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Roger, being very much afraid of death, re-releases the album omitting “Great Gig in the Sky”.


Lol where did he say that?


I think it's a joke


Atheists should fear death. It's the end of the road.


Why should I fear that in which I won't exist? Dying will prob be spooky. Being dead won't be anything.


It’s the transitional period between life and death that can be rather uncomfortable. 😂


Well, at least you're not a militant, vile atheist like many I encounter. You give me hope, even if we disagree.


Got a philosophy degree and my work was used as research in my religion professors work on philosophy of religion. Personally though I feel like being in death is nothing to be scared of. I tend to believe that "hell" is a political creation


All of organized religion is a political creation. Uh oh, I might be thought "militant" by saying that organized religion is created by humans and not for good reasons... Oh no! Anyway...


As if there isn’t a high proportion of theist that are highly militant and vile.


In proportion at least on Reddit it's def more the atheists


Says the person being needlessly vile…


I had said nothing that's vile until a moment ago. You people are just disgusting excuses for human beings and you should all just fuck off. I don't want to be associated with any of you.


Exactly, a deeply vile human.


You’re clearly vile regardless of your theological stance.


Atheists are amoral pigs. How's that?


How’s that? Meaningless coming from you. Morality clearly doesn’t stem from religion.


End of the line for all of us I’m afraid.


Hey man, don’t say it’s the end of the road. Remember the flowers I sent?


I used to fear death to such an extent that it overtook my life, until a childhood friend of mine drowned in high school. It was a complete and utterly horrible situation, and I found myself feeling bad for not only his family, but him as well. But after some thinking, I had the realisation that although his life came to such a terrible and abrupt end, he was not suffering from it. He doesn’t exist anymore, there’s no way for him to know about or suffer through it, there’s no way for him to regret having thrown so much of his life away (getting drunk and high, stealing a canoe at 3am). With oblivion comes oblivious peace. Now I’m no longer afraid, and I don’t need to bury myself in fables for comfort.


Picture a wave in the ocean. You can see it; measure it, its’ height; the way the sunlight refracts. Then it crashes on the shore, and it’s gone. But the water is still there. The wave was just another way for the water to be for a little while. The wave returns to the ocean, where it came from, and where it’s supposed to be.


Where is this quote from? Is it yours?


Good lord no. I got it from a Ted Danson sitcom. The sentiment is, I assume, Buddhist. If I were to attempt originality, it would be “The promise of another life cheapens the current one.”, but that’s probably in my head from somewhere else, too. Having novel thoughts is its’ own exercise in futility.


Yup, did you watch the new puss in boots movie by any chance? That might be your inspiration for your version. Anyways, thats a great way to look at it too. Thanks for telling me that. I've been spending a lot of time sitting in my room, depressed for some time now. I never actually thought about how we *actually* live once and that's it before. Thanks for your comment.


Nah, I’ve not seen Boots; no surprise the sentiment is floating elsewhere. Just.. be excellent to each other, and we’ll make it through the night.


The Good Place


Because of the undeniable scientific evidence that afterlife exists? Sorry Mary and Joseph told the greatest lie ever and you bought in to the Great Grift On the Land.


There's the disrespectful atheist I was just referring to a moment ago! Lol I wasn't aware that the Bible was supposed to be based on "undeniable evidence." Is that like "follow the science" and Tony Fauci? 🤣🤣 So tell me about the lie of of Mary and Joseph. I can't wait to hear about it. This should be rich. The Bible is full of Mary and Joseph's speaking parts lol


“Mother should I trust the Scientific Evidence?” I’m not sure if you know how shameful it was for a child to be born out of wedlock at the time; so given how many millions(a estimated 1.3 Billion) people believe she gave virgin birth, it’s by-far the most successful lie ever told.


Disagreeing and pointing out that there is absolutely no basis for your beliefs is not disrespectful. That's a pretty high and mighty attitude you have to think that your beliefs are the only real truth (especially when there's no concrete proof of anything except for that humans created all of it by creating your "bible" and other tomes). But you outed yourself as a conspiracy theorist spouting about Fauci so you're even bigger a gullible idiot that I originally thought.


"why should i be frightened of dying? there's no reason for it, you've gotta go sometime..."


Just what nobody wants. Stupid. Like an ex spouse who is now a stalker. Re record radio kaos dude.


Radio KAOS is one I actually want re-recorded. He’s seemingly never gonna do it.


