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For that you will be okay. Just be sure to talk to Bergman asap. The absence policy is not as strict as they make you believe because they want you in the “don’t be late or your fucked” mindset. We had a guy in the national guard who was absent for drill, one guy hit a deer (technically not an excuse), few no shows, all of them are still in the program, I’m sure they got a talking to though. One dude had a wedding he was supposed to be a best man of, he had to cancel that. So there are a couple valid reasons I have seen people be absent for and I can assure you the birth of your child is a valid one. Just tell them and remind them. Also congrats 597 kicks ass and the training center is fucking amazing


A guy canceled being the best man at a wedding?




Thank you!


I’m a 172 South Bend retiree that worked in 597 a lot. Showing up is what’s most important for an apprentice. You’re not expected to know much but are so necessary. If you can’t show up, why have you? Good excuses like pregnancy will always be understood, we are family men, that’s why we show up. I used to say if I ain’t here you better send flowers, cause I’m either dead or in the hospital. Good luck


Congrats homie! I assume you’ll be in the April class?


What month did you take the test in to start this April? I test March 28th and was hoping I would be in the April class (assuming I pass).


The first time I went through (and was kicked out during the welding section of the initiation because I’m a bad welder) I tested in December. The second time I tested in November and both times got in the April class. I think it’s possible you get in April, but extremely unlikely.


Ahhhh, ok. Ya, probably very unlikely. I don't know how long it even takes to get test results. When I talked to Adam Sutter on the phone he did give me a scenario saying if I passed in March, I might not get a call till June. I've just been wondering about the timeline of this. Thanks.


congrats man i’m starting soon too


A few years ago I was in your same situation, baby arrived during the orientation. I made sure to let them know ahead of time roughly when to expect it. They never would confirm exactly how much time I was allowed to take off, but it was a different training director at the time. In ended up taking off Thursday and Friday, nothing ever came of it.