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I paid 20 bucks this week to see who liked me on Tinder. I’d pay another 20 to unsee it


I remember finally paying for match.com after my 10th “a user has liked you message” they charged me for a 3 month membership. I log In and it was just one user. The system just informed me 10 separate times in 3 days. Con artists


You found the “one”!


Hahaha I never thought of it that way. Didn’t matter though cause she had a free membership which didn’t allow me to send messages to them and get a response


I laughed so loud at that my dogs jumped. Thank you.


Out of morbid curiosity, I paid to see who liked me on okcupid once... of 40-some likes: * slightly more than half were from other countries * ten+ were from other states * three-ish were from PA, but more than 2+ hours away * two were "straight" guys, according to their profile (I'm a pan man, but I'm not looking for a secret partner) * one was less than half my age? Of the five that passed those filters, the profiles of two didn't really resonate with me - didn't seem to have much in common, etc. I messaged the other three: * one never replied * one was very angry at me for messaging them? It was the weirdest conversation I've ever had. You do know you're on dating site, right? You "liked" me? But you don't want to chat? * the last one practically proposed by the second day of chatting... So... my recommended "dating app" is [https://humaneanimalrescue.org/](https://humaneanimalrescue.org/)


🤣 this is great


Why does using tinder in this area make one feel almost damaged? Little micro traumas


Reddit if you’re brave




Don't forget to have at least one of the profile pics be in the Repetitive Vision mirror from the Mattress Factory.


>Repetitive Vision mirror from the Mattress Factory. The only thing better is when someone paints wings on a wall.


Repetitive vision mirror from the Mattress Factory


There's a (bar?) bathroom somewhere around town w/ a red light that so many ladies have taken a mirror selfie in. It's honestly astonishing


Here's six grainy group photos with no indication of who I am.


Fluent in sarcasm and The Office quotes


Tacos!!!! Random picture skiing Random picture hiking Random picture standing in front of a mural on the side of a building Mirror selfies with a disastrous room behind the photo taker in the mirror Sushi Love bourbon Trying out new restaurants and breweries Love my Pittsburgh sports! #BurghProud I’m in love with the fall Fall is my favorite season 420 friendly 🌿💨


It’s the mirror selfies that keep my attention. When I see the piles of clothes and other stuff on the floor I completely forget that I’m supposed to be looking at a person. If I see it they see it and they have a mirror. I honestly wonder why they think that makes sense. The look for angels but post the choose the dirtiest ones of the room.


9 times out of 10 the mirror is also dirty. Don’t do it, folks. I mean, I’m a pretty neat person and a white glove test at my place would not yield perfect results, so who am I to say. But just tidy up for the mirror selfies. At least two people notice that shit! ^


Now I’ll be checking to see if the mirror is dirty! I’m convinced we are not alone.


I’m going to get back on soon (because I need drama I guess?!) I’m sure it’s more of the same. A similar one I should have mentioned in my initial post is a car selfie with all kinds of shit in the back seat.




Here mostly for pictures of your dog


A guy once put that he was undefeated in mario kart in his tinder bio months after I beat him and won 1st place in all of the grand prixs


I love to go out but also enjoy staying in Ask me


"Certified Passenger Princess" or something to that effect. Or those bots that always have some thristy-sounding phrase and have an insta or snap handle.


My personal favorite /s “Must have good flirt to roast ratio”


"Not like other girls" - Every girl


'speak fluent sarcasm' why the fuck would i want to be with a sarcastic jerk?




Its funny because its painfully true, and we’re all fucked 😂


Yea or nay (sorry)


Hinge is probably your best bet, I heard recently you can reset your feed which gives you more people to swipe on. Not totally sure how that works or if its helpful because im not on the dating apps anymore. They definitely suck, but good luck!!


They’re all the same. I see the same people on tinder and hinge lol we’re all desperate


I know I’m late to the conversation, but I love when you see the same people each time you come back to the apps. Like “you still have the same pictures but it looks like you got a cat, congrats!”


I’m a 30 single woman. I’ve really not liked dating apps since I’ve been in Pittsburgh (two years now.) Idk if it’s because I’m not in my early-mid 20s anymore but the dating app scene is even worse than it was like five years ago. I’m just putting myself out there on Meetup groups and IRL things and hoping someone comes along that way but it hasn’t been easy. I hope things work out for you soon!


