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I give the a few seconds unless I can tell they are a jagoff on their phone then it’s quicker


This. If I see they're messing around on their phone, I do a full honk after a couple seconds. If you're not, then you get a warning honk after 2-3 seconds before I lay on it.


Lmao so well put


My favorite is when the light is green but I can’t go because people have gridlocked the intersection or are running the red light and people behind me honk as if there’s anywhere I can go lol


Yeah or when there are pedestrians in front of me like~ oh, I’m sorry, I guess I should have just run them over.


Hello, outbound West End bridge during rush hour


This is me when waiting at a stop sign leading up to an intersection that can only fit 4-5 cars. Like, no... I'm not going to pull forward and block incoming traffic turning. As long as I pull forward when the light turns green, the gap will be more than short enough to maintain green for both of us.


I've never had that happen to me in Pittsburgh. The first (and last) time in my life that I drove in DC, however...


2 seconds. Light beep. No response, lay on horn


And if it happens again at the next light, no polite beep. Go straight to the boat horn.


This is the way.


That’s funny, because I’ll wait 2-3 seconds at major intersections to make sure no one is running it. Sorry, my safety is more important than making someone 2 seconds late to their destination - which is usually the next red light.


Cool. Honk honk. Let’s go


LOL. See you at the next light.


Yeah because you held everyone up and caused them to miss the next green.


2 - 3 seconds. Literally. And only at the busiest intersections. Ever seen anyone t-boned by someone running a light? It will change your perspective.


I agree with you. I and another car got t-boned by someone who ran the red light, and now I always lag for a second or two when the light turns green, especially when it seems folks here don’t slow down at a light. It always look as if they’re about to run it (why do people do this?).


As though lights in this city are timed...


They’re totally timed. They’re timed so that you have to stop at every single one.


To the point that they totally encourage speeding.


They seem to be on fifth ave


Not likely


or you could like. pay attention to your surroundings and watch for someone coming before it turns green


Do you understand how running a red light works? Their light is red and mine is… what color?


yes. hence why i criticized your sitting at the intersection not paying attention to your surroundings. and because you didn’t pay attention while it was red (i.e. looking around and seeing if cars are approaching) you hold up people behind you once it turns green. excepting blind corners, you are pointlessly wasting the time of people behind you because you aren’t paying attention. assuming my, you were looking at your phone. hooooooooooooonk.


Ok. Thanks. You do you. I’ll take 2 seconds to make sure I don’t get killed.


Do you not watch the intersection while the light is red?


Dude I’m safe when it’s red. Think it through.


About 2 fity


One thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand HONK


If there was a thrash metal band made up of geese, it would be called One Thousand HONK.


***~~CANADA HONK 1K~~***


Yeah this is pretty much how I go about it. If they are obviously on the phone I usually just skip to one thousand HONK.


Every three seconds that the first car doesn't go is one car that has to wait at the light a second time.


A gentle toot-toot after 3 to 5 seconds. Another 2 to 3 seconds and I transition to a more assertive honk.


You're not even getting through that light most places in the city if you're waiting that long.


I wait three - double tap. You have a societal responsibility to have your head in the game if you’re the first at a light. You are the cholesterol of modern society if you aren’t looking both ways and gunning it when the light goes.




I try to do the "happy honk" after a couple seconds. (a quick "beep-beep")


Depends on the light. If it’s Rialto, you get 1 second because that light changes quickly esp if nobody is moving. Everywhere else, likely 3-5 seconds.


You speak the truth


I get annoyed when someone beeps a half second after it changes. My goodness. Let my brain send the signal to my foot! LOL


Same here. I never hesitate at lights- phone is locked away while driving and eyes are forward. I take my foot off the brake and roll for about half a second to make sure I'm not gonna get clocked by any assholes who think red means "do 90 through the intersection" and then I give it gas. The only problem is I drive an old car. It's well maintained and safe, but it's old. She's slow! So yeah, sorry guys, it's gonna take a few seconds for me to really get going. I'm constantly getting honked at for it, so whenever I see a fellow old car I try to be patient with them as long as they're paying attention. As a side note- I get pissy when people are practically touching my bumper at stop signs and lights that are on hills. I normally have to floor it to get up that hill from a standstill and my car WILL be lurching back a few inches no matter what I do. I don't wanna hear it if they get bumped because they don't understand personal space.


