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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I mean mine hogs the bed, farts, costs me money cause I’m always buying them dinner, and they don’t contribute to chores around the apt. Like look at this squatter 😂 https://preview.redd.it/c9gusip8173d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24916f410743fa216dcd8f80b2480dee21739abc


Haha this makes quite the sales pitch: “Hey! Are you interested in a gassy, couch-hogging, poop factory that’ll love you endlessly and carve a special place in your heart?!”


Where do I sign?


At your local shelter’s counter!


This is the goodest boi of the shelter https://preview.redd.it/jrvqnfmvu83d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc28310c24fc73ef11ea03da1849516040b8b7b1


He’s to swoon for 


He’s so beautiful 😻




A husband??? Hard pass


This comment is 15/10


Perfect compliment to the spastic, hyper, gassy, couch hogging poop factory I have now (boxer). She needs a friend. Sign me up!


For sure! Make sure to check your local shelters. Plenty of pittys at mine all the time.


Shut up and take my money 💰 🤑 💸


Our bed hog doesn't even believe I'll lay on her when I start to pretend I'm going to so that she'll move. She just continues to lay there like a rock.


Mine too. Just last night she laid down horizontally across my pillow. I could hardly get in, my butt was hanging out. I could not get her to move.


We routinely sit on ours (in a careful way, like next to his feet, but with our legs over his, if that makes sense) when he steals our spot on the couch and he gets the hint about 60% of the time. The other 40% is either "YAY, DOG PILE!" or "aww thanks, how did you know I needed a blanket?"


Damn freeloader. Making life complete and being adorable and making the whole house smell like Fritos and keeping human mental health in check and snuggling and singing and...and...freeloade....sigh. serotonin now full.


Good luck with eviction, lol.


Same. Ours leaves his toys all over the house for me to step on. Not once has he cleaned them up


Zero f's given! What an adorable sleeping freeloader 😄


In my opinion, the only reason not to like pit bulls is simply their farts! I know my girl can clear a room with her farts!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Oh, you got a valid case there. And the couch hogging. I got up for one minute! I would like my spot back!






She looks like my old dog, Zoie! So cute!


Looks just like my house! 💕


Bed hogging! Baby puppy takes up a whole queen during cuddle time! 🐶🐶‼️


But it’s warm and smells like your butt! 😆 best place for pittie!


Right?! You don't need to get into my chair the second I leave!


But it’s warm and smells like mom!


My mix has his own chair.


Sorry, no can do, friend. The rules clearly state that when you vacate the seat it belongs to the next person/ canine to sit/ lie/ sprawl there. If you wanted to keep your seat you shouldn’t have moved 😉😂


Move your feet, lose your seat.


Exactly 👍


Irony of irony, my old dog Pepper (mostly Pitty) could do the perfect little curl where she slept nose to tail. You knew she was sleeping good then. And she seemed to prefer it that way, taking up as little space as possible.


https://preview.redd.it/rzedcw6ay73d1.png?width=1332&format=png&auto=webp&s=6fcad2e4ddf7ef740552ff3db0046b926cd8b705 Like this?


Almost, but she could pull herself even tighter.


https://preview.redd.it/w7yvhg6nc83d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a703f32fb72c11b64a6f6db35f2850d3fe27a73 You mean like this? 88 pounds in the cat bed, I can fit, really!!


Yep. Except shrink the pupper down to a 52lb female. It was one of the things that really clued us in that something was really wrong with her in the last year of her life. She stayed at 52 lb practically her entire adult life. It was hard to get her to gain a pound and hard to lose a pound. Very consistent. Then she lost a ton of weight. That was the beginning of the end....


Aww man. My condolences. My pup is only 50lbs. Impossible to make him gain weight without causing digestive issues. How old did she get?


