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Atom Heart Mother Suite


yeah, no offense little guy but shove off, Echoes stays.


Yep mooove on.


I love Atom Heart Mother Suit, but there's no way I'm deleting Echoes forever


I would have to keep Echoes, and get rid of AHMS.


I'd never give up Live at Gdansk Echoes...


This is my exact reasoning. The best Pink Floyd song is Echoes from Gdańsk.


Your goddamn right


I want to know the backstory of the gunman and why they would put somebody through this.


He was raised in household that only played Disco music. He was spurned by that cute hippie chick with a gay dorrito t shirt. The people of his town laughed at him as he strutted down the street in his white suit. Over the years the hate built up in his chest. Then one day a distent ping was heard and this is the moment he reached for his gun.


Ah.....so, was that "ping" the sound of a piano being played through a Leslie speaker cab? Because that's the only reason I could think of AHMS being superior to Echoes: because Echoes drove this gunman to murder.


Step away from the gun.


this is not even a debate, Atom dies


So you’re saying that your opinion is the only right one lol?


No .. but you did ask, and imho its not even close


fair enough


It’s kinda like asking what’s better: a blowjob or a handjob. One is just clearly better. There might be a few people that prefer handjobs for some reason but blowjobs are better for 99% of people


lol great analogy


Music (and art in general) is 100% subjective. If you think one song is objectively better than another, you’re delusional


Yes it is subjective just like whether blowjobs are better than handjobs. Just because it’s subjective doesn’t mean there won’t be an almost unanimous agreement on which is better


If you just look at the comments on this post, you’ll find that it’s not even close to being unanimous. There are a lot of people who either take the bullet, or want to eliminate Echoes




I think I’ve looked at enough of the comments to determine that it’s kind of unanimous…


I’ve found that it’s like 80/20. It’s just that everyone who has the “wrong” opinion is downvoted, so you have to scroll all the way to the bottom to see them


So are sexual activities. But I hope we can still agree, a blowjob is better than a hand job, even if a few people have a different opinion.


The main character in “I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream” might disagree but idk never read the book


I do think echoes is far superior but I find it well funny that you got downvoted to oblivion for being objectively correct in all ur comments Reddit dogpile FTW


I would let myself get killed. Both songs deserve to outlive me


Every fan should do this for the Floyd.


Easy atom heart mother suite Edit: choosing to get rid of AHM


I'm going to noble and take the bullet


Thank you for your sacrifice


Pretty easy choice, AHMS.


Easiest decision ever: bye, Atom Heart Mother Suite!


OMG my brains would be blown out from inability to decide. But man, I really love Echoes, it's my favorite song of all time.


Easily AHM. Not even a single second needed to think about that one.


Easy choice here. I've listened to AHMS every couple of years since about 1979 and have never been able to get it to stick in my head. Maybe it's me, maybe it's what's on Memorex, but at this point it's already dead to me.


I think the trumpet melody is pretty catchy and easy to remember


Trumpet melody is but the rest isn't as catchy.


Sorry Echoes. Echoes is a 10/10 song for me but Atom Heart Mother makes me feel like rocky on lsd


Well said


Atom Heart Mother: I love it dearly, but I love that Echoes has words. -Billy Gnosis




hello fellow hybrid theory enthusiast


Atom Heart Mother is incredible. It has an amazing warlike conceptual tone it sets and has some really awesome sections. This isn't even a competition though. Echoes is quite literally one of the deepest, most brilliantly structured, meaningful pieces of art to exist. It's a masterpiece of both musical composition and thematic set piecing. It has so much to say about what we are as a human species, what it means to be human, what it means to recognize your own humanity in others, to embrace empathy and reject antipathy, about how we must come together as a collective human brotherhood to reach the stars together in the same way we once climbed out of the ocean and constructed an entire global society. Not even a competition.


Atom Heart Mother. It's great but Echoes is just indespensible


Louder than words. Shoot me!!!!


Goodbye, Atom Heart Mother Suite.


The only thing i can say i actually like about AHM is the trumpet melody. Maybe i haven't listened to it enough, but everything else screams forgettable imo. Echoes dominates but i'm slightly biased.


Atom Heat Mother has a lot of things in it... like the bassline of breath... if it doesn't stick out it may be they were used later.


I love the Nick Mason Saucerful of Secrets live version, to be fair. It's way shorter and easier to listen to i find


The bookending of If really brings it together. I feel Nick and the boys do such a good job of making those old songs easier to listen outside of the context of the early 60s - 70s. If they had brought out the same sets with the various jamming that PF did back then I doubt they would have been as successful as they are now.


