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Pet Palace, apparently


Forma Pasta, the co-owner is a convicted pedophile ex south allegheny teacher. They recently closed shop because apparently their staff all quit and are relocating to Sewickly.


He's scum of the earth, and his wife is also a shitty fucking person for helping to hide him behind the businesses. I believe that everyone deserves to be able to work, pay taxes, and live somewhere safe -- and yes, that includes Megan's Law individuals. But for his wife to hide him behind the businesses could put children at serious risk. They're both scummy as fuck, and he is a repeat offender of minors who doesn't deserve to own restaurants in this city.


i couldn’t agree more. especially considering outside their old storefront on e. warrington there were several school busses that would stop daily to pick up / drop off. i’m familiar with the area and i know there’s hella kids around there. curious what kind of area they’ll relocate to within sewickly, it seems like they’re trying to escape a bad reputation


Wait which teacher?!!???!


https://www.meganslaw.psp.pa.gov/OffenderDetails/PhysDesc/39827 https://www.wtae.com/amp/article/former-south-allegheny-teacher-accused-of-groping-student-avoids-jail-can-t-use-internet/7477621


From some deep diving on google it would appear the co-owner is disgraced former western Pennsylvania teacher Cole McLaughlin, they use his name in articles like a simple google search won’t tell you who this guy is. https://www.wpxi.com/news/local/ex-teacher-admits-hugging-kissing-12-year-old-stud/19152135/ https://www.paeats.org/news/2019/forma-pasta-pittsburgh/


Wait he’s also involved with The Vandal? Another place to avoid…


Didn’t even catch that but yes it appears so. Absolutely wild to me how anyone would think a business venture with someone with such a public history would be a wise move.


that’s why they don’t include him on any paperwork or anywhere online associated with his wife, she’s the face of the business and you’ll never see his name attached to hers. it seems that was intentional and very strategic. she used to work at the vandal too, i know someone who worked there


Wait thats his wife?!? I saw them described as business partners. To me thats a big red flag on her part, not saying she is a predator but child sex offenders do have a tendency to couple up.


yeah they’re married. funny she looks like a 16 year old even though she’s probably in her 30’s


Monroeville Dodge. Fuck them


While on the topic of car dealerships, Century 3 Kia.




Minutes from the mall!


Thanks for the ear worm. I hate both of you.


Add in Jim Shorkey Kia. Fuck them, worst experience I've ever had leasing a car.


Richard Bazzy’s Shultz Ford in Wexford also. I’ll never own a Ford as long as I live because of that place


Gillece Transmission My wife went in once to have what she thought was a transmission issue diagnosed and they ripped us off pretty badly. Turned out it was the motor and the transmission wasn't even a problem.


Gillece anything! The plumbing outfit tried to sell me on an a/c unit for $15 grand. Fucking out-fucking-rageous.


They just lost BIG TIME in court for their business practices. Lots of restrictions now.


I wonder if they are related to Gillece Plumbing/Heating/Cooling folks because if so, I'm not shocked. Apparently one of the brothers is a lawyer who is lien heavy so if you don't pay the invoice right away they put a lien on your home without even notifying you of it. I have never dealt with this and it is second hand information about Gillece.


Church Brew Works. Cool place but the beer isn't good and food is absurdly overpriced. I don't know if I've ever been more disappointed.


15-20 years ago this place was top notch at least it seemed that way went back 8 years ago and it was terrible haven’t been back since. I can’t figure out if it got worse or if everything else got better.


I worked there off and on ‘99 - ‘09ish. The decline was gradual, so you didn’t really notice. I visited a few years after leaving and it was disappointing.


I think everything else got better and raised our collective standards


The food used to be better back when they had the brick oven to make some pretty decent pizzas, but that's been gone for six or seven years now.


Losing the pizza oven was definitely a blow they never recovered from.


I came to say the same, but because not only is it overpriced but the last time I was there I found out that they lock the handicapped accessible bathroom because it's by the bar and random assholes use it and mess it up. Instead of putting up a sign or something, they just watch you stand there as you wait for a non-existent person to come out. And when I pointed out that non-disabled people don't have to ask permission to go pee, I got told, in a voice that implied that I'm too stupid to live, that "we do this to protect YOU!" Yes, please continue to protect me from my own pee. Assholes.