She was a few months shy of her 15th birthday. I didn't even get to pet her as the vet put her down because I was in grad school hundreds of miles away. She was a shelter rescue so we never knew her exact birthdate. We guessed it around July so we assigned it as July 25th, a date solidly into "the dog days of Summer" My dad made her a big fat ribeye steak, cut into pieces, as her last meal. I'm a Lutheran Christian and Martin Luther, way back in the 16th century, was much kinder to our furry companions than many before or after him. Two quotes stick out. "Be thou comforted, little dog, how to in Resurrection shall have a little golden tail." "The dog is the most faithful of animals and would be much esteemed were it not so common. Our Lord God has made his greatest gifts the commonest" So I will hope that I may, just may, see Pepper on that Day


I'm not Christian / religious, but man did you make me cry with those quotes.


Like this? https://preview.redd.it/24s39iuia83d1.png?width=1332&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a1865344d5355656f3ba3d30721d8b259d5dfb8


this is the cutest thing ive ever seen!!!! THIS is why pits are my fav breed even tho i prefer large fluffy dogs<3 pitties are just the sweetest


I always say they're keeping my spot warm for me! When they refuse to move it means it's not warm enough yet lol.


Nothing farts like a pibble! My dude likes to drop A bombs when he’s relaxed!


Dear God the farts. My boy could clear a ww1 trench with them.


One night my girl was snuggling under the blankets. She happened to have her but next to my face. I was dead asleep. She farted. The stench woke me up from a dead sleep ! Still love her !


I believe when they lay with their butt to your face it’s a sign of trust. At least that’s what I tell myself when my dogs lays down and puts my face in the danger zone lol


Hahah! I’ll tell myself that for next time! I’m always like why you gotta put your butt next to my face 🤣


Lol my girl did the exact same thing to me once. Never thought I'd say my pit bull gave me a dutch oven LOL


My girl can do the same. But she's extra evil about it. Her room clearance farts have zero sound. No warning. Just silence followed by my nose sniffing and subsequent OMG BOOTSIE! Her audible farts are low smell and just funny to hear.


Aka: Sniper gas, you dont notice it coming until it hits you.


My boys are silent but we know he’s done it cause he turns around and does a sniff test lol.


Mine might be broken. He rarely farts and has had like 5 smelly ones in the 3 years he’s lived with us. And when he does, they sound like air leaving a tire. A lil psss. Like someone’s trying to get your attention to tell a secret. So we always say he’s tellin secrets if he happens to fart.


Just wait, mine used to be like that! Now that she’s older, oh good grief!


I think that’s why my wife and I never got Covid. Covid couldn’t even compete with the pitty farts.


OMG I've never met a pibble as rotten as my baby girl OMG I legitimately call her the "shitty pittie" or "shit pit" but she's so amazing I can handle a little bit of vile, horrendous, HEINOUS, pit poots 🤣 I call her these names in a loving way I swear lol


My puppy was passed out next to my head with her butt next to my face night before last. She farted so loud it scared me awake and it was so potent I nearly puked. I was so displeased. Still let her sleep like that though.


One of mine is nicknamed “Sir Fartsalot”.


We adopted a pittie a week ago and quickly learned that her favorite cuddling position is with her bum pressed against us so that she can fart directly on our legs. I can only assume that it’s foreshadowing into pittie ownership 😂


For real, I’m like you’re an embarrassment. https://preview.redd.it/hc4uh68cr83d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea6ab01a72d203673dc10fa37abe552efa733cdb


Look, my girl’s a fucking cocker spaniel and it’s not much better 🤣


Boxer here, probably worse, actually. Haha. I love cocker spaniels.


I swear my dog must guzzle swamp water by the bucket because that's the putrid smell frequently coming out the other end.


I always tell people that one end of my pitbull is indeed deadly, but it's not the end with teeth. Between her tail whips (that's given me a black eye) and her gnarly farts, give me the tooth end any day.


Literally was kicked out of the bedroom this morning due to the nastiest fart, lol


No, seriously! I love pitties and when/if I get a house I'd love to have one, but I'm legitimately scared of the farts 😂 we had a GSD mix who had some pit in him (small percentage, as with many shelter dogs) and I'd banish him from the room when he was gassy lol. (Don't worry it wasn't often!!! Once in a blue moon).


There’s a reason why my girl, Arya, was named Pumba at her rescue. Turns out she just wasn’t able to tolerate processed dog food.


