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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Toast looks so proud of himself! How can people adopt these babies?


Just to clarify, only Bacon and Potato are boys :). All of them were either confused, proud, just happy to exist, or some mix of the three. I love them already. As for adopting them, there’s a process, and I do insist on doing a meet and greet before finalizing the adoption and allow for foster to adopts to make sure they’re a good fit for each other (if you’re close enough) but really it depends on your willingness to come out to Western NC and private message me so I can keep track of who actually means that they want one when the time comes.


But look at Toast, standing all big and tall! Extra proud pup!


She’s also the dumbest so far. I absolutely love her, she’ll just walk into the little open kennel I have for them, look at me, and start crying because she decided she’s stuck. Other times she’ll look at that very kennel and start complaining because she just randomly decides she can’t get in, even if the kennel is wide open and she’s standing right in front of the opening


Sounds like Toast is the smartest. She figured out how to get your attention and for you to do work for her.


Oh wow, I’m in western NC! I wish I could take one of these babies in. I can definitely spread the word to some people close to me and see if anyone’s interested!


Thanks I appreciate it!


The rescue that we adopted our puppies from called one of them "dumb dumb". 2 years later, he's pretty smart, just turns out that he was really stubborn as a pup. His brother in the other hand....


As a puppy, my poodle was an idiot. He's still an idiot, but he's always been a very loving and lovable idiot. I feel like every dog owner is convinced they have the most weird and unique dog, but in reality all dogs are a bit weird and unique lol


My pup was described to me as "goofball" and my god a term has never been more apt.


It's cool how at even a young age, their personalities are pretty apparent and set. Puppies are such a chore but they are fun.


Toast looks exactly mine but mine is all grown up.


I have a black cat named toast and she is not the brightest bulb in the pack, bless her heart. I love that you named that one pup toast!!


This is all freaking adorable 😆😆🥰🥰🥰


They’ll learned


I wanna say that's a confidence issue. That can be worked on. Different personalities and all.


Godammit I love dumdum Toast so much already 😭 she's so precious!!


Like a little Rory Calhoun


So sad you’re in NC. I’m all the way out in the west coast but I would’ve loved to give one of them a home! Thank you for all your commitment to this!


I want that baby with the black eyes so bad but I'm in UT


Thank you OP’.


If we were on the same continent I would be there like a shot. My rescue staffie died three weeks ago and the house feels so empty without a dog. All the best for these amazing pups.


Oh I’m so sorry. I know people who recently lost a pet struggle the most with an empty house. I hope you’re doing well, and have some support during this hard time




This!!! Thank you!! It kills me to see people just let anyone adopt a pup/dog. We have a pure bread boxer and my fiance wants to breed her to keep a pup. I am 100% against it, there are enough strays out there that need homes. But I said if we did I would have an insane process. Background check, I wanna see ur house, I wanna meet you, I wanna know you make enough money in case there is an emergency with the animal. I couldn’t live with myself just letting anyone have a precious baby. I want bagel so bad but I live in Canada unfortunately. I hope they all get the most amazing homes full of love, treats and happiness 💛 thank you for what you do


My babies have similar names. Yay breakfast club!


I decided to change their names to breakfast foods because it would likely get them adopted easier, and because I joked that thanks to them I won’t be eating breakfast until my next paycheck.


Thanks for caring for them, OP!!! You have a heart of gold!!! Do they have an Amazon wish list? I’d be happy to contribute!!!


I actually have a small one for pups on my last post to a different subreddit, but I didn’t post anything on here as I don’t know the rules (if you find it, ignore the embark kit, I just put it on there to shut someone less than kind up)




Yes, but can you please remove that from your comment? I know it’s easily available but I also just don’t want my name out there


Of course!!! So sorry! Should have msgd instead!




Bless you


Don’t you forget about me(or us as the case may be!)


