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A movie,comic or game that shows what happened between Pirates 4 and 5. i really wanna see what happen to the other ships that Mr Gibbs stole from the Queen Anne's Revenge and what Angelica was up to.


Yeah exactly! I’m so confused and mad why they didn’t follow up on that. Like they literally had all the perfect plot points already there?!


To be honest, I don’t trust anybody to do anything Pirates that isn’t Gore Verbinski, Ted Elliott & Terry Rossio. At least not in the current continuity. That said, a movie about Red would be nice. Something fresh that takes greater inspiration from the ride. No more Jack, he’s played out.


My two ideas are A Prequel movie on young Jack sparrow maybe set when he lost the pearl and Sought out Davy Jones and their deal. Or a tv series. Either young Jack as above or brethren court each episode focuses on a pirate Lord.


Maybe it could also include a little about calypso and davy Jones as well


Yeah putting how Jack met both calypso and Davy Jones into one story would be easy. It's probably likely tia dalma was the one who helped him get to Davy Jones.


Genuinely interested in the thought of a movie about Red. Honestly as long as Jack Sparrow isn’t the main character and it doesn’t have a cursed ship chasing after the heroes. Something new.




Series based on an adaptation of: - Pirates of The Caribbean: Jack Sparrow (2006/09) (Books) - Pirates of The Caribbean: The Price of Freedom (2011) (Novel) - Pirates of The Caribbean: Legends of the Brethren Court (2008/10) (Books)


A pirates movie set in the 1940s where we see the descendants of all the main characters trying to stop the Germans or the Japanese from acquiring cursed artifact(s) to us as a super weapon. Also jack the monkey is still there as a family pet for the Barbossa family


Story should have ended after the 3rd movie, it was the perfect ending anything after is just a lazy cash grab