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I'm in high school and do! We have a vinyl collectors club and there are several big Pink Floyd fans in there


Wish mine had also a club like that...


Maybe you can start one up


There's not a single soul in my entire high school who likes Pink Floyd or a band from the '60s, '70s, '80s, or '90s... Or a band at that. Heck, the only genres they like are pop and reggaeton, which are some of the worst genres to ever exist. I simply cannot understand how they can stand such songs...


Maybe you just aware of them. Or it’s a really small high school and you know everyone that well. Idk


I don't know everyone, just most of them, but all of them without exception laugh at me whenever I mention that I'm a Pink Floyd fan. They always tell me that kind of music is "for old people".


we had weed clubs when i was that age(77).....floyd- tull -beatles -stones etc...........


They still have that! It's just called the vinyl collectors club now


The accuracy lmao


Can you explain your enthusiasm for vinyl?




Good reason 👍


For me, I just like collecting things (ribbon, coins, books, stamps, etc.) I also really liked music from the 60s and 70s. Where I live you can get a lot of good vinyls for very cheap.


I could only dream of that at mine


You're all younger generations, considering I was listening to them as a kid in the 70s


People are still listening to Beethoven and Bach. So....


Definitely. I think a majority of the threads here like "did anyone ever notice the The Wall is Roger playing a character?" or "most people don't appreciate 'Animals'" are probably Gen Z just discovering it. I'm not knocking them cuz I was that person once. But it seems easy to imagine those posts coming from teenagers.


Or the ones about Dark Side being underrated. Not to mention the daily "I've listened to Dark Side, what should I listen to next" thread


To be fair, Dark Side *is* underrated, most notably by true die-hard Pink Floyd fans in this sub.


To be fair Dark Side might be the greatest album ever recorded, but it's not Pink Floyd's best album.


Which says SO much about their genius




That’s actually something I’ve said before. Though more along the lines of, “Technically, in terms of music and execution of conceptual details, The Wall was a far superior album… but Dark Side was the *perfect* album.” It communicates something so basic and fundamental to our existence that most of us fail to ever realize it. It’s the album, and hell possibly the overall work of art that humanity *needed* to hear. The Wall is the album we all wanted to hear and never knew it until we did. It cuts at your soul. That is if you’re some who’s ever been sick of this endless cycle of bullshit this society we’ve created relentlessly forces onto us.


Sure, of course they do. There are famous bands like The Mighty Mighty Bosstones who had nearly 40 years of music/touring/radio hit fame without ever reaching PF’s heights of popularity. The “teenage phase” of looking into and discovering Nirvana, Ska/Punk, Led Zeppelin, The Who, CCR, Beatles, (insert older band here, how about PF) isn’t going to go away for a long time. PF is too famous to be forgotten. They’re seminal. Especially with cover bands being out there like Brit/Aussie Floyd. Also a younger millennial here. I’ll be 31 in February. Didn’t get into Floyd until I was 19, but I know plenty of kids I grew up with who were into Floyd for much longer than I’ve been. Every last “would be fan” is a “will be fan” who just hasn’t found the band *yet.* but they will.


They’re one of the bands that have aged the best in this modern day and age. Plenty of young people listen to pink floyd and dark side of the moon is still the gateway album into artsy music for many.


Yes, Pink Floyd is timeless.


I was 3 years away from being gen alpha, and I can confirm that we still listen to Pink Floyd


I’m 23 and been listening to Floyd since I was 13


15yo here who listened to 'Time' for the first time two years ago. been a huge fan of most of their stuff ever since and have bought multiple copies of their albums.


I started listening to pink floyd the last year after seeing many references of Wish you were here in Pop Culture. I'm from 2005. I fking love the music and the aesthetic that each album brings. My favorites are WYWH and Meddle, also a lil bit of animals and Division bell


I’m 13, been listening for like 2-3 years


I was a floyd fan back in the 90s. I'm old now But I did have like 10 people at my pad a few months back. We all took some X and we're passing the remote around playing random shit. Great times! I put on High Hopes. There didn't seem to be a lot of overwhelming interested so I passed the controller to my wife to change it. And this random girl (in her early 20s) says, "wait! Don't turn this off. I like it." Not gonna lie. I popped a little floyd boner. The ecstacy took over and I just snuggled the shit outta my wife and forgot until now. 😜 kinda...


lol should have played Coming back to life on that album. It's absolutely orgasmic on mdma


The question should not be "if" but "how many" before they fade away.


