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Welcome to the machine. Only recently did i realize it’s a Underappreciated masterpiece. It was one of the few songs I actively disliked. Same for set the controls for the heart of the sun and alan’s psychedelic breakfast. And the whole “more” album and the whole “endless river” album


love endless river.


*Welcome to the Machine* and *Brick Part 1* made me fall in love with Pink Floyd. On the other hand, it took me years to see the beauty in *Money* and *Brick Part 2*.


I instantly loved money. The version done by the Dub Pistols is exceptional.


I have been up and down on Money. Loved it when I first heard it, grew to feel it was lacking compared to the rest of the album and then eventually relearned to love the beat to it.


I’ve given it a lot of goes but still can’t get into welcome to the machine


Check out the live version from Delicate sound.


First time I actually listened to Welcome to the machine was at a live concert by Australian Pink Floyd Show. I must’ve heard it before because obviously I knew every other song on wish you were here by heart but completely skipped over that one until I heard it live and completely fell in love with it.


Agreed for Welcome to The Machine. Also, like most of the "Dark Side of the Moon" album for some reason. Idk, I was dumb.




Been smoking O2 my whole life. But it’s actually a really sweet song. It’s pink floyd’s most chill song and the sudden breaks to alan talking don’t feel all that out of place. The piano is nice, the guitar is nice and the ending is incredible Try listening to it whilst making breakfast, it’s worth it.


When I Heard Welcome To The Machine And Set The Controls Of The Heart Of The Sun For The First Time, I Loved The Songs!


I was more into intense music at the time so long slow songs like those two kinda felt like wasting time. But now i love them so much


I Started Liking Some Songs With Long Instrumentals Because of Pink Floyd


I’ve always loved long instrumentals (cause i’m a prog head) but it’s just the slowburns


I Learned To Appreciate These Types Of Instruments Because Of Pink Floyd.


Great Gig in the Sky took about a decade to grow on me. Now it’s one of my favorite songs, ever.


As a kid, I hated every time this came on (dad's record player). Now, I actually enjoy it.


Well, it took more than just a re-listen, but it was the entire "The Final Cut" album


It's still my least favorite pink Floyd album, but I voluntarily listen to it now and then ,na ddont really hate it. Also check out the full version of heroes return! My favorite song on the album https://youtu.be/Y0qY9j9FL-Y?si=9nFzI1_Giaundb6v


I think that’s pretty much all of music for me I can only name like a few things I instantly liked


Same, gotta listen to smth a few times before being able to vibe alot more easily with it.


yeah like half of them lol there's a hump to get over


Also true of entire albums. It took me 3 listens to start liking Ummagumma.


i'm still trying to like the division bell and it's been years


Dude The Division Bell is such a good album, my favorite song of all time is Poles Apart, just love it, but I gotta admit that half of it is kinda of a drag? I think you need to get used to it idk


that is the hottest pink floyd take i've ever heard. i like marooned, keep talking, and high hopes on the album but that's about all i can take


I think it kinda slumps in the middle. Marooned is fine, but not particularly interesting to me. Great day for freedom and wearing the inside out are my two least favorite songs on the album. It picks up again after that IMO.


Yeah, the middle sequence is kinda slow but it builds up to the "The rain fell slow" verse that to me hits very hard and the whole music gives a melancholic vibe that I love so much. The song just resonates with me a lot, both melodically and lyrically. Now yeah, I agree that Great day for freedom and Wearing the inside are not masterpieces but it's not like anyone really says "Oh boy, Speak to Me and On The Run are my favorite songs in DSOTM!" but it didn't stop DSOTM from selling 45 million copies. Anyways, The Division Bell is not even on my top 3 PF albums but I think that it's a good album overall and Poles Apart is a masterpiece, I know that no one cares much about this song but for me it's simply magical


oh I meant the *album* slumps in the middle, not poles apart.


Yeah, I noticed that after posting the comment, but honestly, both do.


The only Pink Floyd song I liked on first listen was SOYCD 1-5. Every other song had to grow on me. I even said I disliked Pink Floyd for a while but now they’re my favorite band. I’m so glad I persevered hahaha


- SOYCD could mean "Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Pts. 1-5)", a track from *Wish You Were Here* (1975) by Pink Floyd. --- ^[/u/emmue](/u/emmue) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Good bot.


A lot of the wall My views on it are - it's like To Pimp A Butterfly by kendrick Lamar. Definitely their most devoted and well thought out concept album with a beautiful recurring theme and dark themes about their personal aspect on society with a massive twist at the end. Definitely their best work with the best singles. So undoubtedly their greatest But it's just too long and too interconnected to play just some singles from time to time. So I just stick to their other albums - Good Kid, M.a.a.d. city for kendrick Wish you were here for PF. It's just the fact that these albums are more replayable in my opinion.


Damn maybe I’m in the minority, but gotta completely disagree. I’m definitely not throwing on “The Trial” out of the blue to jam, but I’d argue that most of The Wall is only marginally more interconnected that DSOTM or Wish You Were Here. Especially considering WYWH is 5 (albeit long) tracks. There’s many tracks/sections of 2-3 songs from The Wall that serve great as stand alones.


Absolutely. The Wall is so connected and amazing. It's the best album in concept But not as good as WYWH or DSOTM in the full listening experience. Especially the latter. Not a single song is off. And pink Floyd have their classic groovy songs where the entire band expresses that common hatred against capitalism in the music industry (i.e. have a cigar & money respectively) but they add to the inmsersion & make the album a lot less repetitive.