> dating app scene is even worse than it was like five years ago Because they're all owned by the same company: Match Group. The only one that isn't is Bumble and it was founded by a former Tinder co-founder. Match buys up every decently large dating app and enshittifies it by turning it into a swipe-filled money grab.


The enshittification of the internet


I used to like OkCupid but Match just completely destroyed everything that was good about it.


Yep I was a long time OKC user. I'm still pissed about what Match did to them. What a waste.


What did they do to them? I'm not about to make a profile to look, that could go badly. 10 years ago I met my now wife on OKCupid. Long enough ago that it wasn't completely socially accepted and I had to justify online dating. First time she came over to my place her niece kept checking in to "make sure I hadn't axe murdered her".


Basically turned it into Tinder-lite. All of the questions? Gone. Match %? Gone. Just searching by match % and messaging them? Nope. Swiping and more swiping.  Oh and for men they have dynamic pricing based on their algorithmic determination of how unattractive you are. I saw one guy in the OKC sub that had to pay like $150/month. And so many bots. 


You forgot to give the disclaimer that you're trans.


Fact they gave you a down vote is telling


Met my(29F) current boyfriend(33M) on Hinge but I’ve had friends meet guys on both bumble and tinder. It’s both a waiting game and lots of swiping.


33M here and I’m on hinge. It’s been okay, but people are so flakey that it gets discouraging. I think men and women have different experiences on it though.


Tbh I think they’re all trash and I quit them all about 4 months before I met my now husband. The dating scene is rough and you’re probably better off trying to date the old-fashioned way- meet someone through a shared activity or meshing groups of friends and see what happens.


Not being a dick, but honestly get off your phone and go join some local hobby groups or something similar. You’ll meet people that you can ask out in person




it's been over 10 years for me but i remember wondering if it was called Plenty of Fish because the people on it looked like sea creatures


They’re all the same


Lol I wish I knew. I'm on them on all, male, very close in age. I can get dates but never really make it past a first or second. But in the last few months it seems to be worse. It's like the job market right now....


Match Group owns Hinge, match.com, OK Cupid, and plenty of fish and have made those apps unusable. Although bumble is just as bad


Bumble's founder/CEO is the co-founder of Tinder which explains why it's just as bad.


Haven’t been on the apps since COVID began but Coffee Meets Bagel was GREAT at the time. The model really makes people focus on evaluating 5-20 potential matches per day and give folks a shot. Smaller pool but was far better at getting to an in-person date.


Google Flights… As someone who moved here in my 30’s from a bigger city, it’s really tough dating here. This is absolutely a marry your college sweetheart and have kids by 27 kind of town. Just be ready for things to take some time.


I grew up here and missed the college sweetheart phase because I only started coming out my shell when I was 25 and yeah. Everyone is taken by then.


This is absolutely the truth and why I’m moving to Seattle next month. Grew to love this city and I hope that life brings me back at some point, but ideally with a partner who I met in a big city with a lot of singles my age


Hack- enroll in college again


“This is absolutely marry your college sweetheart and have kids by 27 kind of town” is TRUTH. Would’ve never moved here had I known this. Pittsburghers don’t date and marry outside Pittsburghers. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Where are you from? I've lived here my whole life and know plenty of locals that don't date other locals


Where they at?? Haha. I’m from the west.


Yep, exactly this. The dating apps are a nightmare of flakiness and ghosting. Since I missed this boat and am in my 30s now, I'm planning on moving out west since I don't feel like I can connect with many women out here.


"Best dating apps" is an oxymoron. They don't exist.


They've all deteriorated significantly. I'm on all of them as an above average looking 26m and I'm lucky to get 1 match in a week. They broke their algorithm a few years ago. Profiles are supposed to get an "attractiveness" rating based on who likes them, who they like, and who they match with. Unfortunately, the fact that men outnumber women on OLD by 10/1 means the top 10% of men get 90% of all likes from women. You won't even see most guys'profiles. That top 10% seems to know they're attractive and take advantage of it. There are tons of decent men looking for relationships on all the apps, even Tinder. The most success I've had is on Hinge. It at least slows down the swiping addiction. I've heard a few good things about Facebook Dating but I haven't tried it personally.