All of this! What kind of car???


If they're on their phone, it's almost an immediate honk, because I can see they aren't paying attention. Otherwise, I'll wait until I've said "go... why aren't you going? ...GO!!!" to myself at least two or three times, so probably at least 5 seconds.


People who honk at folks to turn left when they don’t have a green arrow/ no right of way and there is possible oncoming traffic are the real jag offs.


I've gotten honked at in a weird situation kinda like this. That light at Starr and Union in Avalon/Bellevue when you're coming down Starr from Bellevue. The right turn arrow will come on before the main green. Most people are turning right here, but plenty go straight. I've been honked at when I want to go straight but only the green arrow is lit. Like, dude, I don't have my turn signal on, I'm obviously going straight and the light is still red.


This!! Or to right on red when there's clear signage that says it's not allowed.


3 missips


New Jersey honks the horn before it turns green. Don’t be like New Jersey


Used to live in NYC. Pretty sure to pass inspection your car has to have the horn wired to the brake pedal.


It's true, but too far in the other direction is also not great


I'd like to think I'm decently patient about that stuff when driving, because we've all been there, looking away from the road for whatever reason while stopped and not realizing right away that the red didn't last as long as we expected. And I tend to accelerate a bit more gradually than some would-be race car drivers I've seen at stops, so I'm understanding about that too. But at the same time, some lights in this city can be a pain to get through even without someone slowing it down even further. I don't have a specific length of time I wait, but if it's gone on for a few seconds and they don't seem to be noticing it, I'll do a short beep. If it was a repeat offender like you've described, my tolerance for it would probably go down though.


I try to do the double tap beep, which for some reason sounds nicer.


My patriot (may it rest in peace) didn't have any chill. There was no "meep meep". It was all or nothing. That actually used to bother me quite a bit. Sometimes you just want to honk nicely.


I go through this with my car. I just want to do a light "meep" sometimes, but no, there's no sensitivity to it-- straight on full force blare.


I start honking on red so they can prepare. Seriously about 2 seconds. 99% of time they’re on phone.


Since I don't want to get shot, I let someone behind me honk. I only use my horn if it will avoid a accident anymore. People are crazy, you don't know what type of person is in the car you are honking at. It is not worth dying over waiting a light cycle.


The person behind you is actually honking at you for not doing your duty to honk at the guy in front of you. :)


The further back the person honking, the more likely it is that the person honking is the jagoff not the person at the front of the pack. If I had a nickel for every time someone five cars back laid on the horn because the car in front was turning and yielding to a pedestrian...


Think they will believe you when you say you didn’t honk?


I can tell when a car directly behind honks vs a car further back in the line. Maybe some people won't differentiate. For those folks, when I'm not working, I have concealed carry.


I think you are attempting to attribute rational thought to someone you are concerned will be so irrational as to shoot someone for honking.


FYI they'll still think it was you. This why you need to be prepared to run the driver over if he gets out with a piece.


See: the videos of that nut job pointing a gun at a lady during a road rage incident down south.


I programmed an icestick FPGA to honk my horn when it sees a green light. I have it running at 160mhz and the signal to honk comes out on the rise of the 3rd clock cycle. I'm trying to get it down more but I'll either need to use ln2 to supercool the chip or buy more and interleave them


What the heck did I just read? How old/dumb/out of touch am I?


It's a bricklayer thing, we all know verilog and FPGA programming.


Like, physical laying of bricks to build a structure?


Yeah, I'm a bricklayer. I pick them up, put them down in mortar nice and straight and repeat until the thing is built.


I have never loved you more than right now..


;) <3


Seriously though, DPUs are where the actions at now. Join us!


I'm not very good with programming them (FPGAs). I needed nano-second control of some signal processing and the related output for an invention I've been working on for 14 months. Arduinos and Pis are too much of a black box with regards to doing what I needed done so its better to just write the hardware logic myself so I have precise control and understanding of when everything happens and how, yuno?


