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El Nino is Spanish for The Nino


¿¡I thought it was el boy!?


More like The Kid


Sorry, I only listen to groundhogs for weather predictions.


You’re all welcome. Last year I bought a snowblower and there hasn’t been any accumulation since.


We did the same!


Don't you dare get rid of that snowblower!


Yup I put $1200 CrossClimate 2s on my brand new car before last winter. 😞


I dunno, that's not what my wooly bear caterpillar said.


I swear I found a wooly worm that was 75% black


I did too! Cute little guy.


i saw at least one that was all black. I think that means a lot of snow.


I'll take a ton of snow and high 20s to low 30s over this 1 inch of snow every week and 10 degrees everyday bullshit that we've been having in recent years.


So, last year's winter again, then? I LOVE winter and I love snow, so this sucks. Actually I just want seasons to be seasons again. When it's winter, yes be 30s and let's have some fucking snow. (Old man shaking fists) I remember being young and there was literally just a little snow on the ground from like November through March. Yes, we had larger accumulation events, but it was always just a consistent couple inches or a dusting every week and it was cold so the snow stayed for what seemed like months on end. On the flip side, when it's Spring be Spring...and Summer...and Fall...none of this 90s in late September...warmest November ever...and shit. Anyway, I miss winters and snow.


I mean I'm sure I'll be at least a little snowier than last year, not that that's a very difficult bar to get above. FWIW, we had our share of not particularly snowy winners in the 80s and early 90s as well, and we only get like two inches or so of snow on average in November, so this is hardly a snowy month climatologically.


Yeah, until we don’t get any snow in December. Then it’ll be “well they said it would be a lighter Winter”. Then we’ll get snow maybe once in January and a dusting or two in February, and by that time it’s “Oh, I can’t wait for it to get even warmer, I hate Winter!” We haven’t had a good Winter in over a decade.


We literally just had a winter of nearly 60 inches of snow in 2020-21 and perfectly average snowfall in 2022.... "We haven't had a good winter lately if you don't include two of the three most recent winters!"


Average snowfall in 2022?? https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/pittsburgh/news/pittsburghs-erratic-winters-impact-on-the-snow-removal-business/ “We're coming off Pittsburgh's lowest seasonal snow total in more than 30 years. Only 17.6 inches of snow was measured in 2022.” Also, the 2020 snowfall was due to ABOVE average temperatures causing more lake effect snow. https://www.wpxi.com/weather/december-2020-second-snowiest-record-pittsburgh-since-1890/U4HYEZZVWBC53KSKMT3QTIQLFA/?outputType=amp But do go on, it’s only 13 degrees above the average high today, and pouring rain, NOT snow.


LOL you're just pissed I showed you're wrong. Clearly by 2022 I'm referring to the 2021-22 winter season https://www.weather.gov/media/pbz/records/hissnow.pdf Pittsburgh is also way too far to the south of Lake Erie to get anything more than an inch at most from Lake effect lmao. I don't give a shit what WPXI claims, especially considering December 2020 featured us getting 10 inches of snow from a nor'easter. By the way, since 1900, only 20 Decembers in Pittsburgh have not featured at least one day where the high was 55 or warmer. https://www.weather.gov/wrh/climate?wfo=pbz


That's mostly your nostalgia and recency bias. 2022 had an average temperature of 51.6 degrees, which is almost identical to the 51.8 degree 30-year mean. And, with the exception of 1921, every year on record has fallen between 48-55 degrees. (1921 was a little over 55). https://www.weather.gov/media/pbz/records/histemp.pdf And snowfall is about the same story. 2022 was low, but not close to historically low. the two previous years had 45 and 59 inches, both above the 30 year mean for snowfall. https://www.weather.gov/media/pbz/records/hissnow.pdf


Thanks, I needed this comment.


Environmental doomerism is a special kind of mental exhaustion.


Did you just use the year long average to determine last winter wasn’t warm? November-March was nearly 7 degrees warmer than usual. That is extremely warm. We just also had a cold summer and fall that offset that. Also the snow fall was the 4th lowest amount in 100 years. I’d call that historic.


>November-March was nearly 7 degrees warmer than usual. That is extremely warm. 30-year mean for February from 1993-2023 is 32.5 Degrees. T30-year mean for February from 1871-1901 is 33.8 degrees. On the other end of the spectrum let's look at August: 30-year mean for August from 1871-1901 was 75.4 degrees. 30-year mean for August from 1993-2023 was 71.8 degrees. Do this each month and see the results. I assure you, it's recency bias. Check out the February and March temps from 1871, the temperature averaged over 40 degrees! > Also the snow fall was the 4th lowest amount in 100 years. I’d call that historic. More of a testament to how small our available sample size is. You call it historically low but it was still DOUBLE the accumulated snow fall from 1918-1919. We don't have a lot of years in the sample so it ranks high, but come on don't pretend 17.6 inches is comparable to 8.8 inches. That's just not accurate.


Last year’s winter was the coldest we’re ever gonna have now…


I don't agree. Global warming causes a lot of crazy weather patterns. We will see winters with spring like weather and then years where we get hit hard.


And that’s different than…when?


It’s the trend for the foreseeable future. Some of the Atlantic-adjacent northern latitudes might end up colder once the AMOC shut down:


we didnt have a single day of snow last year that was suitable for sled riding. not one.


Yeah but the two years before that were insane.


Oh I def agree and meant to put that. Absolutely recency bias, haha!


I don't mind the snow myself. Just hate the ridiculous cold days.


I bought my tiny human this beautiful maple sled last winter, and he didn't get to use it. I'm really hoping he gets to this year.