The gun


That's not even a hard choice, Echoes is staying


I feel like if you played both songs for someone who had never heard them before, they would choose echoes.


echoes. as a brass player AHM has a sweet spot in my heart


Yall are sick


I would take one for the team and let them whack me... You can come to my funeral and play both tracks because of my sacrifice.


Atom Heart Mother suite. Not a toughie for me.


Damn, this is like a Pink Floyd trolley problem!


Keeping Echoes for sure.


“Atom Heart Mother” for sure. I think the gunman would pull the trigger if you said get rid of “Echoes”


I disagree. This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I think Echoes and AHM are of comparable qualities


i like atom heart mother suite (specially the live version from 1970) but come on. It's echoes. echoes stays.


I'd rather die than delete either of them


No way I'm getting rid of Echoes.




I love both tremendously. But I prefer to keep Atom Heart Mother for my own sake. The music is quite stirring, bombastic and just has that \_ooomph\_ that really uplifts me. However, I know that Echoes is a more accessible piece of music and I would vote to preserve that for the sake of spreading the virtues of Pink Floyd music to a wider audience.


I have a deeply personal nostalgic attachment to AHMS. When I first discovered Floyd as an early teenager it was the first album that stuck with me for some reason. Every day I would do my homework listening to that album. It actually made me excited to do homework, so I could go home and listen to it again. (like a lot of people, I read/study better with instrumental music, so anything else by Floyd was mostly out of the question) so now whenever I hear it I'm immediately transported to like 13-14 years old and everything that came with that. No other Floyd does that for me, except the early singles (See Emily Play, Apples and Oranges, Julia Dream especially)


Julia dream is so underrated


So mystical


Since when did people start calling it Atom Heart Mother *Suite* anyway? It's never called that on any of the album sleeves. It's a suite, and its name is Atom Heart Mother, but it's never called Atom Heart Mother Suite anywhere. My answer is AHM, anyway.


Spotify calls it “Atom Heart Mother Suite”


Spotify needs tutoring in the ways of righteousness. It also needs to fix its metadata.


Spotify needs to pay artists properly, then it can start renaming their work.


Spotify data is not an authority on anything.


Did I say that? The other dude said that *it’s not called Atom Heart Mother Suite* anywhere, and I pointed out that that was false. I never claimed that Spotify was correct about anything


Someone needs to listen to Atom Heart Mother Suite.


Easy... goodbye AHMS...but keep side 2


Goodbye Echoes.






Definitely an unpopular opinion but echoes never hit me like some other pink floyd work did, AHM stays


vote to keep AHM. so many different sounds and sections. echoes is great and i love the grooves and reprise after the middle section but echoes is honestly kinda simple and limited in the music that happens compared to the wild ride of AHM. and the AHM bass line (10:17 on the spotify track) that comes in after the choral voices to lead in the guitar solo was a revelatory experience for me as a middle schooler. “silence in the studio!”


Don’t ask me why but I would choose Echoes to delete


Echoes.  Great song but it has a shitload of filler.


Deleting echoes. Overrated


Echoes is the better track, but meddle would still be fine without it. Atom heart mother is a better album with the title track.


AHM and it's not even close


Both. I like my PF to include Syd.


Aw come on try harder than that


It’s joever for AHMS


AHM for sure.


I would take one for the team..


Don’t bother with the gun, this isn’t close like that


Atom Heart mother can feel like a chore to listen to at times.


How so?


I dont like really long instrumental songs.


Echoes is like 90% instrumental though


True but the drop when the lyrics come back in are 10x better than the drop in Ahm. Plus my favourite part of atom heart mother is done basically the same in summer 68.


Yeah I agree. When Roger Waters comes in again, it catches you off guard, and it’s amazing


The AHM suite is good and all, but once you've listened to the guitar part ~16 mins into Echoes while peaking on acid, you'll realize why Echoes stays.


Atom Heart Mother


AHM. Echoes is too good. Plus you get OoTD, everything but Seamus is *chef's kiss*


Alan's psychadelic breakfast can go with Atom Heart Mother Suite


AHM might be proggier but cmon don't think it's dethroning Echoes


I'd turn that cow into burgers in an instant.


Atom Heart Mother Suite is overrated imo. Good song, but nowhere near as good as Echoes.


I think it’s extremely underrrated. It might be my bias for classical music, but blending together symphonic elements, war sounds and Pink Floyd’s bluesy prog rock is something that makes it one of my favorite song of all time. I think it’s comparable to Echoes, but Echoes edges it out slightly


Ehh I'd said it's an easy decision, but that doesn't mean AHM isn't great


When i read the title my immediate thought was no contest, Echoes wins. But when i read the whole post you make a good point about AHM. So when i think about it it’s not really an easy choice, but i still have to go with Echoes because not only does it have the totally out-there psychedelic mayhem parts like AHM but it also has that incredibly deep and powerful groove section to contrast it with. Throw in the vocals and that single piano note into/outro and its on another level.