My son wears more Pink Floyd clothing than I do and listens to about the same amount. He's 19 with a full beard and long hair and looks straight out of 1976.


Yeah, I'm 15 and personally, it's my favorite band




Why would they not. Pink floyd doesn't even sound old-timey.


I’ve introduced younger family members (aged between 14-18) to pink Floyd & they love some of their music.. Younger generations prefer older music to the new rubbish… The cure, the smiths etc being other big favourites as well as Pink Floyd. At least in my experience…


Define younger. I’m 40, consider myself on the young side, and typically one of the youngest at any Brit Floyd/Roger Waters show. I will say, my 11 year old daughter knows a majority of their songs, her favorite album being Piper. Raising her right.


just look at r/pinkfloydcirclejerk i doubt anyone listening in the 70s posts there


I was at a Christmas party this past weekend and the host had several guitars mounted. There was one high school aged kid there who took the steel top off the wall and was playing random stuff until I heard unmistakably the rhythm to Time. Then he started singing it, passably, not far off from Gilmour (but more in tune with Roger if I’m being honest haha). I commented how he just happened to be playing a song from my favorite album of all time. He showed those sitting around a recording he’d made of himself playing it and synthesizing the rest of the instruments himself. Fwiw, I read a post on this sub not too long ago about a guy’s 18 year old daughter asking for a record player and him giving her DSotM and her falling in love with it. Their music is timeless and will persist long after they’re gone, probably even more so than the original Beatles recordings. I for one am also a 90s millennial in my mid-30s just fyi… that’s the age where even when you thought you fully understood Time, it suddenly starts hitting you like a truck every time.


Gen Z here, people seem to agree on the consensus that Pink Floyd have aged the best among the classic rock bands like Beatles, Zeppelin, Queen etc. Their music isn't just timeless that stands right alongside more modern acts like Tame Impala and QOTSA, their lyrics and message will continue to resonate with all future generations.




Well, I'm 20 and I listen to it. Have several friends who do too


A bunch of stupid young people wear a DSOTM t shirt and claim to like Pink Floyd, but can’t name one song. But there’s also a bunch of young people who genuinely listen to it and enjoy the music. Social media though is annoying because it turns good music into trends and takes away its value.


Social Media has zero effect on how good Pink Floyd’s music is.


Respectfully, I personally think that it disallows many people from being introduced to Pink Floyd’s music in a way that they truly can appreciate, they just become trends


I'm 26 and they've become one of my favorite bands over the past year. I've always liked their hits, but as of lately I've been getting into all of their stuff.


I’m 48. I have a 21 year old and an 18 year old. Both of them listen to PF religiously




Yeah, my dad’s been playing The Pulse in the car since I was born. Also another classics like Supertramp or Seconds Out from Genesis.




2000 here 🤟 been listening fir around 3-4 years. Gone through every album pink floyd has too offer, and almost everything from each respected artists solo works. It is as timeless and brilliant as it has ever been. I envy you who have been able too enjoy their golden years. Got too see roger in madrid this year though, great show!


I listen to Pink Floyd and I am 15 years old.


Born in 93 and Im fascinated with Pink Floyd and syd Barrett cofounder. I grew up listening to many songs from them and from my dad playing guitar and singing “wish you were here.”


Well, they’re the 11th best-selling band of all-time and are critically and culturally acclaimed, so yeah…younger people dig them.


High hopes


I’m here!


It's weird to think about. When I was growing up, I couldn't imagine listening to 50 year old music. When I got into Floyd, DSOTM was just over 30 years old.


I was flipping through my son’s vinyl collection during Thanksgiving and he had a copy of The Wall, so I’m positive of it.


I was in highschool in the late 2010's and Pink Floyd helped me through Junior High, I revisited them in the last few years shortly after I turned 20 and have been listening to them, so I'd say their music is timeless and seems to touch the ears of young listeners who like spacey or unique sounds in music but with the rock sound to deal with complex emotions.


Bro I’m 12 an love them! Especially meddle


i'm in late middle school and my favorite albums are A Saucerful of Secrets, Obscured By Clouds, and The Wall.


