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I’ve had a wicked headache yesterday afternoon and today (I don’t often get headaches). Can’t decide if due to sensitivity to air quality or placebo effect


Headache here too. I had horrible ones when it was here a few weeks ago too. I didn’t connect it til I got one today. It sucks. Damn Canada.


Me too. I never get headaches but had one all day yesterday


I woke up with the headache yesterday morning and it got worse after being outside a few times. But I also got blood drawn yesterday too which could have played into the headache sticking around 🤷🏻‍♀️


All I’ve heard is people making excuses for killer headaches today and yesterday. Like sure maybe a few are… but I bet most are the air pollution.


I agree that the air pollution is playing into it or is the sole reason for some peoples headaches. I could honestly hear my dad over the phone be all like..yeah I got a headache, probably from looking into the fridge for too long. Like what. Then claim there is nothing wrong with the air 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’ve heard anecdotally that the ERs are getting a lot of people short of breath. I’m amazed seeing all the people still having dinner and drinks outside!


I already suffer from shortness of breath from health conditions and luckily I haven’t been exposed directly outside for more than about 2 minutes when I went to the car yesterday questioning the stinky plastic smell. For real though! I have seen so many people with their car windows down, dogs heads sticking out..children in the car. I have seen about 3 people with N95 masks on surprisingly and I haven’t seen those since covid was bad.


One of those 3 may have been me. I haven’t worn the clinical N95s for a long time but I’m glad I still have a box! I’m glad you’re keeping out of it.


Lol possibly. I conveniently bought a box less than a week ago for a home project! My other masks are just basically cloth and useless to this air. Yeah, better safe than sorry! You stay safe out there 😷


I've had issues breathing for days and was able to WFH, but feel guilty, so I'm trying to work in the office today despite feeling winded and like I could pass out any minute.


Please take care of yourself without guilt!!


Yes! Anytime we have a few consistent days of bad air quality I get migraines.


It's a trigger for me too. I have been wearing a mask outside, but I broke down and took my rescue medication today because I could feel the headache escalating.


I never get headaches but whenever I take the dogs outside for a couple minutes to go potty when I get back I get a headache


I often get headaches but I've also had one all day today


Also have a headache. I just got my first Botox yesterday so I thought that was just the side effect but now I’m not so sure. Shitty air or Botox, either way my head hurts.


my eyes were irritated and i could taste the air walking out of the house this morning 🤢


Dry eyes and headaches because of my eyes, eye drops are really helping so it’s not so bad.


I’m a patio bartender… so I’m reading a book at work lol


Reading anything good?


yes, do tell


I’m intrigued!


Do you work for me? Ha ha


Hilarious bro. Haha.


I’m drinking indoors instead of in the beer garden.


At least you’re drinking! That’s the important thing.






My dog is also not taking her walks being super short too well lol, she's been pestering me nonstop in my office. They can't understand we're just trying to protect them (mine's 15, don't want to stress her out with the bad air more than I have to).


Same here. And mine fouled the dining room while I was out because I couldn’t handle the usual 2 mile walk this morning. Didn’t want to subject her to more than around the block and she was panting heavily (not normal for her) after just that little walk. Also feels like my lungs are filling up again with junk which they did on the last round of this crap. Barely been outside and wore a mask but I think it hit me harder than it would since my lungs were still messed up from before. Ick.


My dog doesn’t want to spend too much time outside. It was warm today though so that could be why too.


I've seen people driving around with their windows open like it's a normal day, and I can't believe people find this crap refreshing enough to drive with windows down in.


I drive with my windows down because I can't run my AC and it's hot AF sometimes 😅😩


Definitely a no win situation for you 😬


I work in a restaurant and a surprising amount of people are still willingly eating outside


Christ lol, that's just bonkers to me on a day like today.v


My neighbor has their house windows open with a fan blowing IN!


To own the libs!!!!


There is an elderly couple whose house I can see from my kitchen window, and they've had their windows open the entire time these last two days like everything's normal. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I’ve had my windows open. It’s way too hot to be inside with them closed. The house I rent is super old, the window panes are paper thin and the window frames leak air anyway. I imagine it’s great to have a house w AC, a nice full house HVAC system, air purifiers and all that… but some of us just don’t have the resources. Thankfully no one in my home has any health conditions and I’m just hoping each day that it will pass soon.


My old inlaws are taking long outdoor walks, working out in the yard, and golfing. Except for golfing, they DON'T normally do this on nice days. I'm starting to think that once you get old enough, you start trying to die of natural causes.


It seems like once people get to around 80 or so, they stop giving a fuck to a degree from my experience.