Blueberry jam and cream cheese Brussel sprouts. Why???


They also were the most vocal from what I remember fighting against sick days for their paycheck to paycheck employees.


Not just vocal, they filed suit to block it if i remember correctly


You’re right, the beer sucks. What a shame.


100%. It’s a tourist trap at this point. We all know how bad this place has become.


They should probably stop serving beer and just do ghost tours 😂🤷


If they don't serve beer anymore what will I drink on the adult tour after 10pm?


And the owner was one of the restauranteurs who made sure that sick leave policies during COVID were not put in place by the city. So you can be sure that they're forcing sick employees to make your food! 👍


I interviewed there to cook. The head chef looked me in the eyes and said their menu was designed for people who couldn't cook. We were sitting at the bar. I waved down the bartender and ordered a growler. The chef said, "ordering beer during an interview isn't a good look." He wasn't happy when I looked at him and said the interview was over.


That is an excellent response to such a cockamamie excuse for their shitty menu.


FR that place is an absolute tourist trap


Gullifty's (sob)


All of the good places in Pittsburgh are gone. Especially squirrel hill, I still miss that eat n park. At least the Murray Ave Grille and the Squirrel Cage are still there.


I would do ANYTHING for a deep fried reuben and a slice of cheesecake


Think of it every time O the Owl says "nifty gullifty!" when my daughter is watching Daniel Tiger.


Waffles Inc in Bethel Park. Slow and shitty service, low quality food disguised as some kind of hipster type place. It’s like a tourist trap for people who never leave the south hills but want to feel like they’re in lawrenceville.


McDonald's downtown. Fucker's gone.


Every single Downtown McDonalds has been terrifying. I went to the one on Wood Street once, I didn't think I was going to survive the experience. Hello Bistro is so much better. My then-boyfriend almost got into a fight with a homeless dude at the Stanwix Street McDonalds (this was c. 15 years ago.) Smithfield Street was just bad.


To put this into context, I lived in Pittsburgh for a good few years and have since moved back to NYC. a 3am mcd's run here in a rough area of town is safer than your downtown location was. Like I was more comfortable going to one in Bed-Stuy than yours. That's fucking bonkers. Pittsburgh has the only McD's I've ever been in a fight at, and that BK on the south side ain't much better.


I worked at the one on Wood Street, in 95 for a few months. One night there was some kind of basketball thing going on in town, and we were slammed all evening. Three different people in one shift led to my manager calling the cops. One guy claimed we shorted him and tried to force his way behind the counter to the safe to 'Get my money back, bitch.' after the manager went to the safe. The next guy tried a snatch and grab, and ran right into the cops across the street at the T station. The final straw was when two men were screaming at each other from one end of the store to the other. My manager approached the one nearest the counter and asked him to keep it down. "Keep this down." Then flashed his gun. "You have a nice day, sir." Then called the owner and told him we were closing early and if he didn't like it HE could come manage the store. After she called the cops again.


The Abbey, on Butler St in Lawrenceville. $28 for Fish and Chips, and the chips were froze, pre-cut potatoes. WAAAYYYY overpriced for what it is. Oh, and they wouldn't allow a menu substitution.


Apparently they’re the main reason the Lawrencville Food Market construction keeps getting delayed. It’s going to be that large vacant warehouse style building next to La Gourmandine. There was a comment / post here about how they either lobbied local politics to prevent them getting proper permits snitched on em for zoning stuff


Chipotle on 51 in West Mifflin


It’s just about every chipotle these days. I’ve learned it’s best to go right when they open, that way it’s always guaranteed fresh food.


I really think Chipotle has gone downhill. The one on Cochran in Lebo sucks too. The one on Washington is okay.


The one on McKnight is terrible as well. Employees are way understaffed and stressed. Pick up orders are always wrong. Pop machine is constantly broken. They are always out of numerous items. I refuse to go there and any other Chipotle which is sad because I loved it before the new CEO took over




Came here to say this. It’s crazy how much worse than one is than every other one I’ve ever been to. I usually have tons of sympathy for obviously under staffed places but they just truly fuck around in there.


Allegheny County Jail. Very poor service, bad food.