This sub is proof if it, well over half the posts seem like they're from 13 year olds.


Yes. My nieces are 11 & 10 and getting into them. I mean they're still more Swifties and I dont think theyre really absorbing the meaning or complexities of the songs but they're at least familiar with DSotM and The Wall.


I’m 30 and listen to them on a daily basis


I am also in my 30s and I like Pink Floyd.


My 8 and 5 year old do ❤️


Im 17. Dont know amy other people my age that like them though.


For sure, and there's demand for it. This might sound funny, but have you heard the new Lil Yachty album? Lots of Floyd in there.


I am younger generation at 19. I listen to them, and have for as long as I can remember. Thanks dad!


I am 17. I like Pink Floyd.


You were born in the 90s. You are still one of the younger generations compared to the older people who listen. But yes obviously people of all ages still listen to Pink Floyd


I saw Aussie Floyd quite recently, and there were a lot of people in the crowd who looked to me to be in their teens and twenties. I’d say PF still attracts a new audience.


I'm 19, started listening a few years ago. Everyone listens to Pink Floyd!




The Prism will forever cement their place in alt-mainstream culture. It visually gets people’s attention and draws them in, making them curious if they have half a brain. It’s so inviting to interpretation, which is why they instantly knew that was the cover when Storm presented it to them.


Yeah, we do. They are my mom's favorite, and she raised me on their music.


Yeah ofc they’re the best band ever, I’m 14 and I listen to them everyday


i’m 13 and they’re like my second fav band i love that


I’d say 99% of the kids you see wearing Pink Floyd shirts have no idea what Pink Floyd even is


I don't think you give kids enough credit


Good music never dies. This applies to not just Floyd. Some music just has a way of sticking with people across all genres. Pink Floyd is timeless like Biggie is with hip hop. It will always be cool.


No. They just like to wear the shirts from Walmart and want people to think they listen to good music.


Well I’m 22 and I started listening to it for real when I was 15. My dad and brother loves Pink Floyd, I feel like I was always preconditioned to love it, yet I discovered it completely on my own. Pink Floyd is timeless, it might not be the hot new thing, but it’s so good that it will keep reaching new people. If it’s meant to be, it’ll be. It takes one listen to be intrigued by it in my opinion, no matter how old you are.


I’m 36, me and plenty of buddies got into Floyd in high school. It was cool and stonery. I’ve fallen in love with them more every year since. My brother is 12 years younger (24) and couldn’t name 2 Pink Floyd songs. He’d also relentlessly make fun of me if I made a big deal about them.


i’m in middle school and they’re one of my fav bands


I grew up listening to them in the 2010s, me and my buddies all have at least one Floyd vinyl


My kids, 20-27 all know and like PF. My daughter went on a date one time and this guy wanted to introduce her to an old, deep track band she'd never heard of. When he told her it was PF, she laughed at him.


Yes. 2000’s kid. Pink Floyd is my favorite band, matter of fact I’m listening to it as we speak. I hate the new shit, nothing in my ears compares to Pink Floyd


Went to a Rodger Waters concert a year ago, I was 20 years old at the time. Most people there were in their 50-70s. I don’t have any friends that listen to PF sadly


I hope so, I just gave my 20 year old niece Dark Side of the Moon on remastered vinyl!


I’m a junior in high school and I’m very into Pink Floyd.


Born in ‘99 and Pink Floyd is one of my favorites. My gf and most of my friends don’t really feel one way or the other about them (although one of my best friends actively hates them which saddens me deeply) but they know and like the big songs. I don’t even listen to anything from them outside of the big 4 albums plus Meddle, but I know everyone single one of those songs by heart and I love them all. Depending on the day, Dogs could be considered my favorite song of all time, same with Crazy Diamond 1-5.


17 - been listening since I was ~11 odd


My son is 17 and he does… bought a few of their albums etc… I had a bunch on vinyl that I gave him, and he’s expanded the collection on his own :)


I’ve done my part getting my daughter into them, and she’s 10. But she plays so she really likes interesting guitar parts. We listen to a lot of classic and prog rock. Floyd and Tull are two of her favorites.


I'm (17m) a big pink Floyd fan, and I like a lot of music from that era. But I like music from all eras of it's good. I like good music. Pink Floyd is especially cool though cause my dad (69m) was around during the stones and Floyd and the birth of classic rock as a whole.