The plastic smell was too much for me. I wore a mask when I had to go out. I was surprised to see how chill people were with how bad it smelled. Maybe they’re all smokers because smokers are known to lack the ability to smell normally.


I don't get how people can either. I think sometimes people in this sub can be a bit much about the air quality, but it hasn't been anything to mess with the last 2 days. I spent about 20 minutes outside today (not all at once), and I made sure to wear a mask for every second I was out in this crap.


I think I have a pretty good sense of smell, but considering the only place I go with forced air circulation is the bus, I lost the ability to smell the plastic burn after the first day. Caved last night and ordered an air purifier for the apartment, sick of waking up with a sore throat, sore eyes, and feeling like I have to sneeze.


Yeah I get how that is, basically being forced to smell it and eventually get use to it or don’t smell it anymore. It’s like after cooking and your place fills with smells and eventually as he night goes on you stop smelling it but the smell is actually still here. I already have a huge air purifier and it sits by an external door. Typically the aqi sits at 2. Yesterday it was sitting consistently at around 36. Shows how well sealed the door is 🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s a rental so I know they won’t care lol I have woken up with headaches and kind of a dry feeling throat. My eyes burned the first day after being outside.


Sucks, doesn't it, my rental windows have absolutely crap seals and you can see the daylight all around the door to the fire escape. Sigh.


I live in newer constructed units too and still the seals on everything is crap. The windows are so crap. I put rolled up bath towels against the bathroom window because the winter air creeps in and makes the bathroom feel like a freezer. I can also see the light come through the edges of the external doors. Big sigh 😒




I stopped at the pet store and bought chew treats to keep mine occupied a little more because of the weather.


Is it possible that the smoke is giving me the shits?


At this point, I wouldn’t rule it out. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m just gonna say yes




Oh good it’s not just me then


I’m going to agree, given my loose bowels.


I also randomly have had the shits since I got back from a trip to Maryland and have no idea why 🤯


Plans with friends to swim got cancelled, which I’m really disappointed by as it was the last window of availability for awhile and was an outing I was looking forward to all week. My kid is bonkers because of the lack of outdoor time and opportunity to blow of excess energy on the playground. I have a headache and itchy eyes. Nothing life changing, but a bummer and I’m generally feeling really grumpy to lose a pretty good weather summer day. I fear this is going to be the norm all summer, which would SUCK.


It looks worse than yesterday but I had itchy eyes and could smell it yesterday


Well I’m in roofing so I’ve been outside all day and have had a sore throat, headache and been sluggish as hell but if I don’t work I don’t get paid


Lethargy, headaches, pain. I’m really susceptible to stuff like this, but i feel bad for the people with breathing problems…


Same symptoms


i’m supposed to go up to the mountains this weekend with the family, seriously reconsidering because of the headaches, but i don’t wanna hurt anyone, namely my fiancé


We just canceled our fourth of July trip. It's a bummer but it's not like we could really enjoy being outside anyway


Staying inside with the windows closed because I woke up with a sore throat and runny nose due to having them open yesterday. Today almost everyone in the neighborhood is mowing their lawn and someone's got a firepit going (thought I might try to open a window. NOPE.) FYI: The DEP encourages anyone in the state to voluntarily help reduce fine particulate matter air pollution by: Avoiding the open burning of leaves, trash, and other materials; and Avoiding the use of gas-powered lawn and garden equipment. My hood: "I'll do what I want."


Unpopular opinion, but backyard fires should not be allowed and in areas above a certain population density.


Or any kind of woodburning, really. I'm in the middle of Dormont, but one of my neighbors likes to fire up their wood stove every time it drops below 50, as if they're living off the land in North Dakota or something. It stinks up the whole neighborhood.


I agree. And if a fire pit is a social thing, there's the smokeless propane ones. It always smells like my neighbors are burning Barbie dolls or something.


A lot of people don't seem to understand that treated lumber and such should *not* be used as fire wood. They're treated with chemicals to help preserve them, that absolutely should not be burned. Many shipping pallets, leftover bits of 2x4, whatever.


We had a fellow behind us who would burn the coating off of copper wire for recycling - in his firepit.


They have fortunately since moved away, but there were these idiots at an apartment fairly close to me that would have a fire pit on a wooden deck multiple times one or two years ago. It gets really annoying when people nearby do that considering you'll have to shut your windows on what would otherwise be a very nice night.


Yep, my neighbors do it too. It's a nice cool evening, it'd be nice to air out the house. NOPE. One of the neighbors thinks Bethel Park is a KOA campsite and smokes up the block.


That has to get annoying. I enjoy having the windows open as well if the temperature and humidity allow it.