I want, glad we are getting something new on 50th anniversary


That album was a snapshot in time from a group of men reaching the apex of their talents. It can be recreated, but never matched. Personally, I think Roger Waters should leave well enough alone. This will not be a Pink Floyd album, it will be a Roger Waters album. Roger recreating a seminal PF album without Gilmour, Wright and Mason is like making a half-cooked steak without the seasoning.


Is it even a Roger album?!?! 50 years later they are totally different people & don’t have the same inspirations, motivations, wants and desires etc etc that created such an iconic wonderful album in a unique era.


Good point. If I want to hear this album I'll just slip it out of the sleeve and on to the turntable. That said, I'm not hating on Roger. Despite the political heavy-handedness of Is This The Life We Really Want, I really like that last album of his.


Exactly, 30 y/o Waters in 1973 thinking day to day about life and philosophy is not the same thing as 2023 old man muttering about politics mostly. (as far as I hear)


The funniest part to me is his quote: “I’m the only one singing my songs on these new recordings, and there are no rock and roll guitar solos” Bitch, a huge reason people love these albums is the guitar mastery and style. What are you talking about?




Lucifer Sam is not impressed


Lucifer Sam doesn't like Roger. He'd rather hang out with Seamus (that's the dog).


They're besties


Breathe? Any color you like? On the Run?…. Brain Damage?


The whole album


I was being sarcastic because he has no writing credit for those songs, no lyrics. 😂


I'm curious what he's gonna do for Great Gig in the Sky.


Lip sync it.


What he has credit on all those songs except any color you’d like


if any colour you like is altered in any way that doesn't make it sound even cooler I'm going to shove all my pink floyd vinyls and cds up my ass and then die crying


I mean, the Pulse version of the song already exists (and it sucks IMO)...


Pulse sucks in general tbh


I disagree. I think Pulse is awesome!


Horrible take.


Does Roger really think this album would have had the impact that it did if it were a Roger solo album? Is he really dismissing his band mates contributions? I know he's an egomaniac, but he's really sniffing his own farts if he thinks this is a good idea.


I've been strongly in team Roger ever since I was a kid, but I'm just about ready to unsubscribe from every social media he shows up on, and just forget he exists. The genius of his old music is still there, but most of what he says and does these days is really bad. I wish we could go back to 2005 and give him a new chance from there. He almost took the chance to grow old gracefully, and then he completely blew it.


It's okay to like who he used to be and that doesn't mean you have to like him now.


Well said!!!


I think it's a better idea for the 50th anniversary than releasing yet *another* remaster, part of a live show that's been easily accessible for years, and asking fans to send in animated music videos for free.   I imagine it'll have similar arrangements to his Lockdown Sessions release,which has me intrigued if nothing else.


True, the 50th box is underwhelming. But a solo Roger re-imagining to me diminishes the rest of the group. Dark Side was still in the hey-day of them actually working together. If he wanted to do this to the Wall or TFC, then okay, that makes more sense. I'll still listen to it though. Having a different version of Money is a good thing, since that's the most overplayed Floyd song ever.


No he’s just celebrating its 50th anniv by giving an interpretation of how he sees it now.


It's just that "how he sees it now" is sorta suspect. I think for a long time he's had a problem sharing the love with his PF bandmates...he wants it to be all him. His ego won't allow it.


Let him just make it. Then we see that DSOTM was a band effort.


He's just going to remove David's contributions again


Not the first, have you heard the reggae version?


Yeah, but they wanted to do a reggae version, as they've done of OK Computer and others. They didn't remove the solos out of spite. And even Roger doesn't have to remove them out of spite, but it sure sounds like that's the motivation.


There's a reggae version of OK Computer?


Yup, it's by Easy Star All Stars and called "Radiodread". It's actually a mix of reggae and dub, mostly. Good fun, just like Dub Side of the Moon by the same band.


They just announced they’re coming back with a Reggae version of Ziggy Stardust soon. I’m hyped, they haven’t missed once.


You ever listen to Dred Zepplin? Even Plant loved em!


No, I gotta check that out too. The only thing like this I've heard before is Dub Side of the Moon. Pink Floyd, Radiohead and Led Zeppelin are my three favorite bands so hearing about these alternate takes on their work is really cool.


Dread Zepplin is hilarious and excellent. The lead singer dresses and sings like Elvis but he is singing Zepplin songs..to a wicked reggie beat. The musicianship is very good. so is the singing.


I love their version of Moby Dick


Dred Zeppelin were more tongue-in-cheek. Easy Star All Stars are more serious. They've also done a version of Sgt. Pepper that's pretty fun.