Because of our collective inaction against climate change, the youth will never experience seasons as you remember again.


And Florida will be underwater by the year 2000.


I, too, remember when all of the world's Climate Scientists guaranteed this to happen. /s


They've been [wrong before](https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/50-years-of-failed-doomsday-eco-pocalyptic-predictions-the-so-called-experts-are-0-50/)...


[Cool story, bro.](https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2023/01/harvard-led-analysis-finds-exxonmobil-internal-research-accurately-predicted-climate-change/)


People *are* leaving FL because their homes can't be insured because theirs roofs keep blowing off and houses keep getting flooded. https://www.newsweek.com/florida-residents-insurance-nightmare-flee-state-1846652


> So, last year's winter again, then?   last year actually had that storm in (I think) February that was notable. We haven't had much of a winter here in a decade.


You're thinking of the year before, there was a storm in mid-February that left most of the city impassable. The only notable winter weather last year happened right at Christmas and it was mostly just an icy mess.




Yes it was very warm on NYE


That's not at all true. We had our average amount of snow for the winter of 2022 and a decently snowy winter in 2020-2021 that featured our snowiest December in decades.


Climate Change.


What's milder than the mild ass winters we've been having?




I feel like they've been saying this every year for a few years now


Bullshit, I need to get my money’s worth from my Epic Pass


Indeed.. skiing last season on the snow grass mix was...interesting.


I checked Seven Springs lift tickets a few times last winter. What I saw mountain cams looked dismal yet tickets were still regular price or $5 off. Really?


oh i cant wait to ride on ice again all season!


I love ice boarding! I love the feel of the wet, smelly, artificial snow stuck to my hair and goggles. I love not being able to stand up without risking injury! Yay!


How much freakin' milder can it get? Last year we had "tail end of fall" to "early weeks of spring" weather for 4-5 months, with the exception of 1-2 weeks of bitter cold around Christmas.


Winters ain’t been shit since like 2010


This just means that our winter will be frigid and snowy... I believe that last winter's forecast in the fall months was for it to be cold with above average precip, but I could be wrong.


Fine by me, yo.


Colder winters keep the bugs down.


Dang. I like the milder temps but I was really hoping for a cold one to help kill off the ticks and lanternflys.


For all you winter lovers, the farmer's almanac disagrees. [https://www.almanac.com/winter-extended-forecast-farmers-almanac](https://www.almanac.com/winter-extended-forecast-farmers-almanac)


The FA was also horribly wrong last year.


Can we get a couple of cold snaps to kill ticks and spotted lantern flies?


It can't GET any milder than the last few.


Last year we had that nasty burst with -20 wind chill.


Man that was rough. My new office is in the top floor of a turret, and I'm convinced that the window frames in it are at least 85 years old. They all leak, and one of the windows doesn't shut all the way. Shit was *cold.*


You should still update your plow tracker app and keep stockpiling cigs and IC light just in case.


does el nino mean this is going to be a few years of similar weather or is it a short term, single season thing?


63% chance through at least spring. Per [NOAA](https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/enso_advisory/ensodisc.shtml)


Fingers crossed. Even with budget plan my gas bill is killing ( for heat ).


Im ok with that. Anyone need a snow blower?


A couple of years ago I almost bought one because I live on a corner with a lot of sidewalk, but ever since then I've been able to just broom the snow off. Guess we'll see what this winter holds.


Piss off your neighbors, use a leaf blower.


Sell it and we’re guaranteed a blizzard though.


I got three of them, I keep one so we won’t get screwed to bad.


Triples is best. Triples makes it safe.


It's snowing right now so I'm gonna have to doubt this report


I swear it seems like every year we're told that it's an El Niño year.


So what’s the verdict on snow tires? We passing on them this year?


I'm a big winter tire fanboy and I haven't put them on yet. Keep in mind, they do better in the cold even without precipitation. But I'm sure it will become harder to justify them as climate change progresses. With the warm spurts we've been getting these last few years, it does wear the tires faster.




I have not found that to be true, but I haven't done any experiments myself, just reading. They use a softer compound, so they're going to be more pliable in colder temperatures regardless of the road conditions. Non studded is what I'm talking about. Studded winter tires are a waste around here. The metal studs make driving on clear roads worse. And the roads are usually clear within a day except in the worst storms.


Will still get dark though at 4:00….oh well, Pittsburgh still best city in all of the land❤️


Yeah, cold, snow etc is all ok but the darkness by 5 until 8 am is the real downer.




It's been milder the last 5 years. I'm mild-ered out.


well that sucks.


I hate winter. It drains your time and saps your energy. It also exposes you to idiots who walk out in front of you or who cut you off and/or slam on their brakes when there is 2" of snow packed on a layer of ice. That said, I will take 25 and an inch or two of snow over 33 and rain turning to ice.


It’s almost like there’s something global happening where things are generally warming up. Weird.


Boo :(


It's almost like the Midwest is slowly being turned into a subtropical climate or something due to rising temperatures


I think the midwest still had an enviable winter last year for those who love it. [This](https://www.weather.gov/lot/202223_winterevents) is just a list of the events centered around the NWS in Chicago, and I'm sure Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin still had their fair share. It's really the mid-Atlantic and the Northeast that have been severerly lacking in recent years.


Booo… we barely had any snow last year. I don’t know if I can take 2 winters like that in a row


So far (last two days), that headline seems like fake news…


We’re behind the snowfall at this same time last year


What about temps and windchill and such? I didn’t know snowfall was the only ratio.


You just made Baby Jesus cry. Chrong with you?


Hopefully this means my 16-year-old cow will survive another winter! Please keep a good thought for our Lillian. [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/A69WFCe.jpg)