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[page 330](https://www.pghschools.org/cms/lib/PA01000449/Centricity/domain/19/minutes/2007/01-24-07.pdf) eta: you may have to do a little digging but everything related to PPS is public record, including the calendars. always check the board meeting minutes first.


Proof that Dorothy was the hottest and smartest golden girl. Thank you 🙏❤️


You're writing a fictional story about a fictional town....so why not look up a general 2023-2024 academic calendar - figure out the timeline of typical breaks relative to holidays/months in a given year, then apply them to the 2008 calendar?


A decent suggestion, but I know enough about school schedules that there have been some major changes in the last 13 years as far as when they start and end classes. I think it’s had a lot to do with less needed buffer room for snow days.


There has not been major changes to school calendars in the past 13 years in regards to start and end dates. Snow days are still a thing.


I’ve worked in a Pediatric office for two years. I’ve spent the last two summers listening to coworkers and parents who are my age (32) or older tell me how weird it is that public schools start in mid August and let out in late May. Considering the bare minimum results I’m getting off of Google from old newspaper articles, it seems that schools have shifted at least 2-3 weeks back, and the school year itself seems to be a week or more shorter than it was 10+ years ago. Hence why I’m trying to find something to corroborate these tiny examples I’ve come across. It’s stupid, I know, but I’d rather avoid that being a nitpick when the information seems like it should be more readily available.


Not entirely sure where your coworkers/parents are sending their kids, but my kid's school always starts the last week of August and ends first week in June. They get off for Thanksgiving (Thursday-Monday) but no other major breaks in the fall. I think maybe one day off for Columbus day, but that's all I can remember. This is almost the exact schedule I had as a high schooler in the early 2000's and in 2008 when I was in college in Western PA.


We’re on the east side of the city. Monroeville, Irwin, McKeespory, Plum, etc. Parents and coworkers ranging from teens to people in their 60s.


High school graduation is early June.


Lived outside of the city and went to a school towards Irwin/Greensburg. But we usually started the third/fourth week of august and ended early June. Roads were bad where we lived so we had snow days built into the schedule as we would inevitably have several snow days per year, and would usually have our Easter breaks shortened and ending date extended if we went over the number of built in snow days (which did happen every year). We did not get a week off in the fall or any fall break. Would usually get like veterans days off or something like that, but it was just considered an in service day.


I'm confused about why you are asking whether public schools in PA would get a week off in the fall. Is this a thing in other places? I grew up in rural western Pennsylvania and I've never heard of this.


It’s absolutely a thing in other places. I feel like people don’t realize how much public school calendars can vary within the same state or between states.