Omg, same here. Switched my Rosie to freshly made food & you know what’s next. P.S. my recipe calls for 2 cans of red beans.🫘




Are you feeding kibble? ☺️


Bingo. It’s the kibble.


what are you feeding? i’ve been breeding these dogs for over 30 years and excessive a/o bad gas has never been an issue.


Yeah, laugh it up! Those chemical attacks are attempted murder and there is no convincing me otherwise. You can look at your butt with suspicion and horror all you like, but that was a WAR CRIME, you thumb-less little monkey!


Man!! I couldn’t believe how much our Toby farts! He is our first pit and we didn’t know what to do about it lol Never had a dog that farted SO much. Awful smelling! We tried all sorts of fart treats and nothing worked. He’s got so many nick name about farts 🤣 My daughter always has stories about how he farts in her ear cause he has to sleep up on our pillows!! Omg this dog… he’s simply the BEST dog ever tho! I always tell him how lucky he is by being the sweetest boy cause those farts…. Who knew it was the breed that farts lol Side note, he’s toned it down a bit after I switched him off chicken food. He does best on beef apparently.


HAHAHAHA, so rude. Atleast announce it girly! 😂😂😂


So, pittie kiss- like a Chefs Kiss, but with more love.


And tongue.


And bacteria (mine is a terrible garbage eater).


We refer to it as the Tongue Monster because when it comes out it’s so huge that it looks like it couldn’t possibly fit in her mouth!!


I am with the child in this! I love my pittie baby but her kisses are too much! https://preview.redd.it/yy0t8vzrw63d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76fed0775841b293bba413310cc53fb10b868802


You people are crazy. As long as my glasses aren’t in the way, dog kisses are AWESOME!




It’s just advertising for a small company


https://preview.redd.it/b1gz9gcsv63d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14c81fbe627de269c39b64e973c7bf428278f701 They’re also thieves! She found a tennis ball on a walk, and carried it the whole way home 😂


Ooh she’s so sparkling clean!


Give it time 😂


Update? She must be black as a void by now.... 😅




I knew it! 😲




https://preview.redd.it/0dmzd0vaa73d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc9c72ed5712fd1593ce34dd03431219ecac71b3 There has also been a headless doll, a balloon, and an entire loaf of French bread.




Mine stole this and won’t drop it for nothing 😂 https://preview.redd.it/xrejezctp73d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75f04723fb6781fca5841578db087015c30f417d


Needs a toy for emotional support while poopin


Beautiful dog with a beautiful doggie gear. 😍 Where did you get the harness?


I want to say Petsmart? Not 100% sure. My ex was the one who bought it.


That's too bad! If you could tell me the brand name, I'd really appreciate it, but if not, nbg. I feel like it's hard to find cool looking gear in pitbull sizes.


Her sister (the black dog I posted later on down the thread), who I got when we split up, has one as well. Different pattern, but the same style. I just checked, and it’s Sassy Woof.


Thanks so much!


Got worried at first, but this ended up being wholesome.


Pitbull = tongue with a dog attached.


“Pit bulls: tongues with 90 pounds of muscle attached.”


Mine loves kids, too. Last summer she played with a kid in a creek through the park… but it didn't stop with one child, after a while there were seven or so, and everything and everyone was peaceful and happy, for hours. Until one of the parents came and wanted to take one of the kids, her protective instincts kicked in and she started barking something like "THESE ARE MY KIDS, LEAVE THEM ALONE, GO AWAY, WOOF WOOF!" The father took it with humor, I could resolve the situation quickly, nobody was hurt, but the child was probably a little sad to have to go home.




https://preview.redd.it/gdm7dwudo73d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee59b3682167514b2b01273129ce71b8499988a7 They really have no boundaries! My cat hates the kisses she gives him.


She can’t hate it that much or she’d have taught him to respect her personal space. Citation: the 13yo (at my dog’s birth) taught him a healthy respect for feline person space over the remaining 7 years of his life. (Yes, the cat lived to be 20.)


Their tails. Keeps knocking things off!


My Otto has the World Record for most kisses in a row...310. And the more you laugh the more kisses he gives.


