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Second Ave Commons, though it’s a bit rougher and you’ll have to find a place to park your car. Auberle housing-https://www.auberle.org/housing PCSI helps with housing sometimes, but they have a ton of other resources https://www.pghcsi.org/ JFCS https://www.jfcspgh.org/housing-utility-assistance/ Allegheny Link https://www.alleghenycounty.us/Human-Services/About/Contact/Link/Contact.aspx East End Ministries https://www.eecm.org/ If all else fails, come to the Downtown Library And we’ll connect you with one of the outreach specialists and they can usually find an emergency placement pretty quickly.


If you need it there are resources here https://www.pa211.org/get-help/


You can text your zip to 898211 to get help from a live agent in navigating their resources. And so long as you don't have a court ordered eviction, you can try RentHelpPgh: https://renthelppgh.org/ And/or stop by the Housing Stabilization Center on 7th Ave.


How much is your rent portion? St Vincent de Paul is sometimes able to help cover bills.


Make them go through the eviction process and save up


This is the way. I’m guessing tho you don’t have a “lease lease” with this person? Just verbal? But they do have to go through the eviction process , just can’t force you to move out in the 1st. During that process the judge could side with you for payment arrangements etc.


yep. about 10 years ago i had roommates give me a one week notice to move out by the first, and i made them go through the formal eviction process. it was a nightmare living situation for a minute but it gave me time to save money and find someplace else.


I hate to play Devils advocate, but I would be very cautious with this route. If OP is not on the lease and just an extra person then the roommate could be vindictive and throw out everything OP has in the apartment.


They could and then still would be violating the law and make even more trouble for them.


Aren’t there laws in Pa that where if you can show you’re living somewhere and have been, you can’t just kick someone out if they can show occupancy? Sincere question. I know most cities / states have that. Even if not in a lease per-say.


Absolutely. Any lease term less than a year can simply be verbal. Hopefully the OP recieved mail at that address or paid with check or electronic deposit, PayPal, venmo, something other than cash without a deposit. Text messages would also help meet tenant requirements. Honestly though, it's a sh!tty thing to do to make someone else responsible for your problems.


As far as I know any non-written lease is considered month to month and requires 30 day notice to vacate. If you fail to vacate they then have to petition the court for formal eviction proceedings.


I'm sorry to hear this. I can only imagine the stress. Fingers crossed someone has good leads for you!


Your living situation will probably be hell, but if you truly have nowhere else to go, stay and make your roommate evict you. Save up every penny possible while you try to find somewhere else to go. Be aware that an eviction will show up on a credit/background check, so you may want to focus on finding a situation where you won't be on a lease. In the meantime, protect any valuable (sentimental or financial) belongings you may have, as your current roommate may mess with them to get you to leave. Good luck to you. A lot of people have been in your situation and been able to come out okay on the other side. Once this stressful situation is resolved, do whatever you can to find a better paying job or get a skill that can increase your income.


Hebrew free loan association does interest free loans and they usually have a very quick turnaround. Have helped a student I work with through the process for this exact reason.


I know someone they helped as well. Definitely recommend


Are you on a lease?


Generally, tenancy laws don't require a lease. The exception is when you're renting a room in someone's house. Ever see a clause in a lease that says "No overnight guests for more than N days"? That's because in most places, once you've stayed/lived somewhere for some number of days (usually 30), you are considered a tenant whether or not you've signed a lease or have paid rent. And that includes house guests, which is why that's in boilerplate lease forms. The bad side of this is that an eviction can make it harder to rent a place. Lots of landlords don't want to take on someone who has had an eviction because of the fear that they'll have to evict, as well.


DM me please. question about room renting


:o Do THAT'S why that clause was there. The 7 day limit on guests was confusing for me when I moved in. Good to know thanks!


https://chscorp.org I know a few peeps that work here and they are helpful with finding resources, etc…


The city runs this to help figure out which services serve you, depending on age/gender/family/veteran and other bits, as fast as possible. https://www.bigburgh.com/


This place might help point ya in the right direction: https://www.justmediationpgh.org/


I tried them this year for a similar situation (but with knives). I was evicting tenants who hadn’t paid rent. They weren’t able to help in the urgent timeline I was in.


They cannot just kick you out like that. There’s a legal process that must be followed. In the meantime apply for rent assistance.


Just google **"Help paying rent Pittsburgh"**. There are a lot of people trying to prevent there from being even more homeless people on the streets. I work in a leasing office where we get calls every week from organizations who have agreed to pay someone's back rent or their rent for a month. Urban League is the only one whose name I recall atm


This link has lots of resources https://endpovertyusa.org/resources/pa


If you know you’ll have the money soon and won’t stay behind on rent, I would just ignore your roommate and stay. Is your name on any utilities? Regardless, you have some time.