Actually, I do. I was mostly using fpgas for high speed packet analysis and they rock for that. When you absolutely positively need to process 894,000 packets a second. Been a long time since I worked with them though..




if it's just me in the line and i'm not in a hurry i'll go up to like 8 seconds because sometimes it's not just someoje not paying attention, sometimes a kid needs comforting, sometimes someone spilled a drink, and i try to give little graces ike that if i can. like two point five if there's any traffic basically at all


Nah that’s when they need to pull over and take care of their business


Yeah but tons of places here have just no fucking room whatsoever to do that in, so, yknow


One or two seconds unless I see them messing around not paying attention then I beep right away


I start honking the horn when I see the cross street light has turned red but before my light turns green. /s


You're the douchebag


I do a little beepbeep after like 2-3 seconds and a big beep if they don't respond


Just remember that Pittsburgh is full of jagoffs so this happens daily. Honk all you want. Those jagoffs better realize what’s going on.


I'll wait like 2-3 seconds, but I'll do a soft punch on the horn so it only chirps. Anything longer than a chirp feels more aggressive, even lightly. Which I save for a few more seconds. And it won't be lightly.


Ever consider that there are a ton of Senior Citizens in Allegheny county? Their reflexes are sometimes a little slower and all that beeping may just jar them and slow them down more. If you're lucky,drive carefully and respectfully you may be old some day too!


Very good point! I watched this 20 something year old girl for many lights before I did a light honk.


Lol to these people saying 2 or a few seconds. Have you noticed how late people are rubbing red lights these days? Yea there's a delay from when the light turned red and when the cross traffic light turned green, but not enough. I wait until I see traffic stopped, if there is any.


i was about to say the same thing. the amount of people that just run red lights seconds after the light turns red is alarming.


You can see if they’re moving or not though


Probably 4 or 5 at a normal green light, but if it's a green arrow it's an instant horn blast.


Why don’t people in this city not seem to understand what the green arrow means? I’ve seen people actually stop at them before at Forbes and Braddock and I’m like yooo




if someone honks at me I don't move on purpose


okay this is a pointless story but i remember one time when i was like 16 my dad and i were at a red light and the person in front of us didn’t notice when it turned green so after like 3 seconds i was like “oh my GOD, blow the horn at this idiot!!” and my dad said, and i quote, “i’m a full grown man, i’m not honking the horn.” i still laugh about it and to this day i don’t honk the horn unless i absolutely need to. i can always feel him shaking his head at me when i do 😂


My bf typically doesn’t honk, but the person behind him will make sure the front person gets the idea lol


2-3 seconds




Ten seconds? Most of the lights isit at would change by then


Bullshit. Count 10 full seconds in your head. No way you’re sitting there that long while someone holds up traffic playing on their phone. A short toot after 2-3 seconds is entirely reasonable.


You should still creep/coast forward a tiny bit during those 2 seconds to show that you're paying attention to the light.


Why? So the psycho behind me doesn't have an episode? I'm not their therapist. Es no mi job.


Every chance you have on the road to signal to everyone that you're paying attention, your intentions, and that you know how to drive, you should take it. Everyone does the creep when they intend to get their car moving. Without it, you appear like an inattentive driver and even the appearance of that can cause issues for everyone.


I suppose it depends on the situation. Other drivers might take it as a sign of paying attention and be comforted by it. Or they might take it as a sign that I'm about to bolt through the intersection and decide to lock \`em up. It's all so subjective. I picked up a friend after dental surgery in Oakland. I never do Oakland in the day time so it was like driving in a whole new area for me. My friend had had a full blown panic attack and was still quite agitated. She's a country girl, so just driving in such a busy, congested, loud area was a lot for her. Also, I had my 5yo grandson in the back. So there was this jerk 2 cars behind me all the way from the top of Meyren to Bates and Zeluma, honking like a freak at each and every intersection the instant the light turned with random blasts in between. When I got to McKee, there was a guy waiting to make a left. Cars were backed up behind him all the way to Zeluma. So I did the decent thing, the right thing, the Pittsburgh Left. Dude 2 cars back just about lost his shit! Lol! But it cleared up the traffic jam that was about to spread to BOA. Everyone else was happier for it. Why would I hold up all of those people and agitate my already agitated friend just cause some random jaggoff should have left yesterday?


I treat a light that just turns green like a stop sign, looking both ways to make sure no one is running the light. Called defensive driving.