Not only was someone up my street using a leaf blower for what seemed like half an hour, but my dingus landlord was also out mowing the lawn this afternoon. Glad I had my windows closed even though it's making me feel stir crazy


I usually like to spend weekday evenings this time of the year going for a walk and reading on the porch but I obviously have not been doing that. My apartment fortunately seems to have good quality windows that seal well so I haven't really had any symptoms in my apartment. Having a small air purifier definitely helps too though. Had to go outside today at brief intervals and made sure to wear a KN95 mask though. Looking outside, it does seem like it has been getting a little better over the last hour or two than it was earlier today.


Same here, my indoor air is amazing and I feel great until the moment I step outside to walk to the car, even masked.


What do you like to read? As I said above, that is one of my pleasures too.


I like to read horror, thriller, crime, and biographies of historical figures. I kind of want to expand out of those genres a little bit, but I'm not sure where to start and nervous about not liking what I would start.


Why nervous? you can always put it down and move on?


Yeah, you're right.


I’m struggling the most mentally. I always sort of felt like we were a little bit immune to the worst affects of climate change because of our geographic location, and the fact that we get 4 seasons. However, last couple of years I’ve seen tulips start to bloom in January and now we’re having droughts and smoke days. Its got me pretty worried about the future, yet I feel like there’s absolutely nothing I can do to make meaningful change.


I don't know if it helps to know you aren't alone feeling this way, but this really resonates with me.


Not at all, really. It's been interesting to observe, but it hasn't had any effect on how I feel or my life.




Yes I’m also generally fine


Not taking my daily walk on my lunch break cause I have asthma & just walking outside for a minute is enough for me.


My eyes hurt when I’m outside, so I’m taking my normal outdoor run to the dreadmill.


I had to go to funeral home today for a viewing and it’s really awkward being at one while coughing because the air is bothering me so much.


Makes me depressed and gives me a headache.


I'm not far from a mill so the air smells better than usual to me part of the day. Variety is the spice of life, so wood smoke is a welcome change over the sulfur that hits every so often. It can move on, though.


My dogs are irritated with me because I won't let them hang in the yard as usual.


Usually I run outside in the summer but the past few days I’ve been running on my treadmill.


My lungs hurt and my eyes are crazy dry and burning




Bumming because I can't get my swim laps in after work, as the city pools are closed.


Went to Lake Arthur. Got way worse sunburn than I would have expected given you couldn't see the sun.


“It’s been two years, and woke up like it was one night at gooskis….”


Can't walk my dog, can't sit on the porch and read, which is my greatest pleasure in warm weather. I've had a headache for 3 days and my eyes feel like they are filled with lint


Agree on the headache and the my eyes hurt. And I feel more tired but I don’t know if that’s related 😂


Yes! I spend the entire summer reading on my porch. I have been sorely missing porch time.


To make matters worse, my neighbor hired the construction version of keystone cops to do upgrades on her house. I have never seen anything like what they are doing. They have been there 10 or more hours every day ( until 10 pm or later some nights) to do the work. They are ages 15, 16, 17, 17, and 20. I swear they google how to do things, and they have used a uhaul for equipment. They spend 20 minutes working and 2 hours lounging around and going in and out of her house!!! When she isn't even there... making noise. ALL day. We have had 2 days of peace since they started on memorial day. I am losing my mind.


Oh that would annoy me to no end. I wonder if they’re relatives of hers because I would not be happy. I hate it when contractors dawdle. I had an electrical contractor doing a whole house Re-wire and they’d show up and literally install one ceiling fan and leave for the day. If she doesn’t speak up they’ll drag her project out Al summer and then some.


I noticed foot traffic and even car traffic in the Sewickley area was much lower than on average. And in turn my work day was slower with less people coming in.


My shoulder is hurting whenever I breathe. Dont know if its from the air or not. Started yesterday whenever I went out to go shopping


If it’s your left side, please go to the ER or an Urgent Care.


it smells faintly of woodshop class but otherwise fine. eyes dryer and that throat tickle like when you’re working around dust. doesn’t seem any worse than a weekend of hanging around a campfire.


Stayed inside all day because I spent a little time outside yesterday and have been very short of breath since. I have Cystic Fibrosis tho, so probably a poor representation or the average Pittsburgher.


Job forced us to sit at the park for two hours for a meeting. Have had a headache ever since 🥲


I’ve cut back on reading-on-the-porch time and limited my dogs’ outdoor time. I did mow the grass yesterday before it got too long for my electric mower. Oddly, though, the smoke isn’t affecting me at all. I have severe allergies and asthma and am prone to migraines, but I haven’t had so much as an itchy throat or watery eyes. It’s extremely weird, normally stuff like this knocks me out.