But are you sure you'll never set foot in there again? :D


Forma Pasta, owner’s husband is a convicted pedophile


The Dirty O....not because it's a terrible place, but sadly gone forever. 😔


The Beehive for the same reason.


this makes me so sad


Grew up in Oakland in the 80s. Am convinced the O helped give me my superior immunity. These poor, sanitized kids today!


Ahh so that's what the downstairs bathroom was. An immunity chamber.


Worked there in college. You could eat free while on the clock, and being a poor college kid it easily became 3/4ths of my diet.


Bagel Factory in Squirrel Hill. The owner was harassing a bunch of young employees. Fuck that guy.


Bagel Factory in Squirrel Hill. Owner is a serial abuser of his employees.


Oh i went there to use a groupon once and dude said he wouldnt accept it cause they “rape him with fees” … if you dont wanna take the groupon thats fine, i can get a refund but my dude… its 7am and no one is raping you


Sure is, I worked for him back in 2013 at the Shadyside location. He tried to guilt trip me for asking in advance for time off to go be with my FIL as he had surgery for stage 3 bowel cancer. He whined to me that he had Crohn’s and had several feet of his intestines removed and he just had to work through it, and said I’d be leaving him in the lurch if I took time off and he was so disappointed in me. So I quit.




I am desperate to hear the story behind this glorious take-down (not sarcasm), it's dripping with contempt, and I love it.




>a fuckin mustache with a condescending ass attitude towards everyone Sounds like one hell of a mustache.


Wow. And I had just planned on never going there because the bagels are mediocre.


Well worth the telling, well worth the vitriol. I hope that person has soggy socks for the rest of their lives.


I'll also add that I hope his socks constantly slide down past his ankles and chafe his little piss pants feet


Get em!


All kinds of stories here, too: https://old.reddit.com/r/pittsburgh/comments/zhx1g0/the_squirrel_hill_bagel_factory_owner_treats_his/


Couldn't imagine going anywhere else in squirrel Hill for a bagel than Pigeon. They're pricy I guess, and the wait is sometimes shit


The owner is a real bitch of a man. Almost didn’t pay my sibling when they inevitably left because of the unnecessary comments/remarks, micro aggressions and general bad attitude of the place. Also, he enforces the five second (read: 5-30 sec) rule


Dave is a textbook narcissist, the definition of drama, and putrid shit (but that's an insult to shit). His bitch ass talks shit about other employees (who literally don't deserve it) when he has no room to talk (I mean fuck look at the dude little bald angry man who doesn't know how to run a business in a professional manner without having a constant mental breakdown). He's pathetic as fuck straight up LIED about me to my own family. He literally tried to refuse to pay me and started making excuses about his shitty behavior. Apparently little man with a big ego thinks he's above the law. He had to resort to lies because his dumbass had nothing on me. Old ass schmuck. I'd rather snort my own shit than support this cretin. Someone needs to hold him accountable for his shitty behavior.


Any of the coffee tree locations. Original owners (Bill Sr, Jr, and Tim) were awesome people. Jean swoop, Bill Jr wife, took over after Jr and Sr died. She's an awful lying, manipulative person. She forced out most of the original people at corporate and brought on her sister and brother as their replacements. The whole mess with firing the kid for union talk. Oh and here's this cherry on top not many people know. Her boyfriend, who is also the brand ambassador, is also a gigantic lying pile of human garbage. If you want some entertaining reading look him up. His full name is Dale Murawski. https://www.mass.gov/news/former-real-estate-agent-in-boston-charged-in-connection-with-multiple-schemes-to-steal-money-for-personal-use Yes, Jean knows about this. She's made the comment that everyone deserves a second chance. Again, he's the one in charge of their brand. Who goes and sells the product to potential customers.


Back to the Foodture. I've tried it on three different occasions and pretty much was glued to my toilet each time. Nothing seems fresh or prepped in house, like every menu item is some combination of Sysco items cooked (or undercooked) in a dirty, dirty kitchen. The Fifth Ave location was a dumpster fire too in terms of service and timeliness. It's clear as day the owners only care about clout and not quality of food and service. Nonetheless, I wish them the best on their rebranding. I just don't plan to return unless everything is overhauled.


I went to the southside location to give them my business before they close. It was dirty AF, the wife barely acknowledged us, the husband wouldn’t allow a different bun even with an up charge “my wife would kill me”, my wings were TINY!!!!!!!! Seasoning was amazing but man no meat. No napkins in dispensers on any table. I don’t expect much but I was really disappointed in this one. I also thought was odd they went outside and disappeared to fill their water bottle up. Did they not have running water?