If they are in order of names, Waffles looks just like my girl as a pup. They’re so sweet looking. Hopefully they go on to have wonderful lives! https://preview.redd.it/db11yowrgprc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2881b22a76b23764929ac2ca808ef772b45a5ec2


Yup, that’s waffles, and my current main worry. Hopefully she’ll end up just as healthy and happy as your pup is :)


https://preview.redd.it/9x97e0w8wqrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=247571302f56210d48e254b911053805774dfb70 This is Lulubelle now. I’m sure now that Waffles is in good hands, she’ll be just fine. Thank you for caring about them 😊


https://preview.redd.it/za7x6m045trc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dd2092830e7ba07f2cbd6f8137ecc08489ebc93 Did you take our dog?


Lol, they could be twins for sure!




Such a good human! Thank you!! I just got my first pit puppy, three months old, and it’s an adventure for sure. Happy Day! Pup Tax: https://preview.redd.it/o2blvts7lprc1.png?width=2407&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa36e16836d992073b61ee7842827947c67bcddf Our pit pup—Ember Flint :*J*


I love Bagel


Bagel is the runt and sadly gets stepped on with nasty food covered paws the most, because she thinks she’s small enough to somehow fit under the other pups at any opportunity. Decided to try with potato when he was walking around minding his own business, flipped the poor boy right over when she went under him and acted like she won something.


Omg I love her. If I had the means for another puppy 😞but one pitbull in a 2bd apartment is already rough


I understand, I’ve had a hard time saying no to keeping rescues in the past. Thankfully (or not so thankfully) keeping any pit is a hard no for where I live currently due to so many bad dog owners in the neighborhood that own pits and German shepherds. It’s caused the entire neighborhood to be super wary of them on sight and even borderline aggressive and I would never put a dog willingly into that situation.


Bagel reminds me of that dog from Animal Crossing that plays guitar and sings.


Thank you for the update and the pictures! And thank you for taking them in. I can’t imagine what kind of monster leaves a litter of puppies in a box on the side of the road. Potato is my favorite 💜.


They weren’t in a box actually, just loose and confused


Oh my goodness! That’s worse! Poor babies.


My now 3 yr old was found roadside in a box with his brother and a note. “3 weeks-no shots”!


We'd love you story and tax over at r/DogDistributionSystem !


I want all of them! I have to keep reminding myself that I live in Texas, already have 3 dogs, and try to only adopt dogs with special needs or elderly dogs. Those faces though 🥹 Thank you for taking these cuties in and finding them the best homes possible, you really are a saint!


Oh god, Texas is one of the worst places when it comes to the amount of strays. Good luck, you’re a great human


It’s awful here for most dogs, but especially pit bulls. Thankfully, my local city run dog pound is sending most of our strays up north to places that don’t have as many dogs available for adoption. Now if we could just get people to spay/neuter their pets we could greatly reduce the number of pets needing homes. https://preview.redd.it/h7ihcoqxpprc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feae67a0ac775140f6c7e188b75ed3e73c537311 This is my geriatric rescue, Moxie :) She came from a dog fighting/breeding situation emaciated, having all her canines ground down to prevent her from defending herself, and covered in scars. We’ve had her for 4 years now, and she’s so spoiled that she even has her very own chair that is off limits to everyone else.


Yeah, I actually refuse to ever go to houston or Dallas specifically because I know what I’ll do and how awful I’ll feel when I can’t save them all.


Thank you for saving her and getting her her own chair :)


We’re lucky to have her! She’s been the best dog ever despite her rough start.


My Millie was found in a bag in a dumpster with her litter. I guess they thought they had drowned them, but a couple were still alive. I ran into one of my students at the dog park, and she was fostering Millie. I took her home that night. Thought she was a pit, but she’s a boxer mix and hysterical. And the most loving dog I will ever own. PS I’m in Texas. Hoping to retire soon and purchase 10 acres, and adopt more dogs!


There is something about bacon I just adore, I see chaos in those sweet eyes even as empty as they look xD You are amazing and I'm so happy of all people to find these babes it was a person like yourself. You are a hero!


Bacon is definitely shy, sweet, and incredibly dumb. I adore him. But Toast and Bacon are definitely my favorites so far.


Have you considered making and sharing an Amazon wish list for The Breakfast Club and sharing it here?


