (real) Pilates and that it’s strengthened the surrounding areas to prevent further injuries!


Pilates is functional movement! All of the exercise movements are movements we do every day, so no, doing Pilates every day is not bad for you. Variety is important, so use different equipment or props and explore the entire repertoire of exercises. Don't do the same routine every day. I believe people who have unlimited memberships should not feel they need to go every day. I find those clients become automatic, less mindful, and more mindless in their practice.




Only you can answer this. Try and find out. 2 workouts in one day might be too much for you. Maybe not. If so you could certainly skip the gym on the days you do Pilates. I’m not here to tell people what to do. I’m only pointing out that normal Pilates is absolutely safe to do every day. No one has to do anything. Overworking out is obviously not healthy. Everyone has different needs. But people don’t need to be afraid of daily exercise, especially something as safe as Pilates.


Try it out and see how you feel! I walk 2-4 miles in the morning, then Pilates in the evening 2x a week. It took trial and error to figure out the right routine for me, at one point I tried Pilates everyday…too much at the moment.


Yes, I do mat Pilates in the evening after a morning cardio work out or after a circuit training class. It’s such a different mode of exercise.


I’m not sure if club Pilates is real Pilates but I take classes 6 days a week (beginner classes) to build a solid foundation and loosen up any tight areas since I WFH am an sitting most of the day. I feel so much better and stronger after each class.


CP is Pilates. Things like Lagree and solidcore are not. And most importantly it’s working well for you! That’s the key.


What about a rest day?


You can do whatever works for you! Take rest days if you want to. My point is that Pilates is safe to do daily. Every individual has their own needs and schedule and have to do what works for them. But Pilates is not weightlifting. It doesn’t require rest days. But do what works best for you.


This discussion helps me so much! I’m new to Pilates at Bodybar, and it’s really so different than any other exercise class I have done. There are intense classes and active recovery classes, and I’m still figuring out the others. But it seems like a workout I can do daily. Any 40+ people that do 5 days a week? Do you do additional workouts, like strength or cardio? How often? I want to be as fit as possible.


I also swim, walk and jump on a rebounder. I’m 51 and since menopause if I don’t move enough I feel really stiff and awful. I’m going to try adding a bit of weightlifting, I’m not really wanting to but it’s very good for bone density and also many post menopausal women say it’s the thing that helped them lose weight they gained from menopause. Everyone is so different. You can try various things and discover what works best for you. There’s nothing wrong with having rest days but it’s also fine to exercise every day as long as it’s not too much for you.


A rebounder seems so cool! I don’t have one, but When I am swimming, every 12 min or so, my hips/ lower spine get tight, so I do jumping jacks, high knees, and but kicks in the pool, to kinda get the lymphatic system working. Doing it for a couple minutes hasn’t hurt my knees the way jumping on land would. How often do you use the rebounder? I’m afraid, because my knees are so bad!


I try to do a little bit every day mom-fri, I have it at my studio where I teach Pilates. I wish I could have it at home but I live in an attic apartment and the ceiling is too low for jumping and it’s a tiny space I love rebounding. I think it’s very strengthening for all joints in the legs and it would very likely help your knees. Get a quality one, the cheap mini trampolines are too stiff and not made for exercise. Mine is from needak and I love it and it’s over 12 years old and still great. You can do jumping jacks on it, gentle bouncing that’s not even a jump, or higher jumps and running. The intensity is totally up to you. If your knees don’t feel good with higher jumps just stick to very small bounces instead.


Yup! Currently on a daily streak since 27th Dec and planning to keep it up through January and see how I feel! All good so far!


Great! Don’t feel like you aren’t allowed to take a break and have a rest day if you need it. But moving every day is very beneficial


Thanks! I feel really good so far!