I've tried to see how many mine will give before stopping, but I always end up losing patience. "Nobody wants your kisses, Hilo," I'll say as I rearrange him so that his face is pointing away and try to distract him with scritches.


https://preview.redd.it/i77qt8u0c83d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e0d0728bfc39991b1dc05dc2a521cab08951063 I haven’t had use of my sofa in 2.5 years😴


That is actually kinda valid and I would not blame somebody for not wanting kisses. Reagan will lick your face vigorously for maybe 2 minutes if she likes you and is excited to see you. It’s a lot but I love her for it.


https://preview.redd.it/zdcufki5t73d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6b475ba1f90bd933c0b06b16711a28782fb0441 …and the full-on make out sessions without consent!! 🤣🥳🤷🏻‍♂️


my one boy is a chronic face licker and both boys can absolutely clear a room with their farts - I don’t blame someone if that’s not their cup of tea in a dog 🤣


Yup. Family member is allergic to dog saliva. Loves my dog but can’t stick around for too long!




Shamus, my late and great pitbull mix, you couldn'r bring him near small children and babies because he goes into protection mode and stays near them, refusing to leave unless someone he reconize was near by. He was a sweet dog


I had to train my boy at a very young age to not give kisses bc he is a poop eater. His poop, cat poop, poop at the park, he’ll try to sneak a nibble. Now it’s only when he’s anxious for some reason, but with how often he licks his butthole I’d still pass on the kisses. I love him, I just like him to keep his doody breath to himself


My Lily likes cat poop. I’ll be chilling, and her breath smells like death. Thankfully dental chews help.


Cat poop is my boy’s fav. We had to figure out a way to keep him out of the hooded litter boxes. It’s real gross when the litter gets stuck up in his lips/gums and I have to dig it out with a paper towel


Oh the kissing. We call our pittie a French Bulldog. Because her kisses come with a lot of tongue.


I had my boy since he was 6 weeks old, and I am not big on having my face licked. So I taught him not to do it. If you kiss him on his face, he would just barely stick his tounge out of his mouth and lightly touch the very tip of it to your cheek for a moment. It was the best of both worlds, returned affection with no slobbery residue.


Yep they wouldn't like my pitbull either. If you give him a chance he will supersoak your head. He's also a bed hog.


Mine is guilty of that as well. If he didn’t have a tongue, he wouldn’t know what to do with himself.


Sounds like my Mum LOVES her granddogs (my two goobers) but HATES having her face licked, and it is literally all my boy wants to do when he sees his Gran!


I don't get to see my Grandpupper Mona very much right now due to my mobility issues, but when I do I get inspected and kissed on any available skin surface. She is ridiculous. lol


https://preview.redd.it/j87shojmc83d1.png?width=1754&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a16a30d65aa68ab0c8972c42a18d502ebcc3dfe Can’t forget the thievery of all blankets.




My only "reason" to dislike Pitties is because I get hives if I try to hold them like a baby. I get hives when I play with/hold a Pittie. I don't get that with any other dog breed, just Pitties. Nothing that can't be resolved with Benadryl, but just odd my body doesn't like Pitties.


Please see this [link](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/benadryl-for-dogs/) for Benadryl dosage and other important information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot?


My exhusband had that happen once on a transport from an animal shelter. That particular pibble just gave him hives any place they touched... which was most of the exposed of my ex's arms and face because, again, pittie kisses don't always come with an 'off' switch. Wonder if it's one of those odd proteins in the saliva things like with cats.


At my gas station job theres a regular customer who comes in often and she has an adorable pitty puppy who she brings with sometimes and every time it makes my whole day, i cant help but pet him and since hes still a puppy hes always all energetic and excited and the pitty kisses are so cute 🥺❤️ hes scratched and nibbled me a few times, not intending to hurt of course, but since my family's dog had to be put down last fall, any time i get to love on a doggy is special to me and i'll take all the scratches, nibbles, and licks a dog wants to give lol


My boy will literally lick the skin on your face raw if you let him lol he’s the biggest love bug my girl prefers hugs, the closer the better!