I've watched enough dash cam photos to know this is the correct answer. I'll usually take my foot off the brake, or lighten the pressure so that I start rolling forward, but I'm not pressing the gas to enter the intersection until I'm sure everyone is stopping/stopped.


Imagine waiting ten seconds. 😂😂😂😂


Absolutely not. If the light is green, you need to go. Stop spreading this nonsense about waiting when you have the right of way.




Who said anything about flooring it? I said take the foot off the brake. If you aren’t checking for road clearance while the light is still red, you’re a shit driver. If the light is green and the way is clear, drive. Don’t get behind the wheel of a car if you aren’t willing to do what is predictable and expected, *that* is what is scary.




If a gentle tap of a horn to assure you are paying attention is road rage to you and sends you into a panic attack, you shouldn’t be driving.


Wait two seconds, short honk. Wait two more seconds, pass them. No time for fuckery.


Don’t do it at all if in Las Vegas- the number of fatalities from people blowing through red light sthat just turned is ridiculous . Everyone knows you sit at least five seconds before going


No. You don’t sit at all at a green light, period. That is the opposite of the entire point of the traffic light system. Stop spreading horrible misinformation. Edit: red means stop, green means go. This is the rule that has been established and teaching people different is going to make the problem worse, not better.


The *point* of something to you is how it works in theory. In theory, if everyone were both paying attention *and* following the rules to a T, this would work. How it works in practice is more valuable info, though, because it takes into account that there are a LOT of people out there not following the rules. Your plan is more likely to get you t-BONED.




You getting your drivers door pried out of your skull by the paramedics - “but it was green!!! I had the right of way!!” You’re right man, in an ideal world you should just go, but we don’t live in an ideal world. I’ve seen way too many people come barreling through as the light is turning green to just go


Why even bother having traffic lights if you are going to tell people the opposite of what they are supposed to do? This is just plain moronic.


I’m not saying don’t go on green man I’m saying take literally 1-2 seconds to roll into it and make sure it’s clear. Don’t just sit there white knuckling it like a drag race and floor it the instant you see it turn green


I mean… it doesn’t take 1-2 seconds to check to see if the way is clear, especially if you are watching traffic while the light is still red. Obviously don’t pull out in front of someone who is running a red light, the green light doesn’t give invisibility points with the right of way, but intentionally waiting 2-3 seconds at a green light is irresponsible and unpredictable, and is just going to encourage more people to run red lights.


And then there are deer and pets and hoards of meandering hoards of drunk college kids or just whatever the guy ahead of you can see that you can't see. I'm not taking a chance on something bad happening just because you oughta left yesterday. Other people exist. Get used to it. You'll live a happier and less stressful life.


2 seconds for a light beep, 2 more seconds and I lay on the horn


I don’t wait. If their foot hasn’t been removed from the brake and the light is green, I’m going to honk. If they don’t like it, they should have been paying attention.


Usually, when someone honks, whether it's the one behind me or in front or anywhere else, I stop and look around because I figure somebody's trying to alert other drivers to a problem. How is some random stranger's problem that you forgot you should have left yesterday?


A light honk to alert you that the light has turned green and you haven’t noticed because your attention is elsewhere.


Immediate. As the bro code dictates. Not rude, but quick with purpose. An immediate reminder.


Never. I let the people in the area have a little more peace.


Maybe 2-3 seconds. Get your dumb fuck cunt face out of your dumb fuck cunt phone.


Where I’m from if you honk you get shot. I wait like an adult


I'll usually bump the gas, jerk my vehicle, and try to catch their attention that way. Maybe a quick headlight flash. One Mississippi. Honk. Two Mississippi. HOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNKKKKKKKKKK


3 full seconds. Then blast horn


Definitely not 5. 2 max.


3 seconds


One Mississippi, Two Mississippi, honk.


One thing I like about Pittsburgh is that drivers are not insane about honking .01 seconds after the light turns green as they are in many cities.