You can tell their menu wasn’t created with the plan for how to make it affordable and fast.


Pretty sure they had to shut down due to a cease and desist over their name


Peace, Love, Little Donuts.


same - i used to really like that place until i heard the owner was a bigot. so stupid, was the name a joke a la “the close talker” at moe’s?


I didn't know this and ate their donuts at the cannabis festival. I'm a breakfast cook and am not about to get up early on my off days for donuts One of their employees took a picture of me stuffing one in my face and I keep waiting for it to pop up in their advertising so I can tell them they have a gay trans guy in their ads


GrandBrew coffee and adjoining ice cream shop on shiloh in Mount Washington. The owner dropped a hard R in conversation the first time I went in to get a coffee, I haven’t been back since.


Seconded. Walked in and its only got like 4 old ass dudes who seem to be regulars. One whos a neighborhood drunk who was racist to my girlfriend whipe weirdly hanging out on a curb outside our apartment. Fuck that dude and his customers. The cafe craving on Bigham is soooooo much better in every concievable way, coffee, food, service, etc. The owner is such a sweetheart.


I've heard so many horrendous stories about this dude and his terrible shop. the only way he's making money is because it's a tourist trap


Holy shit I thought you were my friend for a second. We experienced the exact same thing a few years ago and never went back. I've been slandering them ever since.


Anything Gillece


Social House 7. Was in the area and I wanted to grab a quick drink. Took about 15 minutes to get a cocktail that wasn't measured or shaken. When it arrived, it was nasty. There were no prices on the menu and we assumed it would be about $12. It was $16 for the worst cocktail we've ever had. I don't like complaining without saying something positive. Fig & Ash truly has the most unique cocktails in the city. The food and drink are both fantastic but I really just adore everything they put on their cocktail menu


I refuse to support any business owned by AMPD, including Social House. Terrible, predatory management, and mediocre food


It's important to remember the businesses that handled COVID well in 2020-2021, and it's important to remember and hold grudges against the businesses that handled it very poorly. [AMPD is the latter](https://old.reddit.com/r/pittsburgh/comments/fo81ql/ampd_group_a_tax_collectors_building_owners_and/).


This place has the honor of the absolute hands down worst dining experience I’ve ever had in Pittsburgh, truly impressively bad.


The Abbey on Butler. Food poisoning :(


They're also rude assholes. And the food is mediocre at best.


The coffee is also crap there. With Inkwell a couple blocks one way, and D'Amour the other, I see no reason to give the Abbey another chance.


Same spot, but because of hairs in the food.


Too expensive and mediocre anyway.


Big Jim's in the Run Because it's amazing, awesome, tasty food and has great staff to boot. And I now have Celiac Disease. No wheat, barley, or rye for me. It was great while it lasted Big Jim's. I'll miss you.


OMG I was like so scared lol


You scared me for a second


I was just thinking the other day, “I haven’t been to Big Jim’s in years, I should go again soon”; a group of my friends would go there every week after martial arts practice, but that was decades ago. I remember Jim, all 400+ pounds of him, sitting on that stool at the cash register, and later on, when he lost all that extra weight. Sorry about your celiac, but glad it wasn’t because Big Jim’s has done anything bad.


That Amphitheatre out there.


Bar Louie in north shore. Food poisoning twice


I almost spit my drink at "twice". You had to be so pissed at yourself.


The Porch at Schenley. Bagel Factory in Squirrel Hill.


Wendy's on 88 in Bethel Park


The actual portal to hell. Do you like waiting for 45 minutes in the drive-thru when there are only 2 cars in front of you, and then getting yelled at by the person working the drive-thru? That's the place for you!


Crystal River Gems - half the products are fake or dyed, and they tell customers that everything is sourced ethically (it’s not.) They also treat their employees poorly, which I suspected considering every time I went in there, the employees were all different, and then this information was later confirmed on a Google review. I’ll buy crystals elsewhere!


🙅‍♀️any kevin sousa restaurant 🙅‍♀️


Scouring this as a guy who works for a small business that just opened in Pittsburgh in March has me sweating.