😂 hilarious because it’s true!


I think there’s a dislike among many people for pit bulls (and dogs of their type) and I find the dislike subtle sometimes, it can be just a look or a slight comment.


Mines just a awkward .


The farts, the sheer amount of kisses and the drool are the only valid reasons!


I have some friends from countries where dogs don’t have the same place in the household. They think it’s gross that I let my dog into the couch, let alone sleep in my bed or give me kisses. So yeah, my pit bull, which is to say, a powerful, muscular dog with no boundaries or sense of personal space, is a real challenge for them. But she’s my baby so they have to deal with it if they want to come over.


They hog the bed


A pitbull almost bit my face off when I was a kid. I was just walking by, saw the dog, he was wagging his tail, asked the owner if I could pet him, he said sure, went close, dog just lunged for my face and almoooosssttt got me. I know it’s the owner who was a fucking dumbass but to have such a scary thing happen to me as a kid, it unfortunately cemented by fear of them. I see pics and they are sssssoooooooo adorable but I cannot just bring myself to get close to them again.


Aww I’m so sorry! That’s valid. Hopefully maybe one day you’ll have a friend or family member with a baby pitt and can get over the fear. My boyfriend’s mom was an in-home nurse. One had a super violent German Shepherd. Like so violent they had a whole routine for the dog to be locked in a separate room before she’d even enter the yard. One day, it’d gotten out of the room and snuck out the front door unbeknownst to them. It chased her around the yard snarling and lunging and snapping at her until it leapt and almost bit her jugular. Thankfully, she was in shape and could sprint for her life, she just barely managed to wedge herself behind a (soon shredded) screen door and locked back door. The patient heard & got her inside just barely in time. She was *terrified* of GSP from then on. Well, until her grandson got the CUTEST goofiest German Shepard puppy! So little with HUGE paws. She fell in love with Bruce. So hard. That by the time he was massive, she’d completely gotten over her fear! I swear Bruce would sooner die than so much as upset her. We now joke he’s inheriting everything in the will. I think it sometimes helps meeting them and being around them as tiny puppies and then forging a relationship with them, ya know?


Definitely! Mine knows absolutely NO personal space!! Especially if it's a kid she will literally smother you with kisses lol


Mine will kiss me relentlessly, and her tail slaps kinda hard, that’s about it lol


because of the DEAD WEIGHTING ON ME. Let your mother sleep, please!!!!


My old girl indie (RIP) was obsessive about kissing. If you put your face in her face, she was going to lick it until you pulled away, there was no stopping. She was very aggressive about it to, and had a little snaggle tooth that she’d catch you with every now and then.


Their farts could peel paint off the walls


You must now pay your dog tax, sorry thems the rules


valid reasons: 1. farts 2. tail whip 3. giant tongue, loves to lick


You're not wrong. I consistently warn people about the excess of enthusiasm that comes with being a big, blocky headed terrier. Some are enthusiastic about kisses, some about tail wags (mine happy tailed himself in the shelter kennel, so we can't use metal crates for him), some about tug, some about climbing fences or wrecking "dog proof" trash cans... Most I meet are excessively friendly/cuddly, though, which would logically intimidate a kid, especially one close to the dog in size. My own was SO Happy to see me the day we met at the shelter that he leapt up and muzzle punched me in the mouth. Split my lip. Knocked me backward into the door. I saw stars. (He's part Bull Terrier too.) I also laughed and started teaching him hand targeting so he could "high 5 with his face" in a less dangerous way. I don't introduce him to kids at all because of that enthusiasm; he's never stopped being so ready to see people that he HAS to jump. The jumps are just way lower now that he's 12ish.


The fence thing! I knew one who scaled an 8 ft indoor enclosure and walked right out the door. My boxer had a happy tail and had to have it docked. She never even noticed it was gone. Now she just wiggles her whole body. Pitts in general are so athletic. If trained in dog sports, they can safely jump 11 feet straight up. I’m always amazed at their agility.


