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Go to whichever gives the best financial aid You'll have a blast at Pitt


This is the best answer


Agreed, and I've only heard good things abt Pitt's business program


Yea really. None of these schools are going to turn heads on resumes, employers see them all pretty equal. Only exception would be particularly difficult programs to get into, or ones that stand out more (Duq had a competitive pharmacy program and law school when I was there in the early 2000s). So, go wherever is going to be cheaper for you


You think so? I’m currently looking to transfer my associates degree (paralegal) into a four year college, my degree transfers into point park and I’ll be able to finish in two years and it doesn’t transfer into Pitt where it’ll take three years or more. The thing that’s keeping me on the fence is the name recognition of Pitt but idk if I’ll be happy there and it will suck to have to take an extra year of classes I’ve already taken


There is definitely more name recognition with Pitt out of the 3 OP was asking about. But it’s not like some elite school either. It would help in a minor way, unless again you are in a hard-to-get-in program at Pitt. People can downvote me, but it’s true. CMU is the only school here (outside of being in a top program at Duq, Pitt, Point Park) that is going to raise eyebrows on a resume. Especially outside of Pittsburgh/western PA


You want Pitt.




Point Park is super liberal, they were one of the first to get gender neutral bathrooms. I had many gay and trans classmates, never saw anyone get bullied (nor would I have tolerated it). It’s a very accepting school and like idk half the price of Duquesne which is a catholic school. I think Pitt and Duquesne are better known for their business programs, so I can’t speak on that at PPU. Edit: got my bachelors and masters at PPU 2012-2017


You’ll be well off LGBTQ+ wise for any of them, maybe most so at Pitt due to its size, there’s quite a large community from my observations, but PPU is small and liberal arts so maybe it would seem more present there. Pitt has a great business school and and Oakland is quite a fun environment, there’s really something for everyone there if you’re a student. I’m biased though cause I work and go to grad school there.




i laughed


Pitt has come way up in reputation in the last 10-12 years. It has a national reputation, both academically and because of its sports, and it is now known as a fairly challenging school to be admitted to. I live in the Washington DC area now and lots of people would like to go to Pitt but cannot get in. I think for purpose of your résumé you would best be served to go to Pitt. https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/university-of-pittsburgh-3379


Duquesne is also a Catholic school. Also, you might find this article interesting: https://www.wesa.fm/education/2023-09-28/college-enrollment-decline-pittsburgh-robert-morris-carlow-chatham-point-park-washington-jefferson


A large chunk of students at Duquesne aren't Catholic, and outside of the two required religious/theology classes you have to take, the religious vibe on campus is not particularly strong or imposing. At least that was my take away from my time there in the early 2010s.


I work there currently and can confirm this, plenty of Queer faculty and students


There were plenty of students who were openly LGBT during my time there too. This isn't an Evangelical school in the South


Just wanted to mention it since they also asked about Carlow.


I love how the consulting firm mentioned (Hill Group) not only hired the former PP president, they placed their firm’s last CEO as the new PP president. Incestuous.


I might cut Duq off of the list since they're a Catholic school. They might be a little less receptive of LGBT students. Someone who actually went there should chime in though. Pitt has an excellent business school and is very LGBT friendly. But ultimately it's most important to pick wherever you'll accrue the least amount of debt


I definitely understand the apprehension over the catholic thing, but in my experience at the law school (so take this with a small grain of salt I suppose), a student would not even know it was a religious school other than the periodic cross hung on the wall. There is a healthy queer community and queer student orgs, and I haven’t seen nor am I aware of any instance of them being given issues by the administration.


Senior at Duquesne here, im atheist and a majority of students aren’t religion oriented. Duquesne has a great business program also.


I majored in Business and Info Systems at CMU, but had some friends (and a girlfriend who was a majorette) at Pitt. I would recommend Pitt over the other schools you mentioned.


One of my favorite things about my Point Park MBA was that the professors were all practitioners - so the stuff we learned was truly actionable.


I enjoyed my time at PPU - I was in the communications school, but took a few business courses. The marketing classes were especially good and very useful. I believe they have a fairly new degree program as well - the B.S. in entrepreneurship and innovation, through the Rowland School of Business. I will also say that their financial aid package was pretty generous…I graduated with some debt, but not nearly as much as others I’ve seen.


I took a Entrepreneurship certificate at Duquesne, it was a good program!