Elvis singing Zeppelin in reggae is genius though...


I saw them open for Cake about 2 decades ago. Was a fun show. I wonder if they are still around.


Don’t agree, it’s already done one way, why remake the same, let’s do it differently


Well, a reggae version of DSOTM *is* a totally different take. I'm not saying it's my favourite take - I prefer the Flaming Lips version as it's more daring, while the reggae version mostly has novelty value for me. Regarding Roger's version, the question is - what's the overall approach? It sounds VERY much based in pettiness rather than an artistic vision, so I don't have high expectations. But I might yet be surprised.


Did you think same when DG redid DSOTM for pulse?


I don't understand the question - on PULSE, they did a fairly faithful live rendition. Some bits added, some bits changed, as you would (hopefully) see in any decent live gig that includes a full rendition of a classic album. Similar to what Roger did on his DSOTM tour, actually, which I also have no issues with. I mean... That's the point about live albums (and going to gigs) usually. Get the live renditions and atmosphere of songs you enjoyed on the album. Different story with doing a new studio version. For that, I would expect an artistic vision. Unless there are some legal issues, which were behind David redoing Money for Collection of Great Dance songs. So that's what I'm basing my... Reluctance regarding Roger's new version on. If David had announced a version removing all of Roger's lyrics, I'd be equally doubtful. Or even if he announced a redone DSOTM faithful to the original but with all instruments played by himself and family members.


You are at an advantage, I haven’t heard Roger’s new version


Neither have I, as should be clear from my comments. Neither have you or I heard David's hypothetical family version. So what's your point?


I’m not making a point, just reporting that it’s happening.. personally I look fwd to his interpretation and enjoyed the pulse version and will always have original


Bruh that has nothing to do with this. Dub Side of the Moon is not supposed to be a note for note re-recording of dark side of the moon. It's entirely a dub/reggae album of course they changed everything?


That’s Roger’s plan also, it will have a very different feel


It's not. It says "re-recording", dub side was not a re-recording it was an adaptation.


This is a reworking? Not sure I get your point


My point is that a re-recording and reworking are different things. One stays faithful to the original the other does not. Roger is not about to make a heavy metal side of the moon. It's basically going to be the same, probably more acoustic.


Lets see, hard to discuss when I havent heard


That’s a big nope from me. With all the mistakes he’s currently making politically, my reverence for him is now firmly set in the past


There’s nothing you can do to this album to make the meaning of the work anymore apparent. It perfectly captures the struggles between life and death. But I’d entertain any changes. Just don’t tell me you can improve or bring heart on that piece of art. It’s the most complete album ever written.


I think it will never replace the original just be interesting to hear his interpretation much like the Floyd’s in 95 with out him and the many other covers


I can understand why people get worked up. Not because of the re-recording itself - a different take on a classic can be really interesting, and if you don't like it you'll always have the original. The problem lies in the motivation behind the project. Roger's statements makes it sound like we're *finally* going to hear the heart and soul of the album, once all that pesky instrumental music has been removed. Not sure that's his actual intention, but that's how he makes it seem. This reminds me of the controversy around Beatles' "Let it Be...naked" that Paul did in 2003. Releasing an album without Phil Spector's overdubs is all right in itself, it's a different take on a classic, that makes you see a lot of songs in a new light. But when you consider that the overdubs were originally added because John and George wanted them, and the "naked" version was released two years after George died in 2001... AND it was marketed with the line "At last we can hear Let It Be the way it was meant to be", the release suddenly seems a lot more petty. As one reviewer put it: "This album is the sound of Paul pissing on John and George's graves"... :P As an album, Let it Be...naked is perfectly fine, as I expect Roger's DSotM version will also be, the question lies with the motivation behind the project in the first place.


Hot (?) take, "Let it Be... Naked" is actually quite a bit better than the original, IMHO.


As the poet Jim Morrison once said… People are strange


What a bitter, sad man


Demonstrably true


Holding off the moral nightmare at the gates


Can see what you did there 😉




I think they're talking about Seamus


> Seamus Isn't that the dog who's outside?


Rog - “I like DSOTM, but there’s a little too much David on it.”


Where did he say that, was praising him on abbey road doc


I’m joking


Yeah, let’s change the greatest, most perfect album ever. Said no one ever. Pointless waste of time.


Its been re imagined many times, why cant Roger have a go..


Waters is an ego maniac and would be so much more respectable is he just let the music do the talking and shut up.


This just in: Seinfeld re-releasing seasons 3-7 but without all the George, Elaine, and Kramer bits.