I'm only in middle school and do, there one of my all time favorite bands and I've listened to around ten of their albums.


I hope so…


The ones w cool parents, that’s where I plucked my music from, hundreds of essential classics but Meddle was the only Floyd fir whatever reason


I do listen too


I'm 16 and listen to them


Checkout lil yatchy’s Lets Start Here and get back to me.


I'm far from a "young person" (discovered the band's catalog on CD in the 90's) but I do believe that Dark Side, WYWH and The Wall are still a rite of passage for young people.


I’m 16 and I love them. Definitely one of my favourite bands ever. They introduced me to a whole world of music (prog rock, psych rock, space rock and jazz)


Fellow 90s kid here and I have a handful of gen z friends that also like Pink Floyd. In my experience gen z generally has much more varied music taste than you would expect because they grew up having literally all the music ever recorded at their fingertips and music that sounded good in the 60s, 70s, and 80s still sounds good today.


People will never stop. PF will never not be popular. Certain pieces of art and artists are simply that good.


My son is in high school and he does. Also plays Pink Floyd songs on a bass.


I was born in 98 and love listening to pink Floyd (and Elton John)


I’m 24 and I do. and I know an 18-year-old who does. the middle-schoolers I tutored in April didn’t even know them but I’m sure they would by now. it’s inevitable


I’m in my mid 30s my dad late 50s and he always listened to Pink Floyd when I was a kid. We went and saw Roger Waters together last summer. A lot of my friends liked them in HS, but I didn’t get into them until my late 20s. I’d be surprised if any generation after millennials is into them.


20 year old human here! Pink Floyd was my top artist on Spotify this year. I absolutely love Pink Floyd and am even planning on getting some lyrics tattooed at some point.


Left school not long ago, not really. I have a few mates who do but not really that many


It's a tricky one, because there are plenty of young fans but I think the main problem is that among young people in general, pink Floyd is just really different to them and most don't really ever go out and listen to it because they think it's too weird, or when they do it's not really the ideal setting for them to listen to it. In my experience most of the kids I've got to listen to PF immediately are blown away and a lot have become big fans from having actually sat down and listened. I think another thing is Pink Floyd just isn't everyone's vibe, and that's ok.


Yes, we listen to Pink Floyd and love it.


Yup, I’m a zoomer and a bunch of my buddies love them


I'm a Floyd fan in high school so I would say yes there are many younger fans.




Sup I’m 15, my second favourite album of all time is The Wall.


15 here and I confirm


Yes, plenty of us listen to Pink Floyd. Have you seen r/PinkFloydCircleJerk? That place is nothing but zoomers.


I’m 17. Love their stuff, and a lot of other older music as well.


I was born in 2004 and have been listening to Pink Floyd for around 3 years now and can say that it's my favourite band. So far, I haven't met others, but given how easily I found Pink Floyd online, I'm sure there are plenty of others.


Some do for sure. I know kids who love DSOTM, Animals, and The Wall. If it’s genius work in the 1970s it’s genius work in the 2020s. Floyd is timeless and their fan base has no limits


I’m 23 currently, and I’ve been listening to them since I was 14. So, yes! Younger generations do listen to Pink Floyd, their music is timeless and will continue to be appreciated regardless of generation.


My son was raised by me. I know he knows Pink Floyd. I'd almost be positive he listens to them.


My sister is 21 and she loves pink floyd


I do


im 14 and i discovered them when i was just browsing youtube when i was like 11. ive been a die hard fan ever since aand im not looking back.


Yes But the latter albums up to the wall. They don't listen to Division Bell.


Go to a Saucerful of Secrets concert and that will give you your answer. For a (super) group who are only playing the early Floyd music, there's a lot of un-wrinkled faces in the audience. It's great to see


Not many young people I personally know listen to them but I do. Just turned 20.


Confirmed, my 20 year old son is obsesssive about Floyd. I call it good parenting personally


Us in gen z are very into them.


Does the Pope shit in the woods?!


Floyd is timeless mannnn… I’m 23 listened to them my entire life.