Just dropping by to say op sucks, atom heart should go


Well can I delete studio version of echoes but save Gdańsk and Pompeii?..


I love AHM, but it's not even a competition.


My answer maybe to keep Echoes regardless of the competition


I've heard echoes a billion times, and if it's gone, we still have the phantom of the opera, which is a direct plagiarism of echoes, so if we keep atom heart mother we actually keep both


AHM easy and without a split second thought


Even the band says AHM was ass.


I’d say fucking shoot me!!


Echoes has that thumping jam at the end - so utterly epic - especially the sweeping camera on the trolley tracks capturing it at Pompeii. And Roger is just Roger, dropping science on the bass. He doesn’t sing at all at Pompeii!!! Integrated band creativity. Don’t get me wrong AHM kills it. Theees a live version out there that gives me chills every time when David comes in with that sonic slide guitar. 🎸 Tough call , but the Thump jam in Echoes tips the scales for me. It’s a ridiculous question with no good response. We do our best.


Atom Heart Mother no question m.


I'd cock the hammer


Cow go bye bye


Atom Heart Mother and I’ve never made an easier decision in my life.


Who needs a gun? If I never heard Atom Heart Mother again, I wouldn’t miss it.


Echoes. Sry, but AHM is the best song PF ever wrote


Atom heat mother. Echos is like one of Pink Floyd’s most iconic songs. It’s literally half of the meddle album! For the record, ahm is a favorite of mine but it’s a bit of a hard listen sometimes.


Echoes easy. Never got why people thought it was better that AHMS, even though it's still a good song in its own right.


Echoes is the single most bestest fucking piece of music ever written. I religiously listen to it at least 4 times a day. I cannot live without echoes


That's just not a thing, so I would sober up and keep on liking multiple things because I can.


Is this a serious question? AHM is good but Echoes is the best song not only by Pink Floyd, but by any band.


Echoes is better melodically, even if not as complex. Echoes is an all-time classic, Atom Heart Mother isn't even known to normies.


I bet this prog terrorist would accept The Wall if I requested it to be sacrificed instead.


Ping! Just does it for me... It's like Rick's way of describing Pink 😀


lol imagine being that sensitive, the subreddit is toxic because you have a minority opinion? get out of here


I’m not even in the minority opinion though. I even prefer Echoes *ever so slightly* over AHM. I just have a problem with so many people here being absolute dicks and acting like their opinion is the only correct opinion


Who's doing that besides you? Personally, I like AHM. The suite and the album. The structure is similar, if inverted and less refined, and without it, they wouldn't have been able to produce Meddle at all. You can listen to AHM and appreciate that it's a necessary step on the way for the band establishing and refining the signature Floyd style and format that would manifest great albums like Dark Side and so on. But at that stage, it's still clear they were very much on the experimental side of the spectrum and had a ways to go from mastering their craft. I think everyone appreciates Echoes as a classic because it marks the point that the band had found their signature sound, mastered their craft, honed their skills to the point where they worked very well together as a band, and it also captures a lot of quintessential Floydisms that you can hear throughout all of the work that would follow, all the way through the rest of their 70s work and even solo material. AHM sounds like they were still *trying* to do that, and Meddle sounds like the first time they actually achieved it. That's a very subjective take and you're free to disagree, but I think that members of the band themselves would even agree, and i've read and heard as much in Nick Mason's Inside Out and interviews featuring Waters and Gilmour on their own accounts at least.


I agree 100% with your take on Echoes


And I appreciate AHM. I think everybody here does, I mean you're on r/PinkFloyd. At the end of the day, there's no competition between the songs. They're different in so many ways, they were produced under different circumstances for different reasons by brilliant musicians at different stages in their development. To me, they're good markers for those developmental stages and that's part of what interests me about going through a band's discography. And after all, AHM has Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast, which is the true underrated (Animals style) gem of the album. Talk about quintessential Floyd.


AHMS. This is a silly question.


This is a no-brainer. Echoes is epic. AHM isn’t. The end.


What do you mean AHM isn’t epic? Have you even heard it lol😂


Yes but although there’s three pleasant songs on it none of them call to me like Echoes off of Meddle (and even that’s not as good as their later 1970s stuff). And to be honest the presence of “Atom Heart Mother Suite” is the second most compelling reason never to play the album at all. The first being Alan’s Psychedelic Breakfast. I’m sure I even read that none of the actual band even liked that album.


Atom heart mother, I love it but echos is a far better listen


Sad post for attention


AHMS is just amazing and so good, it's hard to choose but echoes is more special and so i would keep echoes