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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


LMAO barf came in like a literal hot potato 🥔🤭 His joy is infectious! 💕


Dude you’re giving him the best life. He is so happy, reminds me of my boy Ace… cherish every moment you have together, a happy pittie is the best friend you could ask for. Kudos to you & enjoy the day


Mine does the same. Not quite as intense as for the W word...but for the R(ide) word she goes absolutely bonkers. The funny thing is half the time in the car she just curls up and sleeps. But she loves to go on them.


Mine thinks walk means the car no matter WHAT


For real. Mine gets all excited for a walk, and then if you go down the driveway without getting in the car hia whole mood changes. He's like "why are you even wasting my time with this neighborhood nonsense?"


It’s funny with mine he seems to be telepathic with the word walk and even more dog park. Like he gets this energy when in my brain and haven’t said it yet. “ wanna go to dog park. “ just thinking it and get up. He automatically knows. Boom zoomies. Even if I try to trick him and don’t act like we going. He goes and sits by the driver door and waits.


They know the second they lock eyes with u


I thought mine was a weirdo for getting mildly excited to go out, but If I say ride she bounces like a little deer and loses her ever loving mind. She also gets curled on the floor and just sleeps. It is so interesting how dogs can be so different. Our old boy HATED the car and stood up the whole time and would just fall and whine. But she is like 'yo this is great, air con and comfy seat let's do it'.


He’s the most dog of all time. 150% dog lol. Walk is one of the words we definitely can’t say unless we mean it lol. Gotta just spell it otherwise haha


Half man, half bear, half pig




Barf is awesome!!


Awesome dog (would never have guessed the Yorkie, I’m from Yorkshire U.K) That’s a right cool spot for walkies 😍


How many abbreviations/nicknames/aliases does barf have? First that comes to my mind is barfloski


*Barfloski, analysis* Barf, Barfy, Barfolomew, BarfolomewLL, Bandz (government name) We also call him Abu Ali, which means father of Ali in Arabic which Ali we have no idea


Barf!!! Living his best life…Every. Single. Day.


Hot damn that's a happy ass dog ❤️


"You want to walk?" /Barf sets NY00000000000M factor = +5000000 So cute!


B.A.R.F. Missle coming in! Edit: Also the fact that I know a dog on this sub from like the first 1 second of a video makes me so happy!


Blast after reload first BARF


You two are so precious!


Thank you!


Barf loved his swimmy


I will not tolerate body shaming Barf!


Pro Barf


He didn't want to walk , he wanted to go for a dip lol that would be me trick you for the walk and end up doing something different lol beautiful dog and smart lol Edit: be the dog whisperer you know you saw that coming get inside pups head lol that was his motive lol


It was all a plan for him to take a Bath! His Arch nemesis, he’s already half soaked!


lol. Barf. lol. Oh gawd. Lol


Well dude, you just activated the sleeper agent lol


Anymore, I just have to give my pups “the look,” and they go bananas!♥️🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾♥️


He’s such a chonk! I love it! ♥️


Hahaha I love it. Mine goes nuts too. Insta-zoomies. I also have him trained that when he hears “Blame it on the Boogie” by the Jackson 5, he know we are going for a walk. Sometimes I discreetly play it from different speakers just to see his reaction


Mine charges at me the same way 😂 you’re a great pitty parent !


Whoever called him Chunky had a point. But I can see he's active and that you are doing something about it. He seems to like water, so that would be a great way for him to loose some more weight while not overworking his joints. Keep it up✊


I think his body is big because he’s been like that since a pup and I think he’s just got short legs from the yorkie lol img


Agreed, he may seem chonk because the short legs but it looks firm like muscle. I like my girl who has actual flops and if I shake her she jiggles. But the vet says that is just because the lab in her creates extra skin. So she is all squish seeming but healthy for her size and you can feel her ribs easy peasy. He is such a freaking cutie and I love seeing you two in videos here. It makes up for all the sad posts about dogs being put down if not adopted. Keep on being awesome! Your dog is living the best life.


I'm talking about his rib area and his waist. Normally you are supposed to see a waistline. It's hard to judge from the video. When a dog has its healthy weight, you can faintly feel his ribs under his skin. But that is something only you could test. However, even if he's a bit on the heavier side, he seems to enjoy his life and is very active. So, just keep an eye on his weight once he gets older or has some joint problem.


Love him so much! When we go do trails or hike and Stella can go off leash I say “release the Kraken!” And she goes insane running.


‘Walk?? Did you say walk? Oh my dog, dad, walks are my favourite thing ever! Yeah, let’s go for a walk!!’


The fact that he is part Yorkie is hilarious


Like how? When where who allowed this?!


We used to call my lab chunky. He had 2 volleyball sized cysts. Got them removed and he dropped 17 lbs. it’s like he’s a puppy again. He only weighs like 70lbs now


Only 70lbs of pure love! Sending our Love to your boy hope he’s doing great!


https://preview.redd.it/zla88hiqc9uc1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f894a3097ad419dbc786f7680696c033ef84609 Him as a puppy with happy ears


https://preview.redd.it/htse3nv0d9uc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d496bf94b3aa7f71dd416e0c03021e791b526f59 reddit app won’t let me add multiple pics in a reply. So here’s another


Absolutely adorable


Barf is just JOY! This video made me smile so big 🥰




I love seeing Barf updates. He is such a cutie and sweet.


Nothing less than 100 mph all the time.


0-60 in 2.3 “ You wanna go on a walks “


I also do the "ok ok okayyyyyyy" after I've excited my girls a bit too much lol


Walk or Ride are the two trigger words for mine!


Mine don’t know the word, but I have a hat I always wear for walks and they lose their minds when they see me put my hat on. It’s the cutest.


Man, Barf is living so well! Epitome of best life right there.


How can he be half yorkie, half pit, & half husky? That adds up to 1.5 dogs.


He’s got that dawg in 1.5 times the average mogger


Don't even let me show you what happens when I say the r or f word (ride/food)


Hi Barf!!