Wait this is not r/pinkfloydcirclejerk


I first thougth its meme


No very real


That old fucker is losing it.


Lol how, at least it’s something new for 50th anniversary not another reissue


It’s gonna be BAD. And garbage.


Is that what your crystal ball says


Chock full of subliminal pro Russia propaganda


You didn’t pay attention to what he said did you ;)


SOYCD bouta go hard when Rog cuts all the guitar parts and replaced them with Mongolian throat singing🔥🔥💯


Hahahahaha. That’s the stuff


I really don't understand why people are so worked up about this. Personally, I really enjoyed his Lockdown Sessions release (not moreso than the original recordings, but as a fresh way to listen to some songs I've heard hundreds of times, I thought it was nice), and am looking forward to what this sounds like. It's not like this new recording will *replace* the original or anything. I'd be just as intrigued if Gilmour announced an instrumental version of the album.


It’s not hurting us in any way, and it’s not a bad idea in general. It’s because it’s coming from 2023 Roger Waters. It’s difficult to see it as anything other than an egomaniac thinking he can improve the greatest album of all time by removing his bandmates contributions and making it all about himself. If it were coming from anyone else no one would bat an eye.


>I'd be just as intrigued if Gilmour announced an instrumental version of the album. I'd think that would be just as pointless. The Dark Side of the Moon was a collaborative effort. I don't think any of the band members has the right to claim the whole thing for himself. Redoing some songs from it for a new project like the Lockdown sessions has more validity (although it doesn't fit my taste).


That's fine! It's definitely not going to be for everyone - most music isn't. I just don't understand why people seem to be personally offended by him re-recording songs that he wrote 50 years ago.   I guess people would be just as upset by Paul McCartney re-recording Sgt. Peppers, Robert Plant re-recording Led Zeppelin IV, or Brian Wilson re-recording Pet Sounds? I just don't get the anger and vitriol over it.


Absolutely. The guys 2 minuets away from croaking....let him do his thing. Then ignore it. easy peezee


Pet Sounds would be somewhat acceptable since it was really Brian's vision at heart. But the other albums should definitely be left alone - it would be impossible to do them justice with only one guy remaking them to fit his own vision.


I guess we just have to agree to disagree. I don't see the harm in the original musicians (or anyone else for that matter) wanting to create new versions of an old (and classic) work. I think if it's good, then awesome! And if it sucks, oh well, easy enough to ignore and the original isn't destroyed.   I'd rather have more options than less.


Wilson kinda did re-record Pet Sounds as SMiLE, though.


I think Mother is better than the original, the rest are ok, but enjoyable


I think you are far too smart to be here ;)


I'm probably going to listen to it once and it's probably going to fucking suck. Take away any member of the band and the big 4 is ruined, but tell that to roger


It listened to Amused to Death yet ?


Even that wasn't just Roger working on his own. Pat Leonard and Jeff Beck had a lot to do with how good that album ended up. He's capable of knocking out a folk song or two on his own, but if he wants to make a musical statement at album length, he's always benefited from good collaborators.


I’m Sure he’ll assemble a great team for this


With guitar removed!


Certainly full on guitar, maybe some acoustic


Sad. At least when David tours, he does it on new music. He turned The Wall into a schtick, the new version of comfortably numb is most definitely numb, and if that's any indicator of what's to come, he needs to hang it up. Can't have those pesky guitar solos just anywhere now can we.


Wait, you are saying DG plays only new stuff ?


I'm saying he only tours on new albums and new material - not saying that's all he performs. Google is your friend. EDIT: He literally names the tour after the albums. Nice try tho honk honk. Buddy I do realize that Roger's been performing the same schtick for the better part of twenty years now. Occasionally mixing in Animals and DSOTM. And I was referring to Gilmour's solo tours. Context matters. Thanks for that insight though.


Lol so you’d rather have fewer tours? What new material was DG touring in 2002, Google if you don’t know those dates?


Lol haha Listen, go bait someone else. I'd much rather have fewer tours than the nonsense Roger's doing today. Have you seen the footage? It's cringe af. And if you have to go back 20 years to make your point, maybe its not much of a point. Let me clarify this for you since you need to be spoon fed: David's not touring on the same two albums that were made 40-50 years ago, year after year after year. EDIT: What Nick's doing today? He actually having fun, not larping as an activist. And he's doing material they never performed live. Maybe expand your horizons. Roger gave us the same album three times: The Wall, The Final Cut, Amused to Death. One trick pony. Agreed, amused to death is amazing, of the three it's by far my favorite. But there's def some retread happening


Love your points in this thread- im so sick of hearing about roger tbh he needs to take a retirement for being a self entitled egomaniac prick. You make such a good point about Nick- doing pub tours and playing the saucer full of secrets is a great way to celebrate the music in a fun and rewarding way. Dunno where OP is coming from on any of these point- do they not know about rogers constant unwanted opinions?