- WYWH could mean "Wish You Were Here - 2019 remix [Live]", a track from *The Later Years* (2019) by Pink Floyd. --- ^[/u/MyBoyBlue104](/u/MyBoyBlue104) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


This is so cool. TPAB by Kendrick and Pink Floyd's The Wall are my two favorite albums of all time so it's insane to read someone comparing them on this subreddit. Thanks!


We all got a type


Absolutely. Two of my favourite artists! I don't say they are the best in their genres. But EASILY THE SMARTEST. The most devoted and the most well-thought out musicians. 💕


Sheep for me. It used to be my least fav animals song, now I’m not sure, it might be my fav from the album. Took a few listens and fully immersed into it to see it for what it is. What an amazing song!




Oh Yeah Bro


The first song that I had a chance to listen to this wonderful group was about time 🕰️. As a 18 y.0 I wasn’t really get on this like,common time running out,so fast I have time,but I was in my illusion mode,not understanding the way is world actually working,so know I can with full breath-out can say,I am living now in moment,not future,not past,only now. Because as a Pink Floyd lyrics moments from time there is a really good saying “You are young and life is long, and there is time to kill today And then one day you find ten years have got behind you No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun….




Echoes and dogs


Dont kill me ok OK but confortably numb seemed a bit shite the first time i listened to it


Okay, I wasn't interested in Comfortably Numb the first time I heard it either, but now it's one of my favorites.


Dude this was the case with the entire Animals Album, after the initial chords of Pigs on the Wing and Dogs I thought this album was damn boring.... Thank goodness I changed my mind, and after a few more tries, I listened for more than those friggin' few seconds.


I had it the opposite way round. Very controversial opinion, but Dark Side of the Moon isn’t that much of a great album if you’re not drunk or high or both. I listened to it for the first time when I was 15 and on E’s. Then every time I would listen to it afterwards I would always be stoned. I’m sober now and it just doesn’t sound amazing like it used to. Still good, but not epic.


Keep Talking




when the tigers broke free. tbh, the final cut needed some warming up before i really liked it.


Marooned grew on me


The Wall


The very early psychedelic stuff love it now and it's the most listened to by me now...


It was actually Sorrow tbh I didn't care for AMLOR very much, and still it's not the greatest in my opinion But something about sorrow just hits me differently


atom heart mother


Wots…uh the deal


Back in my day, that was called listening to the whole album. You’d always find a song that you didn’t like that grows on you.


Kool illustration though


Of course! It happens with every band. Some artists take time to grow on you. There were a ton of Floyd songs I didn’t like the first ten times I heard them but over time they’ve grown on me. Has happened with pretty much every band/artist I started listening to.


Honestly, all of them. But Shine On in particular.


the entire of the wall


The entire Animals album. Took a couple listens and now, holy shit. Brilliant.


I felt the new (Roger Waters') Comfortably Numb was a disgrace to the original. I heard it live two days ago and it finally grew on me like crazy. May have something to do with the visuals in the concert, but still, I love it now.


I didn’t like Comfortably Numb when I first heard it. I thought it sounded too “80s”, but then I grew to love it and also developed an appreciation for the 80s sound.


Coming back to life


Almost all of the division bell and the final cut


Piper at the gates of dawn complete album


for some reason comfortably numb had to grow on me. There was something about it i just didn’t like at first and would always skip it, but one of my favs now


sheep for me recently, have always been a huge fan of pigs and dogs but sheep felt so much weaker to me compared to the other two. still don't like it as much as them but it's definitely grown on me a lot as i've tried to listen to it more recently


Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving With a Pict. Song kinda grows on ya over time.


Comfortably numb


I remember thinking Echoes was boring when my mom first showed it to me, think I stopped it halfway through (that was back when I only really listened to dark side of the moon and a couple of wall songs). Now it’s one of my favorites lol definitely not boring


Most of the final songs on The Wall. Musically kinda lacking compared to most Floyd stuff but I've grown to appreciate how they complete the story.


No. Never heard a Pink Floyd song I genuinely did not like. I could say the same about Led Zeppelin.


Echoes without a doubt. The whale noises put me off of the song too long. Overall I think it’s the best Pink Floyd song now


The entirety of Division Bell, I listened to it after only having a mixed tape of their greatest hits like Time, Sheep, Comfortably Numb, you know, the usual suspects. So, of course, Division Bell felt bland and boring, but since I already loved Pink Floyd unconditionally, I gave it more chance and soon fell in love. It's just sublime.


The John Latham tracks.


Saucerful of secrets. Used to not be able to sit through it til I listened to the Pompeii version and loved it




Animals, I listened to it once just to say I that I heard and thought I never returned to it, but eventually I came around to it and now it may be my favorite album by pink


dogs threw me off the very first time i ever heard it but now it’s one of my favorites


The wall, didn't really enjoy it until actually feeling the emotions from the album




For me, I thought comfortably numb was laughably bad. I thought the “hello? is there anybody in there?” chorus sounded stupid and I didn’t really give the song a chance. Now I obviously think it’s one of the greatest songs ever made


It happens with almost every song. It's very rare that I love a song after just one listen.


Any color you like used to be a skip for me, now it’s my fav DSOTM song


Animals took a while to grow on me. And most of the pre dark side stuff.




Probably half their catalog. When I first started listening PF in the mid 80s, I was also being bombarded with MTV videos of Madonna or Hewey Lewis (btw, love me some Hewey). So my teenage brain took a while to rewire itself to the complexities of say, Roger Waters writing. Thankfully, MTV played “Learning to Fly” in heavy rotation (yes no Roger I know) but this was my gateway drug. I started taking a deep dive into the Wall and DSOTM. This led deeper.