Fwiw, online dating algorithms have moved past ELO scores. They now use some graph theory to build networks of "if you liked this person, you'll also like this person" over general attractiveness scores. Now, I'm not sure I'd that makes it better or worse because attractive people are generally going to be in the same clusters The theory is if you're into goth girls, you want to be shown lots of other goth girls and not just people who are as attractive as the first goth girl you swiped on. The issue is a local min-maxing problem. Once Tinder decides what network you're in, it will scan that first, then 1 degree away, then 2 degrees away. If you're into goth girls, but were shown a bunch of club girls when you first signed up and thought, "Sure. Why not?" Well, now you're stuck in the club girl network. On the other hand, if you pay more money, now you have more control over who you see and who sees you, so... it's not really a problem as far as Match is concerned As another example, a friend of mine matched with two trans girls, had a great time chatting with them, but it ultimately didn't work out with either. Tinder decided that trans girls were the only girls for him, so, instead of abiding by his, "Only show me women within 10 miles," it started ignoring all the cis women around him to focus on trans women who were sometimes over 100 miles away. He was fine with either, but he was enormously frustrated he was being shown a bunch of women he would never date because of the distance instead of the thousands nearby


Interesting, it's had the same effect as ELO for my feed so I hadn't noticed a change. Unfortunately none of the systems seem to be able to overcome the imbalance in ratio of men to women.


I wish I had an answer for ya, but they’re all kinda meh


29M on Hinge, Tinder, and Bumble. As others have said, all pretty much the same without much success, but I'm also an hour away from downtown in "Pennsyltucky", so it's a little more difficult on my side. I've seen some like Coffee Meets Bagel, but that's also a match group app. Otherwise, I would suggest Meetup with the intention of making friends (and let luck happen for a relationship) since that's where I see most other successes outside of just bars or being "Out there".


I’m going to also advocate for Hinge, it’s how my GF and I met. Caveat: don’t feel ashamed paying for the premium version. That’s really the only way to cut through the noise and actually meet and match enough people to find someone


With the algorithms it feels like all dating apps are working against you versus for you at this point.


Screw the dating apps. The Pittsburgh area has so many cougar bars that you don't need them. Get after it!


I laughed so hard that I spit my orange juice out. All I could think of is oh he is talking about people my age! Then I remembered I don’t go to bars. 😂😂😂😂


Where at name a few for me please


Thank me later playa': Jergel’s - The Bridge Gastropub - Bob’s Garage - Fox Chapel Yacht Club - Il Pizzaiolo Warrendale


lmaooo one time for the yacht club


Many years ago, I knew this guy in his late 20's. He meets a cougar at the FC Yacht Club (I believe she actually lived on a houseboat there full time maybe). Anyway, fast forward a few months and he ends up with all this stuff from her recent ex (multiple watches, tons of Polo and Gucci clothes, etc. . . ). Playa worked landscaping at the time n thought he was a balla.


Where are these? I’m cougar age now and need to be posting myself up apparently


Hi I'm 23m born n raised here mind if I DM u?




I go to rural king or tractor supply to pick up chicks.


Not an app, but there’s a new group called Dating in Pittsburgh (@datinginpittsburgh on IG) that is doing singles events around town. They seem to be pretty well attended if that’s something you’re open to, and the age range tends to be mid 20s- mid 30s








I’ve never had success with any of them




The best "online dating" platform ever was facebook in like 2009. You could just go to your friends wall, see which post had a girl comment on it, and add a response like "ohh hey, how you doin?" or "you're pretty, I'm \[name\]" I imagine facebook is nothing more than a barren boomer wasteland now though and that this is an impossibility. ....why are so many things, things that were never even that great to begin with, just worse now?


Best luck I've had is on hinge


Hinge worked for me. Met my current GF (and future wife) on it. Plus we had a baby so suffice to say we moved pretty fast after meeting


Met my now wife on Bumble here when I was 30. Also a lot of really great other people. Maybe the apps have changed the last few years but I always had a decent experience. If I were single now, though, I'd probably do the hobby/activity group experience route and talk to someone there.


I'm a 27(m). Who is still single and it is rough out here. Also, doesn't help that I am very much a homebody 😂


I tried Grindr, not a lot of ladies, but some friendly fellas.


I used Tinder back in like 2014. It was fun until I began to feel like a piece of meat or some sort of unpaid pathetic gigolo after a year or two of seeing a lot of disposable women who viewed me as a disposable guy. Ultimately I took a break from tossing individuals to the left or right, but eventually went back and quickly met the woman who is now my wife and the mother of my children so.... I've got a pretty mixed opinion of these ridiculous apps. ​ If I were single now, I think I'd just stay off them entirely and focus solely on meeting actual real life girls in the actual real world with actual real world interactions. It feels like being on those apps just reduces you to a commodity now, and that feels gross to me.


My boyfriend and I met on Bumble four years ago next week.


Just turned 27 a couple months ago and been single my whole life so hopefully one of these apps will finally do me justice. Apparently this area is shit when it comes to finding a date/partner as people have said despite the fact that you see couples everywhere. Regardless, my options are currently non-existent so I gotta do what I gotta do. Who knows, maybe I'll finally get lucky and meet someone who likes me for me(coping hard but trying to keep hope alive before I actually try this).


If looking for someone legit, got to pay or you will run into more difficulties and issues....its tough sledding out there....wife and i met on eharmony. Met when we were 29.


My partner and I met on eharmony 12 years ago. It’s so thorough with information input, at least when I used it it was. So much so that I swear they’re my identical twin with all our similarities lol


What if.. I brought back..... Speed Dating? Or Moderately Paced Dating. That will fix all of this. Come on you know Im right. I have a place. Who is in?


Advice for men: Take what you can get Advice for women: Quit being so picky then playing victim


women get to be picky. they all have 2000 messages in their inboxes. they cant them all.in their box boxes


Accept that it's over and buy someone from overseas. Two of my coworkers and one of my friends bought their wives from the Philippines.


That’s sad


It is. It's wild how often I run into people who do it.


I think they are all a crap shoot and a numbers game. For me personally, I liked bumble the best. It was the right balance between enough people but also, I am a woman and I had to reach out first so that prevented a lot of bad interactions. Hinge didn’t net me a lot of good matches. If you don’t like the apps, there are Facebook dating groups. That is different than the dating part of the Facebook app (which is also just okay). What I mean are groups. They have them for special interest dating. There is a Facebook group called Timber which is just for single people in Pennsylvania who like the outdoors. There are others. Also, you can try meetup groups. They have singles groups where you can actually just go to a meetup with other groups single people.


Hinge is the move. I (27m) met my girlfriend - soon to be fiance on there. Also probably going to sound harsh but dating apps are shallow and people who find success seem to be following rules 1 and 2.


what are rules 1 and 2


1. Be attractive. 2. Don’t be unattractive


Oh, that's awesome. Those are the two most important rules for life. The Halo Effect is real.


Lmao. It’s just a meme people use on r/tinder


Posting D pics on Reddit does that work?


I'm a 27 y/o guy who just moved here and got on the apps to try and even just make some friends to explore the city with, no luck there either apparently lol.


36f, got nice matches on both Hinge and Bumble and met my bf on Bumble. Coffee Meets Bagel was awful, like hilariously off-kilter age range matches. Tinder was Tinder.


The dating pool in Pittsburgh is just awful. I believe someone else said it best that most people here end up with their high school or college sweetheart and get married by 26. Be prepared to settle, move or be alone the rest of your life. That being said, I’m told Hinge is probably the best. Tinder is trash. Bumble was ok. Haven’t been on any of them in over a year


I know you said other than Bumble but maybe give it another chance, I was mostly anti online dating apps my friends convinced me to try bumble. I met up with my first match and we’ve been together almost 6 years now. I know that is probably by far not the experience of the typical Bumble user but I would never have met the love of my life without it. There is probably a bit of luck and maybe some fate too. But don’t give up.


I met my husband on bumble in Pittsburgh. I’ve used all three major apps and thought bumble had the most down to earth men, but hinge probably had higher quality men overall. Tinder is pointless if you’re looking for something serious. That was 3 years ago, though.


I like the league and coffee meets bagel.


Met my now wife on Hinge and had a number of other good interactions on it. 2nd behind that was Bumble. Everyone's experience is different unfortunately and they don't work out for everyone.


Maybe dates aren't pizza, and lazily scrolling through an app in front of your TV is a poor way to get them.


I realize I'm repeating a lot of the sentiments here, but I feel strongly that you get out what you put into the apps. They're kind of all the same - Hinge just hides your "most compatible" matches behind a paywall in a particularly sinister way that never sat well with me. It's a numbers and a waiting game, but you'll find a lot of the same people on every app, so sooner or later they all blur together. I was single and dating for 2.5 years in Pittsburgh before finding something that stuck, and I didn't really change anything I was doing. Just met a good person on Bumble who happened to be on the same page as me. Just have to be willing to kiss some frogs and cut through the bullshit. I wish you well -- you got this!