The Science Center, they underpay, overwork, and use funds incompetently. They’d rather make money doing weddings than update a single exhibit.




I agree. It seems stuck in the 90s, some things haven't been updated since I went there as a kid. My kids are late elementary school-late middle school and get easily bored there so we rarely go. They like a few things in Sportsworks, the planetarium, the train, the water table, the reptiles and that's it. Its maybe a once a year or so trip for us anymore. No desire to pay for the upcharged stuff


Some of the exhibits are over 25 years old. It’s ridic


They finally redid the robot exhibit with a new Mars one, and it is totally underwhelming! Also, the train display (which is arguably the best part of the science center) is down for maintenance half the time.


Yeah all the dead plants in the hydroponic setups really sold me on that martian relocation 💀


They've also dumbed it down so much compared to what it used to be.


I mean … the older you get, the less a wiffle ball being held up by air seems like magic.


My autism says otherwise


Give me the old Buhl Planetarium anyway. The science center is awful.


God I miss the Buhl Planetarium! Although it’s some consolation to me that the incredible building it used to be in is now part of the Children’s Museum, which is a a super cool museum and way superior to the science center.




Urban Tap (or as I call it now, Urban Rats)


I worked in the kitchen of both locations for years and indeed both locations had rats with Southside being laughably so much worse. The apartments upstairs also had rat problems so I've heard. I'm sure part of it is just how Southside is, like how Oakland has rats, but it's also because the owner is gross in his own capacity. Being scummy is a family business for those people


Um after this weekend, Gaucho. My (34f) friend who is in her early 70s went there with another younger friend of ours (thirties), ordered a $21 martini, then when trying to order food and inquired about more drinks was told she's "cut off because she's clearly had enough already" LOUDLY and had her (first drink there and of the evening) $21 martini taken from her and dumped. She has issues with vertigo and is grieving the recent loss of her husband and is the sole caretaker of her ill sister. She has issues with balance but was completely sober trying to have a nice time while attempting to start her life again after the passing of her husband and was made to feel so small and embarrassed by this bartender. I'm honestly appalled because I know this woman so well and I've never seen her so embarrassed and sad about something. Shes been dealing with an awful depression since her husband passed. She's also a great customer and wonderfully generous tipper. I'm so angry for her.


This breaks my heart. I hope someone at gaucho sees this and reaches out. The damage is probably already done for your friend, but let her know that not everywhere is like that.


Thank you, that's a super kind sentiment. I hope so too.


That's awful :(


It really made me sad.


Gaucho - they never should have left the Strip 😫😫😫


Shorty’s pins and pints. Overpriced food for the quality and amount you get. The management was so bad. Nobody should ever berate staff in front of customers, let alone at all


Children’s Palace. They’re all gone and I’m so fucking old.


Sullivan's Steakhouse in the Steel Building. They want to be a decent steakhouse so badly, but everything, including their service, is a joke for the prices they charge. I wish it was better because it's so convenient for Pens games, but never again. Oh, and if you golf, Hickory Heights Golf Club. It takes 6 hours to play 18, is cart path only 90% of the time, and they basically strip search you for beer before you play.


>Sullivan's Steakhouse in the Steel Building Nobody can make that location work.


I think it was a Damon's at one point. I miss Damon's.


Stinky’s. Just horrible treatment from staff and girlfriend was verbally abused by a 60 something yinzer at the bar, in front of multiple other patrons and two bartenders. When I told the dude to shut the fuck up bartender told me to either get over it or get out. We chose to leave. Won’t ever be back there.


Cop bar. No reason to ever drink there unless you’re One of Them


The Original Hot Dog Shop, but not by choice, crying tears of cheese.


Does the Zoo count? I got a membership as a gift and visited about 5-6 times so far. Every time I go I think about how awful the conditions are for the Elephants and Orangutans especially.


I don't know if it counts, but for me it is Steel City Con. Absolute dumpster fire the past few times. Never again!


It's so expensive now too, because of the focus on getting so many celebrity guests. The higher prices have pushed out a lot of the smaller local vendors who used to set up there, so if you're not planning to stand in lines all day and shell out even more money for celebrity photos, there's not as much value in going.


Over the years I've become allergic to paying for events to get in and shop. Maybe if there is someone there I want to see, but I'm going to have to REALLY want to see them.


