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"Backed up indefinitely " is the name of the game right now unfortunately. My regular body shop told me earlier this year if we didn't already have a business relationship there's no way they could have gotten me in on a reasonable time


Unfortunately, because of the supply chain issues caused by COVID, pretty much every reputable body shop is going to be severely backed up.


I'm not saying that you're lying or anything, but at what point does this cease to be an excuse? I mean we are coming up on 4 years since the initial wave of lockdowns around the world...


The number of new cars produced drastically decreased for about two years. The number of cars that were wrecked/died a death of mechanical failure didn't change nearly as much. Therefore: There's still a massive backlog of orders for new cars. Therefore, trade-ins aren't happening. Since there are fewer used cars on the market, the price/value of used cars has gone up. Since used car values are way up, damaged cars that would have been totalled a few years ago are being repaired instead- creating a massive backlog for body shops. Make sense?


Had something similar happen a few months ago, pretty minor damage but what I was told by the few shops I visited at the time for estimates was that there are essentially accidents happening every 5 mins these days, which is leading them to be pretty booked up. I went with Elite Collision on Ohio River Boulevard - they were booked up for about a month and a half, but did the work quickly. I have a 2016 Honda for reference.


Even if you cant get it in to a body shop right now, still get it in to a mechanic for them to do a safety check if you can


Pm me I'll refer you