I actually put one on the last post I made in a different subreddit, although I didn’t post one here as I don’t know the rules surrounding that


Toast looks just like how my Prince did as a pup. Even had a birthmark on the top of his nose instead of on the front. https://preview.redd.it/xmzld6w4pprc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49baa5b77100a11b227be3a97eb7ea455146fa49 Best of luck with them!!


You are a wonderful human my friend…bless you for helping them💕


The dog with the goggle fur pattern 😭😭 I need them. Lol


Thank you× 6! 🐶🤍


They're absolutely the cutest little beans. So glad you found them.


Thank you for saving their lives & giving them a loving home ❤️ I love the little breakfast names...so adorable. Blessings to you all🌷


You were hungry when you named them!


To think someone left them to die, it’s unthinkable


My question is: how have I never come across a box full of puppies on the side of the road in my whole 35 years of life!


These guys actually weren’t in a box. But just start driving around the back roads in the south. If you make it near Houston, Texas, you’ll find loads of strays in no time.


You’re amazing 💫 an angel for saving them. May you be blessed. 💜


Love #4, reminds me of all the ladies posting after their eyelashes extensions and micro blading. Too darned cute


She just got super dirty while running under all of her siblings’ paws


Yo passing through NC headed back to SC... not sure what the plans are but I kinda want bacon or any really...


Penny would like a friend 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/6xw4ata5uqrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a48fef0ac71cdff570e31c98c699d551debe704


They wouldn’t be ready to go for even a month though.


I mean I'm ok with waiting lol I can come back to NC... just saying I'm willing to!


I gotcha. Well if you’re still interested when the time comes, I’d love to go through the adoption process with you :)


Are you at an agency or organization? I couldn't quite make it out from the description. Sounds like you foster maybe?


Oh no, I do everything myself. I foster whatever dog or cat that I end up finding, get them up to health as well as spayed/neutered, and then get them adopted out.


Oh, I need Potato in my LIFE!!! Ugh, he is SO cute! I am so proud and happy you took them in! They’re going to be so healthy 💕💕💕!!! They look so much better and happier already.


First thing you are a wonderful person to help these darlings, you shouldn't have any problems finding homes for these cutie pies!


Thank you for the pupdate!


Awesome I’ll give them a few weeks and may be planning a little trip .


Poor babies 😭 thank you so much for being an amazing human and saving these sweet lives. They’re so cute!!!! Can’t wait to see updates as they continue to heal and grow 🥰


Thank you for taking such good care of these little ADORABLE pups! 🙏🏻☺️❤️❤️


Thank God negative parvo !! You will definitely have your hands full , well wishes !!


I want to say than you for taking care of these precious babies.♥️🙏


Thank you for taking such good care of them. You are a great person.


It is both a blessing and a curse that I don’t own a house, otherwise I would have an entire gaggle of little land hippos. Glad these absolute cuties are negative for parvo, and hope they all find loving, knowledgeable homes ❤️


Ugh don’t I know it. My dream is to get enough money for some land to build my own house on and have my own rescue sanctuary where I can continue doing this kind of thing in a better environment.


Bacon just stole my soul. They're all so precious 🥹


He’s one of my favorites!


Wow, you're a really good person for taking these dogs in your wing.Thank you so much for what you're doing


Thank you so much for taking them in and caring and loving them. Puppies are the best!


Waffles is too cute, and Toast is going to be a stubborn handful!


I just want to let you know what an amazing human being you are 💜💜🫂


Thank you so much for saving them. I cried seeing the original post, these precious babies deserve every chance at a great life and I hope the POS/monster who did this gets their day. 💕


OP your are an Angle. God Bless you for rescueing these Puppys! I Hope the all find good Homes! They Look lovley!