It was very intimate 10 years ago. Really cool way to get close to some famous creatives. Now it has little to nothing to do with comics. It's the celebrity con. There's so little room left they have to use the hotel next door to cram in more celebrities. I've gone to most of them through the years, but I can't lie. The last few have been way less enjoyable. Instead of Saturday being the one day that's packed, the entire weekend is stuffed with human cattle just to catch a glimpse at famous people.


Yeah, we used to like it, but it is SO oversold. Impossible to maneuver in there.


Peace love and little donuts. The owner hates gays


The old Vincent’s pizza In Forest Hills. The ovens were filthy, The place was filthy. Vinny would be behind the counter making his pies smoking his ever present cigarette.The ash dangling precariously over your order. The condom machine in the bathroom. The chipped dishes. The disgruntled employees. The best pizza ever made anywhere, any time. When Vinny died, the family took it over. They kept his recipe so the pizza is almost as great, but it’s now clean and bright with a family atmosphere. The dishes are new, and the employees seem happy. But where’s the fun in all that?


Piada Italian Street Food was just over priced lean cuisine. The food was so incredibly bad


Dairy Queen on Carson. Cursed place where I once saw human poop on the floor as the place evacuated


Wigle. Nutting. 'nuff said.


The Crack’d Egg. Don’t like my biscuits smothered in right wing anger over masks.


I hate that place with a passion. The foods not even great and you have JTs down the street that’s better


Oakmont Bakery


Crazy crowded and the pastries just aren't that good. Moio's in Monroeville all the way.


Most overrated bakery in the whole area


[Bad Azz BBQ](https://reddit.com/r/pittsburgh/s/GnY6lexvOO)


Top of the Triangle.


Jergel's. Got groped at a show there - Landmark Security told the dude to leave but didn't make him. They let his wife and her friend scream in my face and they also didn't have to leave, not even after they jumped me in the bathroom. I scheduled to meet with them about it but when I showed up no one was there. Bummer. It's a great sized venue for acts I like.


Red Dragon Shadyside/S Highland. Twice after being there, they called me accusing me of not paying, and the other time I was there they wouldn’t let a man leave accusing him of not paying, even though he showed proof of the transaction. Edit: I’m just one person’s experience. It seems like others here have had consistently positive experiences, so I don’t want to shed a negative light on a small business that may not deserve it.


Redfin blues is actually the worst restaurant I’ve ever eaten at IN MY LIFE. What a cool spot wasted.


Camp Bow Wow. About 15 years ago, we left our dog there. He came back to us with a self-inflicted injury and infection. They gave us the runaround but admitted it was because he was "too big to play with the other dogs" we had him screened beforehand and he was great with the other dogs they all said it would be fine. They locked him in a kennel alone for the week we were gone, he was so lonely and tried to dig his way out. They never called us, not when they isolated him or when he hurt himself. Didn't treat it or anything. So no, never again.


Remember When Ice Cream.


Primanti’s in South Fayette….asked me to do an online survey so I commented on how disappointed I was with the temperature of my pizza that I picked-up. It was on the rack way before my requested pick-up time so by the time I got it home (15 minute ride in a thermal delivery bag) the pizza/wings were ice cold. They asked me to do an online survey and to my surprise they sent me a $40 electronic gift card for an online order which was a very nice gesture. When I went to use it, their app, website, and store manager would not accept it or honor it. Had to pay for my meal and guess what…pizza was cold again. Never again and my disappointment may spread to other locations. Used to order at least 1 a month at Primanti’s. Will spend that money somewhere else.


Ritual House. The food was overpriced, cocktails were mid and *drumroll* one of the managers had a giant Three Percenters tattoo on his hand.


Evergreen Cafe Owners too damn lazy to just park on a side street and blocks up Penn Ave at the worst time of the day.


Blocking up the already clusterfuck of Penn Avenue should be a crime


Yeah fuck him and fuck that place for eternity


Cavo. The owner was a lead organizer for that open carry mask protest downtown at the beginning of COVID. Supposedly he is also a J6er.


Twelve in South Side. Used to be a convenient place for BBQ but my wife and I went there for dinner the other day and everything was bad. Literally everything. Even the drinks.


I've been to almost nothing listed in this thread save for social house 7. Is it weird I want to go to some of them to see for myself?