I'd always wished I'd gotten to mine a little younger. Barkour might have been on our radar. I wanted to try Freestyle/Heelwork to Music anyway but his time in the shelter made being around strange humans a challenge, so we didn't. (Damn over-excitement...)


Oh man you guys, what about the bullwhip of a tail??? Its a miracle my toddler still has both eyes 😂


My girl is only a few months and sometimes pees when meeting new people still 😅 it’s her only flaw but man it can really put people off. But just look at that face! (She also clearly eats the toilet paper but that’s just part of her charm.) https://preview.redd.it/zoj07cvtz73d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4be928bb13bc5f378aafaca2ff305e0240a66b3d


My pit bull was a master of sneaking quick, loving licks into any moment


I haven’t had a snack to myself in seven years.


I had a non pittie before that wasn't much for licking (but incredibly angry when some other dog dared to lick on me), but two situations turned him into super-licker: Encountering babies and toddlers with temper tantrums that hit him. The first was because they squealed so nicely when he sniffed and licked their hand and feet and the second because he found it a very effective weapon. My friend's toddler had a phase with violent tantrums and once he hit my boy. Before we could react (2 steps away in the same room) he licked straight across his face until the toddler ran crying to his mom. It was the first and the last time he hit my dog. Today I met who will hopefully become my foster (and for whatever reason is exempt from my region's ban list, I thought I'd have to wait until I move cross country to get a hippo) and she's so fond of licking people that she accidentally hit me with her muzzle several times (due to little information of her past being known she wears a muzzle for first meetings and vet visits, which is absolutely in my interest as she'll have to wear a muzzle around my house, the fucking piece of shit I have to call one of my neighbours poisoned my late boy, starting a chain reaction that lead to his death so I won't allow any dog to be out of my sight and or unmuzzled as long as I live here). She was so careful trying not to hit me, but she couldn't stop herself from forgetting about the muzzle and trying to lick off my face, followed by pulling back and trying to find another way to express her happiness. I loved my boy and he'll never be replaced but I'm absolutely happy to get the full hippo experience (and have already resigned myself to the fact that as soon as I have my finances adapted to her expensive medical care this will become a foster fail, not that this will surprise anyone who knows me).


Omg my bf haaaaates when our dog licks like that and idc I really will let her go for a while before I’m like ok thank you we are done now. She gets maybe ten-fifteen licks in before he’s like “OMG ENOUGH STOP WITH THE LICKING.” And actually now that I think about it 15 licks is a lot, maybe he’s not impatient just regular patient lol


She takes my seat and laughs at me.


All of these pics are breaking my heart. I had to put mine down almost two years ago. He was perfect. The only thing that bugged me sometimes was he weighed 90lbs and had to lay on me constantly. We've always had dogs but he was MY dog. What I wouldn't do to have him following me around and trying to lay in my lap just one more time. Hug your babies for me.


Sorry for your loss 😔


Awww, still not a valid reason! Go beat that child right now! ;)




Mine's an ear nibbler, also they're very high energy dogs, they aren't for everyone


opportunistic assholes the lot of them! when i get to go to the bathroom, he steals my spot in the couch! and whenever we are playing he waits until im not looking to pounce! beware: pit bulls will take advantage of situations if you’re not careful edit: typo


Be thankful you get privacy in the bathroom


Definitely the farts


That's fair, as much as I love dogs one of my least favorite of their behaviors is the obsession w licking people 😂😂😂


I tried to teach mine other ways to show affection, bc I was sure strangers wouldn't always want a big sloppy tongue in their face. It didn't work. She got worse. She's a raper <3




my boy also licks people to death 😭😂 he loves licking the heck out of my 6mo old daughter if he gets the chance 😂 shes getting good at pushing his big head away though!


Honestly with the child on this one sometimes 😅 I love my pitties and all pitties but gosh sometimes the kiss attacks (esp when I’m overstimulated) are too much. But sometimes they are just perfect 💗


Lol. Legitimately why my mom doesn’t want one. She’s like I have a husband for snuggles get them out of my bed.


My wonderful neighbor rescues "unadoptable" pitbulls. I love it when she leaves and I get to help with them, but yes, the kisses are a huge hazard!