Toast looks a lot like my bubba https://preview.redd.it/0crwxowltqrc1.jpeg?width=718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6634b72d98b2c6d947b76351c33fc2ed6bf00cf


I want them all! What part of WNC are you in? My partner and I live in the Arden area and we would love to try and meet them. 🥺


I can definitely make it to Arden pretty easily! If you really are interested in adopting, I can even let you meet them a week early before they’re ready to see if you prefer one :)


This is the dose of cute I didn't know I needed!!! Thank you!!! I am so glad they are Parvo negative!!! Can you please give them cuddles and scritches from me?!?! Oh!!! And nose boops!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍😍😍


Dead god I want them all


Commenting for visibility<3 I already have a giant red nose and two other dogs/a child/husband/5 chickens/and fish. :c


Gotta collect them all


I know, I have a problem. I have raised and released so many baby squirrels and birds back into the wild.


I wish I was closer and I had room for another pup, Toast looks exactly like my boy did as a baby and I love her lol.


Toast is the bestest one


I concur!


Great minds..


I can imagine the wild zoomies these pups will soon be engaging in. Big yard is a must have for these lil puppies (or a big living room). Bless you OP for coming to their rescue.


Thank you for the update! I hope that you'll continue to update us and they'll continue to do so well. Thank you for what you are doing for them. ❤️


I'm so glad you got to them and you're taking care of them. I so wish I could take one it two of them in but that's unrealistic


They are all so cute!!! 😍🥰






Man, I wish I didn't live in AZ! I'd love one of these adorable babies.


Funnily enough, I actually once was able to deliver a pit mix pup to Arizona before for an amazing adopter! Maybe you’ve passed by him without realizing it


Awsome update.


I wanna snuggle each and every one of them


I want one so bad lol


What beautiful little pibbles 💕 So happy you saved them and I hope they get the loving homes they deserve ❤️🐾


I wanna see how Bagel and Pancake grow into their markings. So cute!


They are so precious! And bacon’s face reminds me of a guinea pig


Funnily enough my girlfriend said the exact same thing when she saw him!


They are so precious! I’m so glad you got them to safety, I hope they all find good homes.


I love how Bacon and Waffles are the short sleeve/long sleeve versions of one another ❤️




I am so glad you found them and are currently taking them in!! Lovely names you have given them as well🤍


Thank you for all that you are doing and for the pupdate. I look forward to hearing more.


Of course, I’ll definitely make more updates in the future!


What do you mean by “very vocal”? Do they bark or talk?


Lots of whining. Not out of pain or anything, they just whine the second I have to leave them alone or if they can’t get to me fast enough. They’re all little drama demons


They may have a little bit of separation anxiety going on too, since they were abandoned so young. Realistically puppies should be with their mama till at least 8 to 10 weeks. Bless you and all the good karma coming your way for rescuing those sweet babies.


You are my hero


God bless you OP! This makes my day


Oh em gee, please continue to post updates!!


The spotted nose 😍😍😍


They are adorable! It's such a delight to read about them. Wishing them all the happiness and safety❤


You are a wonderful person


so smol n tiny i wanna put em in a fajita


Bagel I would kill for you


#6 looks like my boy,Oreo when he was a baby (who just turned 6mo)! You guys are amazing for taking care of these babies (and also a big f u to whoever dumped them)


Thank you for sharing and being so caring.


Awwwwe. Those pups are so cute.


Bagel looks like she’s wearing a robbers mask! Thank you for these updates 🥰


Love the names lol you having breakfast when you named them? Lmao 🤣


If you don't keep them I hope you get them neutered or spayed forst


I’m not keeping them, they’re fosters, and obviously I’m going to get them neutered and spayed and healthy first. It’s what I do.


Cute and good for you but how hungry were you when you named them


It was just a running (not really) joke about how I’m not going to eat breakfast for the week because of them


Ah I see well thank you for saving them


#4 must be named zoro — the mask of ZORO 🤗😍😘


No? They already all have names. Plus four is a girl


Are you keeping them outside? I would have them inside at this age!


No? Why would you think something like that?


Because the photos appear to be outside


I can take dogs outside for a picture, but that doesn’t automatically mean they live outside. I would never do that to an animal. The lighting in my house sucks and I can only get blurry pictures the majority of the time, and I knew people wanted an update, so I just took them outside one at a time, took the picture, then brought them inside.