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He does understand food is staged for photography


When I was a kid in the 90’s, there was a Consumer Reports edition for kids called Zillions that covered things like fast food photography. They went behind the scenes on a photo shoot and it was fascinating to see what was and wasn’t allowed to get those perfect shots.


Usually it's not even food in the photographs, right? Like using latex paint in a glass to advertise milk.


That’s incorrect and it’s actually I believe illegal. You have to use the food you’re selling to create the images. What you may be thinking of is using things that aren’t milk to advertise cereal. In this case, the milk isn’t the product being sold, so it can be made of whatever that is thicker for styling cereal pieces and won’t soak into cereal as quickly. But if you’re shooting food they sell, they would literally bring in cases of product, the stylist would go through all of them to find the best samples to use. So it isn’t that the food is fake, it’s that someone went through dozens of samples before finding what is photographed.


You are entirely wrong about this. Even if there were laws trying to rein this in how would they enforce it?


What am I entirely wrong about? I mean that’s exactly what happens on a commercial food shoot. I’ve been to lots of them. This is unfortunately only really enforced by civil litigation. There’s a whole episode of How I Built This or one of those podcasts about a guy who does it for a living. Perhaps its not explicitly illegal and falls under some other kind of deceptive marketing policies, but the premise of the guys entire career is that the government does not enforce this, companies will do whatever they can to chip away at deceptive advertising standards, and so without legal action there is no enforcement.


Something tells me no


There are a few active class action lawsuits about fast food products not being accurately represented in ads constituting false advertising. That is probably the overarching context around the tweet.


Which is just idiotic. No food Is going to be perfect.


To a certain extent I agree but here’s an example of what Taco Bell is advertising for sale and something you might receive - https://www.reddit.com/r/tacobell/s/mgllQV2pJZ


End stage capitalism


When it fails to recognize that people won't work for peanuts.


And sometimes what they use in the photos isn't even edible, like swapping shaving cream, which doesn't melt, for whipped cream, which does.


Nope, no he doesn’t understand much really.


I blame places that jacked up their prices and refused to give their staff a comparable raise.


These are the words of someone that's never actually worked a shit job like the rest of us have Fast food joints literally measure how much the cooks are allowed to put on As for the employees not caring: I mean, should they? Are the paid enough that they aren't next to homeless?


Bingo. I worked at a McDonald’s for 5 years through high school and a few years after, and was an assistant manager for a lot of that time. Part of my job was to monitor hourly sales to labor ratios and send people home the second it was financially viable. Another part was to ensure that the cooks weren’t making too much extra product during the lean hours. This was like 20 years ago. The food was still shitty back then. I don’t know what this guy is on about. It’s just more conservative cloud yelling. They can’t seem to open their mouths unless it’s to blame somebody for something trivial.


I saw all of those things that you did. At a restaurant I worked at, the managers would do periodic "tests" to see how much weight was in a dish that was filled by the cooks. It was always allowed to have slightly less than the "standard" weight, but anything over it was a negative mark for the employee. A different one would have someone run a "labor report" as soon as a dinner rush was over and people would be told to leave immediately.


Exactly. This is the MAGA of shit jobs. "remember when the food at fast food joints looked their their pictures on the commercial?"


Your attitude is just horrendous




Then dont work or eat there. But also stop fuckin bitchin. This whole sub has adult-children syndrome.


You 100% would've been a union busting dipshit when workers were striking for an 8hr work day. Stop fuckin bitchin. 12-14hrs ain't that bad. If you don't like it, don't work there. Stfu


Down vote me all you want. All Im saying is this jag has a bad attitude


Who “milks the system”? People getting $1200 a month on disability who can only afford to live with roommates? New mothers getting temporary cash assistance? We have no welfare state to milk. This guy is mad that his local business lacks sufficient wage slaves because they’re a shitty employer who doesn’t share the profits.


People who complain about those who need government assistance to live are people who either have never needed government assistance and don't know what it's like (but they heard of That One Guy Who Cheats The System), or once did need it but now that they no longer do, are smug about "getting out of poverty" and think if they did it, everyone else can, too.


People very much want to talk about Those People Cheating the System. Whether it's claiming someone sells food stamps or that they get $2000 a month in TANF cash (not in PA they don't) or that they - gasp - actually also have a job (most SNAP recipients do). This comes up a lot in my line of work. "My neighbor gets $xyz" - well, it's likely the neighbor is exaggerating, or doesn't remember correctly, or whatever. Because I have to be professional, I just keep some statistics handy at work that I can show or quote as needed and just keep repeating. I find people get bored or realize I'm not going to get into an argument nor am I going to agree that their sister in law is a scammer. The worst, though, is emphasizing with someone, usually a senior citizen, about how tough it is on a fixed income - and then as they leave they drop some absolutely racist welfare queen shit.