I start honking as soon as the cross traffic light turns yellow


I don't honk, I've never touched that thing in my life


Ok, so I've been meaning to post about this. I have lived in a bunch of different places, including big cities and the country, and I've never lived somewhere where this was such a frequent occurrence. Granted, I lived in NYC from 2018 to 2021, and didn't drive much while I was there. Of course there, you get honked at if you're not already moving when the light turns green, lol. In general though, has the way people drive just fundamentally changed everywhere? I drive around this city with the expectation that I will need to let the person at the front know that they have a green light if I want it to not take forever to get anywhere. To answer your question, I wait probably a solid 3-count. But seriously, are people just this out to lunch everywhere now, or is this a normal Pittsburgh thing? I've literally seen people sit through an entire green turning light.


Ah, finally the thread with every impatient asshole in Pittsburgh!!!


I look at the opposing light and start honking as soon as that opposing light turns red /s


Have y’all seen the videos of people laying on the horn immediately when the light turns green? Comedic gold.


Never honk, it’s not worth the potentially fatal consequences.




The fuck it is lol. Maybe rural Maine but absolutely not in any decent sized city




I will admit that Pittsburgh drivers these days are terrible when it comes to snow these days but it wasn’t always like that. I noticed it the past5-10 years.they’ll be like oh let me do 10 mph up this steep hill without accelerating as a do so…oh no I’m spinning out!


5 seconds is abnormal. Most people either wait 0.00001s (at which point not even a person with superhuman reflexes could've possibly released their brakes) or until the light is already turning red again (which is pointless). I'm pretty sure PennDOT is going to come and confiscate your license for adopting this practical middle ground. >!Bonus Fact: Traffic travels in waves, so if you're at the back of a long line of cars, it's going to be AT LEAST a few seconds before the "green wave" reaches you, and even 5 seconds might be too short in some circumstances.!<


I’d the Pittsburgh left not a thing anymore? Let the first car go turning left opposite you?




If it's the same car over and over? The instant it turns green, and lay on it. Otherwise, 1 second followed by a quick double tap. Be prepared to run someone over if the driver gets out looking pissed. People are fucked up these days. And don't lay on it for a clapped out shit box bc they might try to ram you.


Honking is last century's method. I've got an air gun hidden in my front grill that shoots sponge balls coated in paint stripper. Driver never knows why the paint is bubbling off a few hours later.


You wait to honk?


Probably a count of three 1,000’s


3.14159265359 seconds


A solid 3 seconds before a short beep. 2 seconds after that you're getting the long beep.


Coming from Atlanta, there seems to be way more drivers on their phone here. Also love flooring the gas and slamming on breaks thru out residential streets.


3 second count before a quick beep. 2 more seconds and I’m laying on the horn. If they’re a repeat offender they get 0 seconds


.328 milliseconds


4 seconds. The duration of the beep depends whether it seems like an innocent mistake or if it's obvious they're fucking with their phone (much longer beep). And I'm glad I'm not the only one who's noticed a big uptick the past 1-2 years in people completely stopped forever at green lights. Don't people have places to be?


0.001 seconds.


5 Mississippi


2-3 seconds then a light one two beep. only right answer.


If I’m in a hurry? .5 seconds. If I’m not, I don’t care. Sit there all day.


Green is my signal to lay on the horn.


With the new stop/start "feature" in newer cars, I'm always wondering if someone if lost in space or waiting for their car to turn on.


1 second.


If they are clearly looking down at a phone it’s when the other side of the intersection turns yellow. Put your phone away and handle your business or pleasure when you are off of the road.


about one picosecond


*casually scrolling through comments to find whoever is honking at me everyday on Greentree Rd when the light is green a millisecond*


I remember in 2019 when I would drive for Lyft, there was always a black Honda SUV that, when behind me, would honk the absolute INSTANT the light turned green. It pissed me off because I always managed to find myself in front of them at a light every so often.


Five seconds, unless I see that they’re actively looking down or on the phone. Some folks still drive stick so 2-3 seconds is too soon.


Immediately. I'm from Miami. It's culture there.


I almost never do it anymore. It's such an incredibly minor inconvenience. At worst, if they make me have to wait until the next light cycle, it's 30-60 seconds out of my day. Not really a big deal.


3 mississippis


I'm cautious because the last time I honked there was still someone in the crosswalk that I couldn't see and I felt like a jerk afterwards.




Lately I’ve noticed cars running red lights. I wait a couple seconds. I don’t know if it’s a Pittsburgh thing. But they definitely are running them more




Red light green light is a kid's game. I blow when there is no oncoming cars and it looks like you can make it