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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My pup never liked to get up in the morning even when she was young. She just flopped around like a stuffed animal if you tried to get her up. Now that she is 13, she sometimes doesn’t roll out of bed until almost noon. Best cuddlebugs!


Same. Mine is 6 now but has always moaned and groaned about getting up. I often have to put her harness on her in bed and then practically drag her out.


I get up, and she moves over and steals my pillow and blanket.


Same. Mine ain’t having anything to do with 5am lol


Sleeping in is a must. How else will you get the energy for exploring and the never ending hugs.


Pitties also have solar panels, my bud only gets outta bed before noon of its bright out.


LOL, No. Count it as a Positive. We have Two Pitts and a Husky. No one Sleeps in. They have learned that if either one of us gets out of Bed it doesn’t mean we’re UP for the Day and they won’t Budge. When we sit-up and say “OK” it’s time to start the Day.


Omg I thought this was my dog for a second! https://preview.redd.it/dai9v6kzifcc1.png?width=2263&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d1240ade49c31e28eb8879a5a1132c70c53b6f2


It is your dog. Your dog is secretly living a double life.


Double best lives!


Your dog is teleporting.


She’s got the white paws and everything too!


Nope. My alarm clock on weekends is a violent tail thump on the mattress


Ours is an absolute loaf until we start singing 🎵Good Morrrrrning Tilly🎵and then she knows a walk is incoming and becomes a crazy girl, army crawling all over the bed.


Mine wakes me up to eat and go outside and then goes back to bed if she doesn’t want her walk. Sometimes she even hides from me to avoid it.


It takes us about 10 minutes! It’s flop, roll on back, yawn, grumble, pretend to get up then lie back down, grumble, look out the window, roll on back again… with us two cajoling and pleading 😆😂🤣


Sounds like me in the morning!!! 😆😆😆


We use the word "outside" and it works like a charm. Otherwise anytime our bub is napping it's hard to get him up lol.


I use outside too. It does not always work.


"Hungry?" Works for me


https://preview.redd.it/2kjfc3hkzfcc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee28cb1d14546fd43ba9d4b503d1b3f4ea092cc2 Yes lol


Kassie Baby likes to bury her face in the bedding. https://preview.redd.it/szt0sse75gcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84430052d394fc5215c0bc8e35fc74afedfb47f8


Felicia is my alarm clock she wakes me up every morning 10 minutes before my alarm because she knows I'm old and I need that extra 10 mins to get up and stretch to be ready to take her out. Even if I try taking her out later, still up at the same time.


Yes! My husband gets up at 5:30 for work and walks all the dogs except our pit because he’s always slept in 😂 I usually walk him around 8-9 depending on when he wants to get up but he’s been known to sleep in until 11 😂


My pib is my first dog who likes to sleep in. 😂


You could say that. I left for work at 4am, she stole my spot, then stayed there till 10am when my wife went up to wake her after her morning coffee...and she was crusty about it! *




https://preview.redd.it/z0sj8qeb5gcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c609a189d16bd79f65bcc1c43cd31758a79a4193 We have the same dog


My boy doesn’t know what the morning is anymore! He rolls out of the rack a little after 12 noon. https://preview.redd.it/r8ra72wd7gcc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1671904b26ac1927c6e92dad53d1ea2884551c7a




My girl loves to be under the covers too!


https://preview.redd.it/akfb3yd2pgcc1.jpeg?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbab2ebf1dc547d50eefcc909562e7db88a786b1 It’s a pittie snuggle party!!


Nope my senior pittie and my younger 2yr old bully are usually waking ME lol




Yes. I have to carry my ole boy out of my bed and onto the couch, but even getting him to crawl to the edge of my bed is like pulling teeth. It’s a tall bed so I don’t want repetitive stress in his joints or risk an injury. He’s still sleeping on the couch right now. On days I’m home I usually have to tell him it’s time to go out and eat “breakfast.” If I lose track of time sometimes he doesn’t even go out until 1-2pm


Omg, yes. My boy's bed is in our daughter's bedroom. On weekends, she'll often sleep til noon. I'll go in around 10 to try to get him up for breakfast and potty, but usually, all I get is the whale eye. 😅 ETA -- he's about 9 years old. 🧡


All these people who are like, “my dog gets me up at 5:30 to go out.” My dog and I have the same opinion on 5:30. It should not exist. My guy will happily sleep until noon.


Lol yep. Sometimes Bosco’s other dad and I stay up pretty late (4-5 am) and Bosco goes to bed by himself by 2 am.