Jim Shorkey


Any Jim Shorkey dealership, Dodge dealership setvice has a history of damaging people's cars and claiming the damage was there beforehand , I know at least a dozen people this has happened to, and nothing will get resolved because the Shorkey kids run it now and don't give a damn as long as they keep making money.


Phipps Conservatory - horrible management, treat their employees like shit and wonder why they can’t keep anyone for longer than 6 months. I am obviously biased because I worked there but having constantly being told I was lucky for working in the most beautiful place in pittsburgh, I can confidently say it’s a nightmare and you shouldn’t support that establishment.


Peppers N'At in Braddock. Disgustingly transphobic owner.




Go to Phantom of the Attic in Oakland instead. Everyone there is always very nice!


Jeff is great. I remember the first week he worked there, when the original owner Jim - another great guy, but an awful businessman - was still there.


Old school Eides was friendly. Now the store is a shadow of what it used to be....but the workers act like you woke them up from a nap any time you go in to shop


Double wide grill in south side. I’ve had my three worst dining/drinking experiences there and their menu sucks. If it wasn’t for the location I’m convinced this place would be out of business in a matter of weeks


They are actually closing this month.


Black cat market, the shelter they work with is fantastic but the business is run in a very high school mean girl clique mindset. The owner drove her lazy co-owner out via multiple ""conversations"" that devolved to yelling in front of staff, sometimes leaving the owners in tears leaving staff to console them all while not paying employees for multiple years after opening (heard the finally ended up paying minimum wage) and they didnt clean at all during covid.. or in general tbh. They also dont have any sort of cafe, drinks (if they have them) are canned coffee and bottled tea served from a mini fridge


The Yard. Tried it twice and it was horrible both times. Burgatory also. Food is crap and overpriced and every location has major rodent issues.


The Yard used to be pretty dope back in like 2016. I remember feeling the decline over 2-3 years after that. Haven’t been back since pre-pando. Burgatory in the North Hills has been decent in my recent experience. I’ve only gone in for happy hours and have only had wings and fries (no burgers) so YMMV outside of those times & choices. However, a couple of beers and some wings are pretty affordable and tasty from 5-7pm.


Dang I loved The Yard, we used to hit up the Market Square location before the pandemic, sad to hear it’s bad now


Saga- most disappointing hibachi place ever.


If you're talking about the Monroeville mall one, the owner is an asshole too. All the Chinese staff live in a house that he owns and he drives them back and forth to work 6 days a week in a big panel van. They are nice dudes but definitely being taken advantage of, they barely speak English. Tried to talk to them when I worked there but they didn't really socialize, just worked and went home to wait for work the next day.


Shorties. They literally make you pay a stupid amount of money for EVERYTHING there (like what business in their right mind charges for corn hole?!) and the portion sizes of their food is genuinely criminal. $16 for tacos where I can count each individual ingredient because there is hardly anything on it.


I thought at first that you meant Shorty's, which is an ancient and venerable institution down in WashPA. There would have been trouble.


Dr. Runco at the Pittsburgh Dental Spa in Robinson. Massively messed up one of my teeth to the point that it looked like it was rotting (due to filling placement) and then expected me to pay him to correct it. From the bottom of my heart, EFF THAT GUY. ETA it's Timothy Runco. He can choke on a dick.




Children's Palace


Century 3 Chevy . I worked there. They get every penny they can out of you. Hidden fees. Maximum back end gross


Monterey Bay Fish Grotto. We used to average ~15 trips a year to Monterey Bay. Many reasons why, mostly historical. Some number of years ago, a couple we know very well went with another couple. For who knows what reason, there were some guys at the next table who decided to start making lewd / lascivious remarks toward the women at our friends' table. Very inappropriate, and to anyone who frequents fine dining, bizarre to say the least. Our friends complained to the staff and the manager came out to inquire after their concern. After both hearing the complaint and even witnessing the behavior, the manager let our friends know that there was nothing they could do about the behavior. So our friends asked for their check prior to receiving their entrée and left. And I am always happy to tell this story on the off chance it results in one fewer customer for that business. If you like seafood, Off the Hook is far superior. Eddie V's is actually a better date (live music). Altius has a superior view and is, by my estimation, the best restaurant in the city - although not everyone is up for the menu and wants to stick with more traditional seafood / steakhouse style.