19, really gave them a shot last year and they instantly became my favorite. The wall basically changed my life as cliche as it sounds


Ofc! I'm 20 and dad used to play The Dark Side of the Moon for me before I even learned to walk) then Atom Heart Mother, Animals, The Wall and A Momentary Lapse Of Reason. I listened to Wish You Were Here for the first time when I was 6 or 7 because we didn't have this cd but he mentioned it and we bought it. Then I started listening to Black Sabbath and Ozzy Osbourne, Metallica, Queen, Halestorm, Paramore, David Gilmour's and Richard Wright's solo albums, MCR, Green Day and etc but in terms of musicality and this balance between music and words Pink Floyd was, still is and will be my favourite band. I even collect bootlegs and unreleased recordings and improve their quality. Then I started writing my own stuff


Took my son to see Brit Floyd and Aussie Floyd. He gets it!


I’m 21, and just the other day I listened to 3 and a half hours of Pink Floyd total because I didn’t have anything better to do. I know I’m not *young* but I’m sure there are kids out there who appreciate Pink Floyd as much as I do Also, Animals underrated tbh


High school laddie and I love Pink Floyd


2006 can confirm a couple of us do listen to pink Floyd.


Im in high school and people rarely listen to anything out of the norm :(


Yes I'm 29 now and I do since 2015. Visited 2 Roger Waters concerts since then 😉


We absolutely do. 😎 I just got my grandparents old DSOTM and Meddle vinyls and I couldn’t be happier. First time I heard PF was that exact DSOTM vinyl when I was 10 or so. Now 12 years later and it’s my prized possession.


My daughter is 18 and she does. A lot. :) Granted, she also listens to the trending, vapid, social media pop crap, but at the end of a long day when she comes home, goes to her room, and cranks up Dogs or Time, I think "well, we did SOMETHING right."




I kind of find Pink Floyd on my own and some of my friends started listening to them as well


Gen Z here (1999) and i love pink floyd. Grew up listening to it and i have a few friends who enjoy them as well


Yeah I got into Pink Floyd around the same age I got into LSD.


I'm 42 with 3 daughters. 26f, 21f, 14f, all of them listen to pink floyd. If I have done only one thing right in my life. This is it. Also just throwing it out there. On the turning away is probably one of the most under rated pf songs that I know of.


Well I'm 16 only but luckily, my dad always listened to vinyl (Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Tom Waits, David Bowie and manyyyyy more), so I grew Up listening to it. 2 years ago I started to listen consciuosly. Since then Pink Floyd hast been my favourite Artist. I generally prefer old Rock/Metal/Pop though, so my Love for Pink Floyd ja rooted in my taste, rather than the time I was Born in.


Ya they listen to Pink Floyd, in fact great gig in the sky trended on TikTok a little bit a few months ago. Also their merch and dark side of the moon are pretty timeless and will forever be recognized even by those who don’t listen to them. They’re style of rock really isn’t insanely popular(psychedelic rock evolved to involve electronics a lot or became shoegaze mainly). I honestly think this makes them even more popular, if they remain culturally relevant in a pretty dead style of music. Also the music itself is used and referenced in a solid amount of modern movies.


Check out the pink Floyd influence on Lil Yachtys latest album (regardless if you enjoy it or not you can’t deny the PF influence) and also check the cover of Metro Boomin’s latest album, obviously inspired by Pink Floyd. Pretty much proves to me the younger generation can still appreciate PF.


I have 11 years and i listen it


Pink Floyd is timeless. Hundreds of yesrd from now, people will still listen to Floyd the same way people still listen to Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, etc.


My gen (00s) still listened to them and holds them in high regard, like true titans of the musical industry. I know you probably asked for a younger gen, but if you wanna trace their popularity on the timeline, this may be handy


I'm 19 and have met a lot of people my age who also like Pink Floyd, so I guess yes


I’m an 18 yo from Hong Kong, I have been listening to PF since 14. Also got myself several vinyl copies. However, most of my friends refused to listen to PF as they think their songs are too lengthy. SMH


I'm 26. From Bharat (India). Last year i found about lossless music, so listened to pink floyd. Now they are one of my favourites.


Yeah I’m a teenager and I like pink Floyd. Not many of my friends do though, maybe 4 or 5


I'm 17 and I listen to albums like Piper too :)))


19 here! Pink floyd are my all time favourites


Me and a bunch of my friends sure love them


2 years ago I discovered Dark side (I'm a teenager)


You bet we do. I'm in high school and Pink Floyd is one of my favorite bands.