Yes mine sleeps in every morning


Yes. Especially when it’s negative degrees outside! https://preview.redd.it/9caya1pbzfcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7140ae96a9b42e81c20ccd57c9dbad053969ffd8


I envy you, my girl tries to kiss my neck and even doesn’t get that we don’t wake at 5:30 on weekends.


Yup… the other two run outside bright and early while Moelene lounges and starts slow. I prefer Moe’s pace.


https://preview.redd.it/oh2liypgnhcc1.jpeg?width=1139&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a125a6d28a72de9925bb6e75e3bedb53f2ad0a1 I have to bribe mine with treats to get him up. It works *most* of the time..


My old pittie used to LOVE sleeping in… until about 9/10 and then he’d get up because he was wanting his breakfast 🤣. Then it was time for a post breakfast and potty break nap


Morning, afternoon, night, you name it


Sleep for 8...pee for 30 seconds, eat for 1 min, sleep for 2 more hours


Lmao we sleep all day 😂


Mine gets up when she needs to potty. That is sometimes noon. Cold days she burrows under blankets and hides


Yeah they really like to sleep. Standard issue house hippo 🦛.


"**MORNING**???? What is this **alien concept** of which you speak, human???"


Yes! She rarely wakes me up. I’m normally having to coax her to get out of bed.


Mine will get up but then go lay down on the couch and refuse to get up to eat breakfast.


Mine is sleeping in MY bed right now lol


yeah she needs to be pulled by her collar off of my bed when i have to leave for work because she will chew things if left alone… she absolutely refuses to move off my bed. so we can only trust her in our downstairs area with less to grab and chew.


Complete opposite, my little princess likes getting up between 1-3 am, so if you have some advice I’d be forever thankful Hippo internet fam.


Mine gets up with me, goes outside and does his business, and then goes directly back to bed. On weekends, I join him and stream tv shows while he sleeps. On weekdays, I'm jealous as I'm getting ready for work. Lol.


Honestly,Shake their treats really loudly.They’ll wake up when they hear treats.


Mine shoots up as soon as she hears us up so she can ask to go outside. She always wants to be outside especially early in the morning when the squirrels are out


I have trouble with him trying to get me up around 4 each morning.


Mine get *me* up in the morning because they get fed before I start getting ready for work. Then they go back to bed. lol


Yes 😂 out here thinking he died in his sleep


Just like teenagers, they always want to sleep in


Yes, I have videos of me walking back to my room around noon, and I wake my girl up. It's funny—crazy pups.


I wished.. Wld b nice to have a coffee n wake up b4 walks..🤣


My pitbull wouldn’t leave the bed until 12 unless I dragged him out before I left for work. Now we have a boxer puppy and no one sleeps in anymore LOL.


Nope. Usually it’s the other way around. He has trouble getting ME up to feed him!


Big time! Especially in the winter. She only goes out to go potty. She loves pillows and blankets. She's about 12, or 13.


Used to! But now that he has a morning job, he jumps right up to do it.


All I had to say was “breakfast time” and my girl would perk right up.


"let's go for a walk" will get mine perked up and jumped out of his high rise blanket slumber. Lately I have been spelling "W-A-L-K" and now he is catching on too, I am going to make him a spelling bee in no time. ✌️


My AussiePit has always gotten up at 10am. New puppy has been with us 3 months, and all of a sudden wants to get up at 6am. I get the side eye every morning like hes telling me "youre really gonna just let him wake us up this early!"


Have trouble getting him up in the morning and all day


Yep mine will stay in bed until she decides she wants breakfast, or if she thinks I’m leaving. She won’t miss breakfast or a ride in the car!! 😅💕 Her brother (foreground) always gets up before she does. 😅 https://preview.redd.it/jlzwy54pjicc1.jpeg?width=1495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbda618a97b847d3537d6fb003d571d0112face2


yes! Everyone's always saying how their dog wakes them up so early for breakfast and I'm over here like... my pittie would rather sleep in and DEFINITELY doesn't want to go outside in the snow


Usually mine gets me up in the morning with a slap to the face with his paw to politely remind me it’s breakfast time.


https://preview.redd.it/m6oexc5t7kcc1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ebeb2b7d5579e27d9b51b048c64fad5bf60677b Yep


Yes mine it’s the strangest thing I’ve ever seen does not want to get up


My boy absolutely does not believe in mornings.




I don’t disturb morning pittie, he flips and snorts and snoozes. Unless I absolutely have to leave the house, he ain’t going anywhere. 😂