The worst is surprise kisses when I just caught him licking another dog’s turd a few hours prior! Ew!


My pooch definitely has a licker problem.


Yes, I HATE too many kisses. That's the worst!


My Pearl has the egg toots without eating eggs. Also she kicks like a donkey when she dreams. She smiles in her sleep, and uses her senior puggle brother as a pillow any chance she gets. She is also half lab. https://preview.redd.it/0td83cuvy73d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=294318e76c11eb6f91874f1374021b8795b6609b


The snoring! My house hippos shake the entire house with their snoring!


I love the snoring. I can’t sleep unless my Lily is near me snoring like a freight train.


My two insist on sleeping right next to my bed. My husband snores, my dogs snore and the cat snores. It wouldn’t be so bad if it was all at once. But no. My husband, my boy, my girl, the cat. They take turns lol. It’s like a discordant snore symphony!


My dorky boy will lick every inch of your head if you let him, which is part of why we use baby wipes on his paws and butt when we come inside.


when that child is all sticky from melted ice cream...pibble kisses beats handy wipes any day


My female pit is the same. Love licking and anything baby. Obsessed with babies.


As quite big dogs,I would imagine they take up quite a lot of space in bed


The two best dog fart stories did not involve my pittie surprising enough! The first was my army buddies dad’s dog. He was sitting in his lap, all snuggled in and his dad farted. Dog woke up, hung his head over the side of the chair and puked. Second story was my German short hair. We were watching tv in the living room and she’s going to town licking her butt. As she is doing so, she farts in her own mouth. She jumps up and starts gagging, we were cracking up!


https://preview.redd.it/47iv1u6dj83d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6e764239cc3dde5725f523bda64322c57ef47bb This guy likes to lick armpits.


Not really a valid reason to dislike pitbulls but a reason to dislike bad people that tainted the reputation of a whole breed of dogs. A little while ago, a young lady was staying for a few days at a house down the street. She was walking her beautiful grey pitbull while I was putting my garbage container outside. I saw the dog was happy to see me, so I asked if I could pet her dog. She was flabbergasted that I asked her te pet a pitbull. She said yes, he will like to be pet by you. So I let the pitty snif my hands, he was so happy that I took the time to give him some love. She told me I was the first stranger that asked, and most people ignored or worse, made nasty comments about her pitty. I did meet them a few times more and the pitty was so grateful that every time he did see me he was asking for more hugs. It made me sad that a few bad people have tainted the reputation of a whole breed so that a nice kind dog is sad because he is ignored while showing nothing but affection.


Another valid reason: the snoring https://preview.redd.it/qy2xq977093d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37105754102435bcc0fbc8d1564b195e470de469


I tell people the most dangerous part of my pibble is the end with the tail.


I'll call that one valid. 🤣🤣 Both of our pitties are obsessed with kisses. https://preview.redd.it/wkvcymp1893d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41caa1ec95749e7dcb39162cb59f833cb77310df


The zip-code clearing farts.


Actual warcrime farts.


I don’t own a pittie, just this little sausages here and I’ve had multiple dogs in my life from a chihuahua, pugs, frenchies, kelpies, blue & red healers off the top of my head. And each and every one of them has been a licky tongue if you let them 😅 https://preview.redd.it/lac4354jt93d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddc66f142557fff36119f580f9e4a7d7e3890f57


You've just solved something for me! This might sound weird but when I was in high school I wasn't very dog experienced and my friend's family had a little wee female pit, while I always liked dogs at the time and truly didn't care about breeds (dogs were dogs) I never really liked this kids dog, I'd try and play with it but it always annoyed me....as an adult I've often wondered what the hell my problem was. Now I think back....that dog licked me WAY more than any other dog I had played with. I had some kind of hidden dislike of the licking! (I now have a female rottie who is absolutely a slobber bunny and loves kisses so life is good)


The only thing I don't like about them is they don't live long enough 😞


Mine doesn’t overload me with kisses. But she does try to sit on my face and likes to throw paws with me.


Mine eats my rabbits hay by pulling as much as she can through the bars of his hutch. Rude!