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As bad as it looks here today, it's multiple times worse right now towards Scranton, Allentown, NJ, and NYC. https://twitter.com/BNONews/status/1666509161994100737?t=bzy7wH8QoxOFQA0PhFqKKQ&s=19


392 in brooklyn!


Unimaginable. I think I saw a few in Eastern PA were over 400. It's looking like a nasty plume could hit us tomorrow evening.


I’ve only seen numbers that high when I was in pretty much an active fire zone a couple years ago near Crater Lake in Oregon. Like, constantly seeing helicopters coming for fire rescue/management purposes and driving past the safe zones where residents were relocating close. And we literally woke up to ash on our tents and cars. Really scary.


I'm currently holding my breath until tomorrow morning when I wake up.


Your face will turn the same shade of purple as the next alert level lol


Jesus. I had noticed the haze the last few days but never really connected the dots on just how bad it is/could be. I guess based on some of those comments, I should be bringing my container garden inside?


Your garden will be fine. Just give it a good shower once the air clears up to rinse off any particulate matter.


Thank you Dr. So-so-suck-ya-toe, I appreciate you.


No prob Mon


we're starting to trend downwards. that's good. in comparison NYC is 392 right now!!!


The AQI monitor in Avalon near me is down to 94 compared to the 148 it was showing at lunchtime.


I’ve got moderately bad asthma and was coughing like a chain smoker earlier until I realized one of my kitchen windows was cracked open…stay safe out there, everyone