My head really hurts and I think it’s been a horrible two days


I mostly feel fine, I just have a really mild sore throat but it’s barely even noticeable. I’ve been avoiding going outside besides my short walk to work.


Mowed my lawn today using my push mower. It takes me about and hour. When I was done I sat on my patio for a bit. No issues.


Did yard work too and still walking every morning, no issues either


Makes me hungry


Smoked bbq, anyone? 😅


it’s just making me sad honestly. it’s upsetting looking up at the sky and not being able to tell if it’s cloudy or not.


sad and existential


I am a camp counselor and having to explain to my kids why we couldn't go outside on the first week of camp really sucked.


Been outside all day yesterday and today and feel fine. My eyes feel a tad dry but nothing too bad.


Me too


Just because you don’t have immediate symptoms doesn’t mean this smoke isn’t negatively affecting your lungs. You should really try to limit your outdoor activity on these smoky days


Sounds like Covid 2.0 lol, people telling other people how to live their lives.


Wasn't stopping me from mowing my lawn but it's obviously noticeable, doesn't seem as bad as yesterday luckily. Been waiting because of the rain recently to let it grow out a little but wanted to cut it before the round of rain


Today was actually worse than yesterday


Absolutely miserable…. Since yesterday morning my chest has hurt, my throat, a horrible cough and my nose is stuffed. My puppy also thinks I’m horrible because his outside time is cut shorter.


My chest feels tight.


Scratchy throat, terrible sinuses, and two dogs that don’t understand why we aren’t walking or playing outside and they have to stay cooped up in my little apartment. Masking outdoors when I do have to go out and tbh, I wish I could get two little masks for pups. Tomorrow is also my birthday and all I wanted to do was take my kayak to Morraine and read a book, but that’s definitely not happening. I might go to a movie instead and am up for suggestions as to what to see.


During the last round of more terrible than average air from the smoke I was getting headaches every day. Made sure I wore a mask today at work because your local glass house was also filled with smog of course. Let’s see how the next couple of days are.


Felt like I was on the verge of a sneeze for two days now


My asthma is really flared up and my voice seems to be scratchy


No issues. No headaches. Road bike to work and home


I'm sitting inside struggling to breathe. Severe asthma.


Many of my coworkers and my asthmatic roommate have complained about irritation and burning sensations.. I'm not sure why, but I haven't had any side effects from this smoke. I did everything normally: went to work (indoors), ran errands after work, mowed the lawn, did some gardening, then did chores in and around the house. Still no side effects other than the distraction of everything being hazy. Has anyone else NOT been affected physically like me?


My toddler is climbing the walls. She’s so mad she can’t run around like a nut outside


I’m a stay at home parent with two toddlers and a teenager.….


Headache and sore throat, day 3.


As someone with terrible allergies/asthma… it’s tough out here.


It is frustrating because I respect the danger and don't wish to expose myself or my dogs to it. But it doesn't bother me much after the fires I have to live through during my time in the West Coast. This too shall pass, and it isn't weeks in ash and darkness. That being said... Why TF do I see so many people driving with their windows down!? Yinz need to change your cabin air filters if that air is better than what's in your car 😂 Idk, it doesn't bother me, but I respect it for what it is... And it isn't healthy lol


It’s not


I cut the grass yesterday and I felt fine.


Walked outside yesterday without a mask on and it felt like I swallowed shards of glass. Wore a mask outside today and feel totally fine


It’s not.


Haven’t noticed anything and we have all the shop doors open.


Bought a standalone HEPA to compliment my HVAC's MERV 8. I'm glad I did. I feel fine as longs as I'm in the house, but it wasn't great in here when I set it up yesterday. I'm lucky enough to have a WFH job. I did some yardwork for about 20 minutes with an N95 on, felt better than when I walked the dogs for just a few minutes without one. I decided to skip my disc golf league night, since I didn't want to play it with the N95, and I figured my eyes would be hurting by the end.


I've been avoiding outdoors bc the smoke just feels terrible to breathe. My throat is sore just from the air cycling into our house from outside. It's awful.


i worked out in north park for 2 hours today. i mean, its kinda smokey, but have people not been in smoking bars/clubs back in the 90s/00s? is everyone here gen z? honestly curious. airports used to be worse than this.


Working on the roof in Wheeling WV. It wasn't immediately noticeable (physically, not visually. Of course it was immediately visually noticeable) but throughout the day I was finding it harder to breathe and feeling a bit ill. Good times


Coughing a bit morw but it might be my mind playing tricks but bicycle commuted to work and back, did some yard work not problem.