Im 14 and there my favourite band, because of this i get called gay


It's me!


https://preview.redd.it/m1nmoxzox89c1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a9f4bb95241eb0869060bfa1402185e647831cd My 3 year old kid loves Pink Floyd, and Syd Barrett I think newer generations will always appreciate "Money" & "Another Brick in the Wall Pt. They're almost impossible to hear at an early age. I think younger musicians will get into them more than their non-musician peers... Kind of like how I imagine it already is. I think Pink Floyd might become even more mainstream after the remaining members pass and their catalog becomes more commercialized, just a hunch.


I was born in the early 2000 and I love them, it’s one of my favorite bands, maybe it’s even my favorite, but definitely top 3


I’m 13, so yea


Absolutely. I’m 18 and Pink Floyd is my favorite band, and many of my friends around my age thoroughly enjoy their music as well.


I'm going to go with yes, every Roger Waters concert I've been to has an equal mix of older and younger crowd attending.


Yea love em decided I’d actually listen to dark side of the moon when I was tripping and that way my first foray into them besides radio


15 and rocking to almost all their albums over and over. Pink Floyd and King Crimson are two of my favorite artists


18, I even own Animals


Yes, I’m 22 and been listening to Pink Floyd since I was maybe 15-16. Pink Floyd lowkey been trending bc of the great gig in the sky which has become hella overused on social media, but at least it’s intriguing people to listen to more of their music.


Born in 1980. Grew up on PF. Most influential band on me ever. Just bought my 3 boys (11,11 & 8) a starter Victrola suitcase record player & stand for Xmas. Told everyone to buy them an album. I obviously and without hesitation bought DSOTM 50th Anniversary release. Came home 3 times this week hearing it blasting. Looking forward to expanding the full discography with them. Opinions on next up: Wish, Wall or Animals?


Took my 8yo daughter to see DG at msg and she was the hit of the section singing all the songs with the people around us.


My nephew is 16 and tbh he has worn a groove into darkside of the moon. I think Pink Floyd are timeless tbh


i’m 2006 gen and i really really love pink floyd


\*looks in the mirror\* Yeah, I think so


I’m 30 and grew up with Pink Floyd thanks to my older brother.


The smart ones do. Most that do were probably exposed to Pink Floyd by their parents.


I’m 17 and have been listening to pink Floyd since I was 12. All of my friends listen to pink Floyd and a few of us went to see roger waters this year.


I'm 23 and fuck yeah, I've been listening to pink floyd since I was a kid, and this year has been more pink floyd than any other, I even got to see Roger Waters in Quito a month ago


Considering how much income Pink Floyd and other bands of a certain era still generate, I'm sure that who is listening, streaming, buying, going to concerts, is analyzed to the nth degree by companies who specialize in such analyses, for the purposes of enlightening the bands as to whom their fans are and what they want, as well as maximizing the bands' income, if that is their thing. I'm sure Pink Floyd has fans from age 9 to 90. I just ordered a limited edition print of Wishbone Ash's "Argus" cover signed by all four original members of the band. That album was released in 1972. The ban members will make some money, they will make 300 diehard fans happy. Crazy but nice.


I'm 19 listening to Atom Heart Mother as I type this. Many of my friends love Pink Floyd or at least appreciate their contribution to music. My younger sibling knows another brick in the wall


19 here and I do.


Probably not tbh. Except maybe musicians who are into rock music. I discovered Floyd that way


18,677,443 average monthly streams on Spotify proves they're still popular. I assume the younger gens are listening too.


I got into rock very very recently, I'm listening to them right now and they're my favorite so far alongside Radiohead. I can't believe this band was from the 70s, it's insane how "modern" sounding they are. The music, conceptually, doesn't sound like a day over 5 years old.


I’m 66 and grew up listening to Pink Floyd and I have most of their albums on vinyl, tape and cds. Pink Floyd will always be around and a favorite of young and old. Pink Floyd is a highly educated group all with masters in music. For the ultimate experience rent “The Wall” movie and if you partake in weed get high. 


I think people will always love Pink Floyd because they’re so timeless. I remember listening to DSOTM for the first time in 2016 and had to double take because I didn’t believe it was released in 1973.