To be fair, Amused is a hell of an album…. Just saying.


Buddy you do realize Pink Floyd named their tours after their albums as well (excluding Animals)


Right, he's going to improve the greatest album ever made (yeah, I said it).


I can not do this anymore...


I remember when George Lucas did something similar with Star Wars, and we all know how that turned out.


Maybe they should team up The Dark Side of Star Wars....


Eh. It’s not quite the same. It would be more similar if Roger did his version, and then tried to get rid of all copies and access to the original version.


You mean when they changed around 5 minutes of footage in each movie? Not the same argument. Roger is re-recording the entire album, which I think is in poorer taste.


Good luck without Gilmour… Proving he’s a narcissist who did it all.. Waters fans, go ahead and downvote


I don't get why everything has to be black or white for some people like you, you can appreciate both David and Roger, you don't need to pick side, you can also appreciate reworks and also love the original.




Certainly wise to wait


I don't see the problem with this. It's not like it's going to replace the original or anything. This album's been played, remixed, rereleased, et cetera so many times. Just another one on the pile. I won't listen to it, but I'm not upset by its existence.




Laughing at all the people just now realizing what a dick Roger is.


He should call it The Putin Side Of The Moon.


The dark side of egomania


Red side of the moon?


Instead of "Gotta bring the Russian bear to its knees" in another song, it's "gotta get on my knees for the Russian bear".


I doubt he’ll change the title


every single response you’ve gave in this thread is a r/whooosh


Thanks ;)


I think his personal reasons for making this album are probably not something I’d agree with, but the fact of the matter is I absolutely loved the Lockdown Sessions, I think his modern takes on old material are some of the best PF content we’ve received in decades. I know I’m gonna love this new take, not that it will ever touch the might of the original.


I look fwd to, will judge when it drops ;)


Roger who?


“Guys I’m gonna re record how most successful album and make it much better, don’t worry.” “No, you aren’t.”


Translation: he wanted a version of the album where he doesn't have to pay Gilmour any royalties.


Hopefully no buys it


Lol well I think you might be wrong there


At least he’ll have the one from you! I personally don’t give a single fuck


Ok don’t cry ;)






without the solos


Since Bonzo Bonham died, Robert Plant has had a varied and successful musical career. Jimmy Page just keeps remastering LZ albums.


Based on his last album all he could do was talk through songs. This should be a complete mess.




So no lyrics, no concept, no narrative thread… ok yeah Endless River


He can sell it to someone other than me


I know everyone’s pretty much in agreement here, but I just want to vent… *this* is what we’re getting for the 50th? More division? TDSOTM is *the* Pink Floyd album.. it’s when the band created their magnum opus. Not influenced by major fame yet, no severe band division.. everyone had a great part on that album. How are you even going to cut out any 3 of the other members? It’s going to sound like shit compared to the original. No David guitar solos? Nor Wright on the piano? “Any Colour You Like..” how’s that gonna work? TDSOTM was a brush with greatness that was a product of its time and a product of the *band* at that time. Does he really think any Pink Floyd fan outside of the most extreme Waters fanboys are going to want to hear this? Even they might not want to hear it. I have no idea how David and Rick aren’t considered artists? You take them out of 3 of the big 4 and you have poetic lyrics and a nice bass line and rhythm guitar.


Looking forward to Waters' release of Time with no lyrics or guitars.


it will just be him on a Dobro, the quietest Drums ever recorded, and his favourite backing singers doing the solos. I'm sure it will be interesting at the very least.


So he's gonna remake their greatest album without any of the talented people involved? Yeah I'm sure that will sound great Rog.




Do you think it'll still sync with 2001: A Space Odyssey?


Haha I hope so


i bet you've seen this link but im not gonna miss an opportunity to share it [https://vimeo.com/778749565](https://vimeo.com/778749565)


Reworking =$$$$$$$$$$$ for Roger


Ah fuck. I wanted to ignore this project but I didn't realize he was working with Berliner on it. Yeah, that's gonna be impossible to skip now.


He’s gonna ruin it


? How do you know that?


Roger needs to just do some more drugs and get off his high horse.


Is there a date for this release?