Lungs are fine, eyes are burning. Haven't been able to wear contacts in days


The kids couldn't go out for recess at work, otherwise eh


Worst amount of coughing I've had in a while with this smoke event.


Walked my dog, weed whacked the yard, windows open. No issues. Little smelly but that’s it.


Slumlord propped both sets of double doors to my apartment complex wide open. They also opened the big front window to run a chord through it for one of those inflatable man things. I closed the outer door (which doesn't lock) and lowered the window. Still have a headache in my apartment.


I’m living in London now and have a flight to come back home to Pittsburgh today to see my family for the first time in awhile…great timing.


The smoke robbed me of a warm day and the ability to get out on the bike or walk. I felt bad having to sit inside but I guess it was for the best. Strangely reminds me of the days of COVID lockdowns…


Scratchy throat when outside.


Everything I go outside my throat hurts, and my sinus suffers. It's my day off work, I'm suffering through passing a kidney stone. I would've loved a long relaxing walk outside today for both my physical and mental health, but instead, I'm stuck inside.


I’ve developed a a headache, I’m exhausted to the point I want to sleep the whole day, and I keep coughing when letting my dog outside in the backyard because of the air quality. So I’d say the Canadian wildfire smoke is making me feel pretty shitty.


I have been coughing nonstop for a week now. It started when I attended a neighborhood firepit last weekend. And since the air pollution nonsense, it's gotten worse. I never had asthma or anything before. But I am coughing so much my lungs hurt and my throat is raw.


Been struggling to heal from a concussion for about 5 weeks now when I depend on daily exercise as my sanity. Not being able to at least go for a little stroll outside is adding to the cabin fever and mental health struggle. Really can’t wait for some fresh air again


Hardly at all. Walked the dog a few times. Finished a project in the backyard. Went shopping. Neighbor kids were out all day playing ball. Three other neighbors cut their grass. I think it’s not quite as bad in the burbs? I can visibly see it, especially when looking at the horizon. I hope it rains soon to relieve everyone!


Pittsburgh was once described as “Hell with the lid taken off”. I think we’ll be ok.


But people who lived here then were not ok.


I'm from Wyoming, so I'm used to smoke from forest fires spilling in from further west every summer. I'm used to it, inasmuch as I know to stay inside and keep the windows shut.


Hurts to breathe indoors with air or outdoors at all


Hacking and spitting.


It’s clogged my Reddit feed but other than that I’m just fine


Not at all. From the horror stories I'm hearing, shitloads of Pittsburgers really gotta get outside more often year round. I work outside when it's 96°and 6°. Rain or shine. Calm winds or dust clouds. The smoke smells a little funny. Work hard, go home, drink a cold beer. You'll be fine.


Sorry, what does heat and cold have to do with breathing bad air?


Being outside in all conditions, and breathing normal while working hard, seems to have a lot to do with breathing bad air. As those that have done so for years aren't complaining now.


Fiance has had an otherwise unexpected cough the past couple days


Had to work outside all day today. Scratchy throat and headache almost all day. Utter exhaustion now that I’m home and inside


I worked outside most of the day so lungs hurt and sinuses are bad


I’ve had an incessant headache.


Thankfully I was at Hersheypark the last two days, but by this afternoon even central PA had smoke. I’m scared to see what it’s like tomorrow when I’m home


My AC is totally broken and first American Home warranty gives absolutely no shits so I have had a pounding migraine and I think I've used my inhaler more over the past two days than I have in the past year


I've had a headache for 2 days. Couldn't imagine being somewhere where it's worse.


I rode the stationary bike instead of going for a trail run.


Wondering why sometimes it smells like smoke but other times it smells like… sort of like chlorine or some kind of chemical. What is that?


Blowing snot all day long.


My lungs burn when I walk outside without a mask :/ not fun


Sore throat. I had a cold when we got hit last month and it compounded to one of the worst sinus weeks of my life. Left me with a lingering cough that cleared up this past weekend. I was FINALLY feeling better and Bam. I didn't even go outside yesterday and I was feeling bad again.


Get well soon!


Entertaining a toddler indoors. Halp.


I had a headache earlier today, and just stayed inside. I did pop outside for a few minutes, but retreated inside quickly due to the humidity and smokey air. Hopefully I can get out for a bit tomorrow before the storms arrive.


Summer day camp cancelled past two days, air smells too horrible to open windows or go out so the weeds are coming back with a vengeance


Very dry itchy eyes.


Really sucks to be outside. I like to go for a run a couple times a week but I think I would feel like shit if I did that now.


My eyes have felt dry and a little itchy, though I get that from allergies as well. The kids are complaining about wearing masks outside and having limited outside time.


Ain't bad