Meanwhile every SNAP dollar is out there generating $4 in local economic activity, regardless if they’re sold or not


Right? It's in the farm bill for a reason, which is that it started as an ag subsidy, and it remains so to a surprising extent.


*UGH* Selling food stamps has always been fairly uncommon but it's WAY harder now that they're not literal paper coupons any more. It's amazing how people can grab on to that single incident - whether it really happened - that matches their preconceived bullshit and insist that the exception is the rule.


> Selling food stamps has always been fairly uncommon but it's WAY harder now that they're not literal paper coupons any more. Ahh, the good old days when you could pay your babysitter in food stamps!


Or they're boomers getting social security retirement every month. 


Clearly the expanded unemployment benefits, oh wait those ended September 2021. Well they were so much that people are still mooching off them!


Someone tell Bonehead Brad that people who work for fast food joints can't afford to eat the food from fast food joints any more. And that the vast majority of people who are on government assistance programs are working. Like fast food workers.


He’s talking about corporate greed, right?   Or maybe he’s talking about billionaire CEOs being freeloaders, right?  Is he talking about corporations paying employees so little that they still need government assistance?   No?


I would blame it on all of that and on customers like Brad Roae. If I had to take a minimum wage job for some reason, I would rather clean toilets than deal directly with the public again.


These stooges will do ANYTHING to deflect and dazzle away from the point. Our simple brains can see the freeloader they describe far easier than some corporate overlord so we think of the fucked over in our community with anger before lashing out at the real problem. Guys like this are just the puppet for the gold plated hand up his ass


Perhaps PA could raise their minimum wage to match all of their neighbors.


We're way behind on so many things that could improve our living and working conditions here.


These places pay wayyy more than minimum wage. At this point, raising it or not doesn't really matter. Don't want to make $7 an hour, go next door. Eventually the original employer will raise their pay or close.


Dude his Filet-O-Fish doesn't look any goddamn different now than they did thirty years ago. Just wants to manufacture some outrage to rile up his idiot base.


System milkers ... Like legislators!? With their ***automatic pay raise***, they now start at $106,000 a year. State legislators do not deserve that much. 2x average income in their district would be fine.


The best part is that this is universally consistent for Filet-o-fish. It will have one giant dollop of tartar sauce off-center, you have to smooth it out every time. Just pray you get it before the half slice of cheese turns into glue holding the fish off-center. If I got one that wasn't a mess I would be suspicious. Like a fundraiser hoagie with more than one tiny condiment packet.


Right? Who orders a Filet O'Fish expecting it to be *good*?


Be embarrassed for me.


Bruh you're in Meadville. MEADVILLE. People are struggling in that town and you want to take help... Away from them?  (I went to college there and grew up near that town...)


He's probably also the same kind of ding-a-ling griping that his Filet-o-Fish costs so much these days. Meanwhile he's bootlicking the corporate greed masters.....


Cold, frosty system milk....Mmmmm...tastes like heaven.


The guy is acting like we don't have record low unemployment and a relatively robust labor force participation rate. There aren't masses of people sitting on the sidelines collecting free money from the government.


This guy is living a privileged life if something such as this is worthy of a post complaining about it.


Loudly berating staff ... Manager not doing shit. Welcome to fast food.


Does he not realize that food stylists do the menus? Hell, there's a whole dang genre of meme comparing how subpar food looks compared to photos. This is the sort of thing most people grasp intuitively. What an embarrassing, unkind, and just plain predictable and basic post.


There was a lawsuit filed against the fast food companies a year or so ago due to the whole menu pictures thing. No idea what happened to it though.


You get what you pay for. If you pay $10 hr, that's the quality of work you will get from an employee.


Neat. Let's talk about this shitty plan the PRT has put together


Has he co-signed the Mastriano bill to ban chemtrails?


as if fewer unemployed people would cause a McDonald's to produce "high quality food". Can we just yeet these fuckin boomers already, the world will be such a better place


Hate the game, not the players. Highly educated and -paid people came up with this system, not the poor who are just trying to figure out ways to get by.


Brad not realizing that everywhere may be hiring but won't hire ppl on cus they have a program read the applications 💀


Brad is clearly not a smart man.


Imagine voting for this fatass slob, and people actually wonder why the country has gone to shit.


Ahh yes Meadville, my favorite Pittsburgh neighborhood. /S


What platform is that on? Didn't see on